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SEAD6102 System Architecture and Design

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System Architecture and Design SEAD6102/IND4060

Homework Assignment

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Pre-Reading Homework





Henderson, R., Clark, K.


Architecture Innovation: The reconfiguration of Existing

Product Technologies and the Failure of Established Firms


Gorbea, C., Fricke, E. Lindemann, U.


The Design of Future Cars in a New Age of Architecture Competition


Kannenberg, A. Saiedian, H.


Why Software Requirements 

Traceability Remains a Challenge


Eriksson, M., Borg, K. Borstler, J.


Use Cases for Systems Engineering—An Approach and Empirical Evaluation


Pearce & Friedenthal


A Practical Approach for Modelling Submarine Subsystem Architecture in SysML

Course Text Book




Delgatti, L.


SysML Distilled: A Brief Guide to the Systems Modeling Language

Homework Assignment (Practicum) The homework contains three parts:

  1. Part one is a Reflection Paper of one of the reading assignments. It will be the first chapter in the Homework Practicum.
  2. The second part of the homework is a practicum in which you will model the assigned system using a SysML tool, and then write a report describing what you learned, the architecting decisions you made, and why.
  3. The third part of the homework will be a conclusion and personal reflection on what you learned through the course and practicum. A Word template is provided for the Homework Practicum.

Please Do Not submit a homework with a model that looks like another classmates – I have seen assignments where the model diagrams are virtually identical then they write separate reports. I remember the model diagrams, actors, etc. I will see if the work is not yours.

Homework Part 1: Paper Review

Choose one of the papers from the Pre-Reading and provide a short review of the paper then elaborate on how you personally could extend those concepts to your practice of systems engineering or how your thoughts on how you think the principles could be applied from possible home projects or school projects you have been involved with. You can even reflect on how the topic of the paper might influence Part 2 of this Practicum. Your submission should be 3-5 double-spaced pages. For maximum credit the paper should:

  1. Briefly review the concepts presented in the paper
    1. This should be brief as since I know the papers I am just trying to see what key points you found interesting, useful or relevant in the paper.
  2. Extend those concepts to your practice of systems engineering or life in general.
    1. This should be the main focus of the paper

Homework Part 2 – Practicum System of Systems Architecting and Modeling

Read through the Drone Delivery System (DDS) description found below and review the videos at the links below. Your assignment is to develop a Model of a DDS using SysML develop the following required diagrams (if you prefer to use a different type (bdd, ibd, etc.) than what is specified that is okay as long as the content is correct). Note that you are not expected to model everything about the DDS but will be expected to choose a component (3rd level of decomposition) and do a deep dive into that component so that tracing and decomposition can be shown from top down and bottom up:


  1. CONOPS for the DDS using an Activity Diagram.
  2. DDS Context Diagram using a bdd include external inputs & outputs
  3. External stakeholders (show Active & Passive) using a bdd.
  4. Stakeholder Requirements found below using a requirements diagram and/or table.
  5. Requirements Diagram and/or Table for the first 3 levels of decomposition:
    1. 1st Level DDS System Requirements using a requirements diagram. You will need to translate the Stakeholder Requirements into System requirements.
    2. 2nd Level Drone System Requirements (I do not expect all requirements but should be good enough to develop the requirements around the component you chose to do the deep dive on)
    3. 3rd Level one of the Drone Component Requirements (Payload component, Power component, tracking component, etc.)
  6. Use Cases for the first 3 levels of decomposition:
    1. 1st Level DDS Use Cases (Distribution System, Drone System (includes payload), Landing System, Launch System, Communication System)
    2. 2nd Level Drone System Use Cases
    3. 3rd Level one of the Drone Component Use Cases (Payload component, Power component, tracking component, etc.)
  7. Activity Diagrams that elaborate the use cases above for the first 3 levels:
    1. 1st Level DDS Activity Diagram (should be different than CONOPS)
    2. 2nd Level Drone Subsystem Activity Diagram
    3. 3rd Level one of the Drone Component Activity Diagram (Payload component, Power component, tracking component, etc.)
  8. Logical Architecture using bdd diagrams to represent the DDS for the first 3 levels:
    1. 1st Level DDS Logical Architecture
    2. 2nd Level Drone Subsystem Logical Architecture
    3. 3rd Level one of the Drone Component Logical Architecture (Payload component, Power component, tracking component, etc.)
  9. 1st Level Logical Architecture using ibd diagrams to represent the DDS and inputs/outputs to the logical architecture
  10. Allocation of System Requirements to Logical Architecture for the DDS using a req diagram.
  11. Physical Architecture for the first 3 levels of the DDS using a bdd
    1. 1st Level DDS Physical Architecture
    2. 2nd Level Drone Subsystem Physical Architecture
    3. 3rd Level one of the Drone Components Physical Architecture Diagrams

(Payload component, Power component, tracking component, etc.) 

  1. Allocation of Logical Architecture to Physical Architecture for the DDS using a


  1. At least one Parametric Diagram for some aspect of the DDS in either a parametric diagram or a block definition diagram.

In your final report you must take a snapshot of EACH diagram listed above and describe in your own words the diagram AND the architecture decisions you made that are represented in that diagram.  The discussion is required for full credit. It may be easiest to write down your decisions as you develop each diagram of the model instead of waiting till the whole model is developed. You may include other diagrams but again one diagram from each number is required for maximum grade points.

Homework Part 3 – Conclusion & Reflection

Write a short reflection on what you learned from this homework assignment.  This can be a paragraph or two but should be around 1-2 pages (double spaced).

Note: I will almost always give you the option to do a different system that has relevancy to your current workplace. Just check with me at the end of class so we agree on the scope.

Homework Submission: When the entire homework assignment is complete submit the pdf file and .asml file to WiseFlow per University procedures.  Note that only files uploaded to WiseFlow will be used for grading so make sure to upload BOTH files to WiseFlow. The files should have the students name in the file name (example file names:  

mary_bone_SEAD6102.pdf and mary_bone_SEAD6102.asml).


+1 512-630-6558 (cell phone)

Skype: m.bone

Drone Delivery System (DDS)


Drone based delivery is currently being investigated and studied as a solution to traditional ground-based delivery. There is a need to deliver essential products like medicine to remote areas that may not be easily accessible by ground vehicles. Over 2.9 million children under the age of five die each year as a result of lack of treatment [1]. In addition 150,000 pregnancy related deaths could have been mitigated if the patients had access to blood according to Zipline [1].

For the homework assignment develop a drone delivery system (DDS) that can deliver medical products like blood, medicine, or medical supplies to areas that may not be easily accessible by ground vehicles. 

Here is a video of the current Zipline system that you can use for inspiration. Be innovative with your system and if you need to change a Stakeholder requirement that is fine just note it and give rationale.


Stakeholder Requirements (use these to derive System and lower level requirements)

  1. Transport a 2.25 kg payload over a one-way distance of up to 75 km in a maximum of 30 minutes
  2. Safely transport fragile payload
  3. Community safety is critical so the drone must be able to safely fail so that it does not injure anyone or cause damage to property
  4. Carry and deliver fragile payload
  5. Drone must be able to fly in inclement weather (rain, snow, etc.)
  6. System needs to handle Emergency delivery
  7. Remote facility must be able to communicate with distribution center
  8. Distribution center needs to store and have ready any supply the remote facility may request (blood, medicine, medical supply)
  9. From the time a request is received at a Distribution Center to the drone being deployed should be 5 minutes or less
  10. Remote facility needs to be able to track payload status
  11. Remote facility needs to be notified when payload is being delivered
  12. Drone needs to be able to safely launch and land
  13. System needs to be highly dependable
  14. Drone should be autonomous during flight
  15. Doctors can provide on-Demand request for supply

1) https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ffa9/5475176e9ce41d5b381c2355e9ecf8d354a7.pdf

Concept of Operation based on Zipline (https://flyzipline.com/about/)


High Level CONOP

  • Distribution Center System receives request/order (you will need to figure out how these request orders are placed) for medicine from Remote Facility (Note in general the Distribution Center: 1) Stores medical items to ship, 2) Communicates with remote facilities, 3) Manages Drones (storage, maintenance, etc.).)
  • Drone is assembled and payload is loaded
  • Drone is checked for flight
  • Drone is launched
  • Drone is tracked during flight
  • Drone flies to location/remote facility
  • Remote facility must be able to communicate with distribution center
  • Remote Facility is notified when drone is going to deliver payload
  • Drone drops/delivers payload (remember this could be fragile)
  • Drone returns to distribution center
  • Drone “lands” (this does not have to be traditional landing)
  • Drone is checked for damage and either stored for next flight or sent to maintenance


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