Report On Effective Leadership In Assessment Answer
Key Topics
- Introduction
- Key leadership challenge identified
- Influence of inquiry findings on the development of leadership, healthcare team,and greater healthcare services
- Conclusion
- References
The purpose of this assessment is for you to write a structured reflection and develop action plans on your personal responses to your results of the Kouzes & Posner Leadership Practice Inventory (LPI).
Part 1: You are required to use a reflective model to analyse your LPI
results. When reflecting on them refer to the principles of Kouzes &
Posner (2017), as well other leadership literature. You may use
Rolfe et al (2001) model or other frameworks for this reflection.
Part 2: You are required to complete two (2) action plans for your own
leadership development based on your reflection. Each action plan must:
? Identify two (2) Leadership Practices
? Select two (2) Leadership Behaviours
? Identify and justify SMART goals
? Identify and describe strategies for learning and action through
Experience, Example and Education
? Identify and explain appropriate and realistic sources and
measures of support
Leadership is the process of influencing people and directs them in such a way so that goals and objectives of enterprises will be met. A leader tends to play a very significant role in an organization irrespective of its form (Priest and Gass, 2017). For example, in healthcare firm its main responsibility is to deliver high quality of goods and services to the patients. In addition to this, it also makes sure that they are not being cheated by any members of an organization. Thus, it is due to the presence of given aspect only leadership has a very important role within an enterprise.
In the present report, the case of Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry will be analyzed. In this regard, different issues will be examined which are related to the leadership. In accordance with the given context, description will be given regarding a leadership challenge which is being faced by the cited company. Afterward, the influence of inquiry on the development of leadership for individual, healthcare team and health care services will be discussed. With an aim to do the same support will also be taken from different leadership theories. Finally, at the end of this report conclusion will be done which summaries the findings from the whole study.
Overview of Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry surroundings.
Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust is the foundation that was formed by NHS (National Health Services). This trust is managed by two hospitals and these are Stanford hospital and Cannock Chase Hospital. This trust delivers its services to around 320000 people and it possessesa team of around 3000 employees who work in both hospitals. This trust is highly recognized for its high-quality services. However, recently something has happened which has affected the trust of patients from the services which are given by Staffordshire NHS Foundation.
With an aim to conducta thorough analysis of the respective foundation, assistance is being taken from the executive summary of Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry. In accordance with the given context, here report states that the trust is not performing its duty towards patients effectively. In this regard, they are many patients who are complaining that staffs of the hospital do not listen to them efficiently (Jumaa and Alleyne, 2017). Further, here patients complaining that the culture of the hospital is very pathetic because it focuses on doing system’s business not on the patients. This entail that here main aim of the healthcare firm is to achieve its objective in terms of revenue and profit. Thus, it is the reason why the firm is ignoring patients.
In addition to this, the inquiry state that firm has negative culture. Herein, leader and manager of hospital follow the culture of tolerance of poor standard. Here, the main focus of leader is on achieving the revenue and targets of the hospital. Further, the leader as well as a board at Stanford does not follow the good standard of care. In addition to this, the culture of the hospital is not open. This means that the hospital always triesto vanish or avoid bad information about the hospital. For example, if any patients try to showcase negative information about hospital then in the given situation manager and board of Stanford will try to hide the same. They perform the given type of activity just for the purpose to save the image of the firm. This is because, if the image of the firm will vanish at that time it will become very difficult for them with regard to make a significant improvement in their sales and profitability condition in an effectual manner (Jones, Campion and Greenberg, 2018).
Besides this, it is also examined from the executive summary of Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry that the firm possesses lots of professional disengagement. Here, healthcare individual doesnot listen to the thing which is being communicated to their patients. This showcases their careless behavior towards patients. However, the effectiveness of healthcare services depends on this aspect only that how effectively they understand the needs and desire of their patients. If they are not able to do so then in the given situation respective firm will put on the list of the ineffective firm.
Additionally, the inquiry also reveals that Stanford does not follow the culture of hearing the problem which is being communicated by their patients. Further, the process of hearing and handling the complaints of patients is not effective too. Herein, it is examined that patients as well as staff who works within firm always showcase their dissatisfaction towards system but the hospital or it can be said that top managerial person who resides in a leadership positiondoes not listen to them.
Furthermore, poor governance is another problem which is being identified from thereport of Stanford inquiry. In this regard, the procedure as well as way to deal with the patients has definedappropriately. Thus, the given thing showcase disadvantage from the side of the leader. This is because; it is the responsibility of leader that he shouldtake towards the wrong things which are affecting the services of healthcare. This thing is possible if the firm gives importance to the needs and demands of their patients. But, the thing is different because here instead of giving importance to patient major importance are given to the money.
Here, the firm put a major focus on financial issues thus it avoids its focus on the standard of services. The given thing tends to cause a negative impact on the motivation level of the patients (Montano, Franke and HĂĽffmeier, 2017). Moreover, due to poor leadership lack of nursing standard and performance is being seen in the hospital. In this regard, here leader does not make effort in terms of improving the skills and efficiency of the nursing staff. Thus, it is due to the presence of given aspect only they are not being able to deliver high-quality services to the patients in an effective way. Here, the priority of firm is wrong which is not based on the quality of care which is being provided by them. Thus, these all things are hampering the image of the hospital.
Key leadership challenge identified
All the things which are explained above are related to the poor leadership. Herein, it is examined that these all thing evident that the health care manager in Stanford followsthe autocratic type of leadership. Here, autocratic is the type of leader which does not give importance to the needs and demand of the employees. However, in the given case main difference is that here leader is not only giving importance to the suggestion of healthcare individual but it is also ignoring the things which are being communicated by the patients of the hospital. In addition to this, the main aim of an autocratic leader is to improve the sales and profitability related condition of the company (Spurgeon, Clark and Ham, 2017). Thus, in the given case it is also examined that here main goal of a leader is to improve the revenue of an organization. Hence, with an aim to achieve the same they are ignoring the major aspect of the healthcare organization that is to deliver the high-quality services to the patients, These all things are causing a negative impact on the services of healthcare firm.
Thus, from the given thing it can be said that the major challenge here in front of the Stanford hospital is to convert autocratic leadership style of leaders in the democratic one. Here, democratic is the type of leader which effectively understand the needs and demands of employees. Here, such type of leader gives importance to people approach not the system approach. This means that for the respective leader the things that matter most is enhancing the satisfaction level of its followers. Thus, with an aim to achieve the same they get views and opinions of their employees and direct their work accordingly. In addition to this, given type of leader also make sure that all the individuals who are directly and indirectly attached with the firm should get benefit in the form of high-quality services and high satisfaction of working in the firm (Kranabetter and Niessen, 2017).
However, converting the leadership style of an individual is a big challenge because no individual will like to change their behavior which they are following from last many years. For any individual, it is very difficult to make a change in their behavior because it became internal part to them. In addition to this, in order to become a democratic leader, the leader will have to make many types of sacrifices in the form of avoiding the attitude of residing in a big position and avoid making a decision about the firm’s services on their own. Thus, it is through this way the only improvement in the report of the hospital will be carried out. The given thing will also provide benefit to the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust in the form of increased profit and salebut this time in a positive way not in a negative manner.
The given thing is also supported by behavior theory of leadership. This theory focuses on the type of behavior which is being carried out by the leader. This theory state that the behavior of the leader causes significant impact on the final result of company. In accordance with the given context, theorist of the respective theory has conducted study and has identified two basic type of leader’s behavior. These are task-oriented behavior and people-oriented behavior. Here task concern leader are those leader which focuses upon result and task. The leader who is working in Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust follows given type of approach only. This is because; the main aim of the respective leader is to attain the goals and objectives of enterprises (Mintzberg, 2018). Thus, as a result of this here leader does not giveimportance to the needs and demands of their employees. Further, they also not make effort in terms of enhancing the motivation level of the employees in an effectual manner. Thus, it is due to the presence of given aspect only employees are not able to make effort in terms of delivering high quality services to their buyers in an effectual manner.
However, besides this people-oriented another type of leader’s behavior in which leader of the firm gives importance to the problem which is being communicated by their employees. Here, the main aim of a leader is to enhance motivation level of its employees. Thus, the given thing will motivate them with regard to delivering their best services to the customers. Thus, in the given case also if the leader will transform its behavior from task-oriented to people-oriented then in the given situation it can maintain as well as enhance motivation level of its customers in an effectual manner. Thus, from this, it is correct to say that organizational culture entails nature of leadership which is being followed by the leader of the company.
Influence of inquiry findings on the development of leadership, healthcare team,and greater healthcare services
The results which are obtained from the Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust inquiry will causea significant impact on the different people as well as firm’s services. For example, the inquiry depicts that leader main purpose is to enhance the revenue of hospital. However, it does not give importance to the quality of care being provided by the hospital to its patients. This report will bring changes in the behavior of hospital leader. In this regard, the leader of the cited company will become more responsible. Further, they will also change their way of looking the main objective of business. Here, at present their main aim is to enhance the revenue of the company, but after this inquiry, their main aim will become providing high-quality services to the patients. Here, they will also understand the things which are being communicated by the hospital staff to them (Brownson, Deshpande and Gillespie, 2017). Thus, the inquiry report will completely transform the behavior or the nature of leader. As a result of it, they will try to develop democratic leadership under it.
Besides this, the inquiry report will not only cause impact upon the people who reside in topmost position and consideredas a leader. Thus, the given thing will also have an impact on the healthcare teams which are working in Stanford hospital. The inquiry report entails that the healthcare individuals do not listen to the problem as being stated by their patients. Further, they also not make effort in terms of improving the type of services which is being delivered by them. This is because; the given report will give them the realization that they are not fulfilling their duty and responsibility towards the patients appropriately. As a result of this, they will try to make changes in their behavior. However, given thing will be performed at that time positive impact will be seen on the sales and profit of Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust. This is because, for any organization, it is very important that it should make effort in terms of improving the sales and profit of the company. But, this goal can be accomplished if efforts are made in terms of enhancing the goals and objectives of the firm in an effectual manner (Shanafelt and Noseworthy, 2017).
Among all the report will also cause the direct impact on the type of healthcare services which is being provided by the leader in an effectual manner. Herein the report states that the leader does not comply with the complaints which are being communicated by the patients and nursing staffs. However, after this inquiry, significant action will be taken towards the respective approach. In this context, the effort will be made by the manager of cited enterprise in terms of introducing some procedure for responding the complaints which are being communicated by the patients. This thing will help in improving the quality of healthcare services which is being given by the hospital to its patients (Le Comte and McClelland, 2017). The given thing will also attract a large number of patients towards the company. As a result of this profit of the company will be affected in a positive way. In addition to this, in terms of healthcare services, some standard process will also be introduced which assist leader in terms giving their best services to the patients in an effectual way.
From the whole report, it can be depicted that the success of any firm totally depends upon the leadership style of leader. This is because, there are some leadership style which cause positive impact on overall firm’s productivity. In the similar way, there are some styles which have negative impact on the function of firm. Thus, it is being required by leader that it should select its style of managing people wisely. This is because, it is by complying with given type of activity only firm can make improvement in its sales and profits in an effectual manner.
Brownson, R.C., Deshpande, A.D. and Gillespie, K.N., 2017. Evidence-based public health.Oxford university press.
Jones, N., Campion, B. and Greenberg, N., 2018. Cohesion, leadership, mental health stigmatisation and perceived barriers to care in UK military personnel. Journal of Mental Health, 27(1), pp.10-18.
Jumaa, M.O. and Alleyne, J., 2017. Strategic leadership in health care in challenging times. Organisation Development in Health Care: Strategic Issues in Health Care Management.
Kranabetter, C. and Niessen, C., 2017. Managers as role models for health: Moderators of the relationship of transformational leadership with employee exhaustion and cynicism. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22(4), p.492.
Le Comte, L. and McClelland, B., 2017. An evaluation of a leadership development coaching and mentoring programme. Leadership in Health Services, 30(3), pp.309-329.
Mintzberg, H., 2018. Managing the Myths of Health care.In The Myths of Health Care (pp. 3-11).Springer, Cham.
Montano, D., Franke, F. and HĂĽffmeier, J., 2017. Leadership, followers' mental health and job performance in organizations: A comprehensive meta?analysis from an occupational health perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(3), pp.327-350.
Priest, S. and Gass, M., 2017. Effective Leadership in Adventure Programming, 3E.Human Kinetics.
Shanafelt, T.D. and Noseworthy, J.H., 2017, January. Executive leadership and physician well-being: nine organizational strategies to promote engagement and reduce burnout. In Mayo Clinic Proceedings (Vol. 92, No. 1, pp. 129-146).Elsevier.
Spurgeon, P., Clark, J. and Ham, C., 2017. Medical leadership: from the dark side to centre stage. CRC Press.
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