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1.Suppose you are as a system design engineer for RC Morden Flight Company. List five possible types of requirements for RC plane systems design.

2.Research and identify the effects of noise regulations on aviation systems in aircrafts and airports.

3.List five challenges of upgrading modern avionics system design for commercial aircraft.

4.List the control surfaces on Northrop Grumman B-2 Spirit and briefly explain their functions including their power source.

5.Fly by wire (FBW) can be failed in aircraft flight control systems. Discuss possible preventive actions for this failure from causing the aircraft to crash.

6.As a part of system engineering company, you are assigned to design the navigation and communication systems of the UAV specification given below for Australian coastal surveillance. Prepare the conceptual design report including SMART requirements of the system and trade-off analysis in your proposed systems design. 


1.The list if five types of requirements for a RC aircraft are as follows-

  1. Design requirements
  2. Functional requirements
  3. Physical requirements
  4. Resource requirements
  5. Environmental requirements
  6. Performance requirements
  7. State/mode requirements

2.There are flourishing aftereffects of lifted sound levels. Lifted work environment or other aggravation can understand hearing impairment, hypertension, ischemic coronary malady, trouble, rest unsettling sway, and diminished school execution. Despite the fact that some hearing debacle happens normall
y with age, in many had countries the effect of clack is adequate to handicap hearing through the navigation of a lifetime. Lifted disarray levels can make broaden, increment working condition mishap rates, and fortify hostile vibe and other against social practices

Duplicated flying machine racket at 65 dB has been appeared to oppositely effect people's memory and review of sound-related information. In one study separating the impact of plane clamor with the impact of liquor on mental execution, it was found that reproduced air ship tumult at 65 dB likewise influenced people's capacity to review sound-related data as being inebriated with a Blood Alcohol Concentration level of at 0.10.

3.The list of five challenges for upgrading the modern avionics system design for commercial aircrafts is as follows-

  1. Interfacing the operating system environment to meet scheduling and communication interfaces.
  2. Re-validation and re-certification of the system as they are incrementally inserted.
  3. Interfacing with the design philosophy of the avionics system and sub-system.
  4. Fitting major hardware and software into the normal maintenance cycle.
  5. Recovery and understanding the original system requirements and design constraints.

4.The B-2 makes substantial utilization of titanium for auxiliary components, with a great part of whatever is left of the air ship worked of carbon-strengthened plastic (CRP) material. Expansive CRP skin gatherings are utilized to make the flying machine as "consistent" as would be prudent, diminishing radar reflections. The standard of consistency additionally implies that the quantity of get to boards has been limited; alter the course of the previous decades to give greatest upkeep get to. Upkeep get to be for the most part given through significant gaps, for example, the bomb bays and group boarding hatch. There are additionally no depleting gaps, with waste streaming into authorities that are discharged on the ground.

The main edge of the wing has an inward structure that helps it retain radar vitality. The peripheral wing portion includes a "rudderon" or "deceleron", a vertically-split airbrake/rudder that at the same time opens here and there. To go about as an airbrake, both the decelerons are opened, while to go about as a rudder just a single seems to be. This smart contrivance backpedals to the first Northrop flying wings. There is an elevon inboard of the deceleron on the peripheral fragment of each wing, and after that two elevons promote inboard, on the following portion. At last, there is a solitary control surface for pitch control on the "beavertail" at the middle end of the air ship, giving a sum of nine control surfaces.


  • It adjusts the manual contributions of the pilot in understanding with control parameters.
  • It is a PC arranged controls, where a PC framework is interceded between the head and the last control actuators or surfaces.
  • These are precisely created and approved in request to deliver greatest operational impact without bargaining security.
  • The expression "fly-by-wire" prescribes a totally electrically-hailed control structure.
  • It was initially produced for military aeronautics, where it is presently a typical arrangement.
  • The supersonic Concorde can be viewed as an initially and disconnected common air ship furnished with a (simple) fly-by-wire framework.

6.The given data are as follows-

Wing span w = 3 m

Gross weight = 650 kg

Maximum pay load w = 250 kg

Total weight W = 900 kg

Flight hours t = 12 – 24 hrs

Speed v = 70 – 100 knots

Speed v = 36 – 51.4 m/s

Altitude H = 6000 m

Total gravitational force  

The power developed will be-

Openness is absolutely vital in UAV applications. Present day arrangements empower consistent interchanges between the UAV and ground control station, and give a datalink to transmitting UAV-caught data, including picture and video documents. UAVs are additionally beginning to convey basic correspondences at the edge of the front line, sending Long-Term Evolution (LTE) organizes in even remote areas.

"LTE conveys higher speeds and lower idleness than contending advances, including the as of late ended Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS)," Sharpe proceeds. This fatter LTE pipe likewise implies that UAVs can gather huge volumes of information, with LTE conveying the important throughput between ground control and the UAV."

"In today's battlespace, business correspondences innovation is currently urgent to military achievement. Battle fighters need to comprehend encompassing circumstances and respond rapidly to have leeway over the foe," portrays Jeff Sharpe, senior product offering director, Radisys Corp. in Hillsboro, Ore. "Today's military must use the achievement of the most recent in business correspondences innovations to convey the equipment and programming for a total LTE arrange.


Kuchemann, D., 2014. Aircraft shapes and their aerodynamics for flight at supersonic speeds. Advances in Aeronautical Sciences, 3, pp.221-252.

Deck, S., Gand, F., Brunet, V. and Khelil, S.B., 2014. High-fidelity simulations of unsteady civil aircraft aerodynamics: stakes and perspectives. Application of zonal detached eddy simulation. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 372(2022), p.20130325.

Cao, Y., Wu, Z. and Xu, Z., 2014. Effects of rainfall on aircraft aerodynamics. Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 71, pp.85-127.

Dole, C.E., Lewis, J.E., Badick, J.R. and Johnson, B.A., 2016. Flight theory and aerodynamics: a practical guide for operational safety. John Wiley & Sons.

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