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N630M2 Human Resource Management : Quality Management for Organizational Excellence

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Write a reflective essay on your experience of working in the organisation where you completed your work placement. You should reflect on three key areas; the organisation itself, the people you worked with, and your own performance given your overall suitability and learning. 



Aquaflo Nursing and Domiciary Care is a healthcare association that is related with the correspondence of special care along with considering the overhaul of the self-management and decisions of every individual patient who is facing issues with their health. They therefore help them to draw in themselves in eagerness for the health plan made by the carers and the healthcare staffs for them so that their respectability continually remains their first need. They are revolved around driving consistency, service clients' self-run and decisions, pull in clients' support in their care and draw in themeeting, so services passed on mirrors the objectives and inclinations of the service client. They are correspondingly concerned about the welfare and security of their service clients, and in this way, they lead a background checking before service correspondence. They in addition guarantee that all their care laborers perfectly display their determination training structure are DBS Checks and POVA cleared, before they are assigned to service clients  for caring (Aquaflocare.com 2017). 

Aquaflo Care's oversee destinations include:

  • Supply of qualified staff to NHS, CCG proceeding with care, private individuals, Public and Private Associations.
  • Provision of a skilled and ace bolster service to draw in service clients of any age (18+) to remain and be cared for in their homes.

  • Ensuring that all nursing and care specialists share their conviction that physical and lively welfare of their customers is of central criticalness.
  • Encouraging their service clients and other staff to exercise individual decisions and to have a determination regarding any choices made in regard to care given to and by them freely.
  • Maintaining the respectability and evaluation of each patient and service client while considering and defending their capability to solve issues.
  • Ensuring the thriving of patients, service clients and care specialists at all conditions by giving the key training and support to meet our obligations.

Aquaflo offers services in extents of Blitz and centered cleaning supply of specialists to NHS recovering concentrations and workplaces, allocating special remedial caretakers and carers to palliative care at home, giving care and high reliance services, giving services at home care, supporting individuals services, strengthening with testing conduct, and young people and family services including complex needs. They offer temporary contracts, full or low upkeep, to go about as required. Candidates have the choice to act in any way they see fit. It could be standard work or occasional services, whatever their need, Aquaflo Nursing and care has opportunities to suit them (Aquaflocare.com 2017).


Having a talk with my CPC about the whole incident showed that she thought we had all changed since our first position when we had begun the course. I also started to consider the complete changeover I had experienced the following months and besides how the care I pass on to patients has changed since the start of my training. Not in the smallest degree like some of my understudy assistants that I had any relationship with working in a care environment or ensuring in any objecting to the condition. I had come straight from secondary school, and my leaving cert had no veritable contemplation about the future as a carer – I was clearly not mindful of the care career and responsibilities that carers have in watching out for patients. Regardless of the way that I was not completely naive about what I was training to do, the level of the work included was so far a surprise to me. 

At in the first place, in that fundamental couple of weeks, I discovered it to a great degree troublesome changing according to the routine of the association and could not trust how handling everything was. It was an abnormal and odd experience being suggested as a carer when I unmistakably did not see what I was completing for in general.

Nowadays, teamwork is to an incredible degree predominant in healthcare. In spite of where you look, there is an exchange within teams. There are interdisciplinary or interprofessional teams, accommodating teams and nursing teams, energetic, focused teams and patients for merging with the team. We always hear that there is no "I" in "team," or else we discover how to return it to the team through actions. Teamwork today is not just for the frontline players—the quarterbacks and pitchers of remedial services—but is for everyone. House attendants, transporters, quiet care accessories, and lift supervisors—everybody is known on the team, and it takes everybody to continue on care and improve the patient experience. 

Teamwork changed into essential success mediation for various reasons. Regardless, clinical care is twisting up perceptibly greater identity confusion and thought, constraining remedial staffs to endeavour convoluted success services and rapidly learn new strategies. Creating of individual groups, the expansion of unending ailments like diabetes, improvement, and coronary ailment has obliged remedial staffs to grasp a multidisciplinary approach to human services. In addition, analysts have found that taking part decreases the measure of therapeutic stumbles and broadens the understanding capacity. Teamwork in like way declines issues that incite burnout. Never again is one individual responsible for the patient's success; today, a whole team of thriving specialist gets together to support a patient's prospering. Successful teams helped separate chain of importance and joined essentialness of thriving affiliations, giving more importance to flourishing labourers. However, in my organization, I saw there is a lack of teamwork. There is poor communication among the carers and the organization. There is also the absence of proper leadership to guide the carers. Poor management of situations has led to critical issues that could have been avoided.

About a month earlier, I had a Spanish speaking old woman as one of my patients. Two Rottweilers had attacked her and fortunately a neighbour shot a gun in the locality and they fled. She had bite marks all over her legs, scratches and wounds and five penrose drains in her leg. 

I expected to place her in the tub once shift starts and drench her legs. She affirmed for that, yet ensuing showers went ineffectively well. I guaranteed that her torment would be all around controlled and I stroked her hair in every plausibility I got. She cried an extensive measure during my shifts, and she talked little to nothing with me. I went home every night, believing she would learn one day not to flinch at seeing a dog. The accompanying day during my shift, as I opened the door to her room and walked towards her bed, she had the best smile for me, and she put her arms out to me for me to give her a hug. I was dazed, and tears instantly came up in my eyes. That is the reason I am a carer and would wish to continue.

In like manner of an augmented care and developed learning base, I feel I am essentially more comfortable with individuals from the multidisciplinary team and with patients themselves. I reviewed that the fundamental couple of weeks, when I discovered it a hard endeavour to talk with patients, I suspected that it’s hard to shape a relationship or security with them. I anticipated that would destruct this genuine goal to help with passing on their care and working up the introduction of a medicinal carer-patient relationship. I feel that I have now comprehended how to beat this issue and trust that it’s altogether less unpredictable to converse with patients and consequently with the multidisciplinary team. 

When I began to consider how my patient care has redesigned over time, I found and appreciated that there was another refinement – my understanding base had broadened, so I was significantly more mindful of the conditions patients present and what their requirements were. The unmistakable placements inside the alliance have engaged me to care for patients with a wide gathering of conditions. I am significantly more in idea of their necessities and sufficiently endeavor to meet their prerequisites, recalling the genuine goal to see their profitable recuperation. I am besides essentially more mindful of the work that carers in different solicitations and other care settings do since I have been permitted to work with them. I have developed enormously since I began training six months back. 

While working in the association, one can perceive a couple interconnected issues that have reliably been acknowledged to hamper the states of the service given to the customers. The issue that can be portrayed here is the nonattendance of productive correspondence, with the association and furthermore among the carers. This nonattendance of correspondence has routinely been found to make a few issues with respect to the treatment of the patients. There was nonappearance of appropriate correspondence in light of the way that the association framework was not sufficiently skilled in leading genuine correspondence among the carers. Carers require fitting correspondence among them to give the best service to patients. All things considered, this was not seen among the carers of this association. It has been seen that a significant part of the time contradictions and contrasts, in conclusion, moves among the carers who are sent to a customer to play out their service. This sort of irregularity as regularly as conceivable generally produces because of their nonattendance of legitimate limits of correspondence. These contentions not just hamper the affiliations that the carers share the connection, but also, makes an issue where the lives of patients get traded off.

There are different theories and models that can help in building an effective team and improve communication. One of them is Bruce Tuckman's Teamwork Theory.In 1965, Bruce Tuckman made the Team Stages Model and hadgenerally been utilized in arelationship since its root (Tuckman 2012). The theory holds that four stages happen in the team progress to execution which includes:

  1. The formation of the party is the essential take out where the general population work where they fit in, attempt to appreciate their particular teammates and ask with reference to why they are there by any techniques.
  2. Storming is the second stage by which the team individuals start to see themselves as to be a team really, however, this can comparatively be endeavouring as teammates endeavour to position themselves as pioneer versus supporter.
  3. Amidst the third stage, which is called "norming" is the place the team starts working together and creates targets, runs, and comprehends who does what, and what the outcome is.
  4. Performing is the last stage, and this is the point where the team starts to concentrate on the errand, and furthermore the relationship of the team individuals. It is amidst this stage the team begins twisting up evidently together (Tuckman 2012).

John Adair's reasonable Action-Centred Leadership model gives a brilliant graph to leadership and the association of any team, get-together or connection. Development Centred Leadership is moreover a reasonable leadership and association model, which makes it simple to recollect and apply and to adjust for your own particular condition. John Adair's Action-Centred Leadership model is tended to by Adair's 'three circles' outline, which addresses Adair's three concentration association commitments:

  • achieving the assignment
  • managing the team or gathering
  • managing people

Amazing managers and pioneers ought to have afull demand of the three standard territories of the Action Centred Leadership model, and ought to be able to utilize each of the parts as appeared by the circumstance. Being able to do these things, and keep the correct change, gets works out as intended, casings confirmation enhances quality, makes teams and profitability and is the sign of a gainful manager and pioneer (Adair 2013).


At every working environment, teamwork is a powerful approach towards the satisfying the work competently, and adjacent to this it refreshes the execution of the important individuals in the team. The challenges identified with the distinctive qualities in culture, moral qualities, reasonable correspondence, clashes should be evaded and made to keep up the cohesiveness in the team and to accomplish participation from all the team individuals. Honest confirmation of contention and persuading correspondence has understood the achievement of meetings, and toward the end, teams were intense in getting the support from all the team individuals.

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