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Please visit the link: https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~hovav/dist/cloudsec.pdf  to Read Thomas Ristenpart, Eran Tromer, Hovav Shacham, and Stefan Savage paper entitled Hey, you, get off of my cloud: exploring information leakage in third-party compute clouds.

Then write a review of the paper for about three pages. Make sure to include in your review:

  1. A short overview of the paper;
  2. 3 things about the paper that you appreciated;
  3. 3 limitations of the paper;
  4. Any suggestions on how to fix the limitations of the paper. 
  5. conclusion


Short overview of paper

The third party cloud computing is the most promising outsourcing as applied to computation services such as Microsoft’s Azure and Amazon’s EC2 which allows users to install the virtual machines. However, there is several vulnerability of third party cloud computing which has been elaborated in this given research paper.  

Third party cloud computing- It has also been gaining momentum throughout the time which is installed by each and every country to increase the overall outcome of the organization (Ristenpart, et al, 2016). This third party cloud computing system is important and innovative machines which could be used by organization to extract the information and data easy and determined approach.

Cloud computing mechanism- However, with the increasing use of this third party cloud computing system, threat from the ill-intentioned users are also increasing which put negative impact on the use of this cloud computing systems (Ostermann, et al. 2009).

Other model mechanism- there are several models mechanism has been discussed in this paper such as Threat model, the E2C services, and cloud cartography, network probing and determining the software’s usage- This paper has reflected the key understanding on the cloud computing mechanism and its other associated factors. It is considered that if vulnerability associated with the cloud computing system is not mitigated then it will not only keep the users information in danger but destruct the newly implemented system as well.

Things about the paper that have been appreciated

 These three things highlighted in this paper are the most important points which would be noticed by each and every user while reading this research paper. However, in order to make improvisation in this research paper some suggestion could be accepted

First thing- This research has also put emphasis upon the threat model, the E2C services, and cloud cartography, network probing and determining the software’s usage. Furthermore, graphical representation has also been made to evaluate the differences between victim launch and probe launch in cloud computing system. This paper has been prepared in such a manner that is easy to understand and interpret all the key terms of the cloud computing for the users.

Second thing- The appendix attached in this research paper divulges legal, ethical and contractual obligations associated with the third party cloud computing system. This level of understanding will help users to identify all the key problems and legal threats which will be faced by corporates while using this third party cloud computing system. Tables and graphical presentation of the plot of the IP addresses of the public EC2 servers is used in this research.

Third thing- This research is prepared to make easy understanding for the users to evaluate the complex EC2 complex data.  Another most important thing in this research paper is related to vulnerability and potential threats which will be faced by organizations which are using this third party cloud computing system in their business functioning. This vulnerability will depict the potential threats and shortcoming of third party cloud computing system.  This paper is also not cited by any references which is the main limitation. (Buyya, et al. 2009)

Three limitation of this paper

  • This vulnerability will depict the potential threats and shortcoming of third party cloud computing system.  
  • This paper is also not cited by any references which is the main limitation.
  • Conclusion drawn does not contain the core value of the research and talks about only infrastructure issues and vulnerability of different parts of third party cloud computing system.

Any suggestions on how to fix the limitations of the paper

The limitation of this research paper is related to supporting all the data and information given in this report with proper referencing. However, this paper has been constructed in good format but due to high amount of data and complex information it becomes complex for the users to understand the meaning of some of the sentences (Wang, et al. 2009). This research should have also given the meaning of some of the technical terms in the section of appendix for the better understanding of the users. In addition to this, conclusion drawn does not contain the core value of the research and talks about only infrastructure issues and vulnerability of different parts of third party cloud computing system. This session should also put emphasis upon the proving recommendation to reduce the vulnerability of cloud computing (Zhang, Chengand Boutaba, 2010).


With the ramified changes and increasing need of innovative technologies, cloud computing has been gaining momentum throughout the time. It is evaluated that if vulnerability associated with the cloud computing system is not reduced then it will not only keep the users information in danger but also put negative impact on the outcomes drawn by using this system. Therefore, now in the end, it could be inferred that risk and vulnerability associated with the cloud computing mechanism should be taken very carefully and possible methods should be used to overcome these vulnerability.


Buyya, R., Yeo, C.S., Venugopal, S., Broberg, J. and Brandic, I., 2009. Cloud computing and emerging IT platforms: Vision, hype, and reality for delivering computing as the 5th utility. Future Generation computer systems, 25(6), pp.599-616.

Ostermann, S., Iosup, A., Yigitbasi, N., Prodan, R., Fahringer, T. and Epema, D., 2009, October. A performance analysis of EC2 cloud computing services for scientific computing. In International Conference on Cloud Computing (pp. 115-131). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Ristenpart. T, Tromer E, Shacham. H, Savage S, 2016,Hey, You, Get Off of My Cloud: Exploring Information Leakage in Third-Party Compute Clouds available on 23th November, from https://cseweb.ucsd.edu/~hovav/dist/cloudsec.pdf

Wang, Q., Wang, C., Li, J., Ren, K. and Lou, W., 2009. Enabling public verifiability and data dynamics for storage security in cloud computing. Computer Security–ESORICS 2009, pp.355-370.

Zhang, Q., Cheng, L. and Boutaba, R., 2010. Cloud computing: state-of-the-art and research challenges. Journal of internet services and applications, 1(1), pp.7-18.

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