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Every organisation is now adapting to the changes in the environment and technology.  There is a need to embrace technology and analyse how technology can change or improve the operations and services of the organisation.

As an individual, you need to select a specific business enterprise that uses information systems to operate the business and carry out the following task.

You are required to produce a report, assessing the importance of business information systems in running and making your business a success. Your report should typically include:

  • Introduction: The industry profile of the business organisation that you have chosen and its product(s) and/or services.
  • Analysis:
    Identify and analyse THREE different types of business information systems and their impact on the selected organisation.

  • Conclusion: the main conclusions/recommendations, drawn from the analysis provided.



GUCCI is considered as the brand ambassador in the domain of fashion industry. The brand is equipped with multiple resources and services, through which the customers can select products as per the requirement.The organization is identified as one of the most admired luxury brand for different products. It was firstly introduced by Guccioo Gucci in Florence in the year 1921. Currently, Gucci is operating in nearly 278 stores across the World and online-purchasing store are also available for the consumers.  After introducing a new definition for fashion on an international level, GUCCI has also introduced a new concept of jewellery, sunglasses, bags and other fashion accessories. Now, the organization is in tie ups with different organizations for promoting CSR activities on an international level. The report focus majorly on the business information system related to the GUCCI. Being a renowned brand, it is essential for GUCCI to manage the data and services for the consumers. To manage accurate work procedure within the organization, a correct information system is introduced. The sections which are helpful in explaining the concepts has been covered (Gucci, 2016).

The product and services section is helpful in explaining the different types of products and major services provided by the GUCCI to its consumers.  The second section is the impact and importance of information system for the organization and its processing. Through this section, there is a specific impact on information system which has been analyzed.

The third section is the major section related to the analysis. This section will be helpful in explaining the three different types of information system through which the management of the organization can be executed.

Product and Services

The wide and exclusive range of GUCCI is highlighted for the consumers. The different products and services are mentioned below.

The special apparels are designed for women, men and children. These apparels have a unique and different look in comparison to the other companies. The products are designed on a special order for valued customers.  The second section of the organization relates to the different fashion accessories. These fashion accessories are trendy and classy. The latest brand and services are delivered to the consumers for improvement of the organization. The third section of the products and service mainly covers the décor, gifts and beauty sections. In this section, the organization provides a variation of expensive and luxurious gifts for  the clients. The range of personalized gifts is also arranged for the consumers. These gifts are especially designed for different category of male, female and children (Carson & Griffeth, 1990).

Impact and Importance of information System of the Business

The information system holds a specific importance on an organizational level.  For every organization, it is essential to maintain the information system. This information system will be helpful in providing an assistance for improvement in existing situation related to the organization.  The business information system should be planned in such a manner, so that it can be able to provide different types of assistance to the organization (i.e. GUCCI).

It creates a strong communication by gathering and distributing information among different channels of the products supplied. The email and other communications tools are considered as more effective, but on an internal level the managers who can share their information easily. As Gucci is a brand icon, so it is essential to manage the data privately. The information system will be helpful in providing the encrypted communication tools, so that the information sharing can become easy (Nowduri, 2010).

The positive impact of information system is observed on the decision making system of Gucci.  In various fields, a definite set of decision is required. For example promotions, marketing, logistics management, inventory management and many more. To make a definite and proper decision, it is essential to come up with a specific decision making process.

The long term management of the records and service can also be managed by using the specific information system in the organization.  Due to different domains, the wide range of customers dealing is observed in GUCCI. To manage the customers dealing, the tools for recording the maintenance needs to be observed critically. These tools will be helpful in providing assistance on a larger scale (Warren, 2008).

The business information system makes a stable growth for the organization. For Gucci, the business information system is very critical and important. Because, it can be able to provide growth assistance for the overall growth of the organization. The strong communication channel is also defined with the help of information system. This communication channel will be helpful in developing a strong networking among employees and the exchange of information can be easily managed.  The business information system may also be helpful in providing assistance for generating more specific business opportunities for the organization. By these business opportunities, the level of competencies may improve on an organized level.


The Business information system plays important role in the improvement and development of the organization. The business information is categorized into various sections, which can be able to provide guidance to the organization in the correct way. As the organization selected for discussion is the GUCCI, so it is essential to select the most specific business information system for the organization. Firstly, the diagram shown below depicts the different types of knowledge information system.

The three types of knowledge and information system which got selected for the organizational success and achievements are identified as a Transaction Processing System, Management Information system and Decision support system (Friedman, 2017). All these three systems will be helpful in providing specific assistance to the organization to achieve targets decided by it. The purpose of selecting this system is to provide accurate processing to system on a large scale. Apart from this, there are other systems as well, which are helpful in handling the knowledge system. These are identified as the customer management system and other different type of processing system.

Transaction Processing System

The first system which got selected for the system is identified as the transaction processing system. This system is considered as a highly appreciated system by consumers as well as the employees of the organization. To manage the transaction processing system, various tools and services are identified. As, it is defined in different sections above that the GUCCI is identified as one of the customer oriented organization, in which demands and services consume can be fulfilled easily. So, to manage the variety of the product and to create a specific approach for every product the transaction processing system is used (Takahara, et al., 2005).

The processing and implementations of applications in TPS can vary as per the requirement of the organization. For a small organization, the TPS is brief and specific. But for a large organization like GUCCI, the system is wide and divides into various sections. Gucci deals in different type of services like the apparel, watches, jewelry and various other industries. To manage the records of these domains and to identify the daily usage of consumers TPS is used. GUCCI operates on international as well as on a local level. There are various outlets through which products can be purchased. In fact, the online purchasing of the products is also getting common nowadays. In this scenario, maintenance of stocks and fulfillment of consumers’ desire is essential. The TPS system maintains all these things in an organized manner. The specific accounting assistance can be generated through this system easily (Zuccaro, 2016).

 The TPS system  may impact the organization both in a negative and positive manner. In a positive manner, the organization can be able to generate the best possible calculations on a large level. The negative impact is that the human resource and manpower is not required because software can be able to provide specific assistance (Ahamed, 2016).

Management Information System

The second type of business information system is identified as the management information system. This system is helpful in providing an assessment summary to the employees. Through the assessment summary, the employees and higher authorities of the organization can change products according to the requirement of consumers. The MIS can be helpful in providing statistical, operational and current scenario for the organization. By identifying an actual scenario related to the products, output can be generated (Karim, 2011).

For Example, GUCCI launched a specific range of watches for males as well as females. Somehow, the appearance is similar to Rado and Fossil. In this case, the profit and loss can only be identified by total sale of the products. Through MIS it could be possible easily, because MIS provides opportunities to the employees to manage data and draw charts to identify specific conclusion for the product. By assuming the different data and charts, the organization can be able to identify its current situation on local as well as on an international level. The positive aspect of MIS is that, it may be helpful in providing the competitive aspects related to the organization and the negative impact is that the organization has to rapidly change the range of products on a regular basis to achieve the target (Sargent, 2017).

Decision Support System

The last system which is considered for research is considered as the decision support system. The decision support system will be able to provide specific directional aspects. By the decision support system, the situation can be evaluated on different parameters and on that basis; results can be generated in an easier manner. The Gucci is identified as one of the best business generating organizations. The issues related to different situations are very common in the organization. Sometimes, the issues can be related to the accounts and sometimes occurred with the logistics and inventory management. So, to face these situations and to maintain equilibrium between these services, the decision support system work as a supporting element (Association, 2014).

 The working structure of DSS is quite different from the other two systems define above. In this system, the managers and higher authorities of the organization can be able to frame decisions for upcoming projects and services. Sometimes customers want to inquire about products and services offered by GUCCI. At that time, this system was helpful in generating the feedbacks for consumers. On this particular feedback, they can make their summary and draw conclusion easily. The DSS is highly supported by the tool named as key performance indicators commonly called as “KPI”. These KPI will be helpful in generating the specific results for drawing a conclusion for the organization.  In every aspect, the different KPI’S are observed. The level of evaluation and standard of business information system can be identified with the help of KPI.The variations in KPI are being observed for the different products and services. These KPI will be helpful in making the analysis easy and successful (Moja, et al., 2014).

The DSS provides both positive and negative impacts on the organizational processing. It may be helpful in making the charts and performs statistical analysis on a large scale.  The diagrammatic representation will be helpful in guiding the organization for specific support and services from the information system. The negative impact is that, it is essential to hire a specific consultant who can be able to draw conclusions for the whole analysis.  The consultants with higher qualification and analytical skills can only be suited for the complete analysis of the structure. Merely, the usage of tools and services is not efficient for the organizational development (Association, 2014).

After observing the scenario, mentioned in the above discussion, it is quite clear that the system specified above will be helpful in defining major aspects related to the management of the system. But, there are some principal components of networking as well, which may be helpful in providing assistance or improvement. To manage the database system, the new and advanced software systems are introduced. These tools are also helpful for supporting the systems as well. Apart from the various tools and techniques, the concept of networking is also being  introduced by which it could become easy to coordinate with the data stored on local as well as on an international  level.  For storing data and making it safe, there are various security devices that can be applied in the organization. This will be helpful in providing assistance for the improvement.

Recommendations & Conclusion

By observing the above piece of work, it is observed that the organization is specifically framed in performing specific functions. But, still some improvement and changes are required in the existing system. To manage the transaction system the organizations have to recruit suitable IT enabled team which can provide assistance in managing the information system. This will be helpful in strengthening the transaction procedures of the organization. For improving the management system of organization, the most advanced procedures and services can be identified. This will enhance the working methodology of the management of Gucci. For the decision support system, some tools and services should be offered which may be helpful in providing planned efforts for the organization. Apart from this, the other steps should also be initiated on a regular basis through which the development of the organization can be possible.

The stability and current market situation of the organization is well established and organized. But, the competitors and other growth perspectives can reduce the efficiency of the products in the market. For making the competition healthy and to survive in such a competitive environment, it is essential to come up with an organized and specific strategy related to the information system. Through these perspectives, the improvement in the existing system can be possible.

 Nowadays, the monetary and economic aspects of the GUCCI are required to improve. To manage these aspects, it is essential to come up with the best and advanced business information techniques. The tools and services should also be based on modern techniques, so that the suitable output can be generated.


Ahamed, A., 2016. Business Transaction Processing System, Available at: https://www.academia.edu/3812854 Business_Transaction_Processing_System

Association, A. B., 2014. A Section White Paper: A Call for Action for Online Piracy and Counterfeiting Legislation, Available at: https://www.americanbar.org/content/dam/aba/administrative/intellectual_property_law/advocacy/ABASectionWhitePaperACallForActionCompositetosize.authcheckdam.pdf

Carson, K. & Griffeth, R., 1990. Changing a management information system: managing resistance by attending to the rights and responsibilities of employees. Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 3(1), p. 47–58.

Friedman, V., 2017. What Gucci Can Teach the Democrats, Available at: https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/08/sunday-review/gucci-fashion-politics-.html?mcubz=1

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Nowduri, S., 2010. Management information systems and business decision making: review, analysis, and recommendations. Journal of Management and Marketing Research, pp. 1-8.

Sargent, A., 2017. “Gucci Mane Logic” Painter Uses Appropriation to Explore Art History, Available at: https://creators.vice.com/en_uk/article/xykyp3/cynthia-daignault-appropriation-paintings-art-history

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Warren, E., 2008. Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Information Security: Cengage Learning, Available at: https://www.cengage.com/resource_uploads/downloads/1111138214_259148.pdf?bcsi_scan_64741547a7fe261b=0&bcsi_scan_filename=1111138214_259148.pdf

Zuccaro, E., 2016. Gucci v. Alibaba: A Balanced Approach to Secondary Liability for E-Commerce Platforms. North carolina journal of law & technology, 17(5), pp. 144-180.

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