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OML 610 : Organizational and Leadership : Development of Business and

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Consider issues of character, ethics, values and beliefs in relation to leadership - To what extent can, and should, a ‘leader’ reflect and engage with these ideas in relation to his/her leadership approach/style? What are the challenges and consequences of operationalising such ideas and approaches in everyday organizational contexts?

Asssignment criteria:

1.Define and explore the notion and nature of ‘character’ (in the context of the argument being developed);

2. Consider and explore the ethical, values and beliefs dimensions of character in a range of contexts and situations;

3. Introduce, analyse and contextualise a range of relevant leadership theories in relation to the assignment discussion;

4. Introduce, explain and apply a range of practical examples with which to illustrate the assignment;

5. Provide an Introduction and Conclusion which are succinct and probing within the assignment response.

6. Explore the role and impact, and relate to the assignment, of relevant philosophical paradigms (for example modernism and, in contrast, critical management).

To get a clear understanding of character and its relationship to leadership, it is essential to trace its roots, which originates from a Greek word, "KHARAKTER", a marking instrument for metal or stone (Klenke 2016). Our character, at that point, is our mark engraved into something persevering. We can form peculiarities; however, we should chisel our character. Obviously, we don't bear a stone or a sheet of metal set apart with our "character". The persisting thing is the qualities and highlights that frame our evident individual nature. The relations to character to leadership is the uniqueness of an individual’s character which is able to stand out from the mass and have a great influence as a role model. Great leaders in history all have a similar and unique character that allowed to achieve their goals and objectives which affected their organization's successful growth and development. Individuals Such as Elon Musk the chief executive officer and co-founder of Tesla is a good example of a leader with a unique character. He was able to mobilize and influence his investors, stakeholders, and employees towards the firm’s goal and objective of space explorations and clean energy solutions for locomotives (electric cars) which have all been achieved successfully (Kiel 2015.

Roles of character in leadership

Matter of trust- leadership must be trusted to settle on the most astute choices and make the best choice, particularly in troublesome conditions. Trust is accomplished by exhibiting fitness and through solid character. Procuring administrators must trust they can believe the pioneer as must representatives who take after her. Once a pioneer's character is demonstrated dishonest, her capacity to lead will decrease. Keeping pioneers who have poor character and can't be trusted will decrease assurance.

Commands Respect- Great character in initiative summons regard. Other than being believed, these pioneers have the regard of their groups and even the opposition. A man with great character is affable, never disparaging. He is tolerating of others and values hearing restricting perspectives. Because of his ability to tune in and acknowledge, his regard increments. Individuals with poor character aren't regarded in the light of the fact that they have demonstrated that they won't use sound judgment or settle on choices that are in light of a legitimate concern for the group.

Brings excellence- Authority with great character conveys a soul of magnificence to a private venture. These pioneers expect more than business as usual from themselves and the general population they lead. This character ascribe urges colleagues to take in more and accomplish more. With greatness comes duty. This pioneer assumes liability for their activities, notwithstanding when it implies owning up to botches. They have a solid feeling of responsibility and expect the same from their colleagues(Drucker 2017)..

Genuine care - Individuals with great character really think about the general population they work with. While a conscious separation must be kept up in working connections, authentic worry for others is essential for independent venture. Groups are regularly littler than bunches in huge organizations, telling a more prominent requirement for more grounded internal organization ties. This character quality may show as minding concern, support and empathy

ethical, values and beliefs dimensions of character in relations to leadership as anyone might expect, the significance of the character of administration is making advances in the business world, major organizations such as Johnson and Johnson (J&J),the largest manufacturer of health products in USA views charter as an essential to leadership (Gopee and Galloway 2017)  . So as it were, keeping in mind the end goal to complete things efficiently and observing the organizations goals and objectives one first needs to connect with his or her character (Drucker 2017). leaders that possess good character will always achieve results that mirror the organizations in its daily activities. A study of world pioneers in the course of recent years states that leaders who have solid character will make an efficient and effective world for everybody, while leadership, by and large, is fundamental to the social, moral, monetary, and political textures of society. There are several dimensions of character based on ethical, values and beliefs of leadership

Dimensions of leadership

1. Universalism

Universalism is the outward expression of leadership character and is made manifest by the following with respect to context and situations for a deeper illustration (Higgs  2017)

Respectfulness- This subset of universalism simply describes the importance of leaders engaging and giving priority to the needs of the employees creating a conducive working environment which in turn increase productivity. A good scenario that can illustrate this is through the activities and decisions made by Juliana Chugg in creating a conducive and effective working environment for her employees. General Mills Australia Is lucky to have her as the CEO. She decided that the closing business hours will be at 1300hrs every Friday but the employees had the option of staying behind closed doors or going about their business. However the board did not agree with this decisions at all, they saw it as a wastage of time and billable hours. However, Juliana illustrated to them the importance of engaging employees and putting their priorities first.which will make employees feel respected a part and parcel of the firm which increased productivity of the employees (Goswami et al 2016).

Fairness- this is giving equal treatment without any bias regardless of the challenges or benefits available within the organization or externally. A good illustration is through the undertakings of Max de pree the co-founder and former CEO of Herman  Miller. He expressed the empirical importance of conducting fairness to all employees which gives a thriving medium for a conducive environment in the long run. He attributes the success of his firm through fairness to his employees and putting their interest first, they reciprocated this gesture by increasing productivity, growth, and development of the firm (Vogus 2015).

Cooperation-the ability to work as a team within a work environment or organizations is paramount to success in achieving goals and objectives. organizations have seen the value of cooperation, for example, Merck, a major pharmaceutical firm in the U.S., records its acknowledgment of its workers' decent variety and collaboration limits as one its center qualities. It advances cooperation by giving its employees work that is important in a protected and dynamic work environment (Woods 2016). In this manner, building participation as a quality of character requires duty, conceivable corporate upgrade, and cognizance of customer needs, both inside and outer

Spiritual respect- associations today are multidimensional; they give organizations and things at a consistently extending rate and unrivaled quality and achieve these outcomes through a multicultural and different workforce. Pioneers who respect these refinements in masters' encounters, social orders and feelings help produce dynamic and appropriate workplaces. Respect for particular feelings and conventions has a long history. In Athenian culture, Plato considered organization to be "a development with utility for the polis, the activity of giving direction to the gathering of nationals in the organization of their fundamental issues, especially with a view to the arrangement and change of their spirits." The reference to soul suggests that pioneers attract the full individual and help make him or her a gainful and morally strong individual from society through their responsibilities in the workplace (Overstreet, 2017).

2. Transformation

This is the manner by which leaders accomplish all inclusive and big-hearted results, and is the second dimension of character in leadership? It is manifested by the following with respect to context and situations for a deeper illustration (Deinert et al 2015)

Courage -This is having a clear vision of the goals and objectives of firms and achieving them regardless of the challenges in the business environment. Michelle Peluso, the CEO of Travelocity, a US travel organization illustrates the power of courage in achieving goal and objectives. She had a management plan that in her eyes would revolutionize the firm, however, investors and senior management were not on board with a high-risk plan. However, she continued to show them the benefits of the plan which finally they caved in. Surprisingly her ideas were played as predicted and saw the company generating a consistent increase in profits annually(Bolden, 2016)

Self-discipline- this is when leaders have the capacity and capability of individual control over their desires choices and activities which are showcased meaningfully They are efficient and ready to endure despite challenges. Through self-control, leaders initiate trust in their employees that they can be depended upon to settle on sound and coherent choices. As a result, their ability to impact others regularly increases. in addition, self-discipline is the quality that proselytes esteem into predictable activity. Bill George the previous CEO of the international medical technology company, depicts his successor, CEO Art Collins, as an exceedingly self-trained pioneer as his inner self and feelings don't impede making a suitable move. Collin's consistency in his mien, practices, and choices tells representatives where he remains on essential issues (Bolden, 2016.).

Wisdom- This is the capacity to draw on one's learning and experience to make effective judgments. It additionally includes the utilization of one's energy and individual skill to execute a compelling strategy. The previous BP CEO John Browne was the principal CEO in the oil business to transparently recognize the effect the business was having on nature and to feature the methods for lessening greenhouse gas outflows. Browne pushed a mindful way to deal with constraining the vitality business' effect on the earth through BP's "Past Petroleum" battle. This approach could have affected on the organization's main concern; however, the intelligence of the choice was that it took advantage of the ethical inner voice of society at the time

Competence- leaders should have a clear vision of the goals and objectives of their organizations and stay focused on achieving them while putting their employees on board. a good illustration is through the chief executive officer of FedEx Fred Smith. He showcases the how its essential for leaders to be competent in the daily activities if their businesses as it will promote growth and development. Fred was able to build his company from the ground up, with over 200,000 employees generating an annual revenue of 25 billion dollars annually, he attributes his success to competency (Domínguez et al 2018)

3. Benevolence

Selflessness- leaders are expected to observe the desires and interests of their employees above theirs in another word the mass matters most. This can be illustrated by the actions of the founding member of Raindrop Geomagic ping Fu, which is an American software company. Her business started to experience huge losses and Ping saw the only way to survive is to take drastic action, she laid off a few workers and declined to take any salaries until the financial constraints were over, Her selfless act was able to strengthen the financial stability of the firm later on (Wu et al 2015)

Integrity-consistent practice where an individual aligns emotions and thoughts with his or her principles and values. Managing Director and CEO of Woolworths, Roger Corbettthe A major retail store in Australia with hundreds of thousands of employees and spanning all over the country with an average of more than a thousand chain stores is a man of integrity and reflects on his organizations during their daily business activities and encourages his employees to d the same and earn consumer loyalty to their brand and eliminates any criticism or scandals which would affect the business growth and development (Higgs  2017)

Suitable Leadership theories 

Behavioral theory-this leadership theory concurs with the notion of character in this paper, it addresses the issue of strong character for effective leadership which is built and strengthen in time through a learning experience. Nevertheless, the assumptions of this theory is that leader is not born but made within time through a learning curve. (Greve and Teh 2018) This theory allows leaders to fully engage the ideas discussed in the paper through various approaches to leadership and able to determine the point of improvement moreover there are able to mobilize and influence employee towards achieving their organizations goals and objectives, this, in fact, allows leader to build confidence among their employees Kouzes and Posner's research on behavior theory identifies two constraints in it. One of the arguments posed by the research is that since individuals are exposed to learning experiences, it is not assured that all the individuals will be able to reflect behavior changes towards the right direction (Vogus 2015).Moreover these learning experience are not only limited but insufficient on impacting change, therefore a poor leader may not be in a position to engage efficiently for the benefit of the employees

 Trait theory- this is one of the principal foundational ways to deal with think about initiative, endeavors to find what inborn characteristics make a prevalent pioneer. These attributes originate from analysts examining phenomenal individuals. While Trait Theory works off of the "Incomparable Man" Theory, regardless it keeps up that pioneers are conceived not made. A portion of these characteristics are identity based, notwithstanding posting appeal as one of the more essential characteristics. This theory boast a century of research and analysis and acts as a benchmark for identifying leaders .

Philosophical paradigms

Visionary and transformational- Visionary and transformational paradigms of leadership picked up ubiquity in instructive circles in the mid-twenty-first century when the drive for school change apparently required solid and compelling organizational leaders who could impart a dream and make a feeling of shared mission in supporters (Simmons, Clegorne and Woods-Wells, 2017). Investigations of fruitful leaders demonstrated how they affected change in functioning societies through changing the requirements and desires of the individual or gathering to line up with hierarchical purposes, a move far from self-enthusiasm to aggregate intrigue (Chemers 2014). In some cases, this thought of administration is likened to the brave pioneer however working through passionate impacts amongst pioneer and adherents. Hypotheses in the visionary or transformative worldview regularly distinguish initiative as working through appeal, motivation or displaying an express and conspicuous arrangement of qualities (Zhang et al 2014). This line of reasoning has emerged from contemplates concentrating on what fruitful school heads do, which has driven analysts into regulating hypothesizing bringing about 'an expansion of descriptive administration speculations each endorsing their own particular perfect model for powerful authority'. Such 'how to do' models of authority come back to an improbable thought that there could be a 'one size fits all' remedy for administration. This does not do equity to the intricacy of the marvel of administration or the assortment of initiative settings, neither does it give devices to supporting reflection on authority hone which is the place dynamic learning creation about leadership is produced (Lussier  and Achua 2015). The hypothesis needs to help reflection on training instead of giving a layout for action


Leaders are crucial to the success and development of business and organizations in general, they play a major role in the administration and management of an organization such as making essential decisions that align with the objectives and goals in the long run. However, the most crucial element related to leadership is the ability to mobilize and influence individuals to have and work towards common goals, for the purpose of the success of an organization which will also benefit them. The notion of character has also been explained in the paper and it has shown how essential character is to a successful leadership (O'Brien and David 2014), All great leaders known to man had unique and string characters that act as a basis of influence and mobilization of individuals. These leaders were able to achieve their goals and objective through engaging their employees which mirrors what good leaders are supposed to do. various leadership theories have been expounded in the paper in the perception of achieving the idea of  leaders engaging their employees for successful results, finally, paradigms of leadership have been discussed in the paper showing the impact and role it had on leadership which has developed over the years (Northouse 2018)


Leaders are crucial to the success and development of business and organizations in general, they play a major role in the administration and management of an organization such as making essential decisions that align with the objectives and goals in the long run ( Boulu-Reshef et al 2015). However, the most crucial element related to leadership is the ability to mobilize and influence individuals to have and work towards common goals, for the purpose of the success of an organization which will also benefit them (Koning and Van Kleef 2015). Moreover, this demands an essentially good, strong and unique character that makes an individual stand out in a crowd making him or her a role model for the mass which beliefs, they are purposed to follow and adhere to their ideas and decisions since they sense of quality and sound mind (Kiesenbauer and Zerfass 2015).This has in recent years shaped various perception and notions concerning leadership, its origin, purpose, and beliefs which will be discussed in the paper. These perceptions and beliefs are further expounded through the various leadership theories, they give a deeper understanding of leadership and its roles in an organization. These theories are also used by organizations in selecting suitable leaders that will reflect and oversee the achievement of their interest regardless of any situation or barriers.


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