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Security In Cloud Computing. Assessment Answer

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Cloud computing is considered as an effective computing application that provides storages and other potential computing services to government, individuals, and private or public organizations. Most of the organizations like medium and small-scale firm are engaged in utilizing the cloud computing to save additional cost and to enhance the efficiency of their concerned business environment. In today's scenario, cloud computing is considered an important option in front of the companies that comes with a wide range of benefits. Despite the wide range of varieties, some security issues are also associated with the use of cloud computing. Therefore, it becomes difficult for the organizations to utilize cloud computing to plan their future growth and productivity. It can be said that the security is an important concern or serves as a barrier to the regular growth of cloud computing. In case of some major security issues, it becomes mandatory for the organizations to deploy their applications and data in the cloud environment. Hence, the main motive of this paper is to locate major security problems and risk factors those need to think about during development and deployment of services in the cloud. Apart from this, the study also focuses on possible solutions for identified risk factors. Generally, it is right to say that the company needs to put significant efforts towards evaluating the security of cloud environment. With the help of this initiative, they can securely access and manage the cloud computing or avoid potential risks. Moreover, the paper also represents the significance of security evaluation in cloud computing. The objective of discussion is to attract the target audience towards its content. In addition, it can be said that this study is based on secondary research sources. It is because the popular literature review method has been used here to collect significant views of previous researchers about the chosen topic. With the help of literature review integration, the efficiency and effectiveness of the study can significantly increase because it will provide the knowledge about secondary research sources also.


Service model, virtualization, security, security problems and issues, risk mitigation, and service models.


Information technology comes with a wide range of changes in different intervals of the time period. Nowadays, the internet has become a popular information technology source that satisfies the different requirements of individuals as well as corporate houses. It happens due to the continuous revolution, where resources are internationally connected with each other. Therefore, internet enhances the efficiency of corporate houses to transfer their resources from one place to another without wastage of additional time. Cloud computing is considered an important part of the information technology that offers wide storage space to corporate houses. They can utilize this storage space to store resources which can use further from everywhere (Puthal, 2015). Apart from this, it is right to say that the cloud computing has gained the attention of a large number of people. Therefore, it becomes popular among existing industries as well as government institutions. It is the combination of the wide range of characteristics that further become the main source of their popularity among the population. These characteristics mainly include; ubiquitous, economical, scalable, and on-demand access to shared resources. Due to its wide characteristics, different business houses are using cloud computing to shift their paradigm from business processes to the cloud.
Moreover, it is also right to say that the cloud computing becomes the central attraction of public due to its high capacity to offer a large range of benefits to the community and industry as well. Hence, with the help of cloud computing, the industries are offered and released their resources on the basis of demand from the pool of shared resources. Due to this positive initiative, the industries able to issue the resources on demand which automatically reduce the wastage level and ensure proper usability (Zhao, 2014). It is believed that the customers of today's scenario need not invest high money in information technology infrastructure. It is because the customers can utilize the cloud computing and pay as and when they require. Therefore, it is right to say that the cloud providers can again utilize existing resources as soon as they are released by a particular user. This results in improved resource utilization which further raises the productivity level of existing companies. Moreover, it is also said that the cloud computing is easy to use by potential users. It is because the cloud computing users do not require any special expertise and knowledge to utilize it in a right direction. In recent scenario, the service and technology management paradigm moved from user to service providers.

Background of cloud computing

Cloud computing is an outcome of regular growth in the usability of information technology. Before the 1990s, the corporate houses were interconnected their computers through a fast data communication link (Rao, 2015). This performed with the sole motive of performing the scientific and complex calculation in a limited time. Therefore, the cloud computing introduced with advanced features and hardware and software infrastructure. Both the hardware and software infrastructure of cloud computing offers inexpensive, consistent, and pervasive access to high-end communicational network and facilities as well. So, it can be said that the cloud computing is a combination of a large number of sub-networks. It has been defined by Xia (2016) that cloud computing behaves as a promising technology. It happens because the cloud computing is considered the combination of a wide range of data centers. These data centers are dynamically controlled, configured, and provisioned to provide best services in a predetermined time period. Apart from this, cloud computing is defined as a creative and innovative information system framework that promotes the visualization in the near future. With the help of below-mentioned logical diagram of cloud computing, one can easily get information about how cloud computing works and associated with its sub-components.

(Shaikh, 2015)
From the above-mentioned diagram, it can easily understand that cloud sing and laptops are representing the cloud computing service models who act as clients to get necessary facilities from the cloud. Here, the associated server offers the wide range of facilities as per demand and user requirements. Moreover, Sugumaran (2014) said that the cloud computing combines different technologies to offer high-end services to its potential users. In order to understand the security issues associated with cloud computing, it is very necessary for business houses to get some information about the working scenario and characteristics of cloud computing. This will help cloud computing users to utilize the integrated features in a right context and produce fruitful outcomes out of it. The below mentioned are some potential characteristics of cloud computing that make it popular among the existing population:

Rapid Elasticity

The first and foremost characteristic of cloud computing is rapid elasticity. With the help of cloud computing, the users like industries can utilize existing resources elastically, and rapidly. Therefore, the companies have significant growth opportunities to utilize existing resources effectively and promote satisfaction level of their existing customers (Singh, 2014). Generally, the customers considered that an organization has an unlimited resource that can utilize effectively to produce better outcomes. The use of cloud computing does so. It does not only enhance the company productivity but also promote the usability of existing resources in a right direction.

Resource Pooling

The second and important feature of cloud computing is resource pooling. According to this feature of cloud computing, the corporate houses and government can share the cloud’s resources among a wide range of customer through pooling in a multi-tenant environment. Here, the customers do not have significant knowledge about the location of the existing resources. At this level, the cloud computing offers a mapping feature to customers with which they can track virtual and physical resources effectively.

On-demand self-service

The foremost feature of cloud computing is on-demand self-service. It means that customers can utilize the cloud computing service without any direct contact with CSP (Rao 2015). It becomes possible due to the high usage of management interfaces and web services.


Multi-tenancy is also an important feature of the cloud computing. It is a property that promotes the use of a particular resource by different customers that may be the members of different firms and organizations. This feature promotes the effective use of available resources and different customers who are segregated logically.
Therefore, it is right to say that the above-mentioned features enhance the efficiency of cloud computing to serve different needs of its potential customers and provide high-level satisfaction to them. Rittinghouse (2016) said that the cloud computing becomes successful due to its highly-integrated service models. These service models include; software as a service, infrastructure as a service, and platform as a service. The combination of all these integrated service models is also known as SPI which means software, platform, and infrastructure. Moreover, Puthal (2015) said that deployment model of cloud computing also plays an important role in its success among industries and government houses. The deployment models of cloud computing contain; public community, private, and hybrid cloud. Therefore, with the help of this study, the target audience can get significant information about security in cloud computing and its need within the existing dynamic environment.

Research Significance

The selected research topic will prove very significant for the target audience as well as cloud computing. The target audience here is local individuals, business houses, and government enterprises. The main motive behind targeting this segment is that they will receive huge benefits through the implementation of cloud computing software or hardware within their working scenario. In today’s scenario, everyone shows huge interest towards cloud computing and want to implement it within their internal environment (Kaur, 2015). In that situation, it becomes essential for them to get significant information about the scope of cloud computing and what are the potential issues associated with it. Apart from this, it is also mandatory for them to evaluate what specific features and benefits will cloud computing add in their business. Therefore, this study will solve all potential questions of the target audience. It is because, with the help of this research study, they will get significant information about security issues involved in cloud computing. Moreover, they will also get significant information about what are the potential risk mitigation approaches that might facilities the target audience in performing secure use of cloud computing (Martinez, 2015). Apart from this, it is right to say that this research study will prove very beneficial for the target audience. It is because, with the help of this research study, they can get the answers of below-mentioned necessary aspects:

Which areas of business will benefit most from the implementation of cloud computing?

The first and foremost importance of research study is that it will answer the above-mentioned question in an effective manner. The study will do this through disclosure of potential benefits that will get by the different organizations through the implementation of cloud computing. In today's scenario, each enterprise thinks about the benefits first before any investment. Therefore, the research study will satisfy the basic requirement of cloud computing users. If they have the better knowledge of cloud computing benefits, the organizations can make an informed decision about whether moving to the cloud computing will prove right or not (Khan, 2015). Generally, it can be said that the government and private organizations need to perform significant effort to evaluate the benefits, risks, approaches, and costs associated with implementation to cloud computing. After this, they need to take a decision regarding implementation of cloud computing (Islam, 2016). With the help of this study, the organizations did not get only the knowledge of potential cloud computing benefits but also the risks associated with it. This knowledge will help them to take a right decision within a predetermined time period. Hence, it is right to say that the chosen research topic has great significance for the target audience as well as other potential users.

What new opportunities cloud computing brings to business houses?

In order to get a competitive advantage within the existing industry, it becomes crucial for the business houses to evaluate opportunities associated with the use of cloud computing. With the help of this study, the target audience will get significant information about the new opportunities that may arise by the effective use of cloud computing (Hashem, 2015). In the absence of effective knowledge about cloud computing, it will become difficult for the target audience to select a best cloud computing software or hardware and conduct business processes. This study provides a relevant knowledge about cloud computing aspects with which they can identify the potential opportunities prevailing in the external and internal environment. Apart from this, the chosen topic also demonstrates a perfect knowledge about the different characteristic of cloud computing software. With the help of this knowledge, they can plan for their investment in the cloud computing software and hardware (Chang, 2016). Therefore, it is right to say that the chosen topic comes with a wide range of benefits to the target audience. It does not help only in decision making about a right solution but also evaluating the cost-benefit of migrating to cloud. Therefore, this will bring a significant change within the working scenario of target audiences, and they will face major transformation within their operations. So, it can be said that the security in cloud computing knowledge will serve as a base for the target audience to make their business decisions and plan the further growth of the concerned business organization. Apart from this, it is believed that this study demonstrates an effective knowledge about the potential risk statements and also provides the information about potential solutions (Botta, 2016). This may help the target audiences to get significant knowledge about potential problems associated with cloud computing and their ultimate solutions. Hence, it can say that the study has enough potential to provide effective knowledge about the technological transformations and guide them to deal with such changes.

Potential issues of security in cloud computing for enterprises

Almorsy (2016) said that the high use of cloud computing by organizations bring the foremost reason for a lot of security problems within internal as well as external environment. In that situation, it becomes significant for the organization to understand the potential security issues associated with the vibrant use of cloud computing within the internal environment. Moreover, it is also believed that there is not an adequate solution to control the potential risks completely. The management of a particular organization can perform significant efforts to minimize the available applications and service risk rather than control it completely. The first and foremost potential security issue that may face by the enterprises is data security. It is the first motive of an organization to store the important data securely. When the important data of an enterprise stored in the cloud, vendors should provide the secure access policies, and logical or physical security (Ali, 2015). An appropriate data control makes it difficult for the organizations to enforce and protect theft and cybercrime security. This may result in failure in sharing important data backup and domains through the use of integrated cloud network. Therefore, it can be said that the data security is a foremost issue associated with security in cloud computing. This asks for more concern of management towards data storage techniques.
Apart from this, Shaikh (2015) said that the network security is another potential issue that is associated with security in cloud computing. Generally, it is believed that in cloud environment promotes data sharing through the internet. So, the network security is another potential issue that may hamper the regular progress of enterprises. In that situation, it becomes mandatory for the enterprises to analyze weakness in network security configuration. This may prevent the case of hacking and data theft within the organization. Moreover, middle attacks, unauthorized attacks, and social networking attacks are other potential issues that may influence the success of an enterprise. So, the enterprises need to focus more on network security and should come with initiatives to protect the network. Another potential risk involved in the security of cloud computing is security misconfigurations. It is believed that the security configurations of the cloud network infrastructure have great importance in offering effective cloud computing services to the potential users (Xia, 2016). Therefore, the misconfigurations can compromise the security of the whole system, customers, and applications as well. Most of the enterprise purchases and implement the cloud computing system with the trust that their assets are secure and they can bring positive changes to the working scenario. A small misconfiguration may influence the whole security policies of the system. In that situation, it becomes difficult for the organization to plan the implementation of cloud computing and produce desired results. Hence, it is right to say that the implementation process of cloud computing system is fulfilled with a lot of risk factors that may hamper the overall progress and working scenario of an organization (Zhao 2014). In that situation, it becomes mandatory for enterprises to have a better risk mitigation plan and proceed accordingly. This will help them to overcome the potential issues and plan the effective growth of the organization.

Approaches to address the security problem in cloud computing

Ravichandran (2017) said that the information technology is full of different security risks that may hamper their outcomes. In information technology, there is not a single and right solution which can effectively promote the data security. But, effective risk management strategies may help the organizations in preventing the risk factors for a particular time period. This section of the paper discusses the literature review on "security in cloud computing." This will help the organizations as well as other potential users of cloud computing in mitigating the potential cloud computing risks and minimize their influence on the existing working scenario.
Mushtaq (2017) conducted research on "security in cloud computing." The research findings of the researcher state that the enterprises and other potential users of cloud computing need to take effective strategic and business decision and evaluate the potential impact of cloud computing on their competitive edge. With the help of this initiative, they can effectively manage and control the use of cloud computing. Apart from this, the enterprises can also avoid the potential risks through taking strategic and business decisions. Apart from this, the researcher also highlighted that the enterprises need to conduct a critical analysis of cloud computing security questions. This will help them in the implementation of cloud computing hardware and software system within the concerned working environment. The effective implementation of cloud computing will significantly resolve the identified security issues and plan the further growth of the concerned organization. Moreover, the findings of Kalaiprasath (2017) stated the cloud computing security is one of the major concern in front of the management team of different enterprises. In that situation, they do not only need to maintain the cloud computing security but also it's working to accomplish the desired outcomes. In that situation, the enterprises need to determine a cloud framework that particularly represents information security of an organization. Apart from this, the researcher also said that the management team of an organization might incorporate and look towards the adoption of current data protection, privacy, trust, and comprehensive set of cloud computing policies. These policies will serve as a guideline for the management to use cloud computing (Islam, 2016). Hence, the appropriate use of cloud computing software and hardware system will help enterprises in establishing an overall cloud computing policy that represents the complete stance of their working scenario and information protection. Apart from this, the determined cloud computing framework will also enable the organizations to govern the installation and communication of cloud computing when information technology decisions are developed. Therefore, it is right to say that security is an important concern in cloud computing. It requires active efforts from the management of an enterprise.
In addition, Hussain (2017) has been declared that cloud computing hardware and software systems require a set of different standards and policies from enterprises. These standards and policies will serve as an effective tool to control the cloud computing working and produce desirable outcomes. In order to promote the security in cloud computing, the enterprises and other potential users of cloud computing need to utilize a large number of strategies. The researcher said that cloud governance strategy will prove very beneficial for the enterprises to operate the working of cloud computing software in a right direction. The cloud governance is a set of different standards and cloud computing policies. Hence, the enterprises need to utilize the cloud governance to protect the cloud from unforeseen threats, hacking, and loss of information. It is essential for the enterprises to understand the necessity to design privacy system within the cloud right from the implementation procedure. If they able to understand the importance of privacy policy, they can successfully utilize the cloud in a right direction and maintain the existing profitability of their concerned organization. Apart from this, Aikat (2017) said that the cloud privacy is one of the important function of software engineers. Therefore, a company needs to hire software engineers to ensure privacy level of cloud computing software and hardware system within the organization. The software engineers can maintain the privacy of cloud computing through design a cloud services. This cloud service will help the organizations in avoiding privacy risks and ensure legal compliance associated with the use of cloud computing software within the organization. Generally, it is observed that the threats always remain associated with the data being processed and stored through the use of information technology. Furthermore, most the issues arise when it is not clear for potential users of cloud computing why their personal information is requested and how they will be passed or utilized by the other parties. Due to the lack of control over personal information, the individuals need to face ultimately distrust and suspicion in their working process. Moreover, it is believed that the cloud data protection is an important concern in front of the individual. It is because the financial exploitation and fraudulent activities are highly associated with the use of cloud computing within the enterprises.  Moreover, Hussain (2017) said that the cloud transparency is another important solution to secure cloud computing network within an enterprise. The cloud transparency will entitle an organization a secure network with which they can easily transfer their information from one place to another. Apart from this, the cloud transparency also discloses effective information about security policies, design, and practices that may prove fruitful for the cloud computing users to adopt. Generally, it is believed that the public clouds are having a great degree of transparency than private clouds. It happens due to the active efforts of cloud vendors who operate with active concentrations and personalization. Gai (2017) concludes that the cloud transparency can maintain through the active use of SLA. It is an agreement between the client and service provider. The SLA has greater importance in discussing the cloud computing issues and maintains a proper control over its outcomes. It is the SLA that generates confidence and trust between the service vendor and ultimate client of cloud computing. Therefore, the organizations need to standardize the SLA to produce effective outcomes and security ultimate operating cloud computing network. So, it can be said that the cloud transparency is another important way in front of the cloud computing users to protect their network and secure ultimate functioning.
Kalaiprasath (2017) said that security risk needs to resolve by the cloud computing users on a prompt basis. This will maintain the efficiency of their functionality and business processes. In order to minimize the potential risk involved in the use of cloud computing, the enterprises need to follow the data security and control strategy. It is an important strategy that promotes the transparency in cloud computing network and helps the enterprises in avoiding unforeseen risks. According to this strategy, it becomes essential for the organization to identify data in a cloud environment and then divide it further as per their nature. The effective identification and classification of data will help the enterprises to study the risk factors associated with data of a particular nature. In order to perform classification, the enterprises need to take help from service providers. The service providers should have the combination of vibrant skills with which he or she can prevent, react and detect data as per security breach. Moreover, the data security and control strategy also asks the organizations to perform service agreements and logs term inspections on a continuous basis (Juels, 2017). This will help them to integrate the cloud computing network with significant changes and maintain its security. Apart from this, the data security and control strategy also asks enterprises and potential users of cloud computing to conduct some validity tests to avoid a security breach. These validity tests mainly include; insecure configuration, cross-site scripting, weakness in access control inside company policies, and SQL injection flows. All these validity tests promote transparency within the cloud computing services for clients. Therefore, the enterprises become successful in managing the security of cloud computing network and utilize it perfectly to attain determined business objectives. In addition, Mushtaq (2017) said that the network security is another important strategy to promote security in cloud computing network. In order to promote security, it becomes essential for the cloud computing users to prevent unauthorized access and modification to data. The cloud computing users like private and public organizations can do this through promoting the use of an adequate set of the firewall, configuration, and auditable access rights. With the help of these initiatives, they can effectively prevent an outsider to access the data without any prior information of management. Apart from this, network security strategy also asks from service providers to organize some validate network security tests through the use of prominence security tools like session management, SSL, and pack analysis. The outcomes of these tests will help the management of different enterprises to avoid hijacking active session and access credential of a particular client effectively. Furthermore, the use of network security strategy also said that the management needs to develop significant policies and practices to secure data traffic (Li, 2017). With the help of security practices and policies, the organizations can make a significant improvement in existing layer and routers. These improvements further facilitate effective interaction between cloud service providers and mobile users. The effective and improved interaction becomes the reason for secure cloud computing network. So, it is right to say that cloud computing requires a lot of active efforts from its users to maintain working.
Ramachandra (2017) conducted research on cloud computing under the title of "The management of security in cloud computing." The research findings of the researcher clearly stated that data and service availability is a potential strategy that can maintain the security of cloud computing networks. As per this strategy, the cloud computing users need to determine the speed and connectively of the internet during data storage and network applications transmission. The effective evaluation of the internet speed and connectivity facilitates network security through integration of various routers. Moreover, this strategy also said that the network service providers need to monitor network traffic or load effectively. The efficient analysis of network load and traffic will help the organizations to balance and control their data distribution network. Apart from this, this strategy also states that the management can utilize backup and replication practices to collect auditable proof for data restore procedures. Therefore, it can be said that the data and service availability is an important process that ensures the effective use of cloud computing hardware and software systems without any hurdle and security problem. In addition, the research findings of Ravichandran (2017) stated that the access control is a right option for the cloud computing users to promote security. According to this strategy, it becomes necessary for the cloud computing users to put a control over the working scenario of service providers. With the help of appropriate control over service providers, the management can utilize their skills and talent in a right direction. Generally, it is believed that the service providers have enough knowledge about the security protocols of cloud computing. They can significantly apply the security mechanism to protect unauthorized access to private data and cloud computing network. So, it can be said that the cloud computing users need to put an appropriate control over service providers. This will help them to promote security and take effective strategic action. Moreover, it is believed that the all changes and access to cloud computing's asks to provide an auditable report whether it fails or success and evaluate along with monitoring to be performed on a continuous basis. Apart from this, the management can also generate user profiles definitions and roles effectively to promote security. Furthermore, the management of enterprises also have a right option implement and evaluate security mechanism on a regular basis. This will help the management of the enterprise in avoiding the potential security issues and take significant actions to promote the best use of cloud computing. That's why it is right to say that cloud computing technologies implementation requires active efforts from users. They can use not only the development processes but also the deployment models to develop suitable cloud computing network. Apart from this, it can be said that the cloud computing security issues are a major concern. Therefore, the management of an enterprise needs to analyze each element of cloud environment at macro as well as micro level.
The research findings of Sookhak (2017) stated that protection against internal and external threats is a right solution to promote security in cloud computing. The researcher believed that the security evaluation services enable the cloud computing users to improve the efficiency of their security infrastructure and provide reliable and effective services to their potential customers. The efficiency of service level improved through the effective evaluation of logs and alerts from infrastructure devices. Apart from this, the researcher also depicts that the monitoring team needs to identify the relevant information and facilitate the best integration so that analysts can eliminate false positives and respond to true threats against an organization. It is necessary for an organization to develop a monitoring team with effective skills and knowledge. Usually, the cloud computing management requires the high-level skill set for monitoring as well as analyst team members. Moreover, the protection against internal and external threats strategy also facilitates the information security team to access system performance at different intervals of the time period. This will help them to provide significant recommendations to management for improvements and changes. Apart from this, the typical services is also an important method to ensure effective data security within the working environment of an enterprise. Moreover, Sridhar (2017) conducted research on "privacy and security in cloud computing. " The researcher utilizes the secondary research sources. On the basis of analysis of secondary research sources, the researcher stated that early detection is an important method to resolve the potential security problem within the existing cloud network. With the help of early detection strategy, the enterprises and other potential cloud computing users can report and detect new security vulnerabilities and short them on a prompt basis. This will help them to avoid the potential vulnerabilities effectively and take an effective action to further growth of the belonging organization. Moreover, the researcher also believed that the security vulnerability provides a detailed glimpse into the potential issues and their influence on company platform. Apart from this, the security vulnerability also provides the significant information about the influence of the exploitation of available issues within the working scenario of cloud computing users. Therefore, the researcher propounded that each cloud computing user should move forwards to use the early detection strategy to promote security. This will help not only in future planning but also ensuring the future growth opportunity.
Moreover, Yang (2017) said that it is the responsibility of each cloud computing hardware and software user to plan security maintenance initiatives in advance. Therefore, they could perform this through the implementation of a dashboard interface. It is known as control and service monitoring platform. With the help of this dashboard interface, the potential users of cloud computing can get the significant information about the operational status of the platform being monitored at any time. With the evaluation of operational status, the cloud computing users can implement a web interface which enforces effective remote access in favor of management. In addition, it is believed that the company needs to monitor the influence of each potential element so that actions can take accordingly. Therefore, it is right to say that the control and service monitoring strategy has enough potential to evaluate the service aids and secure the existing cloud computing network. So, it is recommended to the organizations and other potential users to adopt platform, control, and service monitoring strategy and secure the cloud computing network to perform secure day to day transactions. Moreover, Zhang (2017) conducted a study on cloud security. The researcher used the primary and secondary research method to integrate the research findings with supportive material and evidence. The findings of researcher explained that the cloud computing users like enterprises, individual, and other institutes need to integrate their information technology network with security planning. This can effectively perform with the use of data center to endpoint devices. On the basis of security planning, the organizations will able to make recommendations and suggestions for strengthening existing platform and data protection initiatives in cloud implementations. Moreover, it is the security planning that provides effective guidance on encryption to protect necessary data. In order to get all these benefits, the security planning is necessary to perform for companies. The security planning also demonstrates the importance of a trusted foundation to secure infrastructure and platform. So, it is right to say that cloud computing is full of a large number of security solutions. The cloud computing users only need to put their focus on security initiatives and potential strategies. Therefore, it can be said that the cloud computing requires active consideration and efforts from its users. The management of an enterprise needs to become active towards potential security problems and take the good measures to maintain profitability and best use of cloud network.

Findings or Reflections based on reviewing the literature

Reflection on Literature review aspects

Ramachandra 2017, Concluded and find in his research work that proper security plays a vital role in making the customer or client delighted. In his research report, he stated that security is the key to gain the competitive advantage in the Information Technology market. The researcher very well mentioned in his research work that in order to be secure in term of data theft user of cloud computing should determine and look into the matter of internet connectivity and its speed. Speed and connectivity while storing the data play a vital role in securing the data in an effective manner (Ramachandra et al., 2017).
The key finding of his research is that he pointed out that service provider needs to monitors the network traffic and should try to proper organization strategy which will help in maintaining the security of data and information.
Hussain 2017, has highlighted in his research project that hardware and software system requires a set of different application and policies. Which will lead to protect the data in an effective manner. Proper monitoring and evaluation are required for security of cloud computing. The researcher founded that organization needs to adopt the strategies and policies to effectively implement and look into the matter of hardware and software for security in cloud computing.
Kalaiprasath 2017, has pointed out that cloud computing is the one of the major concern. Researcher clearly mentioned in his research finding that enterprise should try to build the proper framework for the security of data. Timely evaluation and monitoring should be done in a way to know the strength of the framework. Timely evaluation and monitoring of the framework will enable the enterprise or an organization to control their data from theft and it will ensure the security in cloud computing in an effective manner. This researcher has explained very well that how proper framework and timely monitoring and evaluation will result in protecting the data in an effective manner. Here researcher has provided with relevant data and justification which is supporting the finding of the researcher (Joshi, M. and Singh, 2017).
Sookhak 2017, find that data or information should be protected from internal as well as external theft. Sookhak mentioned that proper implementation of the infrastructure is essential in a way to promote the data security while storing to the cloud. The researcher pointed in his research that organization needs to implement the proper infrastructure for securing their data which are stored in the cloud computing. In addition, he also pointed out that proper monitoring team should be made which will look and identify the potential risk of data loss.
Kalaiprasath 2017, very well stated the importance of data security that is security in cloud computing. He stated that service provider should be taken into kind consideration for security reason. But the researcher fails to depict and find the main reason why service provider plays a key role in securing the data in an effective manner. The researcher attempted very well to find out the importance of security in cloud computing, but he fails to address the proper reason and ways to resolve the data security problem through considering services provider. Researcher only mentioned that service provider plays a significant role in data security. This researcher very well stated the importance of service provider in assuring the security in cloud computing but entirely fails in producing the valid argument for his statement.
Aikat 2017, very well mentioned in his research work that software engineer plays a vital role in the security of cloud computing. The researcher mentioned that an organization or enterprises need to hire the software engineer who will be responsible for the security concern in cloud computing. Researcher, in order to produce a more effective argument, pointed that threats always remain associated with the data being processed and stored by using the information technology. The risk associated with the storing and processing of data can be only reduced by the software engineer in an effective manner. This researcher very well argued his finding and provided the sound and valid reason for his entire finding.
Mushtaq 2017, mentioned in his research finding that adopting effective strategies and the proper business decision is very important in the security of cloud computing. The researcher pointed out in his finding that enterprise or an organization need to focus on building an effective strategy for the purpose of the security in cloud computing in an effective manner. Researcher clearly mentioned that enterprise should try to implement proper strategies and decision in regards to security in cloud computing. But here the researcher fails to determine or highlight the type of strategic decision is required in order to increase the security in cloud computing. Researcher fails in identifying and highlighting the key strategies which will ensure the security of cloud computing.

Outstanding issue

Data confidentiality and privacy of data are the outstanding issues in cloud computing

The respectability and security of information are in danger from unapproved clients, outside sources tuning in on the system, and inside clients giving without end the store
Outstanding issues which almost all the enterprises and an organization are facing while cloud computing is Data Confidentiality. Many researchers have provided that data confidentially play a vital role in effectively managing the data and information of the organization.
Cloud computing is a standout amongst the most sweltering focuses and security is an imperative piece of conveyed processing. In conveyed registering, customer's data is secured on remote servers which may be worked by others and can be gotten to through Internet affiliation. There are high potential outcomes that the data may be dealt. Hence confidentiality of data transforms into a troublesome issue. Mystery insinuates the neutralizing activity of the unapproved access of the data and from this time forward guaranteeing that selective the customer who has the approval can get to the data. This is one of the basic features of security.
This issues that are data confidentiality and privacy take place when the majority of important data and information are shared among various users, client, application, and devices. Here multitasking and multi-tenancy present a numerous number of confidentiality and privacy risk and threats. Data confidentiality is cloud environment related to user authentication. The security issues basically incorporate the external control over legitimate structure and organization and individual and private data of the affiliation can be exchanged off. Individual and private data in this enlisting condition has a high risk of a burst of mystery, reliability, and availability.
Data confidentiality is the outstanding issues in the security of cloud computing. Confidentiality and privacy of data become the center of focus which almost all the organization is focusing while managing their data. Data confidentiality gain more importance and became major and outstanding issues related to data security because in a way to go ahead and to compete for the rivals many organization and hacker are indulged in retrieving the private information of the other organization in order to harm the organization in the market.

Data confidentiality is important for the business enterprise and for business organization

Data confidentiality play an important role in an organization or in any enterprises. It is important for the organization because if important and confidential data is leaked or hacked by the external client who is not authorized to access the information or data can miss use it. If the organization data are hacked or retrieved by an unauthorized client then it will hamper the organizational policies and its growth. Organizational data contains strategies and mission and their secret plan. Which if leaked will cause a great negative impact on the organizational performance. Through leaking or hacking the data other organization or client may use the strategies which an organization has planned to implement. In this way, confidentiality of data plays a vital role in every organization and in every enterprise.
Due to the huge or large scale of operation almost all the organization are indulged in storing its big data to the cloud and to other devices. But the issues almost all the organization is facing related to security of data is data confidentiality and privacy. Every organization wants that their private and secret information and data should not be hacked or should not be leaked, accessed by an unauthorized client. Because if an unauthorized client accessed the private data, information of an organization then he may miss using it which will put a negative impact on the organizational performance.
According to Mushtaq 2017, clearly mentioned that data confidentiality is very important and it will give strategic as well as the competitive advantage to the organization if managed effectively. In his research work, he mentioned that many organization fails in maintaining and securing their private and confidential data in an effective manner. The researcher mentioned that due to lack of proper data confidentiality many organization is facing a serious problem which is hampering the organizational growth

Importance of maintaining the data confidentiality in an effective manner

It is of prime importance for the organization and for the enterprise to maintain their data in an effective manner. Data confidentiality is of prime importance for every business organization as all the big and private data are stored in a remote area and on the cloud which may be leaked by any time by the hacker or by any unauthorized client. Leaking of private and confidential data or information may cause serious problem to a business organization. In order to stay ahead and competitive in the stiff competition almost all the enterprise and business organization are engaged in maintaining their data in an effective manner. The organization is trying hard to implement the policies and procedure for the purpose of managing the private information and data in an effective manner (Joshi and Singh, 2017). In order to minimize the risk associated with leakage of confidential and private data organization is trying their level best in securing their data in an effective manner. If an organization uses to manage its private and confidential data in an effective manner then it will give an organization the strategic as well as competitive advantages in the business market. Confidential and private, secret data if leaked or if accessed by any unauthorized person or client may hamper the overall organizational strategy. Leaked private data put negative consequence over the organization growth and development. For this reason, only almost all the big business organization are indulged in maintaining their data in an effective manner (Tumulak, D., Vormetric, 2017).

Potential solution

A potential solution for addressing the issues of data privacy and confidentiality in the security of cloud computing. Storing of data on cloud computing and other devices demands security in regards to data confidentiality and its privacy. There are the various potential solution which can be used to redress or to resolve the issues of data confidentiality and privacy. But the most effective manner and solution to resolve the issues of data privacy and data confidentiality are proper and timely monitoring of the entire system in an effective manner. Beside this organization need to focus on the reliability of it operator who is managing the entire cloud computing system in an organization, organization also need to implement proper encryption strategy to code their information in best manner so that unauthorized client may not be in position to decode the information, organization also need to hire the software engineer who possesses the great skills of analytical and reasoning.
Organization or an enterprise need to formulate the strategic decision and should try to implement the monitoring and evaluation team who should be responsible for securing the organization data in an effective manner. () mentioned in his research work that potential solution which can minimize the risk associated with the data confidentiality and ensure that the data will be protected from being leaked is implementing the proper monitoring and evaluation team in the organization. Besides this, the researcher also highlighted that an organization needs to look upon their operator of cloud computing because the operator has full access to the information and operator may miss use the information. The researcher pointed out that reliability of cloud computing operator should be considered by the organization.
Encryption- In order to solve the problem of data confidentiality organization need to focus on the person who will encrypt the data. A reliable person should be assigned to encrypt the data and information into codes and symbols. If an organization is allowing encryption of the data and information by the third party then the organization should need to consider the reliability of the third party. Encryption of private data and information is not the solution in itself to resolve the problem of data confidentiality (Sun et al., 2017). Data confidentiality demand reliability and assurance of key who is encrypting the data into codes.
Typically secrecy is accomplished through encryption. Be that as it may, encryption alone may not give security. This system utilizes both encryptions and muddling to save the secrecy as it considers encryption alone can't give security. Same with the instance of muddling as figuring out assaults or beast drive strategies can break this. Here obscurity is incorporated with encryption. Obscurity utilizes a scientific capacity or utilizes programming procedures to mask unlawful clients.
The operator of cloud computing- Reliability of the Operator who is engaged in providing the cloud computing services should be considered in order to ensure the data confidentiality. The operator of could computing has full access to all the information and data of a business organization. Which can be misused by the operators end only. So in order to solve the major problem of the data confidentiality business organization need to focus or need to consider the reliability of the operator of cloud computing.
Proper monitoring and evaluation- In order to redress the problem associated data confidentiality in an effective manner. The organization needs to implement proper monitoring and evaluation team who will engage in evaluating the potential threats and danger related to data security. Timely evaluation of the framework of hardware as well as software should be carried out by the monitoring and evaluation team which may ensure that data are protected and are secured.
It is the need of the hour for the organization to continuously involve in monitoring and evaluation of the data and its cloud computing system in an effective manner. Proper monitoring and timely evaluation of the framework and system will enable the organization to protect their private and secret data in an effective manner.
Hiring the software engineer- Hiring the competent and skill full software engineer in an organization will ensure the protection of private data in an effective manner. The organization needs to focus on hiring and appointing the most desirable and competent software engineer in an organization who will be responsible for the data to be protected in an effective and efficient manner.

K –NN classifier for data confidentiality

Big and medium organization need to use or adopt the k-NN Classifier confidentiality data software. This software will enable the organization to effectively manage their private and secret data or information in an effective manner. Through this approach, all the big data of an organization are classified into private data or not private data. This software help in classifying the organizational data in data which require security and data which do not require security (Sun et al., 2017). That is this K NN Software will help in classifying the organizational data in two classes, Sensitive data, and non-sensitive data. In maintaining the accuracy of the data value of the K is maintained. This software enables the organization to protect their data in an effective manner.
In order to enhance the data, confidentiality organization needs to adopt and implement the Biometric encryption. This will leads to protect the data from theft hence it will improve data confidentiality. Besides this data which is stored in the cloud should be alphabetic and alphanumeric encrypted as well as obfuscation. Beside K NN classifier organization needs to encrypt and obfuscation of their data for preserving the confidentiality.

Encryption and trust based game plan

An organization needs to adopt the encryption and trust-based solution which will ensure to have data confidentiality. One of the best challenges of the cloud is the methods by which satisfactorily cloud pro associations (CSPs) can secure the arrangement of cloud advantage customer's (CSU) data. This approach tries to ensure the characterization by engaging CSUs to 1) encode the unstable data and do data exactness affirmation once in a while but review it timely, 2)evaluate constancy of CSP 3)make a decision whether to empower CSPs to finish different computation organizations in light of their place stock in values. In an extensive part of the encryption systems, there is a focal issue concerning who should manage the encryption keys. Trust transforms into a fundamental issue if the key is supervised by outcast.


On the basis of above-mentioned findings, it can be concluded that security is the major concern associated with cloud computing. An organization is trying their hard to maintain their data in an effective manner. Many big and medium organization is facing serious problem and issues related to the confidentiality and privacy of data. In order to maintain the organizational data in an effective manner, a proper monitoring system should be implemented. In this paper, we showed a layout of confidential concern in cloud computing and stressed upon the noteworthiness of sparing the confidentiality in the cloud. The purpose of this examination was to include the arrangement issues related to dispersed processing and present a few procedures proposed/executed to spare and update the confidentiality. We could base on the way that encryption alone may not fill the need of securing the data and enhancing the data confidentiality. Encryption ought to be composed of some other strategy to give better and more grounded security. Paper discussed how data is isolated into humbler bumps and set away randomly in the cloud to soothe the strike. Paper moreover discussed the strategy for the course of action of data as tricky and non-sensitive and a while later applying encryption just on tricky data. We were moreover able component the issue related with leaving the keys with CSPs or pariahs and how this can be comprehended by affecting CSUs to hold the keys and dole out keys to CSPs in light of trust in the framework. 


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