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Pols2137 : Interpretation And Critique Assessment Answers

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  • Research problem/purpose significance of study
  • Literature review
  • Study design/methods/philosophical underpinnings/theoretical framework/aim/hypothesis
  • Sampling
  • Ethical considerations
  • Data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Findings

In doing this you will be showing an understanding of the research process. Make sure that you support your discussion with relevant references, identifying any implications of the issues identified.

  • Demonstrate that you have conducted an appropriate inspection of the literature related to this topic
  • Summarise the significant findings, showing where this study fits in to the wider

evidence base on the topic. This will help you to demonstrate wider reading and should show that you have undertaken an inspection of the relevant literature.


Conclude your essay by summarising what you have discussed throughout this essay in a logical order. Do not just repeat your introduction. Start this by giving an overall summary – what have you done – what have you shown, how is this relevant to current practice, where does this need to go from here?

The believability of the report can be evaluated based on the Writing style, author credentials, title, and abstract. The writing style of the paper is good with clear communicated grammar that gives credit to the authors. The research paper is concise with no identifiable errors and this also shows the consistency of a report in terms of the structure as the qualitative report is well structured. A well-written recommendation is missing within the report as the qualitative report should follow a conventional research structure, instead the only few recommendations mentioned are part of conclusion (Polit & Tatano 2013).

Authors of the qualitative research report have a high qualification in nursing practice with most of authors having advanced degree in the nursing profession. For instance, all these researchers are registered nursing practitioners indicating their advance knowledge with the research problem. The report clearly shows the qualification of each researcher to add more value, credibility and the believability of the paper (Petr & Walter 2009).

The title of the research paper is clear accurate and shows the intended research. The only problem with the title of the research is the vague presentation of the area of research. For instance, the main area of research is adult patients of age over 60 years and this was supposed to be communicated to the title. The ‘Patient perceptions and experiences with falls during hospitalization and after discharge’ as written is more general and can be confused with the general perception of all patients in the facility. The title of the research gives an appeal for the reader to develop interest. Suppose the title is general, the meaning of research lacks attractiveness. Therefore, the paper ought to have included three main aspects of the research and these include perception, experience and, adult of 60 years and over as these are the main themes of the paper (Ang, Mordiffi & Wong 2011).

The abstract of the research gives a clear overview of the research structures and these include the research problem under investigation, research background, methods, results, and conclusion. The only missing part of the abstract is recommendations. Recommendations being an important part of the research report, give the structure of the report and the possible areas that need to be improved following the study (Jolley 2013).

The limitations of the paper can be derived from two major areas such as title and research structure. The title of the paper it gives the main objective of the paper without mentioning the age cluster under investigation. The age of patients under investigation ought to be included in the title of the paper. Recommendation fall on the conventional structure of the research paper yet the researcher did not include it in the paper and instead added some few recommendations to the conclusion (Hauser 2015).  

Research problem/purpose significance of the study

The research clearly identifies the problem that needs to be investigated as the fall risk among adult patient is a concern. The phenomenon under research is clearly identified and the overall projected area of interest explained in the report. In addition, the qualitative research seeks to explore risk that affects the adults in most nursing facilities. This paper further explains the need to explore the fall problem and patient-centered approach to understating the problem of fall in adult patients. The research problem is important for current nursing practice as the fall in an adult is a phenomenon that has affected the adult care in many healthcares. Furthermore, the problem is quite important for future research and improvement of the adult care especially adult of 60 years and above (Newell & Burnard 2011).

The purpose of the study

The purpose of the study is clearly mentioned as the research explores the gap in terms of the knowledge gap within adult nursing cares. The correlation between research problem and the users on qualitative research methods is little explained by researchers. The research purpose justifies the need to develop a theory on the fall risk that affects most of the adult patients usually over 60 years of age. Moreover, the researcher indicates that the study will add to previous knowledge known for fall risk within the health care system. The purpose of the research has farfetched benefits in evidence-based nursing care practice (LoBiondo-Wood & Haber 2014).

Literature review

The literature review has been undertaken through analysis of various studies that have been done on subjects. The literature review fulfils the objective of finding the gap that necessitates the purpose of research (Rikkert 2010).  For instance, the after analysis of the literature, the literature review reveals the scope of study that has been done but with minimal research being done on the perception of patient experience fall of patient perceptions and experiences with falls during hospitalization and after discharge. The researcher takes the approach of developing new knowledge on the gap that exists in the phenomenon from literature. This approach utilizes the data and results obtained from the various research to build the theory background on the phenomenon. The researcher examines the literature to gain support for the study on patient’s experience. Moreover, the literature review rests on theoretical basis of experienced and perception of patients to build on the knowledge that helps the researcher identify the knowledge gap (Aveyard 2014).


The researcher uses the qualitative research approach that differs with the quantitative approach since a qualitative research is based on analysis of secondary data as oppose to quantitative research that is based on analysis of primary data.  The report follows the common research approach that is used in nursing research. The research methods describe various procedures undertaken during this qualitative research (Faes, Reelick, Joosten-Weyn Banningh Gier, Esselink, & Olde 2010).

Study design

The study design was mainly prospective exploratory design using qualitative methods. Semi-structured interview with open-ended questions and probes were used in the research to collect data on perception. The paper makes the clarification that first interview involved face to face while the second phase of the interview over the telephone after patient discharge (Rubin & Bellamy 2012).

The philosophy underpinning the research

The philosophical approach taken in the research is based on the past research, the gap and the future implications of the research in evidence-based nursing research. First, the researcher based their objectives on the past studies done to understand the phenomenon. Secondly, the knowledge gap that exists in the findings or previous studies as this help in developing the research philosophy and theory to underpin the studies. Moreover, the researcher considers the implication of the study for the evidence-based nursing practice as the knowledge developed will enable finding a solution to the problem (Cronin, Coughlan & Smith 2015).

Qualitative research

Qualitative research is exploratory that seeks to get a more understanding opinion, reasons and motivation behind the phenomenon. The authors of the report chose qualitative approach to research in consistent of the objective of the research that was based understanding or obtaining opinion of older patient on fall. This implies that the research sort the opinion of patient and their experience about fall during hospitalization and after discharge. The research wanted to explore the fall phenomenon among older patient of 60 years and over. Moreover, qualitative research help develop the theoretical ground for future research in nursing practice within the same problem. For example, the author clearly state the method used during the research as exploratory meaning the methodology clearly fit within the context of qualitative research. Another characteristic of qualitative research method that can be seen in the research is use of interviews as the main method of data collection that was also evidenced within the report (Miller 201, pp 191–193).

Difference between qualitative and quantitative approaches

Quantitative research approach involves quantifying the problem based on generation of numerical data while qualitative approach explores the problem under investigation. Quantitative approach is used to change opinions, behaviour, attitude and other variable into numerical data that aid in studies of larger population samples. This is different from qualitative approach that uncovers the trend in these variables for a better understanding of the problem. Quantitative approach tends to be more structured as compared to qualitative approach that can be semi-structured. Quantitative data are normally transformed to more usable data using statistical methods for a better inference derived from the data. Qualitative data on the other hand, are transcribed through some methods to a more reasonable understanding of the problem. Examples of the qualitative data collection method include interviews while quantitative research data collection mostly uses surveys (DeFranzo 2011).

The qualitative research fit in current evidence

The qualitative research paper fits in the current evidence in the nursing care and is beneficial to nursing practice. The research provides theories that are important for patient-centered care for adult patients. This is based on the fact that paper adds more value to theoretical framework that is used to offer care for patient under the same setting in the current nursing practice. Studies have been done on adult patients especially those older patients of 60 year and over. These studies has point the need to increase patient-centered approach to older patients and this qualitative research also point out the need to provide patient centered approach. Therefore, the research gives more evidence that is beneficial in the current nursing care and increase the chance of current improving nursing care (Cohen & Crabtree 2008, pp 331–339).

Theoretical framework

The research work to develop theoretical knowledge and the researcher indicated that the approach used during the research was Glaser and Strauss. In addition, the author shows that the method used in the qualitative research involves developing knowledge where there is a little investigation. The researcher provides lack of more information particularly on the fall phenomenon under investigation as the main reason for using the method in qualitative research (Brown 2014).

Qualitative research

Qualitative research is exploratory that seeks to get a more understanding opinion, reasons and motivation behind the phenomenon. The authors of the report chose qualitative approach to research in consistent of the objective of the research that was based understanding or obtaining opinion of older patient on fall. This implies that the research sort the opinion of patient and their experience about fall during hospitalization and after discharge. The research wanted to explore the fall phenomenon among older patient of 60 years and over. Moreover, qualitative research help develop the theoretical ground for future research in nursing practice within the same problem. For example, the author clearly state the method used during the research as exploratory meaning the methodology clearly fit within the context of qualitative research. Another characteristic of qualitative research method that can be seen in the research is use of interviews as the main method of data collection that was also evidenced within the report (Miller 201, pp 191–193).

Difference between qualitative and quantitative approaches

Quantitative research approach involves quantifying the problem based on generation of numerical data while qualitative approach explores the problem under investigation. Quantitative approach is used to change opinions, behaviour, attitude and other variable into numerical data that aid in studies of larger population samples. This is different from qualitative approach that uncovers the trend in these variables for a better understanding of the problem. Quantitative approach tends to be more structured as compared to qualitative approach that can be semi-structured. Quantitative data are normally transformed to more usable data using statistical methods for a better inference derived from the data. Qualitative data on the other hand, are transcribed through some methods to a more reasonable understanding of the problem. Examples of the qualitative data collection method include interviews while quantitative research data collection mostly uses surveys (DeFranzo 2011).

The qualitative research fit in current evidence

The qualitative research paper fits in the current evidence in the nursing care and is beneficial to nursing practice. The research provides theories that are important for patient-centered care for adult patients. This is based on the fact that paper adds more value to theoretical framework that is used to offer care for patient under the same setting in the current nursing practice. Studies have been done on adult patients especially those older patients of 60 year and over. These studies has point the need to increase patient-centered approach to older patients and this qualitative research also point out the need to provide patient centered approach. Therefore, the research gives more evidence that is beneficial in the current nursing care and increase the chance of current improving nursing care (Cohen & Crabtree 2008, pp 331–339).


The aim of the research is to explore more about the perception and experience of adults. As the perception and experience of adult during fall has limited studies done, discovery of more about the theories that lie on the problem will benefit nursing care.


The sampling method used in the research serves the purpose of the study. The sampling method is indicated by the study though not clearly identified. The sample size, on the other hand, is clearly shown in the paper. For instance, the researcher shows that eighteen adult patients of 60 years and above were used in the study. The sampling method used in the research is appropriate for the research through the sample size is small given the setting of the research study.

Ethical considerations

There are many different ethical considerations that can be identified within the research report. Participants in the research were fully aware of the nature of the study and this is clearly shown in the report. The consent of the study was sort before the research and this is indicated with some informants refusing to participate in the research. Another ethical consideration evidenced in the research is the confidentiality as the researcher indicates that the interview was conducted without other people in the hospital room. The qualitative research gives no evidence for participant’s protection from harm as the paper only presents privacy and the time limit for the interviews. In addition, the ethical considerations prevent ethical dilemma and situations that may reduce the importance of the study. The only area not mentioned in the report is the security of the data under ethical consideration. The data safety for the information given to the researcher is not described in the report with much information given risking misuse (Taylor 2013).

Data collection

The data collection strategy used within the paper is clearly presented in the paper. The paper gives the data collection procedure and the data analysis method. The researcher gives an interview as the main data collection technique and this was done through interviewing informants within the hospital room and telephone after discharge. The audio recording was also conducted to as the second part of the interview during the qualitative research data collection. The researcher indicated the step used to collect data in a systematic manner. The data collection used in the report show no use of data saturation in data collection (Grove, Burns & Gray 2013).

Data analysis

The data analysis used within the research involves transcription of interview data into themes. Coding was performed under three expertise to increase rigors of the data used (Parahoo 2014).  The data analysis that has was used in the research; there are some observations that can be derived. The final outcome was purely generated from the data and this is clearly evidenced on various transcribed interviews listed within the report. The data analysis clearly brings out some themes that were listed and are connected to the objective of the research. The data analysis shows credibility rigor through its clear description of the phenomenon under investigation. The data analysis shows no evidence of data analysis software used during the research. This could have resulted in the more quality result as many data analysis software handle the huge volume of data. Furthermore, the data analysis software prevents biases in data analysis and results are credible and standardized (Moule 2015).


The research report shows credibility, dependability, transferability and goodness were discussed in the qualitative research. Researchers discussed credibility of the research based on data collection and information given during interview. The research paper shows rigour through the connection between researchers and the nursing phenomenon under investigation (Shuman et al 2016). The data that is collected through interview point to clear relationship between patient perceptions and experiences with falls during hospitalization and after discharge with the objective of the research. Dependability is also brought about in the qualitative research since the report gives some possible limitations of the research making it trustworthy. Goodness of the research is based on various informants give their experience and perception about fall and this can be connected to the qualitative information available on fall of adult older patients. The ethical considerations of research indicate the robustness the research and ensure high dependability of the research result. Moreover, careful procedure of data collection brings trustworthiness of the research paper. There is a connection between the objective of research and the qualification of researchers (Parahoo 2014).


The qualitative research gives result that fits to current nursing care situation in the nursing practice. In addition, the results explore the gap that exists within the context of experience and perception in fall of adult patients nursing practice until today. This, therefore, makes the research relevant to the current health situation. The discussion part of the paper is presented in terms of themes and this was categorized into eight major themes and multiple minor themes. Some of the themes are built from the already known theories and knowledge through the argument is based on the current gap that exists in nursing practice (Greenhalgh 2014).

The implication of the paper on the nursing practice

The paper gives the knowledge that has been limitedly studied on the perception and experience of fall among older patients within the hospital and after discharge. The research adds more information to the evidence-based nursing practice that utilizes the information gathered in the research to help improve the knowledge and nursing care (Stevens 2013). The research has high application within the nursing practice based its believability and robustness. This is important for future evidence based research in the nursing field given the vast information that the report gather from various informants during the study (Aveyard 2013).


 In conclusion, patient perceptions and experiences with fall during hospitalization and after discharge remain an important area in nursing practice owing to past experience among many health facilities. Understanding of patient perceptions and experiences with fall during hospitalization and after discharge, offers projection of future theoretical foundations for improving patient care in many nursing care facilities. Much research that is most likely to be done on the phenomenon will borrow knowledge gained in this qualitative research. The quality of the research leaves no doubt about the future application of the findings in the adult nursing care. Also critical look into fall perception and experience of patients during hospitalization and after discharge show greater area of improving patient care. Limitation of this research is also recipe for future improvement in related research as it provides a good theoretical framework for future evidence based research. The last bit of the report presents future need to apply patient centered approach to nursing care of older adult patients of 60 years and over. Therefore, patient centered care is the best alternative care approach to handle adult patients with the same phenomenon.


The essay analyses the strength of qualitative research paper on Patient perceptions and experiences with falls during hospitalization and after discharge. This critique research explores various research elements such as title, methods, abstract, literature review, findings, and discussion, results, conclusions, and recommendations. This essay is important in the adult nursing care since it gives the interpretation of the research findings and its implication in the adult nursing practice. The essay tries to unfold research findings and their application in adult nursing care. The essay also evaluates the strength of qualitative research report based on findings with the patient perceptions and experiences with falls during hospitalization and after discharge as this help build on the body of knowledge in adult nursing practice. The essay also presents the evidence-based practice that can be used to improve the adult nursing practice since the essay show various findings on the adult nursing fall phenomenon. This essay evaluates the methodology used in the research and procedure used in data collection and analysis. Qualitative research present the study design used in the research and the sampling approach used as this forms the core of the methodology. In order to critically appraise the article, ' Patient perceptions and experiences with falls during hospitalization and after discharge ' (Shuman, Liu, Montie, Galinato, Todd, Hegstar &Titler), the Step-by-step guide to critiquing research (Ryan, Coughlan & Cronin 2007) framework is utilized


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Aveyard, H. (2014) Doing a Literature Review in Health and Social Care: A Practical Guide. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Aveyard, H. & Sharp, P. (2013) Beginner's Guide to Evidence-Based Practice in Health and Social Care. 2nd ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

Cronin, P., Coughlan, M. & Smith, V.  (2015) Understanding Nursing and Healthcare Research. London: Sage.

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Faes, M. C., Reelick, M. F., Joosten-Weyn Banningh, L.W., Gier, M. d., Esselink, R. A., & Olde

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Hauser, J. (2015) Reading, Using, and Creating Evidence. 3rd ed. Burlington: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Jolley, J. (2013) Introducing Research and Evidence-Based Practice for Nursing and Healthcare Professionals. Harlow:  Pearson Education.

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Moule, P. (2015) Making Sense of Research in Nursing, Health, and Social Care. 5th ed.  Los Angeles: Sage.

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Stevens, K. (2013) The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas, The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, Vol. 18, No. 2. Available at https://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/ANAMarketplace/ANAPeriodicals/OJIN/TableofContents/Vol-18-2013/No2-May-2013/Impact-of-Evidence-Based-Practice [Accessed on 23 April 2015]

Taylor, R. (2013) The essentials of nursing and healthcare research. Sage Publications.

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