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PRA 210 | Public Relations Campaigns | PR Campaign about Kraftymarket

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You are required to create a PR campaign about kraftymarket.



We live in a world where we always face complex problems that need creative solutions to improve our way of living. Creativity is a way of living, we think about creativity as creating something, but actually the main meaning of the creativity is 'to grow'. Being creative help you to be a better problem solver in every situation you face in your life.

 We are all creative beings. Everyone is creative in his own way and we show our creativity and ideas in different ways such as Painting, designing, way of learning, a way of find solutions, way of working and reaching goals. Most people they don’t have the ability to share their creativity and ideas because they don’t have the tool to make them more powerful to speak and share their ideas.

Krafty Market’s team is a passionate team of art lover where they are interested to share the ideas and artwork of the creative people and artists. They believed in the abilities of upcoming artists, they saw beyond the unique creative pieces and understood that being creative is not enough; they needed to identify and address the challenges faced in turning crafts into a business. That’s why they designed an outlet to showcase art and ensure talent sustainability.

Krafty market is an online marketplace where people can buy all sort of unique, vintage and handmade products in one unique marketplace. The idea of it is to help creative people to sell their products online, help them by setting up a store in the website where they can upload their products and start selling.

Campaign Planning and Implementation

Step 1: Describe the issue:

Kraftymarket is a new online marketplace where artists and creative people can open a store in the website and start to sell their artwork online. however, as a creative website that was created  for creative people we need to be offering and creating creative events, campaigns, creative techniques to reach people and inspire artist to know about krafty market.

The issue that krafty market facing is that the website is not known and people are not aware of what krafty market is about. Also we are losing the trust of the artists that already have a shop in the website because there is no wide range of buyers and we are not providing activities and events.

To sum up Kraftymarket’s current situation:

  • Loss of products: because our artists do not see rewards from our website.
  • Loss of website visitors: because our website is not regularly updated due to loss of products.
  • Loss of marketing creativity: which we will be focusing on in our campaign.

Step 2: our solutions:

As Krafty market marketing team, our goals:

  • Reach a wider range of potential artists.
  • Reach wider range of buyers
  • Bring traffic to the website
  • Extend the reach of artists already showcasing with Krafty Market
  • Encourage existing Kraftiers to participate with more krafty market
  • Create a contract between Krafty market and Kraftiers to be their exclusive shop

How? Create an event in UAE:

  • Send an awareness email to artists that we are interested in to be a part in krafty market.
  • Create a panel and use it in different events in Dubai. Ex, ripe market in the time square, ‘women only bazaars’, artists bazaars, arts institutions, ladies club in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Alain.…etc
  • Place a billboard in D3 Dubai Design District, City walk, Ladies club in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, and Alain.
  • Create a short video that contains a creative story that inspires raw artists.
  • Educational places: universities, schools.
  • Malls like mall of Emirates, Dubai mall, Mercato, Festival mall.
  • Different bazaars to be sponsored by us.

  • For active Kraftiers who has 20-30 art works will have the opportunity to have a contract in different bazaar halls to offer discounted counters renting prices.
  • Send Kraftiers a weekly report of number of their shop visitors along with guidelines and tips of how to develop and improve their shops.
  • Create a short video introducing and marketing krafty market and share this video on instagram, facebook, krafty website.
  • Create an event. Ex, create an event that include all the artists in kraftymarket and contact a famous artists to be involved in this campaign.
  • Create more than one event per year.
  • Send kraftiers a monthly email so they do not forget that they have a shop in krafty.
  • Social media campaign on Facebook, Instagram with weekly scheduled posts:
  • For posts to be in high traffic timings
  • To tag artists in posts
  • Engage people with our posts: personal tests and games to bring more active users to our social media pages.
  • Provide discounts for active users.
  • Contract with local influencer and bloggers to promote kraftiers artwork.

How to improve our brand?

“A brand is what a business does, a reputation is what people remember” said by Ted Rubin. The reputation of the company is one of the most important things because through good reputation we can reach a wide range of people. We need to focus on the artists that already have a shop in krafty market because they are the reputation of krafty market which they can promote us by telling other artists that they are having a good result from us.

The creative mindset awareness campaign will be based in Dubai. This campaign will give the raw artists the ability to join krafty market by participating in the workshop that will be inspired by a famous artist and the winner will sign a contract with krafty market to open his shop and be a part of the  krafters .

This event will give kraftiers the ability to participate and have the opportunity to display their products.  In addition, we will give the opportunity for the artists that they are not a part in krafty market to participate in this event.

Event’s goals:

  • Our main goal is to motivate raw artists and encourage them to improve their talent.
  • Increase our income by getting a percentage commission of each sold art piece in the event.
  • Increase awareness of our website.
  • Direct contact will encourage artists to be part of our group
  • Face to face contact and getting to know our team will help create a strong relationship with our clients, Kraftiers and potential Kraftiers.

Step 3: The situational analysis (SWOT):


  • The famous artist to provide tips in the workshop of  the event.
  • provide activities and gifts for guests and buyers
  • Spin and win
  • Fun games
  • For participates to have free canvases, to create their art and share it and tag @Kraftymarket, while 3 best creative canvases according to our Krafty team will have a gift (B2B with our partners: Ladies clubs, art institutions..etc)
  • Provide art materials signed by the famous artist with our logo, as gifts to visitors who will participate in the workshop.  
  • rewards from participation packages ( silver, gold, platinum) to provide:
  • 10% on silver package:
  • 20% on Gold package
  • 40% on platinum package
  • competition between raw artists
  • The participation of a famous inspiring artist will support this awareness by motivating raw artists to learn new techniques and gain more knowledge from the artist experience about how to improve their artwork.
  • The workshop will include a competition between raw artists and the best artwork will sign a contract with krafty market to open a shop in the website and be a part of krafters. in addition this will be spread in magazines and social media.


  • poor marketing strategy
  • new company  so not many people know about us
  • people prefer to see the artwork physically
  • The usual art buyers of an old age, which is a cluster not fund of using the internet. As such the traffic will not by proportionate with the actual sells.

save time, we provide description


  • the famous artist that has followers and fans that would come for his name.
  • For participates to have free canvases, to create their art and share it and tag @Kraftymarket, while 3 best creative canvases according to our Krafty team will have a gift (B2B with our partners: Ladies clubs, art institutions..etc)
  • Face to face contact and getting to know our team will help create a strong relationship with our clients, Kraftiers and potential Kraftiers.
  • 10% on silver package:
  • 20% on Gold package
  • 40% on platinum package


  • target audience:
  • young inspiring artists
  • secondary: art collectors
  • Visitors
  • Shops in krafty market

Step 4: Set a behavior objectives and targets goals:

We will probably change and enhance people and raw artist to be creative and motivate them to share their creativity and ideas and help them to take their first step to the art world and share the talents without being afraid.

there is a lot of people that are creative and have the talents but unfourtunly they did not have the opportunity to share and improve their talent. we can say that parents and schools are the main thing that can help and explore the children talents and creativity.

in the creative mindset campaign we will show raw artists that it is never to late to show your creativity and your talents and improve it.

Step 5: Identify target audience barriers:

They don’t have self-motivation, and they know that they have talent and they have creativity but they are scared and they didn’t have anyone to motivate them, also they feel demotivated that maybe no one will like their art work for some reasons.

  • benefit and motivation:
  • Lack of confidence
  • Social barriers and family issues
  • Personal barriers
  • Unable to provide required time
  • Physical barriers like lack of finances

Step 6: Develop positioning statement:

It is important to create a positioning statement. A positioning statement provides a message that can attract the attention of the target audience. The positioning statement in this case will also have to attract the attention of the budding creative artists. Hence it is important that the statement is made in a way that can be effective towards making both the creative artists and the customers aware of the product and the artist aware of their potential for contributing towards Kraftymarket. The positioning statement can be: “Let’s celebrate art together”

This will be an important statement as this can attract both the customers and the buyers. Hence, this statement can serve the purpose of reaching the wider audience. This statement makes clear the actual intentions of the organization and the exact market specialization of Kraftymarkets.

Develop strategic marketing mix:

The marketing mix will be divided into many market segregations. The main target market of Kraftymarket can be divided into people with artistic taste, trendy youngsters or art students that prefer handmade artistic items and especially women buyers that are more art centric in their choice. The focus should be on reaching the upper to middle income group population of Dubai city and surrounding areas. The campaign should reflect the preference for attracting the attention of this market segment.

Product, price, place, promotion

The products sold are basically handmade items ranging from bags and wallets, jewelry, handmade clothing to antique items. The pricing have to be kept in the middle range but reasonable enough to be bought by art enthusiasts of even the lower or medium income groups (Al-Jenaibi, 2014). There will however be more items available between the middle price and the higher priced groups. Given the art factor that guides the products manufactured by the company it will be very important to locate the shops at important malls and it possible beside large art galleries and museums. The promotional activities would have to be done majorly through the various social media groups. Instagram will be good platform for both the PR and marketing campaigns. This is largely due to the fact that instagram showcases pictures and visual imagery. Art is based much on visual attractions, hence through instagram the various visuals of the crafts can be provided.

Develop a plan for monitoring and evaluation

The monitoring process can include the creation of a sales data sheet. Works of the top selling artists need to be effectively assessed. Thus, it becomes important that an information sheet is created that contains the name of the best-selling artists. The designs and creativity of these artists can then be given more preference when creating items (Kirat, 2015). The other artist can also be inspired by their works but importance should be given towards the production of unique works of each artist. The daily, weekly and monthly sales charts have to be used.

Step 7: Implementation of Media plan

Developing a media plan becomes a much important aspect towards an effective public relations strategy by kraftymarket. An effective media campaign can essentially boost the image of kraftymarket. Various forms of media is accessed by a substantial portion of the UAE population. The most important factor to remember is that media can be used as a tool for both marketing and public relations campaign. Media plan should incorporate the usage of media for development of effective interaction with the target audience.

An audio visual PR material would be created for developing effective relationship with the target public. The scenario of the video will be a spacious room that people come across in art museums. Some craftworks will be depicted in a way that one can develop the idea that they could easily be display items at art museums. The second scene will depict the workshop of Kraftymarket (Austin & Pinkleton, 2015). Here, the scene will display the artists at work. The video in this scene will talk about the creativity of the craftsman. Moving forward the close up videos of many artists will be displayed. This will be to make the audience understand that these people are normal everyday people that have great artistic talents. The next scene will display more closely the exact ways in which various craftworks are made (Dhanesh & Duthler, 2017). The crafts displayed will mainly be attractive wallets, jewelry, handmade clothes and their making will be shown through the video. The video will depict how people with inclinations towards art have been able to realize their dreams through working for kraftmarket. The video will be closed explaining about the various possibilities of art and designs.

This short audio visual presentation will be showcased across various forms of audio visual media. However, preference will be given towards social media as majority of the target audience can be reached through the medium. Facebook and Instagram will be extensively used. Kraftymarket will collaborate with various art museums and art exhibition groups for many workshops. Media releases will be provided in regards to the collaboration of the organization with various art exhibition groups. This will enhance the media presence factor associated with the organization. As identified previously the major issue faced by the company is the demotivated attitudes of the artists who think that their works are not getting the recognition they deserve. Hence, the most important factor that will be focused through the campaign will be to emphasize on the importance of the artists towards the identity of kraftymarket. The video will focus on sending the message that the artists are collaborating towards creating not only artistic products but also giving shape to their dreams. This should ideally work as a tremendous motivation for the artists. Ideally this boost can also help towards better productivity from the artist.

Kraftymarket through the social media, will later further develop on the content of the video. Based on the reception of the target audience, the video will be made more elaborate in the subsequent media campaigns (Kleinnijenhuis et al., 2015). This will also be complemented through other image promotion materials. The latest internet trends will be used in order to create a more trendy marketing campaign for the product. The focus will be towards enhancing the prospects of the products. The media campaign will focus on advertisements in news media. However, major focus will be towards the various collaborative activities appearing on the news stories rather than the advertisement sections. The campaign is essentially a public relations campaign so non-marketing oriented social interactions should be focused more. The media campaign will focus on generating public opinion above other obvious factors.

Step 8: Event implementation

Previously a plan for effective event based promotion was provided for kraftymarket. To elaborate further on the matter it is important to understand what need to be done for making the events contribute towards the development of reputation for Kraftymarket.

One of the very first steps towards event planning will be to send an awareness email to artists that the company is interested in to be a part in krafty market. This will increase the possibility for gaining excellent talent. Moving forward the things that will be done are:

- Creating a panel and use it in different events in Dubai. Ex, ripe market in the time square, ‘women only bazaars’, artists bazaars, arts institutions, ladies club in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, Alain, etc.

- Placing billboards in D3 Dubai Design District, City walk, Ladies club in Dubai, Sharjah, Abu Dhabi, and Alain. Promotion of the short video that contains the creative story that inspires raw artists and attracts public attention.

- Educational places: universities, schools.

- Malls like mall of Emirates, Dubai mall, Mercato, Festival mall.

- For active Kraftiers who have 20-30 art works will have the opportunity to have a contract in different bazaar halls to offer discounted counters renting prices.

The events will be planned in order to reach out to the public, especially in Dubai. As mentioned above women are much drawn towards art hence women only malls are being targeted. The markets of Abu Dhabi, Sharjah and Al Ain will also need to be effectively explored. Special emphasis will be given towards visiting universities. Universities are places of higher education are students are much drawn toward art and artistic endeavors. Hence, universities are important places of promotion (Ihlen, Verhoeven & Fredriksson, 2018).

Universities are also places where kraftymarket can acquire young talent. Hence, the university events will be more focused towards acquiring talent rather than marketing. However, it should be essentially considered that universities can also be used to attract a large number of art interested target customers. The universities across Dubai and the major cities of the UAE will be visited. University art exhibitions will be sponsored by the kraftymarket in order to enhance its prospects for acceptability among students. Moreover, these campaigns will be promoted online.

Competitor’s campaign: Comparative Analysis

The various steps involving the public relations strategy of Kraftymarket have been provided. Moving forward an important factor to be considered is the campaign of the competitor. The most important competing organization of Kraftymarket is Little Majlis. The products provided by the organization is very much same. However, little majlis focuses more on displaying fashionable and trendy items rather than emphasizing on handiworks. The shop has its own blog through which they take part in regular public relations marketing. Other tools used by the company are events and community programs. The website of the company focuses on providing products to customers that are a little different (Little Majlis, 2018). Little Majlis offers interested individuals the opportunity to showcase their talent and even seek help for the effective promotion and sale of their products online. Moreover, through the website of the company the company offers to meet the creative people that makes the products for the company. The organization also takes part in organizing various events like recently, the mud kitchens program in Dubai. In this program the company will be collaborating with Mud Kitchens UAE boutique in which children will be encouraged to play in mud kitchen and make creative things out of mud and clay.

The company essentially takes part in organizing regular events such as these in various seasons over the year. Hence, this way Little Majlis stays in touch with their target audiences most of the year. In order for kraftymarket to compete with the company, it becomes important that areas where Little Majlis have not been able to reach are utilized for the promotion and PR activities of the company. It has to be kept in mind that Little Majlis depends on blogs and events to reach out to their target audiences. Similarly, the first thing that need to be done by Kraftymarket is to make their website more interactive. Secondly, as it was found that the events of Little Majlis mostly focus towards families, Kraftymarket have to focus more on the other audiences. The works of Kraftymarket are more youth, women and artistic public oriented they can focus more on events that can be held at places mostly visited by these groups. Hence, universities, woman only malls and art exhibitions as mentioned previously are very good ideas. Moreover, the focus in case of Kraftmarket should be more towards delivering handmade vintage looking items rather than unique fun items for families as can be seen from Little Majlis. However, one thing that can be done by kraftmarket is creating better opportunities for the designers to get public interactions. Hence, press meets, exhibitions, etc, can be organized by the company (Schönhagen & Meißner, 2016). The company can also take part in seasonal events like Little majlis in order to stay connected with the target audiences throughout the year.

It is important to remember that though the competitors are using other methods of establishing public relations, their work towards the benefit of the society becomes much more important to consider for Kraftsmarket. The company can get valuable insights into the target areas of the PR campaigns of the competitor and form strategies of its own that can essentially help in realizing better future goals. Little Majlis have implemented plans that can be essential guidelines for kraftsmarket.

Importance of campaign

The campaign will be called the creative mindset. Its importance lies in the fact that it will be used towards generating better customer interactions for the company. Moreover, this campaign will be focused towards generating more favorable opinions among the intended customer base. However, the importance of the various programs are more than simple marketing or promotional activities. The campaign is focused towards gaining customers as well as talent. Additionally, one of the most important things that can be done through the campaign is bringing the organization in direct touch with the world. The goals that are set for the organization for generating better customer reach can be effectively realized through the campaign. It will be definitely possible to reach wider range of artists through the campaign. This will help the organization to develop better talent and build greater reputation in the market. Moving forward the campaign is also focused towards gaining a large number of potential buyers. The website of the company can get wider traffic. The prospects of the website of the company can definitely be increase to optimize the functions of reaching wide number of buyers. It is important to understand that a large number of buyers of the company will be based on internet (Valentini, 2015). The customer base that the company wants to reach is essentially an internet based public. The products sold by the company could be better ordered online. As mentioned in the earlier part of the plan the campaign can also greatly boost the motivation of the people involved with the organization. Through the organization, the crafts of the artists can get recognition. Hence, the artists can get further motivated to provide craftworks that can bring profitability to the organization due to its better acceptance in the market. The campaign would essentially encourage the artists to contribute more to please the demands of the customers. This will in due course provide greater value to the relationship between the craftsmen and the organization. The organization can develop long term relationship with some of the most talented artists that can contribute towards the further development of the organization. The long term goals of the organization can hence be effectively realized through the campaign (Mohamed, 2017). The campaign if done properly can enhance the good relationship between the organization and the publics that are essential assets for the organization. The organization its members, the artists and the customers all can be reached through the same campaign. It is definitely important to think of the campaign as a part of a much larger functional aspect of the organization than any other promotional aspects (Valentini, 2015). The universities across Dubai and the major cities of the UAE will be visited. University art exhibitions will be sponsored by the kraftymarket in order to enhance its prospects for acceptability among students. Moreover, these campaigns will be promoted online. This will increase the proposition of the company being accepted by the youth of the country (Mohamed, 2017).

In short the campaign can be an all rough image development exercise for the company. Moreover, this image buildup can help the company in its long term survival in the market. The importance of the campaign thus increase in favor of the organization. This is especially due to the fact that the company is operating in a market that will require the company to reach the exact publics that can help the company grow by effectively optimizing their product offerings. The segregations of the marketing mix will help towards reaching all the essential publics separately. The main target market of Kraftymarket will be divided into people with artistic taste, trendy youngsters or art students that prefer handmade artistic items and especially women buyers that are more art centric in their choice. This focus will help to familiarize and popularize the product offerings among a large portion of the target audience. The campaign should reflect the preference for attracting the attention of this market segment. The products sold are basically handmade items ranging from bags and wallets, jewelry, handmade clothing to antique items. However, with the help of the campaign they can become the statement of the entire organization.

Social responsibility

The campaign cannot disregard the responsibilities that it has towards the wider society. Hence, it is important to develop effective social interactions through taking part in social initiatives (Yang, Taylor & Saffer, 2016). Some of the most important things that can be done is supporting the underprivileged artists. This can contribute towards kraftmarket developing better relationship between the artists and the buyers. Kraftmarket will support the underprivileged artists and help them display their works through the exhibitions. More importantly it has to be remembered that kraftymarket can also use art towards expressing newer views of humanistic values. The events can thus be made in order to project values of multiculturalism and sharing across various communities. Since, a large part of the campaign will be focused on reaching out to university students, it becomes important that the company also starts supporting the educational needs of underprivileged youth.

Moreover, University students are moving away from artistic values and the outdoors and increasingly becoming more engaged with technologies, especially their smartphones. The events that are organized across the universities will encourage students to create artistic items. Hence this will bring out the best and the most creative sides of the students. Moving forward this can help to change the perception of the university students in regards to the various outdoor activities that can be done. Inducing new talent can be regarded as a service to the society as society is quickly losing people that are interested in art. Moreover, as art reflects the local traditions of a place. The artistic values can be used in order to showcase the great artistic heritage of the UAE. The students get to showcase their talents and get an opportunity to be recognized in the wider world. However, apart from the following socially productive functions, the organization will also focus towards attaching itself with other social plans and endeavors that can contribute greatly towards the society. The company can organize art exhibitions for children. Additionally, kraftsmarket can also contribute towards various social schemes for the benefit of the world. Thus, considering the possibilities there is a greater scope for the organization to contribute towards the society through this campaign. The social aspects cannot be undermined as social work forms among the most important aspects of public relations activities.


In conclusion it can be said that Kraftsmarket has created an effective campaign. In order to realize the optimal potential of this campaign it is important that the major aspects connected with the campaign are effectively implemented. The naming is effective and the name “creative mindset” essentially provides the background of the entire campaign. The campaign essentially focuses towards developing a creative mindset among the target audience. Kraftsmarket wants to attract the creative attention of both the buyers and the artists. It is important that the campaign reaches the right kind of target audience in order to provide the right amount of exposure to both the organization and the artists. The campaign plan has been effective and can essentially contribute towards the greater success of the enterprise. However, what should be essentially considered is the long time commitment of the organization towards the campaign that will be required. Thus, the campaign can only be effective if the implementation is efficient. The campaign can help bring long term stability to the business of the organization.


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