PGRM8.100 Applied Research: XYZ Digital Smell Technology
The Facebook experiment of 2014 manipulated the contents of users’ News Feeds to induce changes in their emotions (Kramer et al., 2014). Facebook had tampered with the news feeds of nearly 700,000 people, showing them an abnormally low number of either positive or negative posts. The experiment aimed to determine whether the company could alter the emotional state of its users. The experiment was designed to assess whether more positive or negative comments in a Facebook newsfeed would impact how the user updated their own page. Researchers found those shown more negative comments posted more negative comments and vice versa. This experiment was widely criticized on ethical grounds regarding informed consent and other issues related to a poor Research Design.
The Facebook Report
Kramer, A., Guillory, J., & Hancock, J 2014, Experimental evidence of massive-scale emotional contagion through social networks. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(24), 8788–8790. Available from
Your Task
A different social network (XYZ) would also like to know if they could alter the emotional state of their users. Unlike Facebook, who wanted to know if more positive or negative comments in their New Feeds would impact how the user updated their own page, XYZ would like to know if different types of smells could impact how the user updated their own page. (Digital scent technology is in its infancy now but XYZ believes that as it develops there will be more interest in online scent marketing).
You have been asked to do the research for them but they do not want to be accused of being unethical. They have asked you to do a Research Design so they can examine it before you begin your research. They do not want you to start the research until they approve the Research Design.
The scent technology traces its origin in early1950s however it is still under process to find its way in various markets to improve the economic and social well-being of the people across the globe. It is the less traveled Avenue despite various attempts by olfactory manufacturers and retailers to find a perfect smell to boost their sales. This study will establish effective methods to create awareness, persuade, convince, inform and remind the consumers about scent products offered by different producers and firms.
Background of the Study
Distinctively, the specific objectives of this paper are to assess the impact of smells on emotional appeal and memory, to determine how smell is transmitted via the internet, and to establish how digital scent technology impacts marketing. The target population comprises of 600 people with the likelihood of embracing digital smell technology making up a sample of 60 people under age brackets of 15-65 years. Survey method is to be adopted to qualify the study outcomes. Simple random sampling technique is preferably advocated for to help in selecting the participants. Data will be generated using questionnaires and analyzed quantitatively through graphs, pie charts, and tables. The validity and reliability of this research will be established by pretesting formulated questionnaires before the study. Ethics will entail honesty, confidentiality, the willingness of participation, and protection of sources.
Research Question and Objective
This paper seeks to find out how different types of smells impact users emotions. Specifically, the following objectives shall be taken into account to come up with answers with regards to the scent technology.
- To assess the impact of smells on emotional appeal and memory.
- To determine how smell is transmitted via the internet.
- To establish how digital smell technology affects marketing.
To meet the above stated aims of the study, the below research questions will help us achieve the objective:
- How different types of smells impact emotional appeal and memory?
- How is smell transmitted through the internet?<
/li> - What are the effects of digital smell technology to marketing?
- How does different digital smell technology impact user’s emotions?
- Does online communication indulge the senses of and hearing and sight?
- Who is the main contributor of digital smell technology?
- What are the principles of application smell technologies?
- How is fragrance technology applied in marketing?
- How does scent appeal to emotions?
- What are the different types of marketing used in reaching the target audience?
Literature Review
Online communications are well known for indulging only two senses; sight and hearing. The paradigm shift in online communication shows that evolution in the digital space is embracing the scent technology which supports the sense of smell using the nose. This new technology supports an e-nose application that receives and transmits smell through the internet. The DigiScents media company has been sported as a major contributor of digital scent though iSmell technology that broadcasts scents from the web.
Evolution of digital scent technology
Digital scent technology deals with transmission and receiving scent enabled digital media such as web pages, movies, video games, and music among others. The scent technology came into existence during 1950’s where Hans Laube invented a smell-O- vision system that released odor during film projection to enable the viewers “smell” what was happening in the movie. Later, Hans inventory faced stiff competition from Charles Weiss who invented the AromaRama system which emitted scents through air conditioning system in theatres. Since then other scent technologies have evolved with the invention of iSmell, Pinoke, Scent Dome, Kaori Web, XML Smell, and [email protected] Aroma Generator among others. These scent technologies aim at offering digital smell solutions to websites, theatres, TVs, and phones.
Smell technology principles
Sensitivity: It is the core principle under which the e-nose technology works. The artificial nose works through different sensitivity patterns to distinguish different odors.Sensing a deodorant: This principle demands that a deodorant to be detected and recorded before delivering a signal to the processing unit. For example smell, a device used to emit gas via the computer to produce scent and synthesize it.
Application of fragrance technology in marketing
Scent marketing just as any marketing aims at increasing awareness, selling the brand and change the loyalties of potential clients. There are different types of scent marketing with each playing a different role to the target audience. These are as discussed below;
Aroma billboard smell: Aroma billboard smell is the most vibrant scent technology that contains a scent statement to customers. It is well known to customers due to its trademark in coffee Starbucks. The smell is perceived as part of customer experience and a source of attraction towards a given brand.Thematic smell: This complements the decor or purpose of a distinctive place. For instance, the vanilla smell in a beauty spars or resort.
Ambient smell: This type of smell is subtle and creates an atmosphere. To some extent, this scent is used to cover unpleasant odors.
Signature smell: This type of smell is exclusive to big brand names for purposes of creating a brand image. The targets associate this smell with their favorite brands and its representation. For example, Ivory smell used in high-end shoe represents luxury and wealthy lifestyle.
Research Methodology and Design (s)
Since the study contains elements that can be measured and analyzed. Therefore both qualitative and quantitative research methods will be embraced. Survey will be used to measure the variables under study. This method is most useful in areas where time and resources matter. It is the best approach since only a specified study area will be chosen and desired characteristics as guided by the research objectives taken to scale to find an accurate outcome. Similar characteristics will be perceived common among all the represented population and regions since most people share tastes and preferences. The target population will comprise of teenagers under the age bracket of 15-20, youths from 21- 35 years, middle age ranging from 36-55 years, and finally the aging population from 56- 65years with a view of establishing the contributions digital scent technology.
Research design
Descriptive research designA research design is a plan conceived to obtain answers to research questions. It provides a framework for planning and conducting a study. There are various approaches to research design, and they include: exploratory, descriptive and explanatory. This paper settled on descriptive research design to collect data, test hypothesis and answer questions concerning the current study. This design is efficient since it will help XYZ to evaluate conditions and attitudes through observation and interpretation techniques. The descriptive design also focuses on human contexts, therefore, it shall portray accurate, current facts through data collection for a testing hypothesis to conclude the study. The data to be collected shall be both textual and statistical therefore qualifying this design since it allows analysis of behavior, characteristics, and attitudes of a particular group. It is suitable since it allows easy understanding of individuals and groups actions within a given context.
Sample unit and sampling methodology
Sampling DesignThe sampling technique to be used is stratified random sampling. The researcher should use simple random sampling to establish the number of respondents from each sub group. This entails picking correspondents randomly from the target population. This method is suitable since it ensures that every element in the population has an equal and independent chance of being included in the sample.
Sample Size
A sample is a sub set, sub unit, or section of the whole population selected by the researcher for observation and analysis. The sample makes it possible for the researcher to survey an entire population in depth. The researcher will select a few elements from the population for the study and the findings to be implemented to the whole population as shown in the table below.
Population Categories |
Targets Populations |
Sample Size |
Percentages % |
Teenagers |
240 |
24 |
40 |
Youths |
160 |
16 |
27 |
Middle age |
180 |
18 |
30 |
Aging population |
20 |
2 |
3 |
Totals |
600 |
60 |
100 |
Table 3.1: Sample Size (Source: Author, 2017)
Discussion about data
Data collection is gathering empirical evidence to gain new insights about a situation and answer questions that prompt undertaking of the research. They include questionnaires, interviews, focus groups, observations, and census. The study shall embrace the following;
One on one interview should be conducted between the researcher and some of the correspondents. This will enable the researcher to obtain qualitative data and allow clarification of any unclear information. Given that the interview is in person, the researcher will create a good rapport with the interviewee hence more accurate data. Cases of inconsistence from participants should equally be addressed accordingly. Significantly, the researcher will observe the correspondents and obtained important characteristics as per the research guidelines.
Semi structured questionnaires will be used to meet the objectives of the study. Data is expected to qualitative and quantitative. The questionnaires will be open-ended to allow the respondents freedom as well as the researcher to obtain more information seemingly not captured during the interview. However, some closed ended questions are to be used to ensure the research gets its objectivity and gather demographic information and other statistical data. Questionnaires will be useful in establishing the number of people who hold certain beliefs on digital scent technology on:
Smell hardware: Digital scent technology is about transmission and receiving scent enabled digital media such as web pages, movies, video games, and music among others. This scent technology includes a series of events and processes that pass through smell hardware devices. The commonly used smell hardware devices include iSmell, scenography, and sensors. Each device play a role in transmitting scent via internet as follows;
Scentography: Scentography permits integration of scents with the digital media such as DVDs, games, and websites. It allows users to enrich their webpages.
Cheok argues that the scent technology uses various applications to perform various functions ranging from; sending scented emails, watching scented DVDs, sampling perfumes from beauty products websites, and smelling freshly brewed coffee on online stores. The applications are categorically placed into three. These are;
Educative application: Gilbert, 2015 argues out that this application package aims at teaching subjects such as sciences, History, and Geography.Entertainment application: The scent makes music and games
Medical use: Aromatherapy is an excellent example of a scented medical application that helps to cure diseases by smelling various scents. For example, brain disorders.
How scent appeals to emotions
Smell evokes memories and emotions. Memories and emotions may be pleasant or unpleasant experiences. For example, a good smell from a beach instantaneously causes nostalgia for good times and pleasant vocational memories. Senses such as sight, touch, taste, and sight are not instant though they can trigger memories and emotions as well. This is because they have to travel to the cognitive receptors first before evoking a response. Smell is a subconscious effect and triggers an impulsive reaction from the target audience such as buyers. Most businesses are embracing the smell technology to brand and market their products.
Effects of digital smell on various sites
Theatre. Virtual theaters work under the principle of virtual reality. For example, a movie where an action of a burning tire takes place, viewers are not only limited to seeing the tire burning but also smell the burning tire through scent filled in the theater.
Television. The quality of pictures and sound is heightened thereby increasing the urge of watching the television. This attracts more viewership.Internet. DigiScents technology adds a new dimension in e-commerce and entertainment. For example, adding scent to a movie, online advertising, and interactive games are the possible outcomes of smell technology.
Email . Scent enabled emails to allow users to engulf a sense of reality which increases their interaction level with a mutual sense of closeness. For example, the scent technology allows families and friends to bond through celebration messages such as birthday wishes where a card with music and a dozen of roses with smell can be sent electronically.
Setbacks of scent technology
Cost. The cost is likely to be high. Home computer users may find it unreasonable to pay high price tags for the luxurious and sniffing websitesMuch commitments. Digital scent technology is immature therefore requires committed partnership and reasonable investment schemes to customize the results for companies and businesses that use smell to brand their products and services.
Highly subjective. Smells are highly subjective making it risky and complex when it comes to gender and cultural appropriateness. Therefore the scent should be congruent to the message or business attached to it. If not checked, it can harm the business and people as well. The choice of smell plays a huge role in the successfulness of the campaign since clients are more likely to respond by their expectations.
Significance of digital smell technology
Readily available materials/ availability of facilities. The scent cartridges contain natural materials which are easily accessible through supermarkets, cosmetic shops, food and beverages, and garden squares among others.Smell protection. The iSmell is designed in a way that the scent is well protected from the source to the end user, therefore, it cannot be tempered with in whatsoever manner. It is, therefore, more reliable and not prone to damage as it is in the case of variation in human beings. The e-nose is equally portable and reliable.
Ethical considerations
The study should be conducted in accordance with the declaration of Research Institute. Participation should be on free will basis. Sources should be allowed maximum freedom to give solicited information with regards to the study objectives. Additionally, they should be well protected from harm by maintaining the confidentiality of information sourced from them. A backup system should be created to ensure the information is protected against loss and manipulation. However, the correspondents should also be given a chance to give their opinions, thoughts, and ideas by designing open ended questionnaires.
Data Analysis and Presentation
Data analysis is the process of systematically searching, arranging, organizing, and breaking data into manageable units, synthesizing the data, searching for a pattern, discovering what is important and what is to be learned. The findings of XYZ Company should be presented in figures, pie-chart diagrams, and tables. Percentages would equally be calculated to access different characteristics such as the number of people who own computers, staffing, resources and others. After that, brief explanations should follow to describe the numerical figures obtained.
Validity and reliability
Reliability is the degree to which an assessment tool and produces give stable and consistent results. The study should, therefore, use parallel forms to measure safety. The questionnaires will be guided by research questions and be pre-tested to ascertain the suitability of the tool before the actual administration. This will help to detect weakness in design and instrumentation and provided proxy data for selection of a probability sample. Pre-testing should be done by administering the questionnaire to 10 respondents not included in the actual study. This will enable the researcher to fine tune the survey for objectivity and efficiency of the process. The questionnaire should take approximately twenty minutes to fill. Equally, repetitive elements and characteristics across the correspondence should be noted to gauge the reliability of the research. These may include; costs, market perceptions, and technological level about smell technology.
Limitations of the study
The study is likely to be limited regarding specified timeframe. This will push the researcher into many tasks to come up with reliable data and meet the deadline. Some sources may also be having busy schedules and finding them may be a little bit strenuous delaying the process. The researcher should, therefore, set appointments with the sources before the exercise.
Concisely, the scent technology through digital smell is a revolutionary high-tech system that has a better position within the market sphere. Human beings are highly attracted to scents. The sense of smell is a powerful tool in transmitting memories and emotions thus a good marketing strategy for XYZ. The company should, therefore, use high-tech systems with standby software engineers before reaching out to its target clients. The management should do a cost analysis to establish the overall cost regarding human resources, material cost, system installation, training among others. Conducting a SWOT analysis would also help XYZ to establish its position within the market, singling out its strengths, weaknesses, opportunity, and threats. Being a social network, XYZ should consider some issues needed to collect its data. These issues are not only limited to the sources but also a legal framework, demographics, technological aspects, and environmental issues.
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