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Service Product Food and Beverage is a part of the services industry

What makes it unique?
Combination of tangible & intangible components
The Experience
Service is being consumed as it is being produced
Customers are also co-producers
Service is highly perishable once the service has been delivered it is no longer ‘there’.



Royal Automobile Club of Victoria (RACV) has started its journey in 1903. The idea to establish a club has been arrived more than a century ago. Three motorcycle enthusiasts have dreamt of making a unique club to provide quality hospitality service to the people. They have designed their organizational structure according to their passion. The founders of RACV Printer Sydney Day, James Coleman and Henry “Harry” Barton James has stated in one of their interview that they want to provide quality service as well as exceptional experience to their consumers. RACV Club offers various services to its consumers. It has two branches in 501 Bourke Street and Healesville Country Club in Yarra Valley. It is known for its quality service (racv.com.au, 2017).

The below mentioned article has concentrated on the service of RACV Club. It has provided a vivid picture of service and organizational objective of RACV Club.

System Subjective:

RACV has a rich background. The organizational management of RACV Club maintain healthy and friendly atmosphere in the club. They pay close attention to the tidiness of the organization. Thus, they can provide quality service to their consumers. RACV provides dining and other facilities like library, tennis court, cycling track, bar, casino and so on to their consumers. They offer healthy atmosphere to their consumers where they can append some free time (Sonnenschein, Barker and Hibbins 2017).


The organizational management of RACV allows their members to sponsor their guests, family and friends in the club in their absence. The organizational management makes sure that booking is made before any party. Guests will have to pay non-member rate for any accommodation. According to the organizational management of RACV Club, the visitors must control the activity of their guests and they will be responsible for any misbehavior of their guests. RACV allows guest to attend six occasions per year (Robinson et al. 2014).


Organizational management makes sure that all the guest who are bringing their kids with them must monitor their activity. According to the rules of RACV, kids are not allowed in the wine bar, carbine bar and gym. They do not allow kinds less than 12-16 years in spa and sauna room.

The organizational management makes sure that their guests are wearing neat and tidy appearance.

The organizational management of RACV Club does not allow any members or visitors to smoke in the club premise. They are highly concerned about the organizational atmosphere. They make sure that any activity must not harm the health of their guests and visitors (Šeri?, Gil-Saura and Ruiz-Molina 2014).

Use of Mobile Phone:

RACV allows their guests and members to use their mobile phones in club premises. However, they ask their members and visitor to keep their mobile phone switched off or put it into silent mode in the library room or dining room.

RACV has 460 individual car parks. The organizational management makes sure that the cars of their visitors and members are safe. Members are asked to present their membership card while entering in the parking space (Sandvik, Duhan and Sandvik 2014).

The organizational management of RACV does not allow any kind of pets in the club premise. They make sure that none of their guests are bringing any dog or cat with them. Dog and pets are restricted in the parking space as well.

Organizational management of RACV Club pays close attention to all the requirement of their guests and visitors. They make sure that none of their guests are facing any kind of obstacles in their club. RACV accommodates baby change room to their visitors. Thus, they can use this room to feed their baby or change their cloths (Pilgrim, Gerostamoulos and Drummer 2014).

In order to ensure the safety of all the visitors, the organizational management of RACV Club has implemented some efficient strategy. They have appointed some skilled security person. They provide other facilities like CCTV to ensure the security of the consumers. The organizational management monitors all the activity of their staffs and visitors. It is beneficial to maintain security of the organization (McManus 2013).

Sound and Music:

The organizational management does not allow any kind of loud music or sound in the club premise to maintain healthy and peaceful atmosphere in the club.

Service Blueprints:

The organizational management believes in maintaining healthy and interactive relation with the consumers. According to the organizational authority of RACV Club, customers are the key elements of their organization (Pike and Bianchi 2016). It is important for every business organization to maintain healthy relation with the consumers to run any business organization successfully. Organizational management pays close attention to all the requirement of their consumers and tries to improve the quality of their service. The organizational management of RACV makes sure that none of their consumers face any kind of obstacles to avail any of their service. They have implemented all kind new and innovative strategy to make their service more efficient. Due to efficient and effective service of the organization, RACV has received many awards and appreciation. It is one of the renowned names in the hotel industry. They do not allow any violence or any loud music in the club premise to provide a peaceful atmosphere to the visitor so they can enjoy their private time without any obstacle (Leung, Bai and Stahura 2015).

The organizational management provides all kind of facilities to their consumers like library, bar, dining, sports facilities. They appoint skilled and well-trained staff members who can contribute to provide quality service to the consumers. They make sure that all the staffs are committed towards the organization and their responsibility. According to the organizational management, it is important to match the customer’s expectation level to establish a better future for the business organization (Law et al. 2013).

The organizational management of RACV Club makes sure that all the visitors can enjoy their facilities without any difficulty. They provide sufficient instruction to the consumers and staff members to avoid any kind of future risk.

The organizational management pays close attention to the complaints of their consumers. It helps them to identify the loopholes in the organizational structure and improves the quality of their service by reducing all the mistakes (Law, Buhalis and Cobanoglu 2014).

Managing Quality:

The organizational management of RCAV Club monitors all organizational function to avoid any kind of obstacles. It has become very important for every business organization to operate their business organization in an appropriate manner to survive in the competition. Otherwise they may face many obstacles due to the rise of other rival companies (Ishaq et al. 2014). The organizational management of RCAV Club considers the fact while designing their organizational structure. In order to ensure the growth of the organization, the organizational management pays close attention to all the activities of their staff members. They recruit many skilled workers who can contribute to provide efficient service to the visitors and establish a better future for the organization.

The organizational management is aware of the fact that it is not enough to provide quality service to the consumers; the organizational management must pay attention to the complaints of the consumers, as it will be beneficial for the growth of the organization. In this competitive era, the expectation level of the consumers is increasing day by day as they have enough options that are providing quality and efficient service in reasonable price. The organizational management of RCAV Club always encourages their staff to provide quality service to consumers and the implement many required and innovative strategies to improve the quality of the service. In order to ensure the development of the organization and meet the expectation level of the consumers, the organizational management of RCAV Club scrutinizes their performance frequently (Galliers and Leidner 2014). It helps them to identify their flaws. It is highly beneficial to provide uninterrupted service to the consumers. The organizational management of RCAV Club always incorporates new technologies to and tactics to meet the expectation level of the consumers. By designing organizational structure in an innovative manner, RCAV Club is capable of drawing the attention of large number of visitors. They organizational management ensures the security of their consumers and their accessories. They incorporate all innovative facilities for the consumers to ensure their privacy and security. By providing quality service to the consumers RCAV Club has become one of the most preferred clubs in Australia. Its unique decoration, flawless service and 24*7 security has earned reputation for the organization. By maintaining healthy and peaceful environment it has influenced the growth of the organization. It is not only known for its environment or décor, the organizational management of RCAV Club is aware of all the requirements of their clients. They have designed their organizational structure accordingly. They have included all kind of modern amenities into their organization, such as- bar, swimming pool, tennis court, and library and so on.

The organizational management of RCAV Club maintains healthy relation with the consumers and the society around the organization. It helps the organizational management to maintain reputation among consumers. They are associated with various social campaigns. Their CSR strategies work as a tool to draw the attention of the large number of consumers (Freedman and Kosová 2014).

In this online era, it has become very important for every business organization to use new media to promote their brand name. Moreover, consumers in these days prefer to place their order online. RCAV Club management also uses several social networking sites to keep in touch with their potential consumers. It helps their consumers to avail detail information about the club. The organizational management provides all relevant information into their websites which is highly beneficial for the organization to meet the expectation level of the consumers (Boyd et al. 2014).


Although, the organizational management of RCAV Club always provides uninterrupted and flawless service to their consumers, there are some loopholes in the organizational structure. The organizational management must make their organizational strategy more flexible, so they can modify their strategy with time. The organizational management does not allow any pet in within the club premise. It may put a negative impact on the growth of the organization. The organizational management must incorporate some strategies into their rulebook to deal with the situation. They can recruit some trainers to manage the pets of the visitors.

The organizational management must be aware of all kind of risks they may face while operating the organization. The organizational management must recruit one risk management team to deal with any kind of risks, such as –social barriers, financial risks and labor risks and so on.

The organizational management of RCAV must maintain healthy and interactive relation with the employees. They must define organizational objective and new strategies to their employees. It will motivate them to participate in the organizational development. By communicating with the employees, the organizational management will be able to know any challenges the employees are facing while performing their duty. The organizational management must provide training and development program to the employees to demonstrate about the change that must be implemented for improving the organizational performance. The organizational management must encourage the employees to actively participate in the organizational development.

The organizational management must ensure the security of their staff members as well. It is not enough for the business organization to ensure the privacy and security of the consumers. It must protect the safety of its employees as well. The organizational management must pay attention to all the activities of their visitors to avoid any risk that can be harmful for the security of their staff members and organizational reputation.


Thus, it can be concluded that by providing quality service to the consumers RCAV Club has become one of the most favorite name among the consumers. The organization tries to meet all the requirements and expectation level of their consumers. It has helped the organization to set an example in the hotel industry and achieve organizational goal. Due to this uninterrupted and flawless service to the consumers RCAV Club has received many awards like Community Club Victoria awards, Clubs Victoria Award and Best Club Award and so on.


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