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Your client unexpectedly stops by, carrying three storage boxes and five thumb drives. He says that he just ran across some customer files that he thought may be useful on the project. He takes the lid off one of the boxes. The first thing you see is a credit card number and address. He then offers to upload the data from his thumb drive to your computer. You respectfully decline, quickly replace the storage box cover, and ask him a series of questions. It turns out, he attended a marketing seminar recently and the presenter emphasized the importance of knowing your target market. He remembered that he had customer data sitting around not being used and he thought it could help paint a clearer picture of his target market. Below are the questions you asked and his responses:

Where has this information been stored until now? The boxes have been under the receptionist's desk and the thumb drives just include data from our shared network drive.

What types of protections do you have on your computers? We use antivirus software, but that's about it. We all trust each other so we don't use passwords.

Did your clients give you permission to use their personal information for any other purpose than the purpose for which you initially collected it? No, but I figured since it's in my possession, it's mine to use.


Legal & Ethical Concerns Related to Client Data

Gathering as well as storing data about clients is very necessary for better client service program and to expand the business. But, there are some legal prerequisites in regards to what we can do with the data that have been gathered. There are beneficial things about gathering client information, that include - focus of on customer inclinations, guaranteeing pertinent communication, foreseeing needs in helpful ways. Some challenges in collecting customer data includes - data privacy concerns, information utilization limitations, support and security requests. Hence, as a result customer loss his trust from the organization in data collection, security breaches, undisclosed checking, and unforeseen data use, and so forth. As we know that using customer data possess unmistakable, explore sponsored competitive advantage to advertisers, nonetheless, and the monstrous components need to be relieved to prepare for advancing the great. (Minkara, 2014).

According to given scenario, it is legally unethical to use customer data’s credit card details like number and address by any random person in the organization. Also, organization is using customer’s data for marketing in order to find target market is not ethical practice. Only authorized persons should have access to the customer information.

Violating Ethics of Big Data by Customer

According to the article, four aspects of code the employee is violating are as following:

  1. There is minimal motivating power for governments to adapt their information industrially, the plans of action of the consumers confronting web administrations are worked around, to say it essentially, driving business value from client information. Eg: Twitter will presently make accessible a channel to anyone while's authentic content accessible to anybody wishing to utilize it for research or for any type of analysis. This raises the inquiries of long term responsibility for information that consumers make accessible on the web. Indeed, even those organizations that don't at present pitch access to their information stores could themselves be sold later on, and strategies for utilization of information change.

  2. Much data accumulation is programmed and can be processed any time. Existing ways to deal with statistical research are ordinarily dependent on some type of dynamic pick in. Big information makes utilization of passive advancements like location based data from cell phones, information from independent sensors, or facial acknowledgment innovation in retail locations. This makes the potential for incredible new factors to be incorporated into customer research. Regardless of whether consent has been given at first, these administrations are not requesting any type of consent each time such logical information is collected.

  3. The ability for big information innovation to empower the capacity, and review, of huge volumes of data gives a transient measurement to the capacity of individual data. While analyzing information and building successful models of shopper behavior has dependably been a part of statistical surveying, big information gives the guarantee of increasingly exact and broad models.

  4. Also, information is progressively being gathered independently, autonomous of human action. Already, there was a characteristic limit on the volume of information gathered identified with the number of people in the world, and the number of factors we are keen on every individual is significantly not exactly the number of individuals in the world. (Nunan & Domenico, 2013).

Risks to the Client

Big informational collections are regularly exposed to an 'anonymization' procedure for enabling the information to be utilized for the purpose of marketing or we can say logical research, without having the capability of leaking data about the people. In order to collect big information in US, the organizations have made some efforts for trying to make sense of which individuals are likely going to carry on savage motivations. This data are acknowledged to be available in Facebook or any other social networking platform.

Governments are leading information mining of financial transaction to gather the exercises of criminals. Police force utilize some analysis to anticipate the possibility of crime rates in some areas at any particular time. CCTV cameras are also designed to analyze personal behavior standards which may show some inconvenience.

The unintended behavior in the organizations can happen. The affirmation of the offer refines the profile, inciting an impressively increasingly centered around offer, provoking better transformation rates. (Buytendijk & Heiser, 2013).


  1. Gathering client information can help the organization to know every client all the more separately and treat them that way. By starting with the initials like client names and mailing and email addresses. This can enable organization to customize communication with them, specifically market to them and catch up with them if there's an issue with their request. Other information focuses to gather for a general statistic snapshots are age, profession as well as gender.

  2. The organization must use Customer relationship solution (CRM) in the organization in order to effectively store, track and understand client information.

  3. Encrypting main data of clients' information is your initial phase in securing it. This incorporates their names, email and physical address, credit card numbers, ways of managing money, social media logins and some other confidential information indicates their privacy.

  4. Also, the organization must develop privacy policy for collecting customers' data and must have customer access to this policy. (Shandrow, 2018).


Buytendijk, F. & Heiser, J. (2013). Confronting the privacy and ethical risks of Big Data. Retrieved from https://www.ft.com/content/105e30a4-2549-11e3-b349-00144feab7de

Minkara, O. (2014). The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Using Customer Data for Marketing. Retrieved from - https://www.aberdeen.com/cmo-essentials/good-bad-ugly-using-customer-data-for-marketing/

Nunan, D. & Domenico, M., D. (2013). Market research & the ethics of big data. Retrieved from - https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/141225764.pdf

Shandrow, K., L. (2018). 10 Questions to Ask When Collecting Customer Data. Retrieved from - https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/231513

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