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SBM4101-Need for Information System

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In this exercise, you are to imagine that you work as an IT consultant for an Australian company of your choice. The client needs your help in analysing the best information system needs for the business solutions and increasing revenue. The report should include the following:

• Examine the needs of information systems within a company of your choice. You need to select a product that is information system focused. You need to choose a company that has a strong profile of employing information systems to support business strategy. It is essential that information systems used in this company is paving the way for more competitive advantage. Your report should focus on how information systems provide solutions and contributions to company success.

• You also need to identify two alternative information systems solutions that are suitable to the company needs. Discuss the viability of each of the alternative solutions. You also need to provide pros and cons and a cost-benefit analysis for each of the two alternatives.

• Your analysis should discuss the choice of in house development and outsourcing components and which one is best for the company.

• Your analysis should also discuss the benefits of data analysis to the company revenue/success.


Company Profile

Toyota Motor Corporation Australia also known as Toyota Australia or we can say TMCA is the market's main manufacturer, distributer as well as exporter of vehicles that operates under the Toyota and Lexus brands. After completing 50 years in Australia, Toyota is now considered as one of Australia's best cherished automobile names. The organization's main operations include four key operations - Sales and Marketing, Corporate Services, Product Planning as well as Advancement, and Manufacturing and Buying. Lexus Australia is overseen by Sales and Marketing department.
As we know that sales and marketing department have been relocated from Woolooware Bay, New South Wales to Port Melbourne. They are operating territorial workplaces in all territory Australian states aside from Western Australia, where a free organization disseminates Toyota-branded vehicles for the benefit of the organization. According to the management, their external confirmation offers certainty to the stakeholders that they are revealing their maintainability execution transparency and with precisely. The primary issue they are facing is absence of automated accounting process. They are required to actualize MIS that can incorporate their accounting information of all the distribution centers. For this I have chosen SAP Financial ERP that can assist them with centralizing all the procedures. (Buttner, D., 2017)

Case Needs Analysis

The organization's mission is to make the best automobile products and in addition ought to be top in its administrations to the clients, network and additionally working environment. With the absence of ERP, the organization do not have the perceivability to the stock, they basically confront the issues of either less stock at whatever point required or delivering more quantity and it leads to decreasing the r
evenue with the expansion in its costs to dissemination focus additional materials. In the event that the required stock is absent in the distribution center, it can make the inefficient perspectives in the warehouse which directs its activities and furthermore, makes the costs. (Blanchard, D., 2013).

In order to achieve consistence by proper government directions, the organization needs to have the ability for following each section inside their individual things to confine issues quickly and with better exactness. Also, the organization lacks in accurately track solitary repositories, containers as well as packages as they course through the manufacturing strategy and the distribution chain. The ability to regulate the production quality is fundamental point to be considered to the organization. The organization is also lacking to track continuous data on all parts of manufacturing as well as supply during its manufacturing process, and to store the data in archives for audits or future reference. Their strategy of managing all records on papers is old one. They are additionally unfit to keep up and track their financial as well as accounting data on papers. They can't oversee changing assessment rates. It is extremely hard to monitor history like which raw material is utilized to make a specific car. (Plex, 2014).

Information Technology

IT Strategy

Step 1: Understand what the business is endeavoring to accomplish - The initial step is to truly comprehend the business methodology and key drivers for the association. It is an important step to guarantee that an association has a reasonable idea of what the financial targets it is meaning to accomplish are and what client focused activities are required to meet the organization's mission.

Stage 2: Understand what the data needs of the business are - Once the clear meaning of what the business is endeavoring to accomplish is analyzed, the subsequent stages are to guarantee that the data needs of the business are comprehended. This is completed by recognizing and understanding the fundamental practical areas of the business and the significant business processes that are required for the business to work. Through understanding the expansive procedures and capacities inside an association, it distinguishes key partners who have a personal stake in the data and empowers additionally discussion with respect to what the data is utilized for.

Stage 3: Assess business as usual - This process is used to comprehend what is set up both from a frameworks point of view and an information viewpoint. It is urgent to pick up a comprehension of the present touch points between the distinctive frameworks and between the information; regardless of whether those focuses are digital or manual; the key capacities that are performed inside the frameworks; and how the information is utilized. 


Stage 4: Review and solidify - The main objective of this process is tto categorize the frameworks concerning their fundamental capacities; distinguishing frameworks that ought to be kept inside the system design, the frameworks which should be evacuated or supplanted, the frameworks which should be changed and the areas where the diverse frameworks ought to coordinate.

Stage 5: Define an endeavor design - The last step in IT strategy is uniting all that data to characterize a general reasonable system design which distinguishes the center frameworks arranged by work; the components by which clients will get to the information in the frameworks, for instance through portals, profitability suites, online applications and business to business interfaces; work processes to delineate business forms, information organization to keep up information integrity as well as business insight suites to give administration data and operational detailing. (Cullen, L., 2014).


SAP Financial ERP mainly comprises of fully integrated information system set which is utilized for automating all the processes and also it deal with all financial as well as accounting procedures of the organization. Main financial activities incorporate ledgers, stock management, and receivable processes and additionally payable account system. It will help to consequently compute taxes like sales tax, value added tax or any extra duty and will deal with all the distinctive currency calculations. This ERP will deal with all type of income, will analyze budget and furthermore it will ascertain income and also costs in simple advances. Henceforth, it will make balance sheet in simple handling. This ERP is especially easy to use. It will likewise screen every one of the procedures of accounts whether payment is made by cheque, credit card installment or cash payment. (SAP Business One, 2007).

NetSuite ERP - NetSuite ERP gives organizations the strategies they have to quicken development and drive advancement. NetSuite used to offer organizations a lower cost ERP section point with its cloud-based model. NetSuite likewise offers a total selection of functions which include CRM, accounting, supply chain management, stock administration etc. NetSuite gives successful financial planning and also enables us to maintain a strategic distance from the issues of dealing with IT and expenses from overseeing and overhauling the product. All it requires is an internet browser and log in details for accessing the system. There are distinctive portals for staff, clients as well as suppliers, which are basically limited perspectives of a similar framework, with internet business showing a retail perspective of the information for customers. NetSuite's ability to alter and redo frames, ace records, KPI's and visual appearance lessens any need to modify the code. (Griffin, D., 2018).
Recommendations – I would like to prefer SAP Business One ERP as with the overseeing banking as well as in addition compromise tools that are accessible in SAP Financial ERP, it gets simple to process all the payments that incorporates bank transactions, overseeing money, check payment or some other bank reconciliation statement. It additionally underpins consequently impose figuring and have highlight to deal with multicurrency transactions. Posting formats as well as rehashing templates also streamline and in addition enhance the accounting procedure. (SAP Business One, 2016). 


SAP ERP is mainly accessible on value based premise which could be purchased as a customary, on-commence application – authorized on a never-ending named user premise from SAP specifically, or we can say as a SAP Business All-in-One solution through a SAP Reselling Partner. NetSuite ERP's endeavor pricing depends on modules, users’ licenses for every month, and other add on. (https://comparisons.financesonline.com, 2018).

Use of Information System

By concentrating about the mission of Australian Motor Industry, controllership is the process that can enhance its business feasibility and operational efficiency by utilizing digital innovation. The execution and the usage of ERP structures depicts the modification in association with past headways, as business frames are connected by an automated data flow and a single database. ERP systems constrain the organization's rationale on the method, the culture of the business and additionally on the relationship of the association; as their plan mirrors different speculations that are identified with the different procedures of the affiliation and they are delivered to show better business processes and create high income. The modifications in the methodology and in the culture of the affiliation is an element of the interest processes in ERP structures. (Ebner, G. and Buvat, J., 2013).

Controllership is an authoritative region in automobile industry. ERP helps managers to improve the decision making process in a very efficient way. Taking care of control demand requires data innovation. Hence we can say that by implementing ERP, the industry may add to and impact Controllership capacities in their processes. The implementation of ERP for the motor industry is appropriate when they are looking for the advantages of integrating and great practices for their data frameworks that also includes various functionalities. It will help to advance data integration over the association, for the most part created progressively, that is of top quality and without any type of irregularities, with regularized systems. ERP frameworks prompt the institutionalization of schedules and procedures and take into consideration the amendment of procedures through great models, tried and working in various automobile organizations. It will help to increase the competitive advantage of the industry. (Lira, A., M., D. & Parisi, C., 2012).

System & Technologies in Use

In House Development - It is the process of development where the organization utilizes their own staff for developing or actualize an information system that is appropriate as the users’ requirements. This methodology of developing systems mainly considers the generation of customizable system that can be exact for the association. This is by virtue of, there is quick contact between the IT group and the users of the system. The system can easily be changed whenever required by the user.

Outsourcing ERP Development - Here, an organization mainly purchases an ERP software solution a known vendor. Here, customer mainly pays for number of licenses, installation, staff training as well as any type of one time customization. One of the main advantage of having an ERP framework, is that as opposed to in-house development that can set aside a long time to be produced and executed, when purchasing an ERP framework, it is already manufactured and prepared to be installed. One other distinction between the two techniques is that when we purchase an ERP framework, we are not required to do any support work in as the merchant is responsible of directing all the maintenance and updates of the framework. Hence, we will recommend outsourcing SAP ERP system from well-known vendor. (Francisco, H., 2012). 


Data Analysis

The way toward assessing information utilizing explanatory as well as logical reasoning in order to analyze every segment of the information provided. Information from different sources is assembled, explored, and afterward analyzed to frame a type of finding. (WebFinance Inc., 2018). Data analysis is essential in business to comprehend issues confronting an association, and to investigate information in important ways. Information in itself is only statistical data points. Data analysis composes, translates, structures and shows the information into valuable data that gives setting to the information. (https://www.getsmarter.com/, 2018).
Data analytics has enabled the organization to anticipate their capacity to meet client requests, which are regularly for same day deliveries, by understanding the effect of delivery times for every provider in significant urban communities. This enables sales team to make and meet commitments, or pass on business where they realize that delivery can't be possible. When the organization can distinguish those clients, who will probably return and do repetitive business with the organization, it enables them to upgrade the marketing processes. Hence, data analysis can help in developing long term relationships with the old clients by providing better services to them, which will help to enhance the revenue gained. (Tredgold, G., 2018).

Data framework accumulates information either from internal or external sources, the organization then processes it which later on can be utilized by administration. MIS is a critical part of the administration procedure and the strategic part of quantitative administration. The information that MIS oversees, enables us to think back in time, analyzes the present or foresee what may occur later on by gathering and analyzing data. (Eric, P., 2018) 


Blanchard, D. (2013). Supply Chain & Logistics: Top 5 Warehouse Challenges and How to Overcome Them. Retrieved from - https://www.industryweek.com/warehousing-and-distribution/supply-chain-logistics-top-5-warehouse-challenges-and-how-overcome-them

Buttner, D. (2017). Toyota - Sustainablity Report/ 2017. Toyota Motor Corporation Australia Limited (2008). Retrieved from - https://www.toyota.com.au/-/media/rga/sustainability/files/00_toy_sus17_full-171017.pdf

Compare SAP ERP vs. NetSuite ERP. Retrieved from - https://comparisons.financesonline.com/sap-erp-vs-netsuite-erp

Cullen, L. (2014). Creating an information systems strategy. Retrieved from - https://www.waterstons.com/white-papers/creating-an-information-systems-strategy

Data analysis. WebFinance Inc. 2018. Retrieved from - https://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/data-analysis.html

Ebner, G. & Buvat, J. (2013). Operational Excellence through Digital in Manufacturing Industries. Capgemini Consulting. Retrieved from - https://www.capgemini.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/operational_excellence_goes_digital_29_07_final.pdf

Eric, P. (2018). Management Information Systems: Using Data to Manage Operations. Retrieved from - https://study.com/academy/lesson/management-information-systems-using-data-to-manage-operations.html

Financials management with SAP Business One - Manage accounting, cash flow and banking transactions. SAP Business One (2007). Retrieved from - https://www.softtrust.com/Downloads/SAP-Business-One-Financials-Management.pdf

Francisco, H. (2012). Differences, advantages and disadvantages between in-house development IT systems and industry standard ERP system. Retrieved from - https://www.academia.edu/4865003/Differences_advantages_and_disadvantages_between_in-house_development_IT_systems_and_industry_standard_ERP_system

Griffin, D. (2018). NetSuite vs SAP Business One. Retrieved from - https://www.softwareadvisoryservice.com/blog/netsuite-vs-sap-business-one/

Lira, A., M., D. & Parisi, C. (2012). Uses of ERP systems and their influence on controllership functions in Brazilian Companies. JISTEM - Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management On-line version ISSN 1807-1775. Retrieved from - https://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1807-17752012000200008
Manage accounting, cash flow and banking transactions. SAP Business One (2016). Retrieved from - https://www.vision33.com/media/261886/sap_b1_fact_sheet_financials_management.pdf

Plex (2014). Must-Have ERP Features For The Automotive Industry. Retrieved from - https://www.mbtmag.com/article/2014/01/must-have-erp-features-automotive-industry

Singh, K. & Kaur, B. (2012). Role of Management Information System in Business: Opportunities and Challenges. GIAN JYOTI E-JOURNAL, Volume 1, Issue 2 (Jan – Mar 2012). Retrieved from - https://www.gjimt.ac.in/web/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/N111.pdf

WHY IS DATA ANALYSIS IMPORTANT IN BUSINESS? Retrieved from - https://www.getsmarter.com/career-advice/industry-advice/data-analysis-important-busines

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