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Msm511 Communication Research - Free Assessment Answers

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How have technologies, innovations and new media changed the ways advertisers reach consumers?



The digital age has focused on altering the overall operations of the business. It has changed the way of working of the companies as it can help them to reach their customers. It has been investigated that in the recent scenario, use of technology has enhancing day by day. To manage the work at the workplace people are using latest technologies and also new media so that it can be simple to achieve goals and objectives in the competitive market (Kannan, 2017).
To promote the products and services the advertiser's post image of the products on the social media sites. The social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can help to advertise the products on the global platform. There are many companies like Amazon and Burger King who used this strategy and attained a large customer's base (Ashley and Tuten, 2015).
The introduction of the new technologies has changed the working pattern of the companies and it has given growth in the business world. By relating the latest technologies with the advertisers or marketing it has been seen that it is one of the best ways to promote the products and services in the market. The marketing of the products can be done effectively with the help of the latest technologies and with the help of new media. So, this paper will focus on the topic that how technologies, innovation, and new media changed the ways of the advertiser to reach the customers. Technology has given a great help to the advertiser to market their products and services in the high level of a competitive market (Baker, 2016).
The technologies considered by the advertisers help to deliver value to the customers in the market. It can also be stated that transformation of marketing is done by the advertisers by considering the mobile application and websites. Digital marketing has given a huge influence on the process of interaction, work, purchases and also life habits. With the use of technology, the advertisers can easily enhance brand awareness in the market (Belch et al., 2014).

It has been seen that there are various ways through which the advertisers can reach the customers easily. The latest technology has enhanced the advertiser ability to conduct market research and also to test the demand of the customers. By sitting anywhere in the world the advertisers can easily analyze the demand of the customers. It has been seen that with the help of digital marketing the cost incurred on advertising or in the promotion of products has been reduced. Now the advertisers can easily reach to the customers and can promote their products and services in the market. The technologies which are used by the advertiser in the present scenario are many like virtual reality shop and also face scanning technology. It has been seen that virtual reality shop is considered as the best technology which is considered by the advertisers to reach the customers. With the help of this technology, the advertisers give proper information about the products and services to the customers. This is considered as the platform through which the customers can also purchase the products easily. Through this, the products are delivered to the customers on their doorsteps and in less time. This is one of the best strategies which are considered by the advertisers so that it can be easy to promote the products and services in the competitive market. There are many companies who are emphasizing on this like Amazon, eBay and Flip Kart. Through this, the companies are enhancing their customer base and earning profits (Brown and Duguid, 2017)
With the help of these technologies, the advertiser can easily convey their information or message to the customers so that they can be satisfied with the products which are purchased by them. The advertisers can also offer discounts to the customers on the global platform. With the help of modern technology, the advertisers can easily create impressive and attractive advertisement through which the customers get attracted towards the products or the services offered by the company in the market. Modern video editing technology can be considered to make attractive advertisements which sometimes also catch the attention of the viewers. It has been seen that computer animation helps the advertisers to create proper characters and also special effects are given which allows the advertisement to be popular among the customers. It can be stated that visual messages are also created that can appeal the customers and it can also convey the exact information related to the products and services offered by the companies in the market (Scott,  2015).
Advertisers can easily reach the customers in the present era. It is important for the advertisers to analyze the needs of the customers so that it can be simple to promote the products in the competitive market. The latest technology not given enhanced the demand of the retail outlets but also enhanced the market share. It is important for companies to consider the latest technology so that advertisers can reach customers easily. The advertisers new days can also promote the products and services which the help of the technologies like radio and television. The advertisements which are framed by the companies consider the emotional factor of the employees and it is presented in a way which attracts the attention of the customers (Tucker, 2014).
With the help of technology, the advertisers give the option of home delivery to the customers. Now customers can easily track their products which they have ordered through the sites. The latest technology has given the opportunity to the companies to maintain proper records of the products so that it can be delivered to the customers on time. By giving proper services it can be stated that it can be easy for the company to maintain the level of the customer's satisfaction in the highly competitive market (Turban et al., 2017).
Innovation is also considered as the factor that has changed the way of the advertisers to interact with the customers. With the help of technologies, the advertisers have the chance to consider the innovative approach which attracts the customers towards the products and services. There are various innovative approaches considered by the advertisers. It has been seen that the advertiser's offers ensure that customers are satisfied with the services offered. One of the best approaches is related to the chat or direct interaction with the executive of the company. It has been seen that companies offer the chance to the customers to give feedback or they can also solve the issues or the problem by connecting on the facility related to the live chat. On live chat, the customers can ask their queries and through this, it helps the companies to maintain the long time relation with the customers (Ekdale et al., 2015).
Earlier it has been seen that customer service is almost lost its importance before the digital age. But now with the help of the technology the customers can easily solve their queries with the companies which not only affect the customer's satisfaction but also provide a platform to maintain their image in the competitive market.
The innovative approach which is considered by the advertisers is related to the presentation of the products.  Now with the help of technology, companies can present their products in front of the customers in an innovative manner. There are various methods which are considered by the companies to make the products attractive in front of the customers. It has been seen that the method of product review video is launched in which the customers can view the products in the form of the video. It can help the customers to know the looking and also the quality of the products which are offered to the customers. It has also enhanced the demand of the products in the competitive market as by seeing the video the customers are more attracted towards the products offered by the company. It has been investigated that innovation related to the video has given a chance to the companies to enhance their market share. Live streaming video helps the companies to achieve success in the market. This platform is also considered by the companies on the platform like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. The company launched the video of the products on the social sites and also on the website which attracts the customers. It has been seen that this has given a chance to the companies to achieve success in the competitive market. The video helps to bring clarity in the information which company wants to convey. It has been seen that it can be considered as the best source that can help to grab the large market share and it can also affect the customer satisfaction (Serazio, 2015).
The next innovative approach that helps the advertisers to interact with the customers is the latest designs which are used by the companies. It has been seen that with the help of the latest technologies the companies can easily interact with the customers by attracting them towards the attractive designs which are made by them. In the present era, the customers prefer unique designs so advertisers attract the customers by considering the latest technologies to design the products (Jugenheimer, Sheehan and Kelley, 2015).
So, it has been seen that innovative approach related to live chat and live video streaming has given success to the companies in the competitive market. These are considered as the best innovative approach that can help the advertisers to attract the customers towards the products and service which are offered by the companies on the global platform.
It can also be analyzed that new media has changed the way of the advertiser to interact with the customers. Earlier it has been seen that advertisers use of the approach of giving pamphlets to the customers so that the customers can get the knowledge of the products and services offered by the company. But in the present era, the advertisers are using the new media like social media sites to market their products. It has been seen that the use of social media is taken into consideration by the companies so that it can be easy to maintain the large base of the customers in the competitive market.  The advertisers focus on giving promotional advertisements on the social media sites like Facebook and Twitter so that it can be easy to make the customers are about the products and services offered by the companies (Godey et al., 2016).
Social media marketing is considered as one of the popular sources that are considered by the companies as the majority of the customers using social media sites. So, to attract the customers towards the products and services of the companies the advertiser are considering the approach of giving advertisement on the social media platform. Social media marketing is the platform that helps the advertiser to enhance the website traffic and also it enhances the overall conversation with the customers. With the help of social media sites, the brand awareness can be enhanced of the products in the competitive market (Nylén and Holmström, 2015).
It has been seen that to advertise the products through social media sites the advertiser has the aim of creating the brand identity so that demand of the products and services can be enhanced in the market. It also helps to bring improvisation in the overall process of communication and interaction with the customers. It can be investigated that one of the advantages which is related to these types of advertisement is that the advantage can be taken by the advertisers. They can easily consider the user's demographic information and can easily target the overall advertisements. It has been seen that social media targeting is considered as the method that can help to optimize the overall profile of the users and also the advertisements can be delivered to the customers directly. To promote the products and services in the market the advertisers upload the advertisement related to discounts and offers so that it can be simple to attract the customers and it will also help the company to enhance the market share in the high level of competition (Tuten and Solomon, 2017). 
In the recent case, there are companies like Amazon who focuses on giving advertisements on social media sites so that it can be easy to gather the attention of the customers. The advertisers of the company make the page on the social media sites through which post are posted which attract the large customer base towards the products and services of the company. The main aim of the advertiser to promote the products through social media is to give information to the large customer base. It has been seen that there are many companies like eBay and Flip Kart who grabbed the attention of the customers by emphasizing on social media marketing. The promotional advertisements which are given by the company are also paid. When the advertisers want to post their advertisements on the other websites then they have to pay for it. But it has been seen that these promotions are less costly if the comparison is made with the traditional promotional method (Todor, 2016).
The new media which is used by the advertiser is social media sites. It has been seen that there are various advantages which are related to it. It has been seen that by considering the social media sites the company easily improve the overall brand awareness. Social media is considered as the stress-free and also the platform that helps to enhance the overall business visibility. By considering the social media strategy the advertisers can simply enhance the overall brand recognition.  It can be investigated that there are 91% marketers who focused on social media marketing and enhanced the brand visibility and also enhanced the overall experience of the users (Siapera, 2017).  Also by having social media page for the brand can help to attract the large customer base towards the product of the company.
The next advantage is related to the engagement with the customers. It can be analyzed that social media is considered as the best way that can help to interact with the customers. By focusing on the two-way communication it has been seen that companies can convey the information easily to the customers which also creates the trust of the customers in the products and services of the company. It is important for the advertiser to maintain the proper communication channel with the customer and with the help of social media sites it is possible to maintain the communication channel with the customers (Strauss and Frost, 2016).
Also by considering the social media marketing, the advertisers enhanced the overall awareness of the marketplace.  It is considered one of the advantages that can help to find the needs of the customers in the marketplace. It is also considered as the valuable advantage related to social media. It has been seen that advertisers also emphasize on focusing on the profile of the customers so that it can be easy to analyze the interest and opinion of the customers.  Social media platform can help to gather the information of the customers on the social media platform. 
Social media is a platform through which the customers can also share their image and it is chance for the advertisers to satisfy the customers or to enhance their customer experience. It has been seen that to maintain the image of the company on the social media sites is considered as the tough task for the companies, so it has been seen that company should focus on giving instant replies to the feedback of the customers so that customers can feel satisfied and happy
So, by analyzing the paper it has been concluded that the advertisers have many ways related to technology, innovation, and new media. With the help of these factors, it can be simple for the advertisers to promote their products in the competitive market. It has been seen that the latest technology like virtual reality shop can help the company to enhance the market image and also with this the advertisers can easily promote the services in the market. There are also various innovations which are linked with the use of the technology. It has been seen that now companies can also focus on live video streaming through which the attention of the customers can be grabbed easily.  This is considered as the best innovative approach that can help the advertisers to attract the customers towards the products and service which are offered by the companies on the global platform (Moriarty et al., 2014).
Also, the new media that can help the advertiser to market the product or to interact with the customers is related to social media marketing. It has been seen that this is considered as one of the best strategies that should be considered by the marketers so that it can be simple to enhance the demand of the products in the market. This can help the advertisers to communicate in a proper manner and also through this accurate details can be given to the customers related to the products and services which are offered by the company (Ryan, 2016).
So, it has been seen that in the present era it can be simple for the advertisers to market their product in the market with the help of the latest and innovative technologies and also with the help of new social media marketing. So, by considering this it can be easy to accomplish the goals and objectives of the company. It can also help to attain the competitive advantage which can affect the entire working of the company.


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