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1. Identify a research topic appropriate to the level and field of study
2. Demonstrate a detailed understanding of the main frameworks and principles on research design
3. Assess and contribute to the process of research
4. Evaluate how quantitative and qualitative methods can be applied in academic research



Research Background 

An effective decision could be made by the wider selection of the alternatives. In the current business era, the organization has needed to understand the impact of employee diversity and employee performance as it could be effective to enhance the productivity of both employees as well as the organization. Moreover, it is also addressed that if the company has a conducive atmosphere for using employee diversity, workforces will enjoy all the advantages like inspiration, skill, knowledge, creativity, and effective decision making and thus they will be capable to improve their growth (Oikonomou, et al., 2014).

Apart from this, it is also stated that employee diversity is not managed correctly then it could create many issues at the working place like emotional conflicts, miscommunication, higher employee turnover, and power struggle. In addition, it is also examined that the employee diversity becomes an inhibitor organization growth. In addition, it is examined if the organization concentrate on the exploring employee diversity then they could be capable to enhance the leadership skills and organizational performance. Further, it is stated that organization should also investigate about the employee perception for the workforce inclusion diversity at the working place. Moreover, organization will have to consider employee appreciation to deal with diversity as it would directly positive impact on the employee performance (Good, et al., 2014).  Apart from this, it is also illustrated that miss management of employee diversity could negative impact on the employee and organization performance.

Research Justification 

This research is effective for the researcher and reader to improve their conceptual understanding about the meaning and concept of the employee diversity and employee performance. It is significant for the company to understand the impact of employee diversity on the employee performance a case of Sugar Man Health and Wellbeing, UK. The employee diversity could negatively impact on the performance of employees as well as the organization. The depth knowledge about the employee diversity could support to deal with different culture, ethnic, and education of people. It could lead the employee to obtain a positive response. It could also be imperative for accomplishing the aim of research. This investigation may support the investigator to improve personally as well as professional life (Levine. and Moreland, 2014). This research provides depth understanding with respect to the impact of diversity on the employee performance a case of Sugar Man Health and Wellbeing, UK.  In addition, it is also addressed that this study could support the researcher to gain the understanding towards the approaches to overcome issues of diversity for improving the employee performance.      

Research Objectives

The key purpose of this research is to address the impact of diversity on the employee performance in the case of Sugar Man Health and Wellbeing, UK. The following objectives will be accomplished by the researcher to meet the aim of current research.  

RO1: To explore conceptual understanding towards employee performance and employee diversity –a case of Sugar Man Health and Wellbeing, UK.

RO2: To identify the impact of diversity on the employee performance –a case of Sugar Man Health and Wellbeing, UK.

RO3: To recommend the strategies for overcoming the diversity to improve the employee performance –a case of Sugar Man Health and Wellbeing, UK.

Research question   

  • What is the meaning and concept of employee performance and diversity?
  • How is diversity influences the employee performance?
  • Which strategies are effective for overcoming the diversity to improve the employee performance?

research hypothesis

H0: There is a positive relationship between diversity and employee performance

H1: There is no relationship between diversity and employee performance

literature review 

RO1: To explore conceptual understanding towards employee performance and employee diversity –A case of Sugar Man Health and Wellbeing, UK

According to Oikonomou et al. (2014) diversity refers to the differences between persons at the working place. Diversity not only considers how a person determines them but also how others observe them. Diversity at the organization encompasses many factors like gender, sexual orientation, ethnic groups, religion, race, citizenship status, military service, and age, physical and mental condition. It is also stated that diversity in the company goes beyond to individuals of different ethnic and racial background. There are different factors that could primarily consider in the diversity and value the features that a person unique likes education level, age, family background, and ethnicity.                

In opposition to this, Bratton and Gold, (2017) stated that organizational performance is the sign of company capacity to efficiently accomplish the independent objectives. One of a key component, as it could be measurable, is the performance of employees by their productivity level. There are many techniques that could be used by the organization to examine their performance. These are quality, creativity, quantity, and knowledge of an employee with respect to the accomplishment of organizational goal in limited time and cost.               

RO2: To identify the impact of diversity on the employee performance –A case of Sugar Man Health and Wellbeing, UK

Good et al. (2016) explained that diversity in the organization is usually regarded as favorable for organizations that control it systematically. In addition, it is also examined that differences in race, gender, ethnicity, and traits of another individual could also negatively impact on the organizational performance. Further, if the organization does not make policy regarding the tolerance and difference acceptance then it could influence the whole performance of the company.

Levine and Moreland (2014) argued that if an organization builds a staff with individuals from the diverse countries and cultures then there are higher possibilities of language barriers. Consequently, it could impact on the external and internal communication procedure. Organization cultures that are more heterogeneous usually address communication method easier because workforces do not have to act as hard to decline the language and culture and language barriers. Some larger companies hire a mediator and employee diversity coaches to support workforce by considering communication challenges.

 In support of this, Oikonomou et al. (2014) stated that diversity in the workplace could direct impact on organization performance. If organizations become more varied, it modifies the nature and relationship of the company. These modifications could cause stress among workforces and donate to negative working environment and relationship. In addition, it is also addressed that if company not well managed working activity. Moreover, the organization could use tanning and development method to make capable to their employees for dealing with the diverse culture of people and make a reliable decision towards the organization.

In opposition to this, Bratton and Gold (2017) examined that discrimination could also be an important factor that could decline image of the company. Moreover, it is also examined that organizations that purposefully hire a varied employee have human resources procedure in the place to control diversity. In addition, it is also examined that a company that does not make any strategic plan about diversity there may be more possibilities to address more discrimination between subordinates and managers. Moreover, it is examined that discrimination could be created by unfair treatment at the working place as it could make the negative working atmosphere. Consequently, it would also decline the productivity of employees as well as the organization. It is also stated that if an organization has diverse people there may be a higher chance of description in working place.             

RO3: To recommend the strategies for overcoming the diversity to improve the employee performance –A case of Sugar Man Health and Wellbeing, UK 

Korschun et al (2014). recommended that organization with different employee often outclass organizations in which employee seem cloned from a particular template. Moreover, it is also analyzed that diversity brings skills, perspectives, and experience that can encourage innovative and creative approaches. It is also stated that a diverse group may also make individually uncomfortable as they polish against their subordinates with different outlooks, attitudes, and worldviews. In addition, it is also examined that good management could enable the organization to control the issues related to the diversity.                        

Jones, et al. (2014) suggested that organization should use standardized policies to deal with the different culture of the people as it could be effective for making appreciate decision and collect reliable outcome with respect to the organization. The organization should always remember that the policies should be unambiguous and simple to understand. In addition, it is analyzed that organization should talk to their employee towards their issues as it could be effective to make the flexible and friendly environment in the working place.

In opposed to this, Herman and Chiu, (2014) stated that organizations make clear policy but do not clearly communicate with their employees that could negatively impact on the obtained outcome. Therefore, it is mandatory for the company to amend the employees towards the communication policies. The organization should use training and development method to evaluate procedure and examine the ramifications.

In support of this, Wang et al. (2014) stated that management should give instruction to their employees about diversity policy, which will be effective to manage diversity and obtain a reliable outcome. It is also examined that the managers should also review the problematic areas as it could be effective to deal with the different situation. An organization should also remember ways by which they would communicate with others. The organization could also give instruction regarding the ways by which employees compliant to complain department regarding discrimination and diversity issues.

Sykes et al. (2014) examined that policy review is an effective policy for the organization to as it allows the organization to eliminate the diversity issues form the organization and obtain a reliable outcome. In addition, it is examined that organization should generally ensuring the same conduct for all the employees as it could support to decline the diversity issues from the organization and enables the company to take reliable outcome.

In support of this, Moran et al. (2014) examined that organization should review the policies regarding time off communication, holidays, and employee communication. In the current business scenario, the organization should review standard of the policy of religious holidays as it could be effective for creating flexibility in the working place. In addition, it is also examined that manager should be aware of the communication techniques for influencing employees. It facilitates that memos are properly conveyed to all workforces. 

Proposed empirical investigation

research philosophy and approach

The researcher will use interpretivism research philosophy as compared to other research philosophies. This philosophy facilitates the investigator to collect conceptual understanding towards the impact of diversity on the employee performance. Through this philosophy, the researcher will gather the feasible data with respect to the research objective 1 and research objectives 2. Moreover, the inductive approach will be practiced by the research to conduct this study because of this philosophy suitable with the interpretivism research philosophy (Leftheriotis and Giannakos, 2014). This approach could also permit the researcher to obtain opinion, views, and thoughts of the participants towards research concern.   

research design

The researcher will use mixed data collection method to collect feasible data towards current research matter.  The mixed research design could enable research scholar to attain the research objectives 1, 2, and 3.  The mixed data collection method considers the characteristics of both qualitative and quantitative research design (Chang, et al., 2014).  The qualitative research design could enable the researcher to obtain conceptual information towards current research concern. This method allows the research scholar to attain first research objective in an appropriate way (Schultz and Schultz, 2015). The quantitative research design enables the investigator to obtain numeric information towards the impact of diversity on the employee performance. In addition, the quantitative research design could also support to meet the research objectives 2 and 3.  

research strategy

The survey through questionnaire and literature review method will be practiced by the researcher to meet the aim and objectives of research concern. Survey through questionnaire strategy facilitates the investigator to collect views, opinion, thoughts of the research candidates towards the research concern. Furthermore, literature review facilitates the investigator to obtain the conceptual information about research matter. These methods will aid the investigator to improve reliability and validity of research outcome by involving the primary data (Lazaroiu, 2015).    

data collection method

The data collection method is effective for obtaining feasible information towards the impact of diversity on the employee performance. For this investigation, research scholar will use both data collection method like primary and secondary data collection method. The primary data collection method could support an investigator to feasible information towards the research matter. It will enable the investigator to the valid and reliable outcome with respect to the current issue (Paillé, et al., 2014).  Apart from this, secondary data collection method technique enables the investigator to obtain theoretical data about recent research concern. Further, it is also evaluated that secondary data collection method could entail many sources to obtain feasible information towards research matter such as an academic journal, textbooks, company websites, government and offline sources (Noe, et al., 2014).      

sampling procedure

The investigator will practice the probability sampling method to conduct this research in a systematic way. The probability sampling technique aid the researcher to choose participants on the random basis. This method declines the biases from the study and supports the researcher to collect reliable and valid data. This tool provides equal chance to research scholar to select the respondents for conducting their study and meet the aim and objectives (Landy and Conte, 2016). For this investigation, the investigator will choose 50 employees of Sugar Man Health and Wellbeing from the diverse region of UK, which could be effective for the attainment of the study concern.

data analysis 

For this investigation, the investigator will use statistical data analysis technique to conduct this research and obtain a valid and reliable outcome. Further, the research scholar will execute the MS-excel software to evaluate the collected data by using charts, tables, and graphs. In addition, it is also evaluated that this method could aid the research scholar to gain the understanding with respect to the current research concern (Greene and Kirton, 2015).     

research limitations

The researcher could concentrate on many factors that could directly impact on research result. These factors are cost, time, and resources. Moreover, specified time could enable the researcher to attain the objectives and aim with respect to the current concern (Sabharwal, 2014).

ethical consideration

Ethics issued to perform whole research in the appropriate way. In this, the researcher will practice university guidelines for declining probabilities of ethical problems in the research concern. The investigator will use many factors such as data manipulation, plagiarism, and copyright act’s violation. For this study, the investigator will also execute ethical norms as it could be effective for securing the confidential information of research candidates (Schermerhorn, et al., 2014).


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