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MPK713 importance of consume

Students will be provided with an assignment brief and have one week to address the relevant question/s and provide the most appropriate arguments or solutions, through reference to perspectives and theories learned throughout the trimester, both in class and in their own study time. Students will be required to do further research beyond the discussion undertaken in the Cloud or on-campus during the trimester, and will be expected to correctly cite sources that are used to inform their analysis. This approach allows students to fully explore concepts, test their critical thinking, and demonstrate an extension of discipline specific knowledge beyond a rudimentary level.
The time limit mirrors many business contexts, where executives are given a short time frame to develop sophisticated arguments and integrate their thinking, while still having access to suitable resources, and offers a more authentic means of assessing understanding of material covered in the unit.
• The assignment must be submitted via the appropriate Dropbox folder no later than 6:00pm on Friday, 25 May 2018.
• Late submissions will not be marked and will receive a zero grade. How to respond to the questions Your response should not be purely your initial or basic thoughts, although this may establish your initial approach, but should be sophisticated, cogent, and underpinned by theory that you have learned in the unit, including work that you have done in your own study time, i.e., not simply from lecture slides, the textbook or handouts.
We are not assessing your opinion, nor your capacity to describe a theory, campaign or issue, but a demonstration of an extension of knowledge and an ability to analyse a campaign, link theory to the analysis, and take a position by using what you have learned this trimester. Any statements, positions, or assertions you make must be supported by rigorous evidence, predominantly through the use of appropriate sources, and through well-supported and cogent arguments. It is expected that you will have to refer to a range of sources to respond to each question. Each response should stand-alone, and should have a short introduction, a body that develops an argument, and a conclusion. If appropriate, use subheadings to direct your discussion. Page 2 of 4 Deakin's Bachelor of Commerce and MBA are internationally EPAS accredited. Deakin Business School is accredited by AACSB.
Please read the marking rubric for guidance on how to approach your responses, as well as discussion undertaken throughout the trimester online, in class (in recordings), and in concert with your peers. Please note that the teaching team will be available to respond to any administrative questions relating to the assignment during the time-limited period, but we will not respond to any content/academic questions related to this assessment Formatting your submission Limited to a maximum of 2500 words total (Questions One and Two) to respond to all of the questions, which includes all elements of the assignment, including tables, figures and in- text citations, but the reference list at the end of your assignment and your cover page are not included in the word count. We will undertake a word count, and will not mark the assignment beyond the word limit.
It is your responsibility to make sure you have adhered to the limit.
• Please include a cover page with your name and student ID (this is not included in the word count).
• Harvard style referencing is to be included, but the reference list component is not counted in the word limit.
• We would normally expect between 10 – 20 high quality, academic journal articles as source of references at postgraduate level in an assignment such as this, but only use this number as a guide.
• 1.5 spaced throughout, 12-point font (headings can be bolded), A4 size page formatting, 2.5 cm (1”) margins on all sides.
• Submit as a Word document (not .pdf)
• Page numbers should be included (but Table of Contents is not needed). Page 3 of 4 Deakin's Bachelor of Commerce and MBA are internationally EPAS accredited. Deakin Business School is accredited by AACSB. Submission Instructions You must keep a backup copy of every assignment you submit, until the marked assignment has been returned to you. In the unlikely event that one of your assignments is misplaced, you will need to submit your backup copy.
Any work you submit may be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism. When you are required to submit an assignment through your CloudDeakin unit site, you will receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your assignment in the Submissions view of the Assignment dropbox folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission.
• Penalties for late submission: As this is a time-limited assessment, it is unlikely that extensions will be granted, except under very exceptional circumstances covered under Deakin University’s Special Consideration procedures. Late submissions without an extension being granted will not be marked and will receive a zero grade for this assessment item.
• For more information about academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document Your rights and responsibilities as a student in this Unit in the first folder next to the Unit Guide of the Resources area in the CloudDeakin unit site.
• Building evidence of your experiences, skills and knowledge (Portfolio) - Building a portfolio that evidences your skills, knowledge and experience will provide you with a valuable tool to help you prepare for interviews and to showcase to potential employers. There are a number of tools that you can use to build a portfolio. You are provided with cloud space through OneDrive, or through the Portfolio tool in the Cloud Unit Site, but you can use any storage repository system that you like. Remember that a Portfolio is YOUR tool. You should be able to store your assessment work, reflections, achievements and artefacts in YOUR Portfolio.
Once you have completed this assessment piece, add it to your personal Portfolio to use and showcase your learning later, when applying for jobs, or further studies. Curate your work by adding meaningful tags to your artefacts that describe what the artefact represents.


Consumer behavior is the most interesting topic as it involves the study of how the customers, individuals, organizations make the buying decision in order to satisfy their needs and wants. In other words, the actions of the consumers in the marketplace refer to the behavior of the consumer. Every consumer has its own choices and tastes. Because of which reason it is very important to understand the customer's needs before going to target a new market.

In this report, the main focus is given on the consumer behavior theories and applied them with the strategic cases to enhance the knowledge in relation to the consumer behavior. The main purpose of this report is to understand the importance of consumer behavior towards the products and services of the company. There are two questions involved in this report. First question is related to the planned behavior and its relations with the innovation. The second question is based on the situation of McDonalds and developing the recommendation for the company by applying the consumer behavior theories.

There are mainly two main sources that influence the decision of the customers to buy a particular product. One is the time and energy devoted by the individual to make a good decision and second one is the degree of emotions and feelings that influence the purchasing decision of consumers. The consumer behavior theories are like a motivational theory because it also involved the study of the internal state of mind of the consumers.

Question 1: Taking a position

Theory of Planned behavior

Yes, it is true that marketers commonly use the theory of planned behavior to predict consumer behavior. In psychology the theory of planned behavior shows the link between the behavior and beliefs of the people. According to the theory of planned behavior, it is stated that attitude norms and control together, saves the individual behavior and their intentions. This theory was introduced by the Ajzen in 1973. There are many social marketing campaigns, choosing the theory of planned behavior.

  • Attitude: This element of the planned behavior theory shows a feeling of an individual about the behavior in question. It is observed that better the feeling an individual have about the change, and then there are greater chances of adopting this kind of behavior. For example, stop smoking campaigns receive poor attitude from the smoker who enjoys the habit of smoking would be less interested in reducing their smoking habits(Ferdous, 2010).
  • Norm: This element of planned behavior theory involves how an individual perceive the social pressures on the engagement of people towards required behavior change. Supporting with an example of a smoking marketing campaign where the social norms about smoking has been changed dramatically and now there are many people were against the smoking habits.
  • Control: This part of the theory of planned behavior shows the ability of an individual to control their emotions and perform the behavior change. This part of theory also explains the change and handling the different challenges they might face. Again, continuing with the same example of smoking campaign, we can see that smoking in public places has been banned which makes quite difficult for individuals to light up(Yakasai & Jusoh, 2015).
  • Intention: This element is a means of establishing if the individual will actually perform the required behavior. The only way to establish it is to monitor the behavior that is adopted by the individuals.
  • Behavior: This element of this theory shows the required change. According to the viewpoint of Ajzen, behavior change must be targeted, actionable, in context and timely.
    • Target: Smokers for the marketing campaign
    • Action: Stop smoking
    • Context: To improve the health and well-being of the smoker
    • Time: From now and Forever(Farah, 2017).

Relation between the theory of planned behavior and diffusion of innovation

Continuing with the marketing campaign for smoking, the relation between two theories is going to be discussed. As above it is clear that the smoking campaign has the main aim is to target the smokers and change their behavior towards the smoking by explaining them the impact of the smoking on the well being of the smoker.  According to the theory of planned behavior, it is better to understand the attitude, norms and control and intensions of people who taking the Tobacco on regular basis.  This campaign further grows and matures in terms of the diffusion of the innovation theory. The application of this theory in the health promotion and public health starts with the family planning programs and immunization campaigns. 

There can be two levels seen in the marketing of the smoking campaign; First level is the adoption and diffusion of the reasons behind the smoking or habit of drugs. On the other hand, second level is the implementation of some innovative ideas and diffusion of some preventions and control of smoking, drugs or Tobbaco. (Shaw, 2013) From this practical example, it is clear that theory of planned behavior is mainly focused on the attitudes, norms and behavior of the people towards some serious issue and diffusion of innovation theory is focused on further application of some innovative ideas to solve the problems.

However, the example in the context of the smoking or health campaign is such as school based tobacco prevention programs. Talking about the relation between the planned behavior and diffusion of innovation, then it is clear that the diffusion of innovation is concerned with the innovative characteristics where has the theory of planned behavior is concerned with the three variables that affect the attention and behavior of the decision maker. Similarities between both the theories are that they both are concerned with the perceptions of the decision maker(Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010)

Question 2: Developing strategic recommendations based on consumer behavior theories.

The second question relates to the development of strategic recommendation for McDonalds on the basis of consumer behavior theories.  McDonald's have the strategic option to offer a new line of Organic food menu within McDonald's restaurant and label it as a healthier alternative. There are two theories have been applied in order to develop the recommendation for McDonalds. First one is the classical conditioning theory of consumer behavior and second one is involvement theory. Talking about the relation between the planned behavior and diffusion of innovation, then it is clear that diffusion of innovation is concerned with the innovation characteristics where has theory of planned behavior is concerned with the three variables that affect the attention and behavior of the decision maker. Similarities between both the theories are that they both are concerned with the perceptions of the decision maker(Madhavan & Kaliyaperumal, 2015). 

Classical conditioning theory

According to the classical conditioning theory, learning occurs as a connection between the stimulus and response and the learning also occurs through the conditioning. This theory was given by the Russian psychologist named as Ivan Pavlov, who elaborates all the number of steps which we can apply on the McDonald's new strategic option. This is of behavior learning theory fall into which one stimulus is connected with another stimulus in order to produce the same response when they used alone. The three main basic concept drives from the classical conditioning theory which are reputation, stimulus generalization, and stimulus discrimination.

According to this theory, Pavlov proposed the fact that all the living facts are passive in nature and will respond to the stimuli after the repetitions and the trials of the stimulus.   This theory is based on the reflections not on the cognitions, the cognitions is the learning of association that involves the reactions as well as the environment responses. Cognitive learning theories represent the learning about the behavior of the consumer(Levitt, 2015). There are some of the implications have been developed for the marketers of the McDonald’s which are as follows:

  • The level of the perceived risk is love
  • Low on differentiation
  • Purchasing the routine, convenient and impulse items. 

Relation to the case scenario

In relation to the strategic option to introduce a new line of the chain of organic food, then it is recommended that the organization should understand the customer’s tastes and preferences towards the healthier food. Every customer has the different perception and behavior towards stay healthy food. On the basis of the elements of classical conditioning theory, repetition increases strength of associations where customers will not be able to forget the product easily because of the continuous promotion of the products. It is recommended for the McDonald's also that they should focus on the 3 exposures of advertisement such as product awareness, product relevancy and benefits of the product.

Coming to the second element of the classical conditioning theory, which is a stimulus generalization that describes the making of the same responses with different stimulus. This involves the advertisement of the new product within the McDonald's restaurant, but labelled it as a healthier alternative. The concept of stimulus generalization is very similar to the strategic option of McDonalds as both are using the label of the alternative products but within the same organization(Ognjanov, 2009). 

According to the stimulus generalization there are many ways to promote the product in the organization which we can recommend for the McDonald's also. These different promotional ways of promoting the organic product in the McDonald's are as follows:

  • Product line: Marketers can apply stimulus generalization principles while offering a new product line for the expansion of the business.
  • Family branding: This is another strategy which can be used by the McDonalds to capitalize on the consumer’s ability to generalize favorable brand associations from one product to another product.
  • Licensing: To achieve the recognition and implied quality of the licensed product McDonald's should attach the name of designers, manufacturers, corporations and even cartoon characters in it.
  • Stimulus discrimination is another element which can also be applicable to the strategic option of McDonald's. This involves the positioning and product differentiation strategies for the marketers in order to understand the behavior of the different customers. According to this concept, these customers discriminate same products on the basis of positioning as well as their differentiation(Zielinski, 2009). 

Second theory: Consumer Involvement theory

The second Theory chosen for the development of recommendation for the McDonald's is the environment theory that helps to understand the behavior of the target audience as well as their psychology.

According to this theory there are mainly two main sources that influence the decision of the customers to buy a particular product. One is the time and energy devoted by the individual to make a good decision and the second one is the degree of emotions and feelings that influence the purchasing decision of consumers. This theory is like and a motivational theory because it also involved the study of the internal state of mind of the consumers. Involvement of the consumers can be processed through various sources such as external and agencies. There are two types of involvement of the consumers high and low involvement. Low involvement is generally found in the products having a short life such as bread.

A customer said to be of a low involvement because of the low satisfaction levels with the brand and there is a possibility that customers will purchase some other brand from the next time. High involvement is found in consumer durable products where the involvement of consumer in making the decisions is high(Rajmohan, 2017). Some of the examples with the degree of involvement and its life span of the product are shown in the below table:


Product or Service


Low involvement

Short life

Fast moving consumer goods.

Medium involvement


Furniture, crockery, ordinary medical treatment

High involvement


Automobiles, surgery, purchase of immovable assets, insurance policy etc.

 Relation to the case

With regard to the case of McDonald's, it is analyzed that company can influence the decision of the consumers by increasing their involvement levels. There are many types of consumer involvement in the buying decisions of the company.  According to this involvement theory, there are many factors that influence the decision making of customers such as the level of knowledge information, lifestyle, social system and psychology. Therefore, it is recommended that, to offer a new product in the organic field, the company should focus on all these factors in order to attract the maximum customers for the healthy products(Ognjanov, 2009). 

Some of the forms of the customer involvement in the purchase decisions are:

  • Ego involvement: This term refers to the satisfaction of customer’s ego that influences them to buy the product again and again.
  • Commitment: This is another form of involvement that influences the consumers buying decisions. For example, a friend makes a commitment to give the party at McDonald's restaurant on their birthday, which makes that person liable to take a decision and avail the services of McDonald's restaurant.
  • Communication involvement: This refers to the sharing of information with another person that influence or motivate other customers to buy the products and services of the organization(Rajmohan, 2017). 


The main purpose of the consumer behavior theories is to understand the motivational influences on behavior and to identify how we can change the behavior of the people. It is recommended that the organization should understand the customer’s tastes and preferences towards the healthier food. Every customer has the different perception and behavior towards stay healthy food. On the basis of the elements of classical conditioning theory, repetition increases strength of associations where customers will not be able to forget the product easily.

There are mainly two main sources that influence the decision of the customers to buy a particular product. One is the time and energy devoted by the individual to make a good decision and the second one is the degree of emotions and feelings that influence the purchasing decision of consumers. It is concluded that there are many factors that influence the decision making of customers such as levels of knowledge information, lifestyle, social system and psychology. Therefore, it is recommended that, to offer a new product in the organic field, the company should focus on all these factors in order to attract the maximum customers for the healthy products. 


Farah, M., 2017. Application of the theory of planned behavior to customer switching intentions in the context of bank consolidations. International Journal of Bank Marketing, 35(1), pp. 147-172.

Ferdous, A., 2010. Applying the Theory of Planned Behavior to Explain Marketing Managers’ Perspectives on Sustainable Marketing. Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 22(4), pp. 313-325.

Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010. Theory of Planned Behavior, 

Levitt, G., 2015. Consumer behavior.

Madhavan, M. & Kaliyaperumal, C., 2015. Consumer Buying Behavior-An Overview Of Theory and Models.

Ognjanov, G., 2009. Theories of consumer behavior and methodology applied in research of products.

Rajmohan, R., 2017. Consumer behaviour theories and models.

Shaw, A., 2013. Theory of planned behavior.

Yakasai, A. & Jusoh, W., 2015. Testing the Theory of Planned Behavior in Determining Intention to use Digital Coupon among University Students. Volume 31, pp. 186-193,

Zielinski, Z., 2009. Consumer Behavior Theory: Excesses and Limitations.

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