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MN603 Wireless Networks & Security | Wireless Cyber Physical Systems

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The long-term evolution (LTE)/LTE-advanced (LTE-A) provides advanced services with higher bandwidths, better spectrum efficiency and lower latency compared to the legacy cellular networks. The LTE/LTE-A is an all IP-based architecture, which makes it vulnerable to new security threats. In order to evaluate the performance of LTE/LTE-A networks, an understanding of the architecture and security threats is essential.

For further reading, could refer to the article “LTE/LTE-A Network Security Data Collection and Analysis for Security Measurement.

The assessment requires the students to compare wireless communication technologies and evaluate the wireless communication standards for wireless cyber physical systems and internet of things

1.Comparison of the existing cellular networks generations in terms of:

a.Communication spectrum

b.Modulation techniques

c.Medium access control mechanism

d.Network speed and bandwidth utilization.

Security techniques and risk

2.Explore the architecture of LTE/LTE-A

3.Evaluate the LTE/LTE-A attacks on the access and core networks.

4.Identify and analyse the attack with highest criticality, and explain the countermeasures taken to address such attack.


1. Introduction

The network of Long Term Evolution (LTE)/LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) would be helpful in providing a series of advanced services for different users that would have higher range of bandwidths, lower latency, better efficiency of spectrum than the cellular networks. The LTE-A is one of the giant leap within the evolution of the networks of LTE [2]. The new form of network based technology help in satisfying the massive needs of the demand within mobile data and thus deliver higher speeds of network. This form of network would be helpful for providing better signal coverage, faster performance and improved stability of the network. There are various form of threats related to security within the heterogeneous architecture. Hence, there would be a major need to perform an accurate and rapid form of measurement of the security within the networks. In order to achieve the highest form of security and improvement within the data network, it would be highly essential for collecting relevant data and analyse them based on the detection of attacks. Most of the works in the recent past have mainly focussed on the collection of relevant data and analysis for some of attacks based on LTE/LTE-A networks [1].

2. Comparison of Cellular Networks

Communication Spectrum

The efficient form of utilization of spectrum and availability of networks is a critical aspect of wireless network systems [3]. WiMAX has an extra edge over the 3G based networks based on the low cost of spectrum. Mobile WiMAX is a form of standard based technology while the LTE network is in their standardized form [4].  

Modulation Techniques

The previous cellular networks used to make use of simple analog Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM) to newer form of techniques based on digital modulation. The first generation communication systems make use of FM technique for radio transmission. OFDM is one of the recent forms of digital modulation techniques, which is majorly used in WiMAX wireless broadband, Wi-Fi LANs, LTE/LTE-A, digital subscriber line (DSL) systems and also within the PLC applications. The GSM employs the use of GMSK modulation type. The EDGE uses the 8PSK modulation [5].

(Fig 1: Modulation Techniques within LTE/LTE-A Network)

Medium Access Control (MAC) Mechanism

The schemes based on MAC within the infrastructures of WLAN would be slightly different based within the ad-hoc network. The WPAN, which is a form of ad –hoc network is mainly used within the WSN and is versatile. The FDMA separates the total bandwidth into some sub-channels based on different frequencies. The CDMA produces several different codes foe unique user with the help of the technique of spread spectrum. SDMA would be applied in separate space while DSMA would be able to sense the carrier prior to the transmission of uplink data. The different protocols would function together in order to form another protocol of MAC in order to fit within the GSM network [6].

(Fig 2: The LTE Advanced Architecture)

Network Speed and Bandwidth

The network speed and bandwidth usage of 1G communication systems functioned in 1.9 Kbps. The network speeds of 2G networks range from 14.4-384 Kbps. 3G network speeds would range from 2 Mbps while the 4G speeds would be within the range of 2 Mbps to 1 Gbps. The speeds of 5G networks would range from 1 Gbps and higher based on demand [7].

Security Techniques and Risk

Risks and security are major matters of concerns within the existing cellular networks. Different forms of attacks have always invaded the communication systems. The attacks within the cellular networks include cloning attack, tampering attack, eavesdropping attack, masquerade attack, brute force attack and many others [9]. With the advancements in the technological space, there have been several form of security movements, which have changed. In the first generation of mobile networks, there was low level of security within the devices as the attacks based on eavesdropping and man-in-the-middle attacks were not common during that time. The advancements within the technological aspects had also progresses the concept of the mechanism of AKA, which had proved to be useful. However the security within this mechanism is weak as the process of validation is unidirectional [8]. In this mechanism, client server was not able to verify the network to be served. In order to develop the security within the network, the 3GPP AKA was presented that had comprised of key agreement and two way confirmation processes. This processes are meant for use within the serving system and mobile terminal.   

3. LTE/LTE-A Architecture

The high level of network architecture based on LTE would comprise of three components:

  1. User Equipment (UE) – The internal architecture for LTE would be identical that would be used by GSM and UMTS networks.

(Fig 3: The E-UTRAN access network)

(Fig 4: The EPC core network)

These wireless operators are expanding the LTE networks on a rapid form in order to take the advantages of lower latency, additional form of efficiency and in order to handle the increasing data traffic [10].

(Fig 5: LTE Architecture)

4. Evaluation of LTE/LTE-A Attacks on Access and Core Networks

With the advent of 1G mobile technology, the varied systems of mobile wireless communication have evolved and brought newer forms of network based architectures with newer interfaces and associated protocols. They also have unified forms of services that have higher capacity to hold data and transmit them. The evolution of mobile networks from 1G to 5G networks have introduced newer threats and vulnerabilities. This could be used in order to launch various kinds of attacks within the components of the network that includes the core and access network. The drawbacks based on these attacks are one of the major concerns based on the performance and security within the mobile based communication networks. These concerns are due to the fact that these types of attacks have the capability to bring down the entire network and thus cause malicious activities or perform different malicious activities.

The LTE-A systems is mainly developed with the help of Third Generation Partner Project (3GPP) in order to enhance and increase the efficiency of Quality of Service. In order to prevent the potential form of attacks within the privacy of devices, two forms of schemes such as pseudo random based architecture and zero knowledge authentication are implemented. Public key cryptography is used within the pseudo random based architecture in order to perform the procedure of authentication. The second scheme would depend on public key cryptography and zero knowledge protocol for performing the various forms of authentication procedures.

(Fig 6: Security of LTE Architecture)

The LTE network makes use of the latest form of methods of management based on security key for the purpose of performing secured process of handover within intra E_ULTRAN network. This mechanism provides different ways for transferring eNB keys either in the horizontal or vertical direction. Replay attacks within the network would destroy the features of security between the user equipment and eNB [11].

Identification and Analysis

The threats related to the security aspects for UMTS networks had increased to a huge amount. This had led towards the development of various forms of secured form of enhance LTE technology. More forms of security features have been implemented to the previous technology for the purpose of eliminating the threats on the security aspects that had previously existed within the DOS attack or Man-In-the Middle [MITM] attack. In order to prevent such forms of attacks, an agreement based on UMTS key of authentication was enhanced and an evolved security based approach was introduced. Another agreement based on evolved packer system (EPS) key was also presented [12].

The broadcast of information based within the LTE network includes the identities of the subscriber that would be helpful in enabling the tracking of the mobile device. Two form of solutions in order to avoid the tracking of device, two forms of solutions would be used. The primary solution would be to protect the broadcast message with the use of the mechanism based on public key. This would require bigger form of changes within the LTE protocols. The 3GPP had agreed against the use of public key mechanism as the mechanism would have a much higher cost of implementation. A scheme should be implemented based on private/public keys that would be used within the elements of the network. The incoming messages form the network would be signed with the help of the mechanism of digital signature of public key [13]. The User equipment (UE) is capable of verification of the authenticity of messages. This mechanism would be helpful in the prevention of rogue network based elements from sending untrue information. The messages that would be sent towards the network would be in the encrypted manner with the use of public key from the serving operator.  

The second form of solution does not require for the change within the protocols. The operators of network would be responsible for the avoidance of tracking of the UE. This solution would prove to be useful for the protection against various forms of passive attacks. A degree of protection against attackers could be achievable. Although there are various forms of available tools, there are some challenges for utilising them and make them available to every subscriber [14].  


Based on the above discussion it could be concluded that the advancement of the LTE/LTE-A architecture would be helpful for the communication systems. The report focussed on the various aspects of the network sector. The report also puts deep focus on the communication spectrum used within the various networks, the techniques of modulation used within the various networks, the mechanism of the MAC systems. The speeds of the network and the allocated bandwidth within every forms of cellular networks was helpful in determining the speeds at which a user would be able to access the internet. The techniques based on the security within the existing cellular networks and the previous networks were widely taken into consideration. Security is a major aspect, which needs to be considered highly in order to avoid such forms of future attacks on the system. With the huge form of advancements within the field of LTE/LTE-A networks, there is a high need for the concern within the security of the sector. There are several forms of vital information that are generated with the rise of the networks.


[1] Nakamura, Takehiro, Satoshi Nagata, Anass Benjebbour, Yoshihisa Kishiyama, Tang Hai, Shen Xiaodong, Yang Ning, and Li Nan. "Trends in small cell enhancements in LTE advanced." IEEE Communications Magazine 51, no. 2 (2013): 98-105.

[2] Dahlman, E., Parkvall, S., & Skold, J. (2013). 4G: LTE/LTE-advanced for mobile broadband. Academic press.

[3] Kishiyama, Yoshihisa, Anass Benjebbour, Takehiro Nakamura, and Hiroyuki Ishii. "Future steps of LTE-A: evolution toward integration of local area and wide area systems." IEEE Wireless Communications 20, no. 1 (2013): 12-18.

[4] Rappaport, Theodore S., Shu Sun, Rimma Mayzus, Hang Zhao, Yaniv Azar, Kevin Wang, George N. Wong, Jocelyn K. Schulz, Mathew Samimi, and Felix Gutierrez Jr. "Millimeter wave mobile communications for 5G cellular: It will work!." IEEE access 1, no. 1 (2013): 335-349.

[5] Araniti, Giuseppe, Claudia Campolo, Massimo Condoluci, Antonio Iera, and Antonella Molinaro. "LTE for vehicular networking: a survey." IEEE communications magazine 51, no. 5 (2013): 148-157.

[6] Hasan, Monowar, Ekram Hossain, and Dusit Niyato. "Random access for machine-to-machine communication in LTE-advanced networks: issues and approaches." IEEE communications Magazine 51, no. 6 (2013): 86-93.

[7] Capozzi, Francesco, Giuseppe Piro, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Gennaro Boggia, and Pietro Camarda. "Downlink packet scheduling in LTE cellular networks: Key design issues and a survey." IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 15, no. 2 (2013): 678-700.

[8] Cao, Jin, Maode Ma, Hui Li, Yueyu Zhang, and Zhenxing Luo. "A survey on security aspects for LTE and LTE-A networks." IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 16, no. 1 (2014): 283-302.

[9] Demestichas, Panagiotis, Andreas Georgakopoulos, Dimitrios Karvounas, Kostas Tsagkaris, Vera Stavroulaki, Jianmin Lu, Chunshan Xiong, and Jing Yao. "5G on the horizon: Key challenges for the radio-access network." IEEE vehicular technology magazine 8, no. 3 (2013): 47-53.

[10] Guo, Bin, Wei Cao, An Tao, and Dragan Samardzija. "LTE/LTE-A signal compression on the CPRI interface." Bell Labs Technical Journal 18, no. 2 (2013): 117-133.

[11] Wang, Jin, Zhongqi Zhang, Yongjun Ren, Bin Li, and Jeong-Uk Kim. "Issues toward networks architecture security for LTE and LTE-A networks." International journal of Security and its Applications 8, no. 4 (2014): 17-24.

[12] Jover, Roger Piqueras. "Security attacks against the availability of LTE mobility networks: Overview and research directions." In WPMC, pp. 1-9. 2013.

[13] Basta, Arsany, Wolfgang Kellerer, Marco Hoffmann, Klaus Hoffmann, and Ernst-Dieter Schmidt. "A virtual SDN-enabled LTE EPC architecture: A case study for S-/P-gateways functions." In Future Networks and Services (SDN4FNS), 2013 IEEE SDN for, pp. 1-7. IEEE, 2013.

[14] Hossain, Md Mahmud, Maziar Fotouhi, and Ragib Hasan. "Towards an analysis of security issues, challenges, and open problems in the internet of things." In Services (SERVICES), 2015 IEEE World Congress on, pp. 21-28. IEEE, 2015.

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