Password Cracking with Cain
Password Cracking with Cain & Abel and Ophcrack Lab Assignment
Ophcrack was the most efficient tool in being able to recover passwords. Using a rainbow table, it quickly was able to determine the passwords for five accounts in just a few seconds after simply importing user information from the operating system. Cain and Able was effective at cracking passwords, but with a bit more effort. It is versatile in that it has an interface that allows the user to pursue multiple avenues to crack passwords, such as either a brute force attack or a dictionary attack.
Lab Screen Captures | |
Figure 1. Cain & Abel Brute Force Attack Password: “M00n” has been cracked ! | |
Figure 2. Cain & Abel Dictionary Attack Password: Disneyland has been cracked! | |
Figure 3. Cain & Abel Dictionary Attack Password seems to be secure as the attack has stopped, and no password has been cracked | |
Figure 4. Ophcrack Rainbow Table Attack Passwords Riza, M00n, and Bats were cracked in just a few short seconds! |
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