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PSYCH 261 Physiological Psychology : Public Health Agency

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How can community kitchen improve the participants health, weight, social, psychological behaviours.



As per the report of public health agency of Canada, it has been observed around 70% of the inhabitants of Canada have to face health issue due to the lack of quality food. This particular country being out an out developed is possessed with large number of population. People are intimately associated with various business organizations. The emergence of community kitchen has rendered a revolutionary change in the health issue of the inhabitants. Community kitchen is formed by involving group of people who provides healthy foods to the customers. The entire team is under taken by a particular group leader who controls the service process of entire team. This particular study focuses to highlight on how community kitchen is possessed with a major impact in improving the health, psychological and social behaviour.  

Previous literature review: 

In the article “The role of Community Kitchen for Clients in a Socio-economically Disadvantaged Neighbourhood, published by Furber (2012) it has been observed that the emergence of community kitchen has developed the socio economic factors. Amado et al. (2013) stated that a large number of people due to the lack of economic strength fail to continue their higher studies. The concept of community kitchen has come as a big opportunity for those people as a source of income. On one hand, society is highly benefited after getting healthy foods. On the other hand, this particular business process has become a source of income for people. In this article the author has stated that due to the food insecurity vulnerable group of people has faced disastrous consequence. The number of disease was rising rapidly. In this kind of situation, the entrance of community kitchen had become a ray of hope for the service users. The author while depicting this particular article on how this business process has become fruitful for those people who are economically challenged.

The concept of community kitchen: 

Armellino et al. (2012) stated that community kitchen is the concept of small business process that is primarily surrounded with group of people. In the current market scenario, it has been observed that most of the members of a particular family are intimately associated with any organization. Therefore, they have to lead a hectic schedule in their day-to-day life. Therefore, maintaining health and hygiene factors in food has become essential for those family members. In order to maintain health and hygiene factors within the body community kitchen has been decided to be established. Block et al. (2012) the concept of community kitchen implies that certain number of people or a group of people provides as well as share meals to the householders or any official members. In order to form a community kitchen the group members have to act some relevant acts and regulations to maintain the health issues of service users.

Clemente et al. (2012) opined that community kitchen is constituted with certain group members who take responsibility in conducting the entire process. The entire process is dependent on 7 to 8 members of group. The team members are kept under an efficient group leader who controls the entire team. Group leader intends to pay the participants in weekly basis. The primary purpose of community kitchen is to serve healthy food to the people and involve the family members in the maintaining hygiene factors while preparing foods. With the progress of civilization, human being has to lead a fast schedule. Therefore, the emergence of community kitchen is the big advantage from those people who have to suffer immensely in health issues. Dufo-López, Zubi and Fracastoro (2012) the service of community kitchen is beyond any kind of risk factors. The foods and services that they provide to their customers are reliable as they are maintaining relevant regulations related to health issues.

The primary aim of community kitchen is to improve access to healthy food. Community kitchen can be taken place at any place. It can be a school, community centre, workplace, home, churches and so many. Under the guidance of a particular leader, rest off the members like to provide services to the customers. After the emergence of community kitchen the householders as well have become very much active in maintaining health while preparing foods and products. However, this particular study has focused to deal with the importance of community kitchen in improving health, psychological and social behaviour of community. Furber et al. (2012) opined that the constitution of community kitchen has very much effective in developing the society as well. The people do not have to face health issues very frequently after receiving healthy food. As a result, the percentage of various diseases is rapidly decreasing.

Role of community kitchen in improving health and motivation: 

Acts as a weapon for those people who are facing challenges economically:

With the competitive market, people sometimes do not get the suitable jobs as per their level of qualification. As a result, they fail to support their family members in earning bread and butter. On the other hand, people who are backward in the society and culture do not get enough scope to continue their higher education.

As a result, community kitchen is a big weapon for those people as a source of income. It has been observed that people from different geographical corners can invest their time in this particular process and earn sufficient money by providing healthy foods to the people. Initially, the group leader does not have to invest sufficient money for starting the business process (Gibbs et al., 2013). Therefore, the people who are interested to start community kitchen within workplace or houses can proceed easily. People facing economic challenges get the scope to earn money and to support their family members. Therefore, both the service providers and the service users are equally benefited with community kitchen.

Reduces the rate of disease or any kind of health issues:

The primary aim of community kitchen is to reduce the health issue from human life by serving and sharing quality foods. Iacovo et al. (2013) stated that food is one of the most effective reasons, which become the source of health issue. Therefore, before launching a community kitchen the group members have to maintain all the necessary regulations of health and safety acts. On the other hand, it is undeniable that the number of service users in a community kitchen is high. Therefore, it has become one of the major parts of social responsibility to provide healthy foods to the service users for maintaining social development (Jerneck & Olsson, 2013). At the same time, the use of community kitchen has been increased globally. In most of the workplaces, the existing working employees decide to establish community kitchen for the sake of their safety issue. After providing a huge hour of service process the employees needs to have proper food or drink to maintain their health well. Therefore, this particular part has focused to provide on how community kitchen is very much effective in reducing the rate of disease.

Makes the family members more concerned about health and hygiene factors

King et al. (2013) opined that the goal of community kitchen is not only providing good services to the customers but also being a proper guide on how to maintain health and hygiene factors while preparing foods and drinks. As already mentioned, a large number of diseases occur due to the lack of maintaining hygiene factor while making a food. Therefore, the householders with the help of professional coaching from the members of community kitchen can take a proper guidance. The primary role of professionals is to provide proper guidance how the family members would be able to make healthy foods for the near and dears. As a result, the society would be automatically improved in terms of avoiding health related issues.

The factors affecting maintaining community kitchen: 

Economic strength:

In order to establish the business the group members have to invest certain amount of money to set up the entire process. For an example, cooking equipment, raw materials, cooking ingredients and so many should be arranged properly. Therefore, due to the lack of economic strength the team members fail to establish community kitchen in various places. Kramer et al. (2013) opined that this is the only business with the help of which the group members can make a long-term process by investing materials in one time.  However, the investment of money is one of the most effective reasons due to which the group members fail to establish the process of community kitchen properly.

Lack of proper training:

Lake et al. (2012) commented that a professional and development training is highly needed in order to get the service in proper time. Due to the lack of economy, the group leaders fail to provide a professional training session to the volunteer service providers. As a result, customers sometimes get deprived of getting the service process in proper time. Service users consequently tend to show their extreme reluctance in using the service of community kitchen. Therefore, a professional training is highly needed for every single participant to groom them up towards the business services.

Lack of communication with the team members:

It has been observed that a large number of team has failed to maintain their internal co-ordination due to the lack of proper communication among the team members. Most of the team members are from different cultural backgrounds and attitudes. As a result, linguistic barrier is one of the most significant factors due to which people fail to understand each other (Loopstra & Tarasuk, 2013). This kind of lack of communication highly effects on the service process as well. Customers get affected in receiving services within proper time. As a result, a distance is created between the service providers and service users. However, this kind of business process is very much effective only when team members would be able to exchange necessary information with each other. McKenzie-Mohr (2013) commented that any kind of psychological barrier, cultural barrier or even linguistic barrier may demolish entire process of community kitchen.

Lack of efficiency of group leader:

Group leader has to play a major role in controlling the entire process of community kitchen. Without the proper systematic guidance of group leaders, the team members cannot be directed properly. Therefore, group leader should have the proficiency to manage every individual team member properly (Pinstrup-Andersen, 2012). At the same time, the group leader has to be accustomed with various languages so that this particular individual can communicate with every team member with equal flexibility. Apart from the management skill, the academic qualification of the group leader has to be very much strong. In order to initiate the business, the group leader has to fix a certain budget for the entire business process based on which they like to proceed for the next. Therefore, without proper efficiency this individual cannot keep a constant control over the entire process of business. In addition, the communication skill of a group leader as well sometimes becomes a major cause of being unable to make a proper team of community kitchen.

The effect of community kitchen in improving the psychological and social behaviour: 

Healthy foods keep an individual psychologically relief:

Extreme health issue as commented by Sarkissian et al. (2012) is one of the most effective reasons to psychological dilemmas. Community kitchen has rendered some of the innovative strategies and policies based on which customers get healthy and quality foods. Automatically, the people become psychologically free and relieved. The initiatives that community kitchen likes to take after launching their business is beneficial for both the customers as well as service providers.

Improves the social behaviour:

Along with sharing healthy foods and products, the purpose of community kitchen is to learn the people on how to lead a disciplined and healthy as well as systematic life. Taché and Carpentier (2014) stated that the family members as well take an effective guidance from the community kitchen on how to lead a healthy life. Therefore, people would have to be accustomed with healthy social life. High rate of health issue and disease can demolish the growing energy of an individual in doing any kind of laborious deeds. However, the emergence of community kitchen is highly effective for improving the social behaviour of human being.

Keeps an individual free from serious diseases:

Community kitchen is such an initiative taken by a group of people that can help the individuals free from health issues and major diseases. With the dynamic rat race of civilization the human being has to be dependent on street foods, fast foods, As a result, they have faced unexpected health issues (Wang & Stewart, 2013). In this kind of situation community kitchen has become a major solution for those people who have to spend a busy and hectic lifestyle. Therefore, the effect of community kitchen is undeniable in making the human free from any kind of health issues.

Development of society:

People belong to backward class of society do not understand the value of maintaining hygiene factor while preparing foods and drinks. Therefore, community kitchen is the particular business process that acts as a major guide for those people who should be learnt how to maintain health and hygiene factors. This particular group of people are flexible to provide an effective session to family members especially women on how the human parts of body are highly affected due to the unhygienic foods and drinks (Wang & Stewart, 2013). Therefore, the sessions taken on behalf of the group members of very much effective for providing the family members a proper lesson and guidance about the impact of community kitchen. Therefore, indirectly the entire process of community kitchen helps in developing in society development.

Literature gap: 

In the previous literature review, the author has focused to deal with a particular topic. The people who have to face economic challenges in maintaining their daily livelihood can focus on launching this kid of business process. On one hand, the people would get healthy and hygienic foods and drinks. On the other hand, those kinds of people would be able to earn bread and butter for their family members. This particular article however has avoided mentioning on how community kitchen is successful enough in improving the health and psychological behaviour of people. On the other hand, the author has not mentioned in this article that the entrance of community kitchen has reduced the rate of health disease.


The entire study has focused to discuss the impact of community kitchen in improving the psychological and social behaviour of people. In the previous literature review the author has discussed on how this kind of process has a major effect in helping the economically challenged people. The necessary factors that highly affects in establishing the overall set up of community kitchen has also been depicted in this specific study. Various eminent scholars have provided their own opinion critically regarding the importance of community kitchen. The articles used in this particular study has been critically analysed in order to evaluate the effectiveness of community kitchen in improving human health.


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Taché, J., & Carpentier, B. (2014). Hygiene in the home kitchen: changes in behaviour and impact of key microbiological hazard control measures. Food Control, 35(1), 392-400.

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