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Role of Hospital Administrators : Process of Synthesising

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Describe about the Role of Hospital Administrators for Process of Synthesising.



Administration is a process of synthesising and activating the potentials of workforce and materials to achieve the defined goals of the organisation. The concept of hospital and health care organisation have changed with the course of time and changing environment in the community (Wilson, 2014). Doctors and healthcare staffs plays essential role at a medical facility by treating medical conditions and diagnosing the patients. But, the success of the healthcare organisation depends up the administrative details like marketing, budgeting and accounting (Mueller, 2012). Hence, the healthcare administrators and managers are an essential character in a healthcare organisation that supports the medical professionals to perform their duties in an effective manner.

The primary role of hospital administrator is to maintain a balance between the community’s expectations and internal management of organisation by maintaining a positive relation with the patients and staffs on one side and the health related communities on the other side (Hefferin, Horsley, & Ventura, 2012). Hence, the administrators are assigned to a management role in an organisation that makes them the key to improve performance of the firm. It is important for the healthcare administrators to maintain a good relationship with every members of the organisation and promote them to perform well. On the other hand, the administrator has the key responsibility to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of different departments of the organisation (Sakharkar, 2009). Hence, the paper has been developed to analyse the roles and responsibilities of the healthcare administrators and make a discussion on how the administrator ensures that all staffs aligned to their role meet all quality standards for the clients. On the other hand, the study also emphasises on discussing the evaluation methods employed by the administrators in order to measure the efficiency and effectiveness of different departments of the organisation. Hence, an administrator is the key person responsible for planning the activities and evaluating its effectiveness in a healthcare firm.

Role of Administrator

The hospital and its Organization

Hospital or health care organisations are multifaceted firms that comprises of different departments, committees, services and types of personnel. It is a people oriented institution that runs a business along with taking care of the communities (Forrest, Johnson, & Mosher, 2016). As healthcare organisations provide medical assistance to the people of the society, it requires well trained and experience professionals capable of delivering high quality services to the clients (Sakharkar, 2009). Hence, the role of the administrators is to maintain the activities of the healthcare institutions and organise the task in an appropriate manner to carry on its operations without any disruption. Hence, organisation is a key element of administration that must be considered while analysing the role of administrator in a hospital.

The primary role of healthcare managers or administrators is to maintain a well developed organisation structure that employs a diversified workforce in respect to skills, knowledge and experience. Coordinating with the staffs of the hospital and maintain a good bonding among them is one of the essential role of the healthcare managers (Wilson, 2014). The administrator is responsible to take care of the healthcare quality that are delivered to the patients and maintain a good public relation. Marketing is another primary role of the administrator towards the hospital or organisation. The administrator or healthcare
manager needs to take care of all marketing needs and activities and implement a proper management information system that can be used to improve the efficiency of the workforce. The administrator is also responsible for taking care of the ethics and conducts to maintain a harmony at the workplace (Sakharkar, 2009). Hence, it is important for the hospital administrators to understand the roles and responsibilities towards the hospital and the organisation to make the healthcare institution seek growth in the long run.

Hospital Administration

The healthcare administrators play the management role in an organisation through effective planning and organising of operations. According to Sakharkar (2009), the five major administrative functions of hospital administrator are planning, organizing, controlling, leading and directing, and budgeting. Hence, the functions of hospital administrations that must be conducted by the healthcare managers are discussed in details herein below:


Planning is the primary basic function of the hospital administration. It mainly involves the chalking of future actions and decisions that are to be followed to carry on with the operations of the organisation. The hospital administrators make decision regarding the operations for the organisation. They make decision regarding what to do, how to do and when to do. Hence, decision making is an important factor for planning the future actions of the organisation (Ziegenfuss & Sassani, 2014). Planning is the determination of the actions that are needed to be conducted to achieve the desired goals of the firm. It is a systematic way of thinking and accomplishing the pre-determined goals. The hospital administrator is the core person responsible for planning all the activities of the firm and executes the actions according to the pre-determined plans (Ziegenfuss & Sassani, 2014).


Organising is the process of bring together the human, physical and financial resources of the healthcare organisation to develop a productive relationship among them for achieving the goals of the institution. A healthcare organisation has several activities to be conducted on a daily basis. Hence, execution of the plans is only possible with proper organisation of the available resources (Moellering, 2009). The hospital administrators have the role of indentifying the activities and classify the activities into small groups to make it easier for the staffs to execute them. Along with that, the administrators need to assign the duties to each and every member of the organisation depending upon their skills and experience. The hospital administrator has the role of delegating the authority and creates responsibilities by assigning the right job to the right person (Moellering, 2009). It is important for the hospital administrator to coordinate with the higher level officials as well as with the front line staffs to maintain a good relationship among the members of the healthcare institution. Hence, organising is a key administrative function of the hospital managers to seek success in the long run.

Leading and Directing

The hospital administrator has the key role of leading and directing the human resources of the healthcare organisation. The administrator has the function of manning the structure of the organisation by planning the recruitment process and provides proper training to the employees. They provide remuneration to the staffs and conduct the performance appraisal program in the organisation (McGibony, 2009). The promotions and transfer of the employees depends upon the planning and execution of the administrators. Hence, leading and directing is one of the primary functions of the hospital administration. The administrators are responsible to assign task to the employees and allocate them to particular roles as per their capability. They supervise the performance of the subordinates, motivate to perform well (Kenny, 2012). The administrator acts like a leader in a healthcare institution and communicates with every member to maintain a good relationship amongst the employees.


Controlling is a process of accomplishing standards and measuring the current performance in order to correct any deviation from the achievement of the organisational goals. The primary purpose of controlling is to ensure that all activities are conducted according to the decided standards of the organisation (Dunlap & Pillepich, 2014). Hence, the controlling function of the administrators enforced them to check and monitor the performance of the employees to keep a tight control over the operations of the institution. The administrators establish the performance standards and measure the actual performance (Ziegenfuss & Sassani, 2014). They need to compare the actual performance with the desired standards and observe the deviation from the actual path. Finally, the role of the administrators is to correct the actions by establishing new strategies.


Budgeting is one of the most important tasks of the hospital managers or administrators. The administrators are responsible for preparing the periodical budgets of the organisation according to the pre-determined plans (Kenny, 2012). Budgets are prepared by observing the cost and expenditure of the previous years and appropriate amount of money is allocated to each department depending upon the pre-determined budgets (Dunlap & Pillepich, 2014). The administrator is responsible for ordering the supplies and inventories of the institution and remunerates the employees of the firm. Hence, it is important for the hospital administrators to evaluate the expenditures incurred by the healthcare organisation to maintain a positive financial position of the firm. The administrators look after the activities of the accountants and implement the best accounting solutions to make the task effective and efficient.

Nursing Services

The hospital administrators are responsible to take care of the quality of the nursing services that are provided to the clients to enhance the reputation of the firm in the community (Forrest, Johnson, & Mosher, 2016). The nursing service administrators are responsible for managing the nursing care services and programs to ensure high quality services to the clients. It involves monitoring the performance of the nursing staffs and ensures that the activities are conducted by considering the healthcare standards and practices set by the regulating bodies and the organisation itself (Hefferin, Horsley, & Ventura, 2012). The nursing administrators hire the nursing staffs, supervise them and conduct a performance evaluation. The nursing administrators coordinates the staff budgeting, purchases supplies and equipments, assign resources, and provides proper training for career development.

The nursing administrators are also expected to create new programs and services for both nursing and patient staffs. They are responsible for developing nursing procedures, policies, and standards. Furthermore, the administrators are responsible for ensuring that the nursing units meet all the rules and regulations of the government healthcare authorities (Hefferin, Horsley, & Ventura, 2012). The nursing administrators work together with the patients and staffs to resolve any care or treatment issues. Along with that, they coordinate the training and development programs for the nursing staffs (Ziegenfuss & Sassani, 2014). The nursing administrators are responsible for instructing the patients’ family about the post hospital care and communicate with the senior hospital management and physicians regarding the nursing activities of the organisation (Mueller, 2012). Additionally, the nursing administrators work together with external organisations and other departments of the organisation to ensure best patient care services provided to the clients.

Clinical Support Services

Support service associates have played a significant role in healthcare facilities. Amidst the continuing changing environment of healthcare background, hospital administrators have been responsible for reducing cost of the business as well as improving the status of patient care attached to the hospital setting (Conway, 2009). First of all, identifying the available clinical support services of the healthcare organisation, hospital administrator is accountable to control every possible physician’s activities building cooperation. Understandably, clinical support services of a hospital include registered nurses, medical staffs and medical doctors (Kenny, 2012). In order to exhibit superior support services, healthcare administrator must figure out significant ways to deliver sustainability in managing the registered nurses, medical staffs and doctors of the hospital (Kovner & Neuhauser, 2014). As the support service personnel of any hospital have contributed majorly to satisfy the patients and their families, it is the responsibility of the hospital administrator to improve the facilities given to the support services staffs.

Therefore, in order to improve the standards of hospital support services department, it is the duty of the administrator to increase professed organisational support among the support services employees. Furthermore, the distribution of the support services tasks must be given according to the schedule to reduce the job-related stress among the subordinates (Stillwaggon, 2014). Admittedly, by doing so, the hospital administrator develops job satisfaction and commitment of the staffs to create an efficient support services team. Decisively, in promoting ethics, culture and career sustainability, administrator influences collaboration, teamwork and efficiency of the support services to aid healthcare facilities on a larger scale (Tabish, 2010).

Precisely, in healthcare management, it is accountability of the administrator to improve the productivity of support services through evidence-based moves creating a well-organised collaboration between the nursing activities and support services teamwork (Marziali, Damianakis, & Donahue, 2016). In order to maintain a clean and healthy environment around the hospital premises, the role of the support service department is inevitable, to say the least. Hence, integrated support service must be monitored in accordance with adequate proficiency standards to meet the clinical needs and responsibility (Sakharkar, 2009).

As the nursing staffs have sometimes been forced to work with the limited resources due to shortened facilities in hospitalisation, the administrator of a hospital must increase the responsibility of the support service team to reduce the stress from the nursing staffs. Thus, a well-designed management facility can be structured to maintain the highest medical standards of the patient’s care (Tabish, 2010). Meanwhile, the intervention of administrator is highly instinctive to create a focused work schedule of support services team representing a healthcare organisation.

Administrative Services

Administrative duties and responsibilities are identified as the most obvious role for a hospital administrative during the course of the time. Being a healthcare executive, it is the accountability of the designation to address staff management, legal obedience and budget status of the healthcare firm. Precisely, for a generalist administrator, who manages entire facilities of the administration, may sometimes find it extensively difficult. Meanwhile, it is the independent responsibility of the administrator to verify the entire legal adherence associated with the healthcare facilities (D'Orazio, Snook, & Paul, 2014). For instance, a healthcare administrator must identify the legal terms in relevance to medical operations, constitutional role, MTP Act, CPA Regulations and other statutory responsibilities (Kawamoto, 2010). Apart from that, the administrator has to deal with employment and labour laws on the basis of the legal terms. Correspondently, it is also the duty of the administrator to overview the patient billing, health insurance terms, insurance fraud related issues and confidentiality of the patient (Lamprey, 2014).

Staff management has been identified as one of the crucial administrative duties for a healthcare administrator. According to the demand of the healthcare operations, the administrator needs to dictate the terms to position the staffs and nursing personnel to fulfil the supply maintenance (Syed, Sekhar, & F., 2013). The positioning of staffs to the appropriate system can be difficult at times as significant issues can be created during the management of human resources. Hence, execution of backup plan has been crucial to identifying the efficiency of an administrator to manage the staffs uniformly (Sakharkar, 2009). In a larger healthcare facility, the role of the administrator has been divided according to the different section for better management and strategic planning. Also, a public health administrator has to take excessive responsibility to make sure that significant training and development facilities must be provided to the new talents to maintain medical efficiency and standards of the firm. Moreover, monitoring of the management proceedings and provide significant compensation to the staff members have been assigned to the duty of healthcare administrator (Ziegenfuss & Sassani, 2014).

In addition to the management role, the administrator is liable to maintain the budget according to the requirement of the healthcare. By following the guidelines and financial status of the healthcare business, accounting and budgeting system must be adhered by the hospital administrator so that current staffing compensation, medical equipment and latest technology can be utilised within the medical facilities for best services to the patient care (Brown, 2012). Furthermore, the administrator must identify to reduce the running cost by cutting down unwanted and unproductive costs of management. Decisively, the budget figures for the healthcare services must be distributed in an efficient order so that training and development facilities will be improved to increase the potential skills of the new talents (Kovner & Neuhauser, 2014). Thus, the organisation can increase its productivity and retain best staff members for long-run.

Functional Hospital Organization

In healthcare management, promoting quality has been recognised as one of the key concepts from successful management’s perspective. Therefore, in executive management, role of the administrator is massively elevated to precede regular functions of the healthcare organisation in a convenient process. Meanwhile, system guidelines must be produced by the administrator to be followed by the organisational staffs to attain maximum value (McGibony, 2009). Invariably, the corporate design has to be constructed by the administrator so that a mix of technology, information and corporate people can deliver the most efficient services according to the demand of the healthcare.

Based on the priorities, significant quality enhancement initiatives must have been promoted by the healthcare administrator to promote service quality of the healthcare unit. Understandably, it is the earnest responsibility of the administrator to develop a precisely less centralised functional orientation in the service line so that it will evidently support the quality management system. In the contemporary business scenario, product and service-line can be identified as two fundamental designs in healthcare organisations to be delivered (Tabish, 2010). For instance, a number of clinical departments, nursing facilities, laboratory services, pathological services, and complementary healthcare services are somewhat mandatory to show the quality and efficiency of the healthcare unit.

By understanding the strategic perspective of the healthcare organisation, it is the accountability of the administrator to align the corporate strategy to the overall business strategy through prioritising strategic change. By developing discipline-oriented functional specialisation area within the healthcare organisation, an administrator can deliver high-end administrative as well as clinical support services to the patient’s care (Simon, 2008). Tactically, in case of large healthcare organisation, administrators have unanimously identified uniform corporate strategy through balance scorecard of every department. Thus, decision-making has become easier leading to change in order to realign strategic management goal for functional restructuring. Moreover, the hospital administrator has to determine the functions of other sections so that the eventual system can influence the productivity of the staffs. Herein, intervention of the information management system has needed to be reviewed by the administrator for betterment of the organisational functions (Kovner & Neuhauser, 2014). Prominently, a systematic functional healthcare organisation can independently operate if the administrator has evidently promoted significant structure as per the requirement. By identifying the role of the each section, most efficient functional structure must be brought forward to meet the overall target of the organisation. In this way, a reliable and experienced healthcare administrator can improve the organisational functionality to a certain standard (Wilson, 2014).

Evaluation of the role of administrator

Healthcare evaluation is one of the most important role and function of the hospital administrator. After planning the activities and organising the resources, it is important for the administrators to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of every department and functions in order to promote the growth of the healthcare institution (Greenes, 2007). The effectiveness is related to the benefits delivered by the improvement of the healthcare organisation (Snook & Zimmerman, 2014). On the other hand, the efficiency is measured by analysing the cost of the healthcare outputs in regards to the benefits obtained by incurring the cost. Furthermore, the administrators are responsible for evaluating the acceptability of the healthcare services rendered by the organisation (Greenes, 2007).

In the designing of an evaluation of the clinical support services team, eponymous framework can be identified to show the best findings. Invariably, evaluation can be considered in a prospective or retrospective channel. Through planned data collection method, prospective evaluation can be done (Snook & Zimmerman, 2014). Through the significant healthcare evaluation framework, SMART objectives can be recognised to evaluate each of the dimensions to be measured. SMART i.e. specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely objectives can show the efficiency and effectiveness of the role of administrator to developing productive clinical support service facilities (Ballantyne, Dai, & Gray, 2016). Through the understanding of the existing trend of healthcare services evaluation, external assessment i.e. National Patient Survey must have been promoted to identify how effectively the patients have been reacted towards the patient care services issued by the administrators. On the basis of the outcome of the survey report, measurable interventions and economic evaluation of the system can be produced (Schlairet, Kiser, & Norris, 2012).

Different measures are used to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the healthcare performance. Sakharkar (2009) introduced four primary measures for analysing the effectiveness and efficiency of the healthcare services. These four measures are known as inputs, process, outcomes and outputs. Input presents the resources, costs, time and expenditures that are used in the intervention to conduct the activities. On the other hand, process presents the activities that are conducted to carry on the healthcare services (Wacht, 2012). Outputs are the program or interventions that are produced by the organisation and the outcomes are the results in form of the benefits and disadvantages that are caused by the programs or interventions. Furthermore, the outcomes are compared with the SMART objectives after considering the inputs, process and outputs to observe the gaps in the healthcare services (Vila & Buccellato, 2016). Finally, the administrator plans new strategies and changes in the services to improve the current status of the healthcare services.

Hence, the administrator needs to evaluate the performance of the healthcare staffs considering the outcomes and outputs of the entire process. The administrator needs to compare the results with the objectives goals of the organisation by continuously interacting with the lower level staffs and other medical professionals of the organisation (Wacht, 2012). The administrator will take care of the activities and collect feedbacks from the clients and other employees of the organisation to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the healthcare services.

During the time of the evaluation of administrative services, the role of the administrator will be evident, to say the least. Usually, for such event of evaluation of the services, both qualitative and quantitative studies will be considered as ideal for eventual outcome. By undertaking interviews with the healthcare employees can increase the sample size effective for relevant study (Wilson, 2014). Meanwhile, the qualitative sample must ensure that the entire staff group of the healthcare association were taken into consideration.  During the quantitative study measures, software such as Stata can be identified as suitable instrument to investigate the response of the staff members, patients and their families in a statistical way (Chatfield, 2009). After the statistical outcome, significant assessment has been made to show the ultimate result of the adopted administrative services.

Last but not the least; evaluation of the hospital organisational structure will be mandatory for the study to identify how the framework of services has delivered sustainability to the healthcare organisation (Wilson, 2014). Providing additional insights from the management’s viewpoint, the role of the functional hospital organisation has been investigated to influence the performance and productivity of other departments. Also, the cost of the structure must be taken into identification to show the benefits of the system, if any. Meanwhile, the measurement of the evaluation programme will depend on the design of the framework to link the objectives with the overall achievements through the healthcare functions (Schermerhorn, 2014). Undoubtedly, during the assessment, both the patient party as well as the staff members must be included in the study to provide a clear outcome. Clearly, the evaluation framework will identify the success rate of the activities implemented by the administrator during the course of the time in hospital management to achieve the overall objectives.


The study has critically identified the role of a healthcare administrator in a detailed way to understand the accountability and duties. Precisely, healthcare administrators are liable to influence the organisational members affiliated with the hospitals. Through the introduction of significant planning for suitable management, executives have contributed massively in leading the business sustainability. Meanwhile, by identifying regular interventions among the nursing staffs, clinical support members and medical staffs, an explicit collaboration must be featured within the management. Decisively, in the contemporary business scenario, a single healthcare administrator is not recommended for large-scale healthcare organisations as there are different administration sections to be dealt with in an efficient order.

Hence, for better management of the proceedings, distinct administrators will be perfect to handle each of the sections efficiently. Furthermore, on the basis of the evolutionary model, the role of the administrator must be improved on a regular basis so that the ever-changing features of healthcare sector must be met. Predominantly, the productivity of the administrative services, nursing services and clinical support services can be elevated through quality assessment of the administrative functions as described in the study. Apparently, the effectiveness and efficiency level of the regulatory role must be compared with the benchmark functionality to ensure quality services and management of staffing without issues.


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