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Reflect on the process of your group presentations. Identify and critically evaluate the strategies used, and indicate how you will address areas for development'
assignment will be written throughout the semester..1

Use at least three academic sources cat-rectly referenced for your evaluation and analysis of the reflection. The Roehatilpton Harvard Referencing system .shoLild

used for any resources uRed as part of yo,ur researchl All submission of coursew.ork will be online via T,urnitin on the module's Moodle sitp Ftnal submission forself-reflec.tive journal is at 2pm oil 26th March 2018.

Howevr, you will be
asked to ring work or r roug out the semester. emit numbers n document on page and a
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Questions that coul._ help you thInk abc3tit *Hs evaivaticn ,;--JoJici be cA,tas 1, osItIve'negative about the experienc..., ,,,E-Lis it postrvi-3,,q-legativer what did you learn


Explanation of the creative process

Creative process that was undertaken by our group had been based upon negotiation. At first all of our group members met in the class and discussed over various available themes and finally the theme that most people agreed upon was chosen. In the next step, the volunteers for the four critical roles were chosen. These are architect, narrative, themes and art design. Again, for each of these roles a backing up collaborator was selected. Our group members promptly stared posting important components of the given assignment, the slides, hand-outs, brief outline of the intersecting narratives and shared the same materials over Google Drive. According to Bilgin, Karakuyu and Ay (2015), effective communication helps to highlight any hidden issues in any project. Many times group members raised issues or commented about the materials posted by the members who started to post the original document and/or material. Alongside following this formal process, we also met as a group working on a common project for two times, to update the progress on the project work.

Personal Contribution 

I suppose the most significant contribution that I made in launching the project was combining the collaborative spirit of the team members. Since the first time, the entire project team has met, mine as well other team members’ active interest was to ensure our 100% dedication towards the work. I presumed that I should not take up the role of being the jury foreman. My demographics and personal attribute did not assure me to take up the role. As per Jin, Y. and Hong, L., (2016), a participant should be aware of personal weightage. Besides that, on previous occasions, my work has been to create an interpretation prevalent in the narrative in all the slides that my fellow group members has selected for the project presentation. A subtle and delicate artistic interpretation of all the slides prepared by us was required by our group. All of us were aware of the fact that it was not necessary to artistically design every slide before knowing which ones were going to make it to the final presentation. I also delivered the role of keeping the communication regarding the latest progress on the project work, intact among the group members by means of sending group emails. However, I was also personally responsible for the presentation of the narrative of the group presentation, as it is expressed in the art work in the book. Two of our project team members were absent during the tenure of the completion of the project. However, I personally took up the charge of ensuring that those two team members did never miss any beat.

Best Aspects of the creative process

There is no hesitation about the fact that the team spirit and the bonding in our group played a key role in framing the project. Often, in order to fulfil certain critical roles we split in groups of two or three. Again, at times, we worked as a compact unit also. This helped to foster a sense of integration in us and we could evenly share the stress associated with group work as well as other stress like few glitches in work like problems in finding a common meeting room or the last minute changes in the project technique and getting the changes to work properly.

Glitches in the course of the Project

I feel that all of the team members have put up a harmonious performance in the project and reflected their experience and expertise.

Strengths and flaws in the actual project presentation

The presentation of our project built its strength upon some observations of other project groups who shared the same with us. One important fact that we learned is that in the beginning of the presentation we were supposed to introduce the members and prominently state the theme of the project. The impact of our presentation was alleviated by the statement of each of the team members regarding what roles they performed in the course of preparation of the project. Jones (2014), also states that these factors are essential in a presentation. The group presentation was done by all the team members (specific sections by each). We adjusted, altered but never exceeded the time limits. However, I personally feel that we did well by refraining from be4ing sarcastic or humorous and cracking jokes, rather giving it a professional touch, matching the weight of the delegates and judges analysing our projects.

However, one area of lacking during the presentation was the oral presentation. Poonpon (2017), considers this as the most delicate part of a project. One of the members was kneeling over a chair for having a better look at the stage and most importantly, one of the team members could not establish eye contact with the onlookers and delegates.

Criticism of my own work

I would give myself full marks for performing a tangible role in the group and keeping collaboration. I was nearly perfect in studying and researching for my assigned job role in the project. On the whole, I suppose I met the criteria commendably.


Bilgin, I., Karakuyu, Y. and Ay, Y., 2015. The effects of project based learning on undergraduate students’ achievement and self-efficacy beliefs towards science teaching. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 11(3), pp.469-477.

Jin, Y. and Hong, L., 2016. Study on Formative Assessment Applied in the Preparation Stage of College English Presentation. In Proceedings of The Fifth Northeast Asia International Symposium on Language, Literature and Translation (p. 730).

Jones, B.A., 2014. ADDIE Model (Instructional Design).

Poonpon, K., 2017. Enhancing English skills through project-based learning. The English Teacher, p.10.

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