Proof of Concept Report
Proof-of-Concept Report
Provide a summary of your report that highlights key information to be shared.
Briefly introduce your project and include the current structure of the company.
Statement of Need
Explain what the company is struggling with and how the company could benefit from moving to the cloud.
State any assumptions you made as part of the process.
Description of Current Infrastructure
Describe the current infrastructure of the company that will be migrated to the cloud.
Cloud Service Providers
Provide an overview of the top three cloud service providers. List the services offered and briefly describe the advantages and disadvantages of each provider.
Project Details
Explain the steps involved in executing the project. “Building a VPC on AWS” and “Launching a Web Server” on AWS should be subtitles under “Project Details.”
Building a VPC on AWS
Describe the steps used in building a VPC.
Launching a Web Server on AWS
Describe the steps used in launching a web server on an instance.
Challenges Encountered
List and discuss any challenges in encountered while building the VPC and launching the web server.
Appendix - Screenshots
Start Lab
Include a screenshot of the following page to show the time you started the lab.
Source: AWS
AWS Management Console Name
Include a screenshot of the following page to show your name.
Source: AWS
Capture the screen after each task of the lab and insert it here.
Task 1: Create Your VPC
Source: AWS
Task 2: Create Additional Subnets
Source: AWS
Task 3: Create a VPC Security Group
Source: AWS
Task 4: Launch a Web Server Instance
Source: AWS
Lab Complete
Source: AWS
Source: AWS
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