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Personal and Professional Development: Efficient Planning

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The personal development is considered as one of the most Efficient Planning processes for acquiring the excellence in the future interested zones. According to Alkin (2011, p.125), the professionals are also developing their personal skills for making the most use of their expertise. The development of the personal and the professional skills decides the relevant track that one needs to keep by concerning improvement and changes. Bolton (2011, p.133) stated that the one who needs to undertake such development has to consider the proper methods by assuring the required fields of changes. A proper planning process for the improvisation of the professional and the personal skills will be a signified way for keeping the interests high (Kruckeberg et al. 2011, p.98). This particular study will be evaluating the necessity of the proper planning process for confirming the success in future.

Evaluation of the different approaches considering the self-managing the learning

It is quite evident that the development procedure of learning requires several approaches for justifying the applied self-managing system. Some of the approaches are therefore discussed below:

Enhancements of the Performance

Firstly, it is very much required to recognize the probable rectification of the skills. Based on the past performance, one needs to think specifically if the performance level has been decreased. The differentiation between the previous performance level and the current one is needed to be judged accordingly. In such cases, Tomlinson (2012, p.336) mentioned, the learner can take the advices from the Human Resource Management, colleagues or the managers. In the simple presentation, it can be inferred that the enhancement of the performance is based on the specific field that one wants to persuade the career. The knowledge about the negotiation skills and the self-coaching system can be helpful enough in enhancing the performance skill (Cummings and Worley, 2014, p.205).

Targeting the specified Job Market

Usually people fail to concentrate on the requirement of the changing business market, as they get too busy at work. Therefore, Noe et al. (2014, p.182) pointed out that it is very much necessary to specify one’s key skill and suggest them the suitable job role. In addition, it can be implied that the lack of proper qualification skills based on the requirements can come up as some serious issues in selecting target market.

Upgrading the knowledgeable skills

According to Cottrell (2013, p.201), some of the professional zones requires the upgraded knowledge as the areas and needs keep on changing. Therefore, the learner firstly should keep the eyes on the needs and accordingly up-to-date the knowledge as per the requirements.

Apart from these self-managing steps, it is very much required to concentrate on some of the personal skills development. Reading different types of books and journals, keeping eyes on the newspapers and news channels, joining different monitoring or training classes, spending time in conversing with other professionals, enlisting names into different professional associations would be very much helpful in developing the professional skills more relevantly.

 The ways of encouraging the lifelong learning in professional and personal contexts

According to Daft and Marcic (2013, p.114), the lifelong learning is substantially referring the development of the skills in personal and professional contexts. The learners can assess their personal development of the lifelong learning by the evaluation of their strength, weakness, opportunities, and threats. It can be inferred that one’s most prominent strength are the ambitious nature and the will power to gain enough knowledge to develop the skills (Pedler et al. 2013, p.45). On the other side, the biggest weakness could be the stressful nature of a person. The opportunity is indicating the availability of the different learning centers to continue the further learning. The market recession and money can be counted among the threats for a person accordingly. Hargreaves et al. (2014, p.313) indicated that the evaluation of the proper SWOT analysis would be effective enough in justifying the process of continuous learning development. In such cases, the review of the opinions or judgments is very much necessary.

The self-reflective learning is the linking between practical issues and the professional development. O'leary et al. (2011, p.462) referred that the self-reflective learning is helpful enough in learning through the developed contents used in the workplaces. The person who is working under an organisation is assigned with several responsibilities, which are needed to be maintained (Aris et al. 2014, p.334). In such times, the relevant combined approaches, techniques, level, and ideas can be useful for the enhancements of self-reflective learning.

Evaluation of the benefits of self-managed learning to the Individual and Organisation

Zakarevicius and Zuperkiene (2015, p.4345) stated that the self learning system is the initiative that people take themselves for the improvisation of their personal and professional skills. Therefore, it has been ensured that the positive impact of the self-manage learning is very much significant. Most of the graduates undertake such procedure for acquiring degree for their self improvement and skills development in the professional life.

Skills based on Team Work

It has been seen that the organisations are much fascinated by the teamwork efforts (Cottrell, 2015, p.112). The individuals are already skilled enough in considering the working within a group, as they were indulged into several group project activities in the university. Therefore, they can easily apply such skills within the Organizational activities.

Skills based on Presentation

If one individual is assigned with a particular topic, they gain the knowledge to present the project through the projectors (Aşkın and Tatar, 2013, p.48). Therefore, they can apply such skills within the organisation too while presenting any particular segmentation in front of the business clients. It influences their capacity to talk in a very skilled manner in front of the managers or the directors of the same company or other company.

Skills based on Communication

The system of self-manage learning is one of the most relevant ways to improve one’s writing and communicational skills. The enhancements of such skills can be beneficial for the organisation in considering the achievement of the objectives. Fajardo Castaneda (2014, p.220) opined that the self-manage learning helps the individual to be independent and brave enough to face the challenges by applying their skills. They can even share their learning outcomes with the other individuals for the continuous improvements in future (Hinojosa, 2012, p.35).

It has been indicated from the above discussion that if the individuals were undertaking such self-manage learning, it would be beneficial for the individuals as well as for the organisations. Even the organisations can meet the objectives by applying such skills gained through the self-manage learning system.

The processes and activities required for implementing the learning development plan

It is evident that the survival in this competitive world requires the continuous progress and upgraded skills. However, Nahata (2012, p.605) indicated that one must plan first which development procedures are needed to be undertaken.

Individuals can improve their personal and professional skills by gaining knowledge from the upgraded journals, books or articles.

There are so many of the training centers and learning coaching centers available. People can join them to gain knowledge (. Moreover, they can even attend the seminars, conferences, and campaigns for upgrading their skills by acquiring knowledge from the working professionals.

The individuals can take parts on the voluntary works or may arrange some of the events related to the learning development.

It would be relevant enough if the individuals can undertake the research activities or can publish the online blogs and articles (.

The skills development takes place when an individual can train others, perform in the conference or give any kind of presentations in front of the working professionals.

For the improvisation of the learning skills, people can communicate with the professionals from other departments, customers or the suppliers.

Individual can join the committees, different group associations, etc.

Reflection of the own learning against original aims and objectives set in the development plan

It has been indicated that the personal and the professional development procedure needs the evaluation of the progressive nature of a person (Gonzales and Lambert, 2014, p.18). The progress will lead the person towards the self-assessment through the reflection of a proper developing plan. It is evident that the professional staffs are acquiring the knowledge about the self-manage assessment for justifying the exact needs of organisation. The learners are therefore gaining knowledge about the requirements and understanding what the organisation actually lacks. The subscription of the collection instruction helps in assisting the learners for the comprehension of the revolutionary approaches. With the help of such ways, the individuals are adapting the qualities more relevantly. This kind of techniques is evaluating the necessity of the study based on the particular zone. Ingram and Williams (2015, p.102) implied that by discussing about the segmentation, the individual can build up several communicational process, which is eventually enhancing their professional skills. On the other hand, Gerritsen-McKane et al. (2012, p.146) mentioned the relevance of the direct communicating process, which does not require any kind of research journals or paper. Therefore, in this learning process, the individual can directly communicate with other individual through conferences, seminars, and other social gatherings.

Identification of the Solutions to work-based problems: High Employee Turnover, work related accidents, Job allocations, and team building:

It is evident that the individuals have to face several difficulties while working under the organizations. There are some of the unfortunate situation can take place during the evaluation of the organizational process. Jackson (2012, p.867) identified that in some of the places, the human resource management of the company is not so much efficient in building the transparent relationship with the employees. Therefore, in time of the rising of any kind of internal conflicts, the employees are not able to communicate about their problem. Even on the other hand, it has been seen that while shifting the business entity in the different geographical places, the individuals get uncertain about their stability in work, which may cause the reason of employee turnover (Marlowe et al. 2014, p.102). In such cases, the Human Resource Management should build up the effective training period or needs to undertake the motivational activities. When the employees are provided with the effective training session, they can enhance their personal as well as the professional skills (Nahata, 2012, p.332). Usually such enhancements are effective enough to avoid their turnovers.

On the other aspects, it can be mentioned that if the management is allocating the job to the employees as per their expertise, they will be able to perform their jobs by evaluating their experiences and efficiency. The management of the Organisation needs to assure the safety and security approaches of the employees for the situational conditions. The consideration of the different motivational aspects can enhance the required skills of the employees. Rodrigue-Desnoyers (2011, p.105) indicated that the evaluation of the teamwork can also be considered as one of the major issues that may arise within the organizational internal scenario. It is very much indicative if the team members can motivate the other members by applying their professional skills. The new team members can also enhance their skills and the problem may get resolved accordingly.

Variations of the communication styles for resolving the problem and application of the appropriate manner in different levels

According to Shore (2012, p.156), the communication styles are differentiated in several divisions, like non-verbal, verbal, and preverbal. In justifying the working environment, the assertive communication skill is chosen to be one of the most relevant ways to resolve the problem. In some of the cases, the managers or the supervisors of the organisation communicate with the administrator by applying such method of communication. On the other hand, Alkin (2011, p.89) implied that the supervisors or the managers communicate with the employees in a very aggressive way.

This kind of communicational process is effective enough in getting touch with the low-level staff. In fact, the individual can enhance their communicational transparency by communicating with the managers or the supervisors (Bolton, 2011, p.207). The realization of the required cooperation is needed to be considered while building the communicational transparency among the working professionals. Even in some of the cases, different signs are used as the ways of communications.

Evaluation and the usefulness of effective time management strategies

According to Tomlinson (2012, p.469), since the time management is considered as a quite tough procedure, it is very much important to structure the work process in a systematic way. If the task of assessing skills development process is given 7 days time, the periodic schedule is needed to be evaluated. While working with other professionals, the individuals get to learn about the proper time management in concerning the relevant areas for developing their skills (Noe et al. (2014, p.123). The team members can divide the tasks into parts for finishing the segments within the specified time. The expertise of the segmentation can be helpful for the members to present their own ideas while performing the tasks (Zakarevicius and Zuperkiene, 2015, p.470). The saving of the time will be effective enough for evaluating the proper time management for a specified project.

The 7 days working procedure needs the advices of the revolutionary employees. If the employees can apply their skills for the required field, the task can be finished within the mentioned time. The compiling of the tasks from different employees will not take much time and the task will be completed.

Updating the development plan based on the feedbacks and the evaluation

It has been seen that the proper feedback sharing is very much significant for the future skill development of the individual. The working professionals are arranging such seminars and the conferences. In such conference, the individuals can ask questions and share their feedbacks. When the experienced professionals are answering of their queries, it is becoming very much useful for them to understand the relevant aspects as per their interests Cottrell, S. (2013, p.117). On the other hand, the use of the online media is assuring the sharing of the feedbacks by online rating system (Daft and Marcic, 2013, p.98). This is quite beneficial for the improvisation of the communicational skills and making them more attractive for the personal and professional development.

The human resource management even helps the individuals for developing the personal and the professional skills by concerning the efficient communicational transparency building. The proper communication can resolve the internal conflicts that may arise within a business internal scenario and the employees can even discuss their feedbacks about the strategic implementations (Aris et al. 2014, p.4342). This is relevant enough for the individual for improving their personal and professional skills.


The entire study is following the proper and systematic way of developing the personal and the professional skills of an individual. The improvisation of the professional skills requires the evaluation of the effective recognizing of the self-expertise. Accordingly, the individual keeps on developing their upgraded knowledge about their interests. The job role posted on the social networking sites is effectively generalizing the requirements of developing their skills as per their interests. The feedback sharing process and attending of the seminars and the conference will be significantly enhancing the personal and the professional skills of the individual. Even if the individual can train others or join any training or learning center, it will be beneficial for the professionals in enhancing their personal and the professional career development.


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