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Mms202 Managing High Performance Sport Assessment Answers

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Provide details regarding your chosen organisation

  • What is the name of your organisation?
  • What is the purpose of your organisation?

What will you call this program/initiative? Provide a creative, succinct title that captures the essence of your program.  

Provide an explanation of the issue you are addressing and the reasons why this issue is important to address in your chosen region (using evidence to support your claims).  

Describe your sport for development program/initiative.  

Identify your target participant group and explain how your program/initiative will impact (a) this group, and (b) your chosen issue (use evidence).  

Where and when will your program/initiative take place?  

Who will deliver the programme/initiative?

For example, community clubs, associations, leagues, third party deliverers (e.g. personal trainers, private sport and leisure providers), NSO staff (existing or yet to be recruited) or another group.  

How will this program fit within the broader operations of your organisation (sport/non-profit) in relation to sport participation and community development?

Describe how you developed this programme/initiative and what resources you drew on in designing/shaping your programme/initiative (e.g., other programmes, events and initiatives).

  • What research and evidence did you use?
  • What other initiatives did you use as models/examples to shape your initiative?
  • Why is your proposal program innovative/different?

What will you expend the funding on? Provide a list of categories that the funding will be expended within along with the reason for spending in this category.

How will you, (a) monitor, (b) evaluate the outcome of your initiative? Provide an overview of your monitoring and evaluation plan.

Provide a complete reference list for all sources following the Harvard referencing guidelines


Purpose of the Organization: The organization aims to develop social cohesion among the culturally and socially diverse communities in Australia through participation in pro wrestling and free style wrestling sports. The purpose is to engage individual from various communities (indigenous as well as non indigenous communities) in wrestling sports, where individual gets the opportunity to practice together in order to develop social cohesion among the communities. The organization also aims to foster community development through the development of cohesion among various communities in Australia such as the Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander as well as the Non-Indigenous Australian population.

PART B – Programme/initiative description and operations

Describe your proposed sport for development programme/initiative

Title: What will you call this program/initiative? Provide a creative, succinct title that captures the essence of your program.  

The program is called: Developing Social Cohesion and Community Engagement through Youth Wrestling.  

The program is about the development of social cohesion and community development through participation of youth in Wrestling events, where individuals can train and wrestle together as a form of community building strategy

Provide an explanation of the issue you are addressing and the reasons why this issue is important to address in your chosen region (using evidence to support your claims).  

Australia is a multicultural nation, involving individuals from culturally and socially diverse backgrounds which is a part of Australia’s social identity (Moran 2017). Such diversity can include people from Indigenous Communities (such as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander), Non Indigenous Communities as well as Immigrants and nationals from other countries, including individuals from Maori Communities (Fischer 2015). Owing to this highly heterogeneous culture, social cohesion is an important aspect which allows a peaceful coexistence of everyone in the community bound by the feelings of mutual respect towards each other’s differences (Ho and Jakubowicz 2014). Studies show that even though the Australian culture have become significantly more cohesive, compared to what it was 10 years ago, there are still instances of discrimination, prejudice, bigotry, favouritism, intolerance, unfairness, hatred and inequality towards the members of many ethnic minorities in the country (Priest et al. 2016; Onsando and Billett 2017; Benner 2017; Buchanan et al. 2018). A report by ABC News Australia shows that one third of Australian youth experience race based mistreatment and racial discrimination based on their racial background (Ford and Hunjan 2016). Another article from ABC News Australia adds that even though the policies and legal framework cannot be considered to be racist, however, racism still exists at institutional, structural and systematic forms which allow discrimination against people from Indigenous Australian communities as well as from refugee and migrant communities (McGlade 2017).

According to Cockburn (2017), Ethnically Mixed Sports can help to develop social cohesion among communities and increase participation of youth in community activities that help in the development of communities.

Such aspects clearly shows that it is vital to further develop social cohesion among people, to ensure that people from the ethnic minority and culturally diverse communities are treated with respect, dignity and equality (Eys et al. 2015; Bruner et al. 2014).  

Describe your sport for development program/initiative.  

Developing Social Cohesion and Community Engagement through Youth Wrestling.

The program aims to develop social cohesion through the involvement of youth from culturally and ethnically diverse backgrounds to participate in wrestling matches and tournaments.

The youth participating in the program will be trained together by professional and freestyle wrestlers and trainers, and they will be involved in sparring against each other which can help to develop coordination as well as communication between them. The individuals would form teams, consisting of individuals from diverse social and cultural backgrounds, where they would be helping each other to practice and learn wrestling moves.

The participants would then be involved in exhibition matches and a tournament where all the teams will compete. The event would also involve wrestling organizations from Australia and abroad where they can identify talented youth whom they can groom to become professional wrestlers. This platform will provide the youth to pursue their dreams to become pre wrestlers and enter the arena of professional and free style wrestling.

The program would also help to develop the health of the participants through the exercise and workout routines needed to be a wrestler, and thus help the youth to improve their physical health.

The events will be conducted regionally across different cities in Australia, allowing youth from the diverse communities living in rural, semi rural and remote Australian regions to participate in the program. Additionally, campaign for the program will also be conducted in all the community centres and Community Outreaches in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities in inform them about the program and encourage participation.

The training will involve the development of speed and agility, physical endurance and resilience and learning various types of wrestling manoeuvres such as grappling, combat moves, submission manoeuvres and finishing manoeuvres.  

Identify your target participant group and explain how your program/initiative will impact (a) this group, and (b) your chosen issue (use evidence).  

Target Participants: The target participants would include Australian youth between the age group of 16 to 20 years.

Impact of the program on the group: The program would help in the development of social cohesion and mutual respect through participation in culturally mixed sports activities. The program would allow the youth to practice together in teams to develop their physical skills and strength and help each other during the practice sessions. The practice sessions would also help to develop physical fitness among the individuals and help them to achieve their aspirations to become professional wrestlers (Tropin 2017).

Impact of the program on the chosen Issue: Through the participation of youth from culturally and ethnically heterogeneous backgrounds, the youth can develop a sense of mutual respect for each other and towards the cultural diversity among the participants. This can help to promote social cohesion among the participants as well as among the communities, through the incorporation of mutual respect, understanding and tolerance towards the cultural diversity, which can help to overcome the problems of discrimination and racism (Pirseyedi 2017; Barry 2017).  

Where and when will your program/initiative take place?    

Consider geographic locations (e.g. City, Province/ State), type of setting (e.g. parks, community halls, indoor or outdoor facility) and/or time of year (seasonal, limited or all year).  

The program will be conducted in some of the community centres in Australia, such as the Redfern Community Centre in Redfern, NSW; Fullarton Park Community Centre in Fullarton, SA; Australian Chinese Community Association in Chastwood, NSW; Adelaide South West Community Centre in Adelaide, SA; Kutkabubba Aboriginal Community Centre in Wiluna, WA and TAFE Queensland, Thursday Island campus in Queensland, Australia.

The program will be conducted within indoor facilities and community halls and training will continue throughout the year before the tournament starts.

During the program, participants will be selected who would then take part in the tournament which will be held in Sydney, Australia and all the selected participants will be provided the costs to stay in Sydney for one month in order to participate in the tournament.

Inititial training and recruitment phase will start from December 2018 across all the community centres, where the community halls and indoor facilities (wherever available) will be used to set up a wrestling ring where the trainers will help the participants to learn about wrestling. Community sports centres will be used to engage the youth in warm up and exercise routines before stepping into the ring.  

 Who will deliver the programme/initiative?    

For example, community clubs, associations, leagues, third party deliverers (e.g. personal trainers, private sport and leisure providers), NSO staff (existing or yet to be recruited) or another group.  

The program will be delivered by a team of professional wrestlers and wrestling coaches (third party deliverers) along with trainers from the organization and existing NSO staff to oversee the selection and training process. The youth will be trained by the professional trainers, who will help the participants to understand the wrestling manoeuvres, and help the participants to spar with each other to further enhance their in ring competence.

Community club association would also be involved in the engagement of youth in the program and in the campaign activities to increase awareness of the program within the different communities. Additionally they would also encourage and support the interested youth to participate in the program.

Personal trainers would also be needed to groom the selected youth to participate in the tournament, providing them support to develop their athletic capabilities further and become successful amateur wrestlers.

How will this program fit within the broader operations of your organisation (sport/non-profit) in relation to sport participation and community development?  

The program will help the organization to promote social cohesion in the Australian Communities and thus foster a spirit of community building in Australia. The program thus will help the organization to achieve its Corporate Social Responsibility objectives where it aims to help in community development through sports activity, which the organization terms as ‘Socio-Wrestling’ or Wrestling for social development (Cockburn 2017). The program will also help to promote wrestling as a form of sport in these communities, increase participation in this sport, and help this sport gain more recognition in Australia. Additionally, the program will also help to identify and support promising young athletes who aspire to become professional or amateur wrestlers but do not have the necessary support to pursue their dreams and aspirations (Meir and Fletcher 2017). The program can therefore help in the promotion of the organization’s effort towards community development, improve the image of the organization, achieve positive media coverage as well as provide a pool of talents the organization can hire or engage in its sporting events.

Encouraging participation in sports can also support the youth to improve their health and fitness and prepare them for other athletic activities, and thus help them to develop competence in sports activities through which they can represent their communities further promoting their cultural and social identities and social cohesion (Edwards 2015; Parnell and Hylton 2016).

Detail any partners for your program (which may include sponsors) and describe their contributions, responsibilities and what stage these partnerships are at.

e.g. partners - consider national, state and local level partners

e.g. partner contributions - monetary or in kind

e.g. partner responsibilities and capacity - their roles in supporting your participation opportunity and their resources, skills, time to deliver

Partners: The program will involve both national and state level partners such as state and national level professional coaches, trainers and professional wrestlers, as well as local personal trainers. Additionally, international trainers and wrestling coaches from Australian Wrestling Federation, International Wrestling Australia and Pro Wrestling Australia would also be involved for the selection and training process of the participants. Trainers from New Japan Pro Wrestling and Ultimate Fighting Championship would also be present in the grooming of the selected participants to help them achieve their ambition to become professional or amateur wrestlers.

Partner Contributions: Partnership with Australian Wrestling Federation, International Wrestling Australia and Pro Wrestling Australia would help in the partial funding of the training programs and provide their expertise in the selection, training and the grooming process of the young athletes. They would take care of the programs conducted in the community centres across Australia along with the staff from the organization.

Partner Responsibilities and Capacity: The partners would help the young participants to train for the sport, devise exercise routines to improve their fitness, stamina, agility, physical build, resilience and in ring competency to become a wrestler. Their involvement would span the entire program starting from the initial selection, exercise and the grooming process. 

PARTC– Evidence

Describe how you developed this programme/initiative and what resources you drew on in designing/shaping your programme/initiative (e.g., other programmes, events and initiatives).

  • What research and evidence did you use?
  • What other initiatives did you use as models/examples to shape your initiative?
  • Why is your proposal program innovative/different?

Research And Evidences Used:

The program development is supported through various researches that show how sporting activities can help in the development of social cohesion and community development. The researches provided ample evidences to support the idea of implementing a sports event in order to promote social cohesion. Additionally, the program is also supported by studies that show the necessity of developing social cohesion in Australian communities in order to achieve community development. Some of the most crucial evidences and research findings are discussed below:

Studies by Meir and Fletcher (2017) shows that participation in community sports can help to promote social cohesion among culturally and socially divided or fragmented communities. These events fosters among participants a sense of civic engagement as well as critical awareness that helps in both sports and community development helping the participants appreciate the importance of a wider social-political development.

Studies by Parnell and Hylton (2016) shows that social problems such as racism, discrimination and health discrepancies can be addressed. The authors pointed out that social cohesion among Aboriginal communities can be developed through sports activities such as football, and help them to overcome the social discrimination and promote the development of respect towards the ethnic minorities in Australia.

Studies by Block and Gibbs (2017) shows that participation in sports activities can help to promote psychosocial development among the young participants from ethnic minority and migrant communities and helps to develop social inclusion and thus supporting meaningful engagement with the Australian Society. This study thus supports the fact that through participation in sports events can help in community development, social inclusion and social cohesion.

Evidences of social discrimination, prejudice and racism in Australia can be supported through the reports by ABC News which shows that individuals from indigenous communities, ethnic minority community and migrant communities in Australia still experience such behavior from the wider Australian community. Such as aspects have also been supported in studies done by Onsando and Billett (2017), Blair et al. (2017), Farquharson et al. (2018) and Bodkin-Andrews et al. (2017) which shows that individuals from indigenous and ethnic minority groups still experiences racism and discrimination in various forms. Additionally, studies by Collins et al. (2017) also show that there is a necessity for the development of social cohesion in order to overcome the social problems of discrimination and racism in Australia.

Eys and Brawley (2018) suggested that sports activities such as wrestling and track sports can help to develop an environment of respect and coordination among culturally diverse participants and thus promote social cohesiveness. These activities, where the participants are involved in helping each other in their exercise, warm ups and preparation for the sports activities helps to develop interpersonal bonds that overcomes social, cultural and language barriers and achieve a sense of unity among the group.

Pirseyedi (2017) also suggested that participants in multicultural wrestling events can develop a sense of equality, improvement of self image and participation in such activities can help to promote social bonding, development of social capital, improve social relations and support the maintenance of diversity among the participants. The author concludes that wrestling helps in the development of a sense of social belonging and social identity among the participants, thus suggesting the validity of the program to promote social cohesion.

Initiatives that were used as models or examples to shape the program:

The model for the program has been influenced by many sports initiatives and programs which provided the main concepts of this program. These initiatives and programs include:

The sporting Schools Initiative by Badminton Australia: This initiative aims to develop social cohesion through the involvement of school children in badminton lessons, training junior participants from grass root levels and help the Government initiative to involve more children in sports activities. The program helps to develop social cohesion through the inculcation of mutual respect and tolerance to culturally and ethnically diverse people and help them to develop interpersonal relations through participation in the sports activities, apart from helping to develop their fitness and health (sportingschools.gov.au 2018).

Sport 4 All: This is a community project for sports and recreation participants, where various types of sports and recreation activities are used for community development. The KidSport initiative that involves children between 5 to 18 years is taught various sports and supports them to participate in community sports activities (dsr.wa.gov.au 2018).

Wrestling Bears Program by Mott Community College in Flint, Michigan, USA: The program provides training and grooming platform for aspiring wrestlers who are looking forward to become professional or amateur wrestlers. The program helps to develop social cohesion through the involvement of participants of the community in sports, apart from helping eligible athletes and students to achieve their aspirations (mcc.edu 2018).

Multicultural Wrestling Program in the studies by Pirseyedi (2017): In this study the author conducted multicultural wrestling class to observe the positive outcomes of the activity as found that the classes helped in the development of social relations among the participants, develop a social environment where participants got to know each other and helped to improve their self image and sense of equality.

How is this program different from any others:

This program is different from any other of its kind in Australia, since wrestling has rarely been used before to as a choice for community sports program or as a strategy to develop social cohesion. One of the aspect can be attributed to the perception of contact sports like wrestling with aggressive behaviour as pointed out by the studies by Jain (2015), which showed heightened levels of aggression among state and district level wrestlers of Haryana, India, as well as studies by Barrett and Levin (2015) that showed wrestling programs such as WWE promoted inter gender violence and aggression. However, other studies have clearly shown that community wrestling being like any other sports in the development of community and social cohesion. Using wrestling for the development of social cohesion therefore is a unique aspect that has not been fully utilized in Australia. Moreover, this program aims not only to engage the youth to participate in the sports event, but also support those aspiring to be a wrestler to achieve their dreams through further grooming and training by professional coaches and trainers and provide them a platform for showing their skills in a wrestling tournament.

What will you expend the funding on? Provide a list of categories that the funding will be expended within along with the reason for spending in this category. Provide a minimum of 5 categories

Category Reason

Organizing campaigns This is a vital activity that can help increase awareness of the program. Campaigns will be done in all the community centres. Through the campaigns the community members will be able to know about the project and how it can help them and thus improve participation in the program.

Training the participants Investing in the training of participants by qualified trainers and wrestling coaches can ensured that the aspiring youth get the right training to develop the required skill-set to become a wrestler. Investing in this aspect can thus ensure the success of the program.

Organizing Tournament Funding is also needed for organizing the tournament where selected and qualified youth can participate and provide them a platform to exhibit their skills and gain exposure. The tournament can also open their chances for a career in wrestling as selectors from professional wrestling organizations would also be present in the tournament.

Providing financial support to qualified participants The participants (selected across Australia) who have qualified for the tournament would require funding to stay in the city where the tournament will be hosted. The funding will go to provide food and accommodation for them and allow them to engage in the training process.

Sports equipments, sportswear and accessories, training equipments For the program, sports and exercise equipments needs to b purchased for the training of the participants. Since the community centres would not have specific training gear needed for this sport, these equipments needs to be provided to the training centres across Australia to support the training and practice activities for this program.

PART E - Monitoring and Evaluation

How will you, (a) monitor, (b) evaluate the outcome of your initiative? Provide an overview of your monitoring and evaluation plan.

Monitoring Plan:

Scale of Investment: This will help to monitor the extent of investment involved in the project through the monitoring of all costs related to the project.

Strategic Direction: This will help to ensure if the project is going in the right direction and according to the strategic planning of the project or identify any deviations from the plan.

Fulfilment of Statutory Obligations: This will help to monitor whether the program is fulfilling its statutory obligations and program objectives and ensure that the program is conducted in a legal and ethical manner, following the legislative and policy framework.

Degree of Risk: This will allow the maintenance of a safe environment for the participants, trainers and coaches and monitor any risks and hazards in the environment and any safety incidents.

Evidence of Best Practice guidelines: this will help to ensure the program is following the best practice in the engagement of participants from culturally and ethnically diverse communities, implementing cultural competency and cultural intelligence to promote participation in the event.

Reports: This can include monthly progress report, quarterly progress report and interim monitoring reports. The report can include information regarding the participation, progression of training, selection process, and progress of the tournament. The reports would also be made on the performance of each participant and their personal growth charts through the program.

Evaluation Plan:

Impact Assessment and Evaluation: This will help to analyse the overall impact of the program on the development of social cohesion. The analysis can be made based upon interviews and reports as well as through quantitative data on the behaviour of the participants of the program.

Final Evaluation: The final evaluation will combine all the reports to develop an overall understanding of the success of the program and number of aspiring athletes being selected by professional wrestling organizations.

Impacts and Performance measurement matrix: This will help to evaluate the performance of the program as well as of the individuals involved in the planning and execution of the program. The impact of the program can be analysed through the changes in attitudes and behaviour of the participants.

Evaluation of participation rates: This can help to evaluate whether the program was able to draw enough participation from communities to consider the program to be a success. The data can also help to evaluate the success of the campaigns to promote awareness of the program.

Media Coverage: Positive media coverage of the program can help to understand if the program is able to achieve the CSR objectives of the organization.

External Evaluation: Since a significant amount of budget is involved from both the organization and its partners, to ensure trust and best practice, external evaluation will also be done on the participation, impact, efficiency and effectiveness of the program.


Provide a complete reference list for all sources following the Harvard referencing guidelines

Barrett, B.J. and Levin, D.S., 2015. “You Can’t Touch Me, You Can’t Touch Me”: Inter-gender violence and aggression in the PG era of World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) programming. Feminism & Psychology, 25(4), pp.469-488.

Barry, J., 2017. Re-Ghettoization: Armenian Christian Neighborhoods in Multicultural Tehran. Iranian Studies, 50(4), pp.553-573.

Benner, A., 2017. The Toll of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination on Adolescents' Adjustment. Child Development Perspectives, 11(4), pp.251-256.

Blair, K., Dunn, K.M., Kamp, A. and Alam, O., 2017. Challenging Racism Project 2015-16 National Survey Report.

Block, K. and Gibbs, L., 2017. Promoting social inclusion through sport for refugee-background youth in australia: Analysing different participation models. Social Inclusion, 5(2), pp.91-100.

Bodkin-Andrews, G., Lovelock, R., Paradies, Y., Denson, N., Franklin, C. and Priest, N., 2017. Not My Family: Understanding the Prevalence and Impact of Racism Beyond Individualistic Experiences. In Indigenous Children Growing Up Strong (pp. 179-208). Palgrave Macmillan, London.

Bruner, M.W., Eys, M.A., Wilson, K.S. and Côté, J., 2014. Group cohesion and positive youth development in team sport athletes. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 3(4), p.219.

Buchanan, Z.E., Abu-Rayya, H.M., Kashima, E., Paxton, S.J. and Sam, D.L., 2018. Perceived discrimination, language proficiencies, and adaptation: Comparisons between refugee and non-refugee immigrant youth in Australia. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 63, pp.105-112.

Cockburn, T., 2017. Children and the ‘Social Cohesion’Agenda in Sport: Children's Participation in ‘Ethnically Mixed’Sports Teams in the North of England. Children & Society, 31(1), pp.50-60.

Collins, C.R., Neal, Z.P. and Neal, J.W., 2017. Transforming social cohesion into informal social control: Deconstructing collective efficacy and the moderating role of neighborhood racial homogeneity. Journal of Urban Affairs, 39(3), pp.307-322.

dsr.wa.gov.au, 2018. Sport 4 All. [online] Dsr.wa.gov.au. Available at: https://www.dsr.wa.gov.au/support-and-advice/participation/special-initiatives/sport-4-all [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018].

Edwards, M.B., 2015. The role of sport in community capacity building: An examination of sport for development research and practice. Sport Management Review, 18(1), pp.6-19.

Eys, M., Evans, M.B., Martin, L.J., Ohlert, J., Wolf, S.A., Van Bussel, M. and Steins, C., 2015. Cohesion and performance for female and male sport teams. The Sport Psychologist, 29(2), pp.97-109.

Eys, M.A. and Brawley, L.R., 2018. Reflections on cohesion research with sport and exercise groups. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 12(4), p.e12379.

Farquharson, K., Spaaij, R., Gorman, S., Jeanes, R., Lusher, D. and Magee, J., 2018. Managing Racism on the Field in Australian Junior Sport. In Relating Worlds of Racism (pp. 165-189). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Fischer, G., 2015. Immigration, integration, disintegration: The perilous road to Australian multiculturalism. Griffith REVIEW, (48), p.30.

Ford, M. and Hunjan, R., 2016. A third of young people report race-based mistreatment. [online] ABC News. Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-12-06/a-third-of-young-people-report-race-based-mistreatment/8092926 [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018].

Haz?r, Ö., 2015. A review of analytical models, approaches and decision support tools in project monitoring and control. International Journal of Project Management, 33(4), pp.808-815.

Ho, C. and Jakubowicz, A. eds., 2014. 'For Those Who've Come Across the Seas...': Australian Multicultural Theory, Policy and Practice. Anthem Press.

Jain, N., 2015. A comparative study of aggression in state and district level sports persons of haryana (body builders). Indian Journal of Health and Wellbeing, 6(3), p.338.

Kerzner, H. and Kerzner, H.R., 2017. Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling. John Wiley & Sons.

Kerzner, H., 2017. Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project performance. John Wiley & Sons.

mcc.edu, 2018. Wrestling Bears - Athletics | Mott Community College. [online] Mcc.edu. Available at: https://www.mcc.edu/athletics/m_wrestling/m_wrestling.shtml [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018].

McGlade, H., 2017. Australia is still fighting racism and it's time we faced up to it. [online] ABC News. Available at: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-11-27/australias-race-relations-will-be-examined-by-un-in-geneva/9198272 [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018].

Meir, D. and Fletcher, T., 2017. The transformative potential of using participatory community sport initiatives to promote social cohesion in divided community contexts. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, p.1012690217715297.

Moran, A., 2017. Multiculturalism and Australian National Identity. In The Public Life of Australian Multiculturalism (pp. 169-206). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Onsando, G. and Billett, S., 2017. Refugee immigrants’ experiences of racism and racial discrimination at Australian TAFE institutes: a transformative psychosocial approach. Journal of Vocational Education & Training, 69(3), pp.333-350.

Parnell, D. and Hylton, K., 2016. The community network: an Aboriginal community football club bringing people together. Who or what is making the assists to score social goals?. Australian journal of primary health, 22(2), pp.69-70.

Pirseyedi, M., 2017. Case Study: Social Relations, Equality and Self-Image among Participants of A Multicultural Wrestling Class.

Priest, N., King, T., Bécares, L. and Kavanagh, A.M., 2016. Bullying victimization and racial discrimination among Australian children. American journal of public health, 106(10), pp.1882-1884.

sportingschools.gov.au, 2018. Badminton Australia. [online] Sportingschools.gov.au. Available at: https://www.sportingschools.gov.au/sports/badminton-australia [Accessed 24 Sep. 2018].

Tropin, Y., 2017. Physical fitness model characteristics in wrestling. Slobozhanskyi herald of science and sport, (2 (58)), pp.69-71.

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