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SIT50416 Diploma in Hospitality Management

Details of Assessment

Term and Year

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Assessment Type

Case Study Analysis, Written Reports and Role plays

Due Date


Details of Subject


SIT50416 Diploma in Hospitality Management

Subject Name

WHS and Regulations

Details of Unit(s) of competency

Unit Code (s) and Names

SITXGLC001 Research and comply with regulatory requirements

SITXWHS004 Establish and maintain a work health and safety system

Purpose of the Assessment

The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following learning outcomes:

Competent (C)

Not Yet Competent


SITXWHS004 Establish and maintain a work health and safety system

1.1.Access and interpret key legislative documents to ensure WHS system complies with regulatory requirements, standards and codes.

1.2.Design a WHS management system to suit characteristics and needs of the organisation, in consultation with appropriate personnel.

1.3.Identify and provide adequate financial, human and specialist external resources to address WHS management practices.

1.4.Develop and clearly articulate WHS policies and procedures in a format readily accessible to all personnel.

1.5.Define and allocate health, safety and security responsibilities within relevant job descriptions.

1.6.Consult with key personnel, and develop and implement a plan for WHS training requirements.

1.7.Establish and monitor a system for keeping WHS records.

1.8.Establish and maintain systems to ensure communication of WHS information to personnel.

2.1.Establish and maintain appropriate consultative processes to suit characteristics and needs of organisation.

2.2.Plan for and ensure that consultation is conducted at times designated by legislation.

2.3.Resolve issues raised through consultation.

2.4.Provide employees with accessible information on the outcomes of consultation.

3.1.Develop or access hazard identification and risk assessment templates that incorporate criteria for assessing risks.

3.2.Plan for and ensure systematic hazard identification at times designated by legislation.

3.3.Develop procedures for the ongoing identification of types of hazards designated by legislation.

3.4.Develop procedures for the assessment and control of risks associated with identified hazards.

3.5.Nominate within procedures the roles and responsibilities of personnel for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control.

3.6.Take a lead role in controlling risks, including implementing interim or emergency solutions.

3.7.Manage the response to any incident or accident, and follow legislative requirements for notifying and cooperating with WHS government regulators.

4.1.Assess and maintain ongoing compliance with occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation and regulatory requirements, standards and codes.

4.2.Consult with a range of personnel to elicit feedback on WHS policies, procedures and practices.

4.3.Assess effectiveness of WHS management practices and develop, implement, document and communicate improvements and changes to the WHS system.

SITXGLC001 Research and comply with regulatory requirements

1.1. Identify sources of information for compliance with laws and licensing for business operations.

1.2. Evaluate areas of business operation and determine scope of compliance requirements.

1.3. Access regulatory information relevant to specific business operation.

1.4. Identify risks, penalties and consequences of non-compliance.

1.5. Assess and act on need for specialist legal advice.

2.1. Develop and clearly articulate regulatory policies and procedures in a format readily accessible to all personnel

2.2. Nominate the roles and responsibilities of personnel for regulatory compliance in policies and procedures

2.3. Distribute policies, procedures and legal information to personnel at appropriate times

2.4. Organise information updates for personnel to ensure their knowledge of roles and responsibilities for legal compliance

3.1. Communicate with regulatory authorities when planning business operations and submit required documentation

3.2. Maintain business and occupational licences and check contractor compliance to avoid risk to business

3.3. Continuously evaluate business operations for non-compliance and implement modifications

4.1. Identify and use a range of opportunities to maintain knowledge of current regulatory requirements

4.2. Use organisational communication methods to share updated regulatory knowledge

4.3. Continuously review and distribute plans, policies and procedures for compliance with current laws and licensing requirements

Assessment/evidence gathering conditions

Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment” section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.

Resources required for this Assessment

· Weekly eLearning notes relevant to the tasks/questions

· All documents must be created in Microsoft Word, MS Excel where required

· Upon completion, submit the assessment printed copy to your trainer along with assessment coversheet

· Any additional material will be provided by your Trainer

· Computer with relevant software applications and access to internet


There are four (4) tasks to complete for this unit of competence:

This assessment is based on ACA Restaurant Café’ Business Plan and uses several scenarios to complete the 4 Tasks. Certain tasks contain sub-tasks with written questionnaires, case study analysis report writing and role plays.

These tasks comprise the assessment of the application of the required knowledge to develop, implement and sustain effective, professional and contemporary work health and safety (WHS) management practices. It requires the ability to establish and review systems, policies and procedures designed to ensure a safe workplace.

You are required to respond to all the tasks by demonstrating your skills and knowledge within the assessment guidelines and requirements. Certain tasks have been developed with templates, tables and sections with appropriate spaces, in which you will have to complete and/or provide information to ensure you demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the units. Marking criteria have been provided to support the student’s understanding of the requirement for each task.

To be deemed competent in this assessment each student must demonstrate through written reports and role plays and provide information in given templates, the knowledge, and understanding of what actions are necessary to obtain and keep current with the legislative requirements of WHS for their industry and specific business and manage the safety of their workers and others in the workplace. You will have to respond to all the tasks by demonstrating your skills and knowledge within the assessment guidelines and requirements. In Task 1AQ3, Task 2A, 2C – 2E, Task 3B - 3E there are templates, which you will have to utilise to ensure you validate the required skills and knowledge.

Your responses must comprise:

· a comprehensive, detailed and integrated relevant WHS regulatory requirements and management plan

· a formal communication strategy

· a reflection of current relevant legislation regarding age, disability, racial, sexual,

· formal and planned involvement with a wide range of stakeholders

· a documented risk, issues, and change-management methodology

· a quality execution plan with assurance and control processes of diversity

· a restaurant café’ team-based environment

Evidence of the following is important:

· demonstration of ongoing research and complying with WHS laws and licensing requirements for specific business operations within the workplace

· knowledge of reviewing and implementing WHS regulatory requirements and the promotion of its benefits, strategies to comply with procedures for handling complaints or harassment allegations, and management plans, tools, issues, and likely challenges

· demonstration of developing policies and maintaining organisational knowledge of WHS regulatory requirements and implementation through communication with regulatory organisations

Task 1 – Analysis, Written Responses, Role plays and System development

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding and managing research of relevant information to comply with WHS regulatory requirements in the workplace.

This task consists of questionnaires, role plays and development of a management system which associate with the knowledge of researching information required for WHS legal compliance, analysing WHS incidents and legislative rights and obligations of personnel, identifying WHS documents and evaluating WHS issues through communication to assess risk for non-compliance. The responses should include the following:

· Must be relevant to the business functions and standards of ACA Restaurant Café that you will find in e-learning unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical and legislative aspects of work operations followed by relevant experience/exposure within ACA Restaurant Café’ work environment and the scenario incident, also available on e-learning. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to roles and responsibilities and business of the restaurant café.

· The questionnaires have been developed with templates and sections with appropriate spaces, in which you will have to complete and/or provide information to ensure you demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the units. Instructions are provided to which students must comply to gain the competency level.

· Suggested links provided to support findings. Stimulated to practice.

· Three (3) role play tasks have been developed based on staged real-life workplace environment as will be generated by your Assessor, with the consideration of the scenario incident provided within the assessment. Certain procedural acts based on WHS legislative and ethical work practices to apply consultative techniques to identify causes of incident within workplace as per duty of care. You are to follow the guidelines on how to demonstrate the role plays with reference to the marking guide provided in the appendices. WHS forms are encouraged to be completed in order to fulfil task requirements. Partners from your class will be required to assist you to conduct the role play to demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the units. Instructions are provided to which students must comply to gain the competency level.

· to generate the WHS management system, you must refer to legislative work practices standards and policies of ACA Restaurant Café and must reflect to the regulatory bodies. You are to follow the guidelines on how to demonstrate and/or complete the task with the use of the information given in previous tasks. The development of the document must comprise of the requirements to accommodate the performance requirements as stated in the task instructions and marking criteria, and to complete this task, the student must comply and use the template provided

· Certain tasks require you to reflect on relevant scenario incidents and the previous tasks responses to foster the consistency of satisfying compliance with relevant legislative requirements.

· Marking allocations have been stated with each task to support the comprehension of the required information to be delivered.

· Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learned, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements of the workplace.

Task 2 – Planning and report writing

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of identifying hazards, reporting WHS issues and planning for improvements for legal WHS compliance in the workplace.

This task consists of questionnaire which associate with the knowledge of compliance issues and the implications of the legislation for undertaking risk analysis and creation of policies and procedures. The responses should include the following:

· Must be relevant to the Business Summary Plan of ACA Restaurant Café and relevant Scenarios 1-7, that you will find in e-learning unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical and legislative aspects of WHS practices followed by relevant experience/exposure within ACA Restaurant café’ work environment. The information provided must relate to roles and responsibilities and business of the Restaurant café.

· To generate the reports, you must refer to the Business Summary Plan of ACA Restaurant Café and the relevant scenario incidents and must comprise of the requirements to accommodate the performance requirements as stated in the task instructions and marking guide, and to complete this task, the student must comply and use the template provided. You are to follow the guidelines on how to demonstrate and/or complete the task with the use of the information given in the appendices. The development of the document must comprise of the requirements to accommodate the performance requirements as stated in the task instructions and marking criteria, and to complete this task, the student must comply and use the template provided.

· The information given must comply with the appropriate legislative framework of the policy/ procedure

· Theory answers without reference to ACA Restaurant Café’ business will not be assessed as satisfactory

· Marking allocations have been stated with each task to support the comprehension of the required information to be delivered.

  • Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learned, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements of the workplace.

Task 3 – Assessing procedures, Written Reports and documentation

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of assessing WHS practices based on legal regulations to identify risks and manage risk to generate an work environment that fosters safety and security to all stakeholders.

This task consists of report writing to demonstrate record keeping and maintaining personal knowledge of regulatory requirements in order to preserve currency, continuously reviewing, updating and distributing plans and polices for compliance. The responses should include the following:

· Must be relevant to the Business Summary Plan of ACA Restaurant Café and relevant Scenarios 1-7, that you will find in e-learning unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical and legislative aspects of services practices followed by relevant experience/exposure within ACA Restaurant café’ work environment. The information provided must relate to roles and responsibilities and business of the Restaurant café

· Certain tasks have been developed with templates and sections with appropriate spaces, in which you will have to complete and/or provide information to ensure you demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the units. Instructions are provided to which students must comply to gain the competency level.

· theory answers without reference to ACA Restaurant Café’ business will not be assessed as satisfactory

· To generate the reports, you must refer to the Business Summary Plan of ACA Restaurant Café and the relevant scenario incidents and must comprise of the requirements to accommodate the performance requirements as stated in the task instructions and marking guide, and to complete this task, the student must comply and use the template provided. You are to follow the guidelines on how to demonstrate and/or complete the task with the use of the information given in the appendices. The development of the document must comprise of the requirements to accommodate the performance requirements as stated in the task instructions and marking criteria, and to complete this task, the student must comply and use the template provided

· Marking allocations have been stated with each task to support the comprehension of the required information to be delivered. Presentation marking criteria has been given in details in Appendix 2.

· Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learned, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements of the workplace.

Task 4 –Written Responses

This activity has been designed to assess your knowledge and understanding of evaluating and improving WHS practices to comply with regulatory requirements in the workplace.

This task consists of questionnaires which associate with the knowledge of implementing and monitoring procedures and evaluating whether appropriate controls and systems in place are current, valid and effective. The responses should include the following:

· Must be relevant to the business functions and standards of ACA Restaurant Café that you will find in e-learning unless otherwise stated. Responses should link to the theoretical and legislative aspects of work operations followed by relevant experience/exposure within ACA Restaurant Café’ work environment and the scenario incident, also available on e-learning. Your response to the questionnaires must relate to roles and responsibilities and business of the restaurant café.

· The questionnaires have been developed with templates and sections with appropriate spaces, in which you will have to complete and/or provide information to ensure you demonstrate the skills and knowledge of the units. Instructions are provided to which students must comply to gain the competency level.

· Marking allocations have been stated with each task to support the comprehension of the required information to be delivered.

· Demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learned, regardless of whether you have undertaken all the performance requirements of the workplace.






Task 1 - Legislative compliance requirement information research (Total of 23 Marks)

A. Written Responses (Total of 12 marks)

Q1: Analyse the WHS incidents to notify regulators


Q2: Insurance policies


Q3: Report of objectives component to satisfy the NSW WHS legislation.


Q4: Regulatory body, its objectives and information available


Q5: Legislative rights and obligations of employer and employee


Q6: WHS documents


Q7: methods of consultative processes


B. Interview meeting role play and incident report form


C. Re-interview meeting role play and work cover form


D. Re-design a WHS management system


Task 2 - Planning WHS practices (Total of 12 marks)

A. Identify hazards based on scenarios


B. Identify hazards for the whole business


C. Report reflecting the WHS issues


D. Budget plan


E. Training plan


Task 3 - Establish and maintain WHS practices (Total of 10 marks)

A. Identify of risk and contribution of staff


B. Consequence and likelihood rating of risks


C. Risk Register


D. Action plan


E. Meeting minute


Task 4 – Evaluation and improvements to WHS practices

Written Responses (Total of 5 marks)

Q1: Undertake monitoring, reviewing and assessing the effectiveness of WHS systems


Q2: Initiative to manage discrepancies in adjusted plan




The learner is required to update and adjust the page numbers and topics based on the amount of their content and the responses made to each task.

Develop policies and comply with regulatory requirements

As stated in the Business details above, ACA Restaurant Cafe’ is owned and managed by partners Emma Supreme and Rufus Clarendon. It is located within ACA Hotel.

The Restaurant Café’ is currently open:

Monday – Friday: 6:00 am – 9:00 pm

Saturday: 8:00 am – 9:00 pm

Sunday 8:00 am – 9:00 pm

The owners of the restaurant have decided to start opening on more hours on Saturdays and Sundays due to increased business operation and customer demands as follows:

Saturday: 6:00 am to 11:00 pm

Sunday: 6:00 am to 11:00 pm

ACA Restaurant Cafe’ has been experiencing consistent growth in sales and numbers of customers over the last two years.

The Owners of ACA Restaurant Cafe’, fosters an environment of energy, skills, and determination to establish and maintain a business relationship with customers, suppliers, strategic partners and with other businesses creating service contracts, commission-based arrangement, and association-based relationship. Understanding the need to conduct ongoing research to determine the scope of compliance required, and to continuously review policies and practices in response to any change.

Recently the Owners has faced negative experiences that has generated alarming concerns with the fear of reputational damage for ACA Restaurant Café’ as well as for ACA Hotel. To improve the situation, the Owners have been proactively putting in actions in place to implement innovative strategies and service policies that address every conceivable aspect of the quality experience. ACA Restaurant Café’ treats their business partners, customers and other community members with honesty, trust, fairness, and respect that contributes to strength and longevity in the business relationship which promotes better work and a more valued environment. Also, a number of incidents have been occurring within the workplace which requires attention as per the duty if care of ACA Restaurant Café’. Based on the NSW WHS Act, the Owners have been responsible to provide a safe workplace that aims to prevent accidents and injury. However with recent incidents occurring quite frequently, The Owners have decided to review their safe work practices through establishing and maintaining systems to ensure communication of WHS information to personnel.

You will require to have access to the “Business Summary Plan” and “ACA Restaurant Café Case Study Scenarios”, which can be located on e-learning. They contain detailed information and must be used and/or referred to complete this assessment. However, brief summary of each summary is provided below.

Information provided that is not relevant to the above-mentioned resources will be considered not satisfactory.

Summary of Scenario 1:

Feedback from Mr Smith:

  • Poor booking and order taking via phone call – multiple errors in booking
  • Staff unaware of using the system and knowing the products and price
  • Phone etiquette not present during conversation
  • Waiting time on hold on the phone
  • Inappropriate behaviour by staff (Sally) while taking the orders – commented on accent, talking to others while taking orders, abrupt approach, rushing, no support with options of products or substituting suitable products when not available, not aware of prices of products, and complaining to customer about busy periods
  • Poor staff presentation, etiquette and hosting – not trained
  • Response time slow on promised actions
  • Delayed food delivery and cold food items
  • No Managers on floor to address any concerns
  • No support for refund, cancellation and complaint procedure – info unknown to/ not trained by the staff

Feedback from Staff:

  • Lack of staff are working on the floor
  • Not a user-friendly new system incorporated within the business and should consider installing more a less complicated nevertheless an up to date compatible new technology
  • Not enough training provided
  • Unexpected excessive workload
  • Managers not available at all times

Summary of Scenario 2:

  • reputational damage
  • compliance to customer service standards
  • conflict resolution

Summary of Scenario 3:

  • concerns regarding food handling and hygiene issues

Summary of Scenario 4:

  • bullied at work and discriminated due to young age
  • not the promised training and support received
  • under-paid
  • assign you tasks not specifically outlined in your job description

Summary of Scenario 5:

  • work injury
  • witnessed by staff and customers
  • hazard identified
  • days off work for this injury

Summary of Scenario 6:

  • work injury
  • not witnessed by anyone
  • hazard identified
  • injury not reported
  • days off work for this injury

Summary of Scenario 7:

  • work injury
  • witnessed partially by staff during occurrence (putting the heavy item down and not witnessing picking up the item from back of premise)
  • staff witnessed after effect of injury
  • situation notified to colleague
  • days off work for this injury

Task 1 – Research information on Legislative requirement

The Owners of ACA Restaurant Café’ has maintained the consistency to create a safe and healthy work environment ensuring the commitment and compliance to WHS laws. They have established d system through which they have identifies hazards to reduce risks. They understand the importance of providing information and training to their staff and monitoring safe work practice s and highlights the necessity of consulting WHS procedure with them.

Now, due to the incidents that has occurred within the restaurant café’, based on the Scenarios 1-7 ( available on e-learning) , the Owners sense that they must revise and evaluate their WHS system to ensure they are current and up to date an also to identify the causes of these incidents to occur.

You, as Joe Roux, the manager of ACA Restaurant Café’ , have been given the accountability to research on legislative requirement to check and maintain all WHS records and reports and coordinate consultative arrangement to resolve the WHS issue that has been faced by the staff of ACA Restaurant Café’.

Your task is to:

  1. Written Responses:

Respond to the following queries in the appropriate spaces below:

All responses must:

  • be relevant to the Business Summary Plan of ACA Restaurant Café’ and Scenario 1- Scenario 5, unless otherwise stated.
  • demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learned from acknowledging the policy
  • theory answers without reference to ACA Restaurant Café’ business will not be assessed as satisfactory

<50% marks of the allocated marks for the questions and answers in Task 1 (Q1 – Q7), will be given for providing theoretical aspect and remaining 50% marks for providing the relevancy on how the information fits in with business operations of ACA Restaurant Café and the Scenarios given’. Only theoretical responses will not be accepted, and 50% marks will be allocated, should that be the case. However, Assessor to assess if relevant theory has been provided by the student as per the requirement of the tasks. Non-relevant answers will be considered not satisfactory>

12 Marks

Question 1: Analyse the WHS incidents that have occurred in Scenario 4 – 7 ( available on e-learning) and research the “incident-notification-fact-sheet-2015” ( available on e-learning, also can be found from the link https://www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/doc/incident-notification-fact-sheet )

Based on your analysis, generate a report in 200 words that includes the following:

a. whether part of managing the incidents, as stated in the Scenario 4-7, require notification to WHS government regulators. Why? Or Why not? Please explain. <0.5 mark for stating your response and 1 mark for explanation with relevancy to Scenario 4 – 7. Total of 1.5 mark>

b. State who will be responsible to notify should that be the case. <0.5 mark for stating the responsible person with explanation to ACA Restaurant Café’. Total of 0.5 mark>

2 Marks

Question 2: Current legislation requires ACA Restaurant Café’ to take out insurance policies for the providing a safe and secure environment for staff and customers. Analysing the Scenarios 1-7 stated and also business functions of the restaurant café (from the Business Summary Plan available on e-learning), state at least 3 insurance policies for each office and general functions that ACA Restaurant Café must have.

You may consider:

· requirement of laws to take out insurance policy with a licensed insurer e.g. to cover employer’s full liability for worker’s compensation, public liability, product liability, commercial auto Insurance, inventory insurance, business personal property insurance, etc.

· insurance information must be displayed with the WHS information

1 Mark

<0.5 mark allocated for stating 3 data of office insurances and 0.5 mark stating 3 data of general insurances. Total of 1 mark>

Provide your responses within the given template below:

Suggested sample for given: For areas of the business; Office and General insurance that is required for safe workplace and business.



<Example: Fire and theft insurance>

<Example: Public Liability Insurance>




Question 3: Analysing the situations stated in Scenarios 1-7, create a report that states what objectives component and comprehensive details you would need to consider satisfying the relevant NSW WHS legislation.

You may choose any one of the Scenarios 1-7 and answer the following questions generate your report:

a. What actions must be taken for legal compliance? <0.5 mark>

b. What should be ACA Restaurant Café’s responsibilities to provide a safe workplace? <0.25 mark>

c. What should be the requirement to consult, designated times for consultation and acceptable consultation mechanisms within the restaurant café’? <0.5 mark>

d. What could be the requirements for the use of WHS representatives and committees, and their roles and responsibilities in ACA Restaurant Café’? <0.5 mark>

e. Should ACA Restaurant Café’ have a designated time for hazard identification and categories of hazards that must be identified? If so, please state time and how? <0.5 mark>

f. What can ACA Restaurant Café do to provide information and training? <0.25 mark>

g. What should the staff’s responsibilities be to ensure safety of self, other workers and other people in the workplace and/or to participate in WHS practices? <0.5 mark>

<50% of the allocated marks given for stating the responses and 50% of the allocated mark given relevancy to the Scenarios 1-7. Total of 3 marks> 3 marks










Question 4: Referring to your responses given in the above Task 1Q4?

a. who do you think is the industry or regulatory body that developed the WHS codes of practice and standards? <0.25 mark for stating your response. Total of 0.25 mark>

b. research what the objectives and components are of such codes of practices and standards, Provide description in detail? <0.5 mark for stating the objectives, 0.25 mark for allocated for stating the components, and 0.5 mark for explanation with relevancy to Task 1Q4 and ACA Restaurant Café’. Total of 1.25 mark>

c. how do you ensure that the information, instructions and scope of training can be available to staff to ensure their health and safety? <0.25 mark for stating your response and 0.25 mark for explanation. Total of 0.5 mark>

Suggested links are given to support your findings:





2 Marks

Question 5: Choose any of 2 (two) of the Scenarios from 1-7, and state what legislative rights and obligations are for both ACA Restaurant Café’ and the staff and/or Customer (who experienced the occurrence)?

Refer to Scenarios 1-7 and their job descriptions as stated in the Business Summary Plan (available on e-learning) 1 Mark

1. Scenario: <0.25 mark allocated for each response for ACA Restaurant Café’ and staff. Total of 0.5 mark>

Legal right and responsibility of ACA Restaurant Café’:

Legal right and responsibility of Staff and/or Customer:

2. Scenario: <0.25 mark allocated for each response for ACA Restaurant Café’ and staff. Total of 0.5 mark>

Legal right and responsibility of ACA Restaurant Café’:

Legal right and responsibility of Staff and/or Customer:

Question 6: It is necessary to maintain WHS records to meet compliance requirements. Accurate record keeping is essential for the effective monitoring of health, safety and security. Should an incident occur, it is possible to show through records that best practices WHS systems and procedures were in place and that all reasonable preventative steps had been taken.

As a Manager, what do you think the type of WHS system documents/records must be created and made available for ACA Restaurant Café’? List any 6 (six) WHS documents.

Consider the following to include with your responses:

· evaluation of incidents and risks

· insurance

· assessments conducted

· actions taken

· communication with regulatory authorities

· statistics

· training

· meetings

· decisions and follow ups

· procedure practices

<0.5 mark for stating 6(six) WHS documents and 0.5 mark for relevancy to ACA Restaurant Café’ business function. Total of 1 mark>

1 Mark

Question 7: Referring to the documentation as stated in the above Task 1Q6, WHS committee commits to contribute in maintaining the effectiveness of the business’s work, health and safety plans. They ensure to communicate and consult regularly with appropriate personnel to ensure compliance.

As the Manager of ACA Restaurant Café, state what effective methods and techniques would you incorporate during your consultative process to ensure apparent information delivery, understanding and availability of information of the WHS requirements. List at least 5 (five) methods you consider effective to use during consultative process and explain why.

<1 mark for stating the at least 5(five) methods and techniques and 1 mark for explanation. Total of 1 mark> 2 Marks

  1. Conduct 2 (two), 5-minute consultation/interview meeting role plays choosing any 1 (one) of the Scenarios 5,6 or 7, followed by completing an incident report. 4 Marks

In the workplace, staff and management are responsible for ensuring the safety of all stakeholders and then notifying and cooperating with regulators. Depending on the number of consecutive days absent due to the Workplace injury, different report requirements apply.

You will play the role of Joe Roux, the Manager of ACA Restaurant Café and interview the staff of your chosen Scenario from Scenario 5, 6 or 7, to investigate the details surrounding the incident. Conducting this interview can be extremely supportive for the staff to physically point out specific exposures and for management to identify any discrepancies in the WHS system and practices.

You will conduct this role play with two classmates (if required based on your chosen Scenario), in turns, who will play the role of the witness. The other persons will not be marked or assessed. Please see Appendix 1 for more details.

You are to conduct two interviews with:

  1. the staff who has faced the WHS issues
  2. the witness. Please see Appendix 1 for detailed information for each scenario.

While conducting the 1st role play interview with the staff, you will complete the incident report as given in Appendix 1 and get the staff to sign the form as a declaration of providing truthful information.

You will then use the completed form and conduct the 2nd interview to confirm the details of the incident report (as stated by the staff) from the witness and also to record what he/she had witnessed, and thus require their signature to get their consent and complete appropriate legal WHS procedure.

<The 1st role play has been allocated 2 marks, the 2nd role play has been allocated 1 mark and, 1 mark have been allocated for completing the incident report, given in Appendix 1. Please see details in Appendix 3>

During your roleplay, you must address the following within your discussion with the staff and the witnesses (played by two of the classmates - Please see Appendix 2 for details):

  • you will wait for the manager to approach you, greet you (culturally appropriate) and introduce him/herself.
  • you will be asked questions about the accident you had at the workplace earlier today, which required you to attend a doctor and require 3 days off work for a wrist injury
  • you will ensure you are able to give suitable fictional details on the accident
  • confirm confidentiality
  • ensure staff is comfortable to take part in the interview
  • address compliance with state or territory occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation.
  • address form to be filled out and procedure to be taken
  • allow staff to provide details of the incident
  • ask relevant questions relate to the scenario
  • ensure staff’s knowledge of safety procedures
  • structure, characteristics and needs of the organisation that the WHS system must address
  • using effective interpersonal and high-level communication style techniques, cultural sensitivity and appropriate cultural behaviour, highlight the issues and solutions stated in your chosen Scenario. Include feedback and input from staff
  • adequate facilities for the welfare of employees
  • legal and ethical obligations towards safety
  • appropriate consultative processes to suit characteristics and needs of organisation.
  • ensure interview conducted at times designated by legislation.
  • assess whether to inform WHS regulators (for deaths, you must do this within eight hours. For amputations and inpatient hospitalisations, you have 24 hours to report. Failure to do so could include citations of a financial penalty.)
  • identifying hazards to resolve issues raised through consultation.
  • provide employees with accessible information on the outcomes of interview
  • clearly articulate WHS policies and procedures to staff
  • confirm ACA Restaurant Café’s responsibilities to provide a safe workplace
  • acceptable mechanisms for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control
  • requirements for record keeping and acceptable record keeping mechanisms
  • requirement to provide information and training
  • employee responsibilities to ensure safety of self, other workers and other people in the workplace
  • confirm employee responsibility to participate in WHS practices
  • ramifications of failure to observe OHS or WHS laws and codes of practice
  • considerations in the formulation of WHS policies and procedures:
  • ongoing monitoring of risk control

Please refer to Appendix 3 for details of the Marking guide.

  1. Conduct a 5-minute re-interview meeting role play choosing the similar scenario as nominated by you in the above Task 1B (from Scenario 5, 6, or 7). 3 Marks

After the initial interview and recording of the incident to management in the Workcover Accident and Near miss log book, you are to re - interview the staff who has faced WHS issues , as he/she has been given an additional number of days’ sick leave, now totaling of some consecutive days.

Here, you will play the role of the staff who has faced the WHS issues of your chosen Scenario, as stated in the previous Task 1B, to be re-interviewed after additional leave was required.

You will be required to complete a Workcover form which can be identified on e-learning “State Insurance Regulatory Authority -Workers-Injury-Claim-Form-0119”. Download the form and complete it while conducting this role play. However, you may search for other NSW Workers Cover Form from the internet and use them for this task as well, however, must ensure the forms are of the appropriate state or territory occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation. You are required to download the form, complete it during conducting the roleplay with your partner and then attach the completed form along with submitting this assessment. You must confirm by stating “Completed Work Cover Form Attached”, as if you have done so, in the given space below, where it is mentioned “Please state here if you have attached the completed “Work Cover Form”.

You will conduct this role play with another classmate, who will play the role of Joe Roux, The Manager of ACA Restaurant Café’. The other persons will not be marked or assessed. Please see Appendix 2 for more details.

<The role play has been allocated 2 marks, and 1 mark have been allocated for completing the work cover form. Total of 3 marks>

During your roleplay, you must address the following within your discussion with the Manager (played by one of the classmates - Please see Appendix 2 for details):

  • You will wait for the manager to approach you, greet you (culturally appropriate) and introduce him/herself.
  • You will be asked questions about the time off and the additional length of leave required.
  • You will ensure you are able to give suitable fictional details on the accident based on the scenario incident of your choice.

Please refer to Appendix 3 for details of the Marking guide.

<Please state here if you have attached the completed “Work Cover Form” >

  1. Evaluate and review the existing WHS policies and procedures of ACA Restaurant Café’ as stated from your investigation in the above Task 1B and the Scenarios 1-7 including the Business Summary (available on e-learning), and re-design a WHS management system that will improve the policies and procedures to fulfil the needs of the business. 4 Marks

This is to ensure ACA Restaurant Café can incorporate a planned, systematic and coordinated approach to compliance with WHS legislation.

Your WHS system should aim for:

  • maintaining customers, staff and suppliers/contractor’s safety
  • minimising exposure to fines and penalties
  • reducing compliance costs
  • reducing stress
  • safe use of machinery, equipment and materials
  • safe premises and work environment
  • provision of entrances and exits that are safe
  • safe systems of work
  • protect your insurance coverage
  • increase your business reputation

Consider the following topics to include within your responses:

  • consultation with appropriate personnel g. WHS Committee members<0.125 mark>
  • WHS Legislation and codes of practices<0.25 mark>
  • management commitment<0.25 mark>
  • due diligence <0.25 mark>
  • building a safety culture<0.25 mark>
  • management of the work environment<0.125 mark>
  • availability of information, instructions, training and supervision that ensure staffs’ health and safety<0.125 mark>
  • risk management<0.25 mark>
  • measurable performance metrics<0.125 mark>
  • training and supervision based on assessment of competence<0.25 mark>
  • documentation and distribution of up-to date information <0.25 mark>
  • safety Inspection<0.125 mark>
  • internal audit policy and schedule<0.25 mark>
  • communications strategy <0.125 mark>
  • emergency response plan<0.125 mark>
  • record keeping timeframes<0.125 mark>
  • injury management and workers compensation<0.25 mark>
  • monitoring and review<0.25 mark>
  • list of laws and health and safety regulations for compliance<0.25 mark>
  • WHS Manual <0.125 mark>
  • references to government regulators <0.125 mark>

<Insert your answer here>

Task 2 – Planning WHS practices

The goal of any workplace health and safety strategy is to eliminate or reduce, as far as reasonably practicable, all workplace risks. This can be achieved by setting standards in accordance with current occupational health and safety legislation, implementing measures to meet those standards, monitoring that the measures are maintained, and having a program of regular health and safety review and improvement. Risk management is all about identifying, understanding and controlling hazards.

The Owners have reviewed the WHS System and to ensure all business function comply with the legislative, they have formed a WHS committee as well. The work health and safety committee are an important part of an organisation. It is legislated and monitored under law by a variety of regulators, depending on industry.

Your task is to:

  1. List the hazards you, as the Manager of ACA Restaurant Café’ have identified through physical inspections based on the incident occurred in Scenarios 1- 7. 2 Marks

You are to record your findings in the given template below.

Must include within your responses:

  • the risk that can occur due to the hazard
  • evaluate current controls and suggest improvements
  • effective date for control
  • responsibility of the appropriate personnel, in line with job description

Consider the following classification of hazards within your records:

  • Hazardous Substances in the Workplace
  • Biological Hazards
  • Physical Hazards
  • Ergonomics
  • Manual Handling
  • Psychological Hazards

<0.5 mark for stating all the relevant hazards, 0.25 mark allocated for stating all the associated type, impact, current control, suggested control, date, and responsible person data (Total of 1.5 marks). Total of 2 marks>

Hazard item




Current control of risk

Suggested control of risk

Date for control implementation

Responsible person

  1. List what other types hazards (other than the hazards mentioned in Task 2A) can you, as the Manager identify within ACA Restaurant Café’ business operations. List at least 4 (four) hazards and details of the impact. <0.5 mark for stating 4(four) other hazards identified and 0.5 mark for relevancy to ACA Restaurant Café’ business function. Total of 1 mark> 1 Mark

<Insert your answer here>

  1. Create a report reflecting the WHS issues as stated in Scenario 1-7, that need to be identified to improve and foster within the policies. This aims to revise, evaluate the WHS System and plan for adjusting. 2 Marks

You are to report any 3 (three) items and include your findings by completing the following table:

<0.5 mark for stating all 3 (three) relevant WHS Items, legal reporting, proposed mechanism and action data. Total of 2 marks>

WHS Item

Legal Reporting Requirement

<use of forms, contacting the government regulator>

Proposed mechanism to ensure system remain up-to date <methods to receive updates and record keeping>

Proposed action to monitor effectiveness

  1. Create a budget plan on how you, as the Manager of ACA Restaurant Café’ wish to propose to an estimated budget to the Owners of ACA Restaurant Café, to improve the WHS system and process and reduce re-occurrence of the incidents occurred a stated in Scenarios 1-7. 3 Marks

There is substantial evidence that the costs associated with an injury or incident due to failures to ensure safety, far outweigh the costs of prevention. Additional costs connected to workplace injuries include negative publicity, reduced stakeholder sentiment and increased political pressure. These have knock-on effects that can lead to costly regulatory penalties, lost sales, increased cost of capital, diminished relationships with employees and suppliers.

You may consider expense for the following:

  • cost of preventative measures
  • purchases of products, equipment and appliances including personal protective equipment or fire and emergency equipment
  • human and specialist external resources to address WHS management practices.
  • voluntary partnerships and incentives
  • any required training – internal or external methods e.g. on-job training requiring additional staff, attending workshops etc.
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • any costly regulatory penalties
  • insurances
  • license renew/upgrade

<0.5 mark for stating each of all the relevant WHS items, funds, quantity, cost estimation, time and recordkeeping data. Total of 3 marks>

WHS Item

Contribution of funds


Cost Estimation/ Cost per item

Time frame



Finger Cut>

<Example: First Aid kit - to be purchased>

<Example: 4


2 x Grade B first aid kit at $150.

2 x grade A first aid kit at $200

Total = $700.00>

<Example: Place order immediately >

<Example: What was purchased, replaced and when and how long do you have to keep this record e.g. Invoice/receipt of purchase and date of order, date paid, 7 years >

  1. Design a training plan for appropriate personnel of ACA Restaurant Café’, based on WHS issue identified from assessing the Scenario1-7.

It a vital requirement for workplace health and safety to ensure that the business functions of AA Restaurant Cafés are legally complaint and that the staff, management and other stakeholders understand their responsibility under the WHS legislation and the policy and procedure. 4 Marks

You are to complete 2 (two) templates as given below:

  1. To plan training sessions (short- term) for the staff based on the Scenarios 1- 7,
  2. For ACA Restaurant Café’ to plan a long-term training program for all personnel’s, including newly recruited staff.

Suggested training types examples, have been provided in Table 1: not all training types will be relevant to the Scenarios 1-7 (available on e-learning). You are to choose appropriate training that are required for relevant staff to undergo, to ensure these WHS issues do not re-occur.

For both cases you may consider the following:

  • reporting injury/incident reporting
  • hazards identification risk assessment & risk control
  • Use of WHS legislative forms
  • First aid
  • anti-bullying
  • safe use of machinery, equipment and materials
  • safe premises
  • provision of entrances and exits that are safe
  • systems of work
  • work environment
  • harassment,
  • manual handling & ergonomics,
  • drugs and alcohol, risk management,
  • injury management and
  • emergency response
  1. Table 1: Short Term Training Plan (2 marks)

<0.5 mark for stating each of all the relevant type, legal/organisational requirement and information source (Total of 1.5 marks), and 0.25 mark allocated for stating for each all the associated who should attend and how often data (Total of 0.5 mark). Total of 2 marks>

Type of training

Who in the organisation should attend

How often should it be updated and certified (if required)

<Identify how often they need their certification updated (if required)>

Legally required or Organisation Policy

< Determine is it legally required to have such training or only good practice in a policy and procedure>

Information source for obtaining legal requirement

< Identify online source of research can be used to source requirement information>

<Example: First Senior First Aid >


All team leaders, senior staff & managers>


Every 2 years>


Yes (http://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/health-and-safety/manage-workplace-safety/first-aid)>


St John’s Ambulance(http://stjohn.org.au/) Workcover NSW (https://www.workcover.nsw.gov.au/)>


Manual Handling


Legal Responsibility

Safety Training on all equipment

Company policies

Negotiation/ Conflict Resolution Skills Training

Safety Committee training

Hierarchy of controls

Emergency training

WorkCover managerial courses

Personal Security- Robbery of cash, documents, ID, keys or other belongings

  1. Table 2: Long-term Training Schedule Program : You are to choose appropriate training that are required for all the relevant staff of ACA Restaurant Café’ to undergo, to ensure all staff receive relevant and consistent training in all aspects of health, safety and security which applies in their work role. (2 Marks)

<0.5 mark for stating each of all the relevant training, who should attend, expected outcome data (Total of 1.5 marks), and 0.25 mark allocated for stating each all the associated length and time data (Total of 0.5 mark). Total of 2 marks>

Training (any course/workshop e.g.)

Who should attend

Length of training <weeks, months etc>

Time of training

Expected Outcome

<Example: Emergency evacuation procedure


New personnel




<Example:1 hour>

<Example: Prior to start their work if their arrival>

<Example: Aware of emergency evacuation procedure, all exits, meeting points during a fire and who to contact>

<Example: First Senior First Aid >

Task 3 - Establish and maintain WHS practices

The Australian and New Zealand standard for risk management (AS/NZS ISO 31000:”2009) simplifies the process of systems development and is a useful resource for the management team of ACA Restaurant Café’ This also provides a standards-based approach that can be applied to WHS.

The Owners of Restaurant Café’ have developed risk management plans using the context of risk management framework that fosters specific, relevant and current risks in the work environment.

They have consulted with appropriate personnel and now would like you, as the Manager to use the framework, and establish and prioritise the risks, to take steps to prevent any problems that may occur within the business of ACA Restaurant Café’ environment ( please refer to the Business Summary Plan available on e-learning) and/or prevent the re-occurrence of problems as stated in the Scenarios 1-7 (available on e-learning) , and thus generate contingency plans.

Risk Management Framework:

Your task is to:

  1. Define your approach to identifying the risks based on the business functions of ACA Restaurant Café and explain the involvement of your staff members in establishing the risk management context and risk management planning. Specialist advise consultation may be considered for this task. 2 Marks

You may discuss the steps to identify the risk that may occur within the business of ACA Restaurant Café’ environment ( please refer to the Business Summary Plan available on e-learning) and/or risks that you had identified previously from assessing from the Scenarios 1-7 (available on e-learning).

Consider the following approaches you can use to include within our answer:

  • Audits
  • Surveys
  • Focus groups
  • Experience judgment
  • Risk identification forms
  • Flow charts
  • Observations
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Structured “What-if” Technique (SWIFT)
  • Assumption Analysis.
  • Cause and Effect Diagrams.
  • Feedback and communication

<1 mark for stating the identification approach, 0.5 mark allocated for relevancy to the Scenarios, and 0.5 mark for explaining contribution from staff relevancy to ACA Restaurant Café’ business function. Total of 2 marks>

<Include your answer here>

Identification Approach:

Contribution of your staff members:

  1. List at least three (3) risks, considered in the above Task 3A and allocate a rating to each risk for both of its consequence (impact) and likelihood (probability) of occurring using the rating scale provided in Appendix 4: Table 1 and Table 2. You may use the rating scale of your own choice; however, they must meet the required criteria. established at your workplace for your project as well. Specialist advise consultation may be considered for this task. 2 Marks

You are then to provide a narrative of the risk’s potential consequence and likelihood of occurring in the given template below.

Consequence rating of risk:

<0.5 mark for stating 3(three) risks and its associate consequence rating and 0.5 mark for description relevant to Task3A. Total of 1 mark>


Consequence rating

Description of possible consequences

Likelihood rating of risk:

<0.5 mark for stating 3(three) risks and its associate likelihood rating and 0.5 mark for description relevant to Task3A. Total of 1 mark>


Likelihood rating

Explanation of likelihood rating

  1. Complete a risk register for ACA Restaurant Café’ in the given template below. Include information as stated in the above Task 3B, including the 3 (three) risks provided. 2 Marks

You may utilise the template given below or create your own, however, the contents must satisfy the required criteria; Specialist advise consultation may be considered for this task and or whether to notify and cooperating with WHS government regulators

Consider the following to support your responses for mitigation approach/reaction: what do they mean?

  • Mitigate (optimize – reduce) - limit the impact of a risk, so that if it does occur, the problem it creates is smaller and easier to fix. Putting contingency plans in place.
  • Avoid (eliminate, withdraw from or not become involved) - avoid risks completely by cancelling or stopping the high-risk business initiative
  • Transfer (share– outsource or insure) - transfer the impact and management of the risk to someone else – to a third-party insurance
  • Accept (accept and budget) - no action to be taken even though risk identified. Usually these are small risks that can be simply be accepted as “it might happen and can be decided to be dealt later if it does”.

Consider the following to support your responses for treatment controls using hierarchy of controls: what do they mean?

  • Elimination – removes the cause of danger completely.
  • Substitution – controls the hazard by replacing it with a less risky way to achieve the same outcome.
  • Isolation – separates the hazard from the people at risk by isolating it.
  • Engineering – using engineering controls, i.e. making physical changes, to lessen any remaining risk, e.g. redesign a machine by adding safeguards.
  • Administration – use administrative controls to lessen the risk, e.g. install signs, rotate jobs.
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – require your employees to wear PPE, e.g. provide gloves, earplugs, goggles, iridescent vests.

Risk Register <0.25 mark for stating 3(three) risk category, likelihood, impact and rating (Total of 1 mark), and 0.5 mark for stating all associated explanation and mitigation and treatment (Total of 1 mark). Total of 2 marks. Data must be relevant to Task 3B >

Risk No.

Risk Category

Risk Explanation including existing Risk Controls




Mitigation Approach and Treatment Controls


<type of risk e.g. financial, physical, administrative etc.>

<Explanation of the risk and outline any existing risk controls in place>

<Designate the approach/strategy put in place and whether this is mitigation, acceptance, exploit etc.>



Use the Risk Rating Formula:

Likelihood X Consequences

  1. Record an action plan for any one of the risks you have identified in the above Task 3C utilising the template given below. Specialist advise consultation may be considered for this task.

You may create your own template; however, they must meet the required criteria. or any other similar template that is related to your project used at your workplace or create one of your own.

2 Marks

Risk Action Plan

Risk No/Item No.

Risk Description: <0.125 mark>

Risk Rating <0.125 mark>

<As per rating scale>:

Risk Category: <0.125 mark>

Risk Treatment/Approach <0.125 mark><Accept/Mitigate/Avoid/Transfer and Controls>):

Action Plan:

Proposed Action <0.25 mark>

<Risk Approach/Response. Consider whether to notify and cooperating with WHS government regulators >:

Resource Requirements: <0.25 mark>

<Resource requirements to put the risk approach/response into place>

Responsibilities: <0.25 mark>

<Who will be responsible for putting the risk approach/response into place>

Time required: <0.125 mark>

<Time needed to put the risk approach/response into place>

Cost Impact: <0.125 mark>

<Cost impact of putting the risk approach/response into place>

Reporting and Monitoring: <0.25 mark>

<Reporting and monitoring required for this risk approach/response >

Prepared by:

<0.125 mark>


Reviewed by:

<0.125 mark>


  1. You are to record a meeting minutes with the staff, arranged by you, Joe Roux, the Manager of ACA Restaurant Café’.

You have arranged this meeting to discuss the identified hazards, impact of risks and the decided action to improve the WHS practice within ACA Restaurant Café. You are to communicate and ensure clear understanding and commitment of the staff towards the improvements, changes, training required and responsibilities of WHS policies, procedures and safe working practices.

Consider changes/improvements that you have decided assessing the Scenario 1-7, as stated in Task 2 (A, B,C,E.F) and /or and based on the steps you have decided to prevent any problems that may occur within the business of ACA Restaurant Café’ environment ( please refer to the Business Summary Plan available on e-learning) Task 3 (A-D).

Consider during recording your minutes:

  • resolving issues raised through discussion on WHS practices
  • providing opportunities for contribution ensuring staff personnel understands the business’s mission, vision and values of work, safety and security.
  • ensure to present the WHS policies and procedures in a format readily accessible to all staff
  • allocate health, safety and security responsibilities within relevant job descriptions to appropriate staff
  • discuss adjustments to work procedures according to evaluation to be complaint with WHS regulations
  • changes to responsibilities within procedures for hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control
  • requirement to provide information about training needs and plan for appropriate staff
  • discuss the time limit for the implementation of plan
  • consider contingency plans are in place
  • accessibility of information on the outcomes of consultation
  • seek feedback on WHS policies, procedures and practices.
  • monitoring and evaluation process of the effectiveness of WHS management practices and improvements and changes to the WHS system

2 marks

Meeting Name:

<0.125 mark>

Date of Meeting:

<0.125 mark>


<0.125 mark>

Minutes Prepared By: <0.125 mark>

Location: <0.125 mark>

1. Meeting Objective <0.25 mark>

2. Attendance at Meeting <0.25 mark>





3. Agenda and Notes, Decisions, Issues <0.25 mark>




4. Action Items <0.25 mark>



Due Date

5. Next Meeting (if applicable)


<0.125 mark>

Time: <0.125 mark>

Location: <0.125 mark>

Task 4 – Evaluation and improvements to WHS practices

Once the revised and improved practices of health and safety systems, including the roles and responsibilities assigned, staff involvement, implementation, assessment and review, has been successfully incorporated and followed in the workplace, it is important to measure the effectiveness of the current system. It will assure ACA Restaurant Café’ whether the system is effective in managing risk and protecting people.

You, as the Manager of ACA Restaurant Café’, are required to conduct a comprehensive review of current systems and performance, this will allow to check whether informed decisions made, actions prioritised and resources allocated has been effective or not. Furthermore, regular reviews of safety performance will lead to a culture of continuous improvement.

Your task is to:

Written Responses:

Respond to the following queries in the appropriate spaces below:

All responses must:

  • be relevant to the Business Summary Plan of ACA Restaurant Café’ and Scenario 1- Scenario 7, unless otherwise stated.
  • demonstrate that you can or have applied what you have learned from acknowledging the policy
  • theory answers without reference to ACA Restaurant Café’ business will not be assessed as satisfactory

<50% marks of the allocated marks for the questions and answers in Task 4 (Q1 & Q2), will be given for providing theoretical aspect and remaining 50% marks for providing the relevancy on how the information fits in with business operations of ACA Restaurant Café and the Scenarios given’. Only theoretical responses will not be accepted, and 50% marks will be allocated, should that be the case. However, Assessor to assess if relevant theory has been provided by the student as per the requirement of the tasks. Non-relevant answers will be considered not satisfactory>

5 Marks

Question 1: State what activities you, as the Manager of ACA Restaurant Café, would undertake to monitor, review and assess the effectiveness of the systems that have been put in place, based on the action plan and consultative meeting arranged with the restaurant café staff the risk atmosphere.

Consider the following to include within your responses:

· scheduled review of the business’s health, safety and security systems

· comparative analysis

· reflection of current priorities, plans and targets

· accessing and interpreting key legislative documents to ensure WHS system complies with regulatory requirements, standards and codes

· checking currency and efficiency of decided risk management and other health and safety systems in areas e.g. workplace precautions, existence of risk control systems and management arrangements

· reporting of discrepancies or weaknesses to plan

· audits

<1 mark for stating the activities and 1 mark for explanation with relevancy action plan and consultative meeting. Total of 2 marks> 2 Marks

Question 2: In relation to previous Task 4Q1,

a. what would be your initiative, as the Manager of ACA Restaurant Café, ’ if changed circumstances are evident within the adjusted WHS practices and action plan (that was decided to improve the WHS System), as stated in Task 1C, Task 3C, Task 3D and Task 3E, which can impact on satisfying the compliance of WHS legislations? <0.5 mark for stating your response of action and 0.5 mark for explanation with relevancy satisfying compliance. Total of 1 mark>

b. what would you do to manage these discrepancies to maintain the currency of your risk register and action plans and responses? <1 mark for stating your response to maintain currency and 1 mark for explanation with relevancy action plan and consultative meeting. Total of 2 marks> 3 Marks

Appendix 1

Task 1B – Sample of External Mandatory Government Report Form

WorkSafe NSW Accident Report form.

Register of injuries / illness report form

Employers are required to keep a register of injuries that is readily accessible in the workplace (Under Section 63 of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998). The manager of any mine or quarry, or the occupier of any factory, workshop, office or shop is responsible for this register of injuries.

Requirements of injury and illness registration

  • Employers must keep a Register of Injuries at each workplace for workers to record any workplace injury or illness
  • The register of injuries may be kept in electronic form only if the employer provides education, training and facilities to ensure that workers are able to access the register.
  • An injured worker (or someone acting on their behalf) must notify the employer in writing, or verbally, of any work-related injury or illness as soon as possible after an injury has happened
  • Employers need to provide written confirmation to the injured worker that they received notification of the injury or illness
  • Employers need to provide a signed and dated copy of this entry to the injured or ill worker.

ACA Restaurant Café

Injured / ill worker’s details

First name:

Last name:

Date of birth:




Worker’s address:

Manager/supervisor’s name:

Injury or illness details

Date of injury/illness:

Time of injury/illness:


Nature of injury/illness:

Bodily location of injury/illness (for illnesses include symptoms):

Location at time of injury:

How was the injury/illness sustained (cause of injury /illness):

Was any plant, equipment, substance or thing involved in the injury/ illness? If yes, please provide details:


Were there any witnesses to the injury/illness? Yes or No. If yes, please list name and contact number for each witness:









Follow up

Has the injury been reported to the worker’s supervisor? Yes or No:

Was any treatment provided? Yes or No. If yes, please provide details:

Did the injured worker return to work following the injury/illness? If yes, please provide details:

Details of person making this entry

First name:

Last name:





If you are not the injured worker, did you witness the injury/illness? Yes or No


Has an investigation been conducted into the incident? If yes, by whom?

What controls have been implemented to ensure the incident doesn’t happen again:

Employer confirmation


(print name), of

(insert company name),

Hereby confirm receipt of this notification.



Information in relation to Work Health and Safety Laws

If you are responsible under the Work Health and Safety (WHS) laws for workers other than employees, for example contractors, you may not be required under workers compensation laws to record injuries in your register of injuries. However you may find it helpful to do so. If you wish to include details of all injuries in the one place you should add space in the template to indicate whether or not the person is an employee for workers compensation purposes.

Additional resources

Please refer to the Workers Compensation Regulation 2010 (www.legislation.nsw.gov.au) for more detailed information.

Further Information

To help identify any risks, hazards, systems or procedures that contributed to the injury/illness and to recommend corrective action to prevent similar incidents, please fill out the “Incident and near miss investigation form (WC03590 1211)” in the tools and guides section of the WorkCover small business website.

For further information contact the WorkCover NSW Information Centre on 13 10 50 or visit workcover.nsw.gov.au.

This information sheet has been prepared using the latest information available to WorkCover NSW. WorkCover NSW extends no warranties to the suitability of the information for your specific circumstances and disclaims all responsibility and liability for all expenses, losses, damages and costs you might incur as a result of the information being inaccurate or incomplete.

Appendix 2

For Task 1B

For Scenario 5:

Sally Thompson (Student to be assessed)

  • You will wait for the manager to approach you, greet you (culturally appropriate) and introduce him/herself.
  • You will be asked questions about the accident you had at the workplace earlier today, which required you to attend a doctor and require 3 days off work for a wrist injury
  • You will ensure you are able to give suitable fictional details on the accident

Jack Fry (Student from class group who witnessed accident - this person will not be assessed)

  • You will wait for the manager to approach you, greet you (culturally appropriate) and introduce him/herself.
  • You will be asked questions about the accident you witnessed at the restaurant café’ earlier today
  • You will ensure you are able to give suitable fictional details on the accident

For Scenario 6:

Jack Fry (Student to be assessed)

  • You will wait for the manager to approach you, greet you (culturally appropriate) and introduce him/herself.
  • You will be asked questions about the accident you had at the workplace later that day, which required you to attend a doctor and require 2 days off work for a finger cut injury
  • You will ensure you are able to give suitable fictional details on the accident

Bill Cruise (Student from class group who did not witness the accident but was notified of the injury - this person will not be assessed)

  • You will wait for the manager to approach you, greet you (culturally appropriate) and introduce him/herself.
  • You will be asked questions about the accident you were informed that happened at the restaurant café’ earlier today
  • You will be asked on how you witnessed the injured staff to be present when he informed you about the injury and whether you noticed the printer being faulty
  • You will ensure you are able to give suitable fictional details on the accident

For Scenario 7:

Frederick Brown (Student to be assessed)

  • You will wait for the manager to approach you, greet you (culturally appropriate) and introduce him/herself.
  • You will be asked questions about the accident you had at the workplace earlier today, which required you to attend a doctor and require 7 days off work for a back injury
  • You will ensure you are able to give suitable fictional details on the accident

Adelia Nik (Student from class group who witnessed accident - this person will not be assessed)

  • You will wait for the manager to approach you, greet you (culturally appropriate) and introduce him/herself.
  • You will be asked questions about the accident you witnessed at the restaurant café’ earlier today
  • You will ensure you are able to give suitable fictional details on the accident

For Task 1C

For Scenario 5, 6 & 7:

Joe Roux (Student from class group who will act as the Manager of ACA Restaurant Café’) - this person will not be assessed)

  • You will greet the staff (culturally appropriate) and introduce yourself.
  • You will ask questions about the time off and the additional length of leave required by the staff
  • You will ensure the staff give you suitable fictional details on the accident

Appendix 3

Marking Guide: Role Play for Task 1B &1C

Marking Guide for Task 1B – Interview taken by ACA Restaurant Café’ (Manager) with Staff (facing WHS Issues) and Witness

/4 Marks

Observation checklist

Did the student:


Marks Achieved

With Staff


Prepare for the role play



Use language that is suitable for the scenario and listen to the staff with use of effective interpersonal and communication styles to identify WHS issues.



Ensured context of interview to address compliance with state or territory occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation



Assess the situation with professional and organisational procedures to exploit welfares of relationship for all parties



Confirmed confidentiality and ensured staff is comfortable to take part in the interview



Use tone and strategies/style appropriate for the context of seeking information



Queries relevant to scenarios



Provide employees with accessible information on the outcomes of interview and confirmed the availability of information, instructions, training and supervision that ensure staff’s’ health and safety




With Witness


Prepare for the role play



Use language that is suitable for the scenario and listen to the staff with use of effective interpersonal and communication styles to identify WHS issues.



Ensured context of interview to address compliance with state or territory occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation



Assess the situation with professional and organisational procedures to exploit welfares of relationship for all parties



Confirmed confidentiality and ensured staff is comfortable to take part in the interview



Use tone and strategies/style appropriate for the context of seeking information



Queries relevant to scenarios



Provide employees with accessible information on the outcomes of interview




Marking Guide for Task 1C – Re- Interview between Staff (facing WHS Issues) and ACA Restaurant Café’ (Manager)

/2 Marks

Observation checklist

Did the student:


Marks Achieved

With Manager


Prepare for the role play



Use language that is suitable for the scenario and listen to the staff with use of effective interpersonal and communication styles to explain reason for work extension



Discussion to address compliance with state or territory occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation to seek support for compensation



Assess the situation with professional and organisational procedures to exploit welfares of relationship for all parties



Confirmed confidentiality and recapped WHS issues as similarly stated in Task 1B



Use tone and strategies/style appropriate for the context of seeking information



Queries relevant to scenarios and evidences to seek work cover and extension of days off



Resolving issues raised through consultation with accessible information on the outcomes of consultation




Completion of Forms: Task 1B &1C:



Marks Achieved

Near Miss /Incident Report Form


Work Cover Form





Table 1 – Consequence ratings






Annoyance, mild discomfort, incur the displeasure of your manager



Low grade injury, superficial damage to a building (e.g. cracked windows), warning



Single injury, a building or structure damaged, fine, loss of privileges



Injury to persons, widespread damage to property, substantial fine, disciplinary charges



Death, destruction of property, imprisonment or charged with offence, loss of job

Table 2 – Likelihood ratings





Almost certain

Risk of attack associated with swimming in a crocodile infested river



Risk of sunburn on a cloudy summer day with no sunscreen


Happens occasionally

Risk of seeing someone you know when you go to a crowded sports event


Could happen

‘Risk’ of finding some money on the ground as you walk around


Little chance of occurring

‘Risk’ of winning the lottery


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