Mod001546 Developing Assessment For Learning Assessment Answers
Prompts to support your critical reflection:
- How effective were your assessment for learning strategies? What impact did they have? How has what you have read informed this reflection?
- What strengths have you identified in the lesson? What impact did they have? How has what you have read informed this reflection?
- How did you engage students in their learning? What impact did this have?
- Did the lesson maintain students’ interest, autonomy and enthusiasm for learning? How do you know this? Why was this?
- How effective was your planning? How do you know?
- How effectively did you manage behaviour? How do you know?
- Since the observation how might you develop your teaching? How can you further improve student learning progression, attainment and retention?
Reflection is the suitable process that allows understanding the critical evaluation of the students within their subject. The purpose of the paper is to provide suitable and effective reflection on the subject solar cell to understand various activity performed within the classroom and its impact on the students.
The assessment of the learning strategies is very effective and suitable which allow understanding regarding the various effect of the solar cell within the market. The assessment helps to understand the various impact of the solar cell and also its function and compounds for the formation of the solar cell (Taguchi et al., 2014). This lesson helps me to gather knowledge regarding the role of the solar cell and it is formed for the betterment of the market. This lesson allows me to be attentive and explain the task in an individual way. This is the best way to make the communication within the students and have a suitable and effective way of learning various thing within the classroom. According to Olson, (2014) the learning theory of cognitivist is the best way for the students to learn with the help of the internal processing of the information. This theory is effective within the learning process and for that the students are also getting suitable and valuable knowledge on the various facts. Question and answer to the peer are also performed which enable the process of suitable and effective learning session within the class. Then there is direct discussion within the classroom which allow the students to have a strong communication with each other and also share the view regarding the subject with each other.
The lesson is quite interesting and the method for evaluating the thing is quite interesting and effective (Borich, 2016). This was one of the best lesson and the assignment that taught me to figure out various results on the matter and also the gathered knowledge regarding the solar cell (Green et al., 2014). The way of providing suitable and effective learning skill for the students that most valuable thing is to get effective information regarding the things and provide valuable understanding for the students. In the profession of teaching, it is quite essential to manage the behavior of the students and understand their view on the specific matter. In the cognitivist way the assessment is having the suitable and effective learning process within the classroom among the students. It can be seen that this is one of the best ways for the people to make thing easier for the students and provide them suitable and effective learning skill. The learning process is very much effective for the students to have valuable knowledge regarding the solar cell and its functions.
The paper concludes the reflection on the suitable subject and the assessment that is performed on the subject of a solar cell in the classroom. The paper also concludes the various activities within the assessment that allow the students to gain suitable skill and knowledge regarding the specific subject.
Borich, G.D., 2016. Observation skills for effective teaching: research-based practice. Routledge.
Green, M.A., Ho-Baillie, A. and Snaith, H.J., 2014. The emergence of perovskite solar cells. Nature Photonics, 8(7), pp.nphoton-2014.
Olson, D.R., 2014. Jerome Bruner: The cognitive revolution in educational theory. Bloomsbury Publishing.
Taguchi, M., Yano, A., Tohoda, S., Matsuyama, K., Nakamura, Y., Nishiwaki, T., Fujita, K. and Maruyama, E., 2014. 24.7% record efficiency HIT solar cell on a thin silicon wafer. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 4(1), pp.96-99.
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