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Summarize the question you developed, and then relate how you would work through the four steps of the data, information, knowledge, wisdom continuum. Be specific. Identify the databases and search words you would use.

Relate how you would take the information gleaned and turn it into useable knowledge.

Can informatics be used to gain wisdom? Describe how you would progress from simply having useful knowledge to the wisdom to make decisions about the information you have found during your database search.


Can informatics be used to gain wisdom?

Introduction (data search)

The continuum data-information-knowledge-wisdom (DIKW) is the transformation of data into wisdom continuum through one’s cognitive processes. For the research question “can informatics be used to gain wisdom?”, several databases have been used like CINAHL, MEDLINE (OVID) and PubMed. The keywords used were informatics and wisdom, data to wisdom. These databases provide reliable and peer-reviewed journal articles that help to cover the basic search in literature and access the required information required for the research question.

Literature review (information)

The definite knowledge that is supplied or acquired about the research question is the gathering of information through database searches. There is collection of data and facts related to a particular subject and a communication of knowledge and facts. According to Zhong et al., (2015) wisdom is not a schooling product rather a life-long attempt in acquiring it. Knowledge and personal experiences blend to provide wisdom apart from gathering of information. It is the power of practically or critically applying these attributes in making efficient decisions. Informatics or computer data that is presented in an organized and systematic fashion helps to clarify one’s doubts and the underlying meaning.

According to Wan & Alagar, (2014) the information and computer science combination aids in management and processing of data, information and knowledge to make judgment and efficient decision-making in one’s professional practice. The information gathered in the form of structured or combined data is interpreted in different situations or contexts. This gathering of information is used to identify the relevant information that is associated with the research question and add some useful meaning to it. The information in the form of data makes a difference in ones wisdom as the data is received in different form by every individual.

According to Ming, Chang & Yang, (2015) the literature review is performed for the gathering of information. When the information gathered is linked with the existing knowledge, it gives an opportunity to enhance one’s knowledge in regards to a particular question. The DIKW model provides an opportunity to increase the level of thinking and complexity involved in the decision-making process through wisdom. This occurs because of the occurrence of the interrelationships between knowledge that is gained through information (McGonigle & Mastrian, 2012). The potential resources that are used to gather information in informatics aids in establishing formalized and comprehensive terminologies that represent professional practice and information exchange standards.

Summary (knowledge)

According to Conger & Probst, (2014) the knowledge stage is the next level of high order thinking skills in the wisdom continuum. This stage turns the gathered information into knowledge to gain the next stage that is wisdom gain. The higher order concepts like insight and wisdom are lumped into the knowledge that is in turn, gained through information. In other words, knowledge is enhanced through the information gathered by literature review that is done through database search. The data and information that is stored in the databases in the form of symbols, numbers and words that has no meaning of its own. This is only processed when the information and data has meaning and some context and are appropriately placed to a research question or problem and that are transformed into knowledge. It also imparts wisdom in the minds of the individuals while using these data or information systems.

Knowledge is considered a fundamental practice where individuals use both theoretical and practical knowledge in their professional practice. In the contemporary world, people use as substantial amount of knowledge that helps them in making efficient decisions and gain sensible judgment abilities. The knowledge generation through information gathering has been on the forefront that aids individuals to play their roles in an efficient manner.

Wisdom continuum (final stage)

This is the final stage in the DIKW model where there is transition from data search through information, knowledge and finally gains wisdom. This knowledge and experiences that is gained helps to make good decisions and sensible judgments in one’s professional practice. There is accumulation of knowledge in particular research or activity that is learnt through life experiences. The knowledge is transformed to gain wisdom that moves towards an increased level of understanding in the decision-making process (Aven, 2013).  The data information is not considered to have wisdom rather the processing of the information and gaining knowledge brings about wisdom in an individual. Therefore, it can be considered that wisdom itself is a collection of knowledge that is in turn a set of information and databases. This stage is involved with making sense and use of one’s knowledge in a wise and responsible manner. Therefore, DIKW model helps to gain wisdom while making progress from database search, information gathering and gaining knowledge to make legitimate decisions about the research question.


Aven, T. (2013). A conceptual framework for linking risk and the elements of the data–information–knowledge–wisdom (DIKW) hierarchy. Reliability Engineering & System Safety, 111, 30-36.

Conger, S., & Probst, J. (2014). Knowledge Management in ITSM: Applying the DIKW Model. In Engineering and Management of IT-based Service Systems (pp. 1-18). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.

McGonigle, D., & Mastrian, K. (2012). Introduction to information, information science, and information systems. Nursing informatics and the foundation of knowledge, 22.

Ming, H., Chang, C. K., & Yang, J. (2015, July). Dimensional situation analytics: from data to wisdom. In Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC), 2015 IEEE 39th Annual (Vol. 1, pp. 50-59). IEEE.

Wan, K., & Alagar, V. (2014, August). Synthesizing data-to-wisdom hierarchy for developing smart systems. In Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (FSKD), 2014 11th International Conference on (pp. 473-478). IEEE.

Zhong, N., Yau, S. S., Ma, J., Shimojo, S., Just, M., Hu, B., ... & Anzai, Y. (2015). Brain informatics-based big data and the wisdom web of things. IEEE Intelligent Systems, 30(5), 2-7.

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