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Mlab 102 : Professional Practice Assessment Answers

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1. Do you think that the practice of professional communication at workplace is important for professional growth? If yes, justify your answer with an example.  
2. Define the terms 'assertiveness', 'aggressiveness' and 'submissiveness'. Distinguish the difference between 'assertiveness', 'aggressiveness' and 'submissiveness'. How do assertiveness skills benefit you in the work place environment?

3. Consider following situation
Situation: Suppose you are working as a senior purchase officer in a large organisation. You feel that your section supervisor Thomas is ordering excessive amount of stationary and duplicating some orders. How would you approach Thomas with your concerns? Thomas is sometimes aggressive and sometimes defensive. You must reach to an acceptable solution accretive way. 


1. I believe the workplace communication is considered as an effective initiative undertaken by the organization for introducing the proactive and operative efficiency. In the communication development management practices, the moral of the employees is being increased. In communication development practice, the rate of productivity, as well as the communication chain in an organization, can be improved (Anderson et al. 2015). In case of developing a business, the effective communication is very important. In the communication development management practices, the good working relationship between the employees and the employers can be developed. Both the verbal, nonverbal information and knowledge sharing practices can be improved in this communication development. By using the effective communication practices in an organization, the negotiation and others business related activities become smoother (Lam, Cheng and Kong 2014). I have identified that in order to develop the workplace interaction, proper stress management practices are required. It is true that the interpersonal skills will help the person to communicate with others. Body language is being considered as another important part of the communication process. In the case of an organization, mostly the formal communication is being highlighted.

However, the non-verbal communication among the employees is very important for maintaining the internal culture in the organizations (Brink and Costigan 2015). I strongly believe, if the organization is able to develop the strong organizational communication, it will be beneficial for increasing the rate of productivity of the company.  With the communicational development, knowledge and information sharing practices will be easier (Tjulin and MacEachen 2016). As per my understanding, by discussing their ideas with the colleagues the employees will be able to improve their performances.  It cannot be denied that the job satisfaction of the employees also gets influenced by the effective workplace communication. In the communication development management practices, they will get the proper feedback from the customers as well as management. On the other hand, by developing the useful communication, the employees will feel free to discuss their problems with the management. Workplace communication is also very important for reducing the turnover rate in an organization. Good interaction plays an important role in the case of increasing the employee engagement in the organizational development practices. With the increasing rate of employee engagement, the goals and objectives of the company can be achieved in an effective manner. Customer relationship is being considered as one of the important elements in business development practices (Brink and Costigan 2015). In this case, the effective communicational skills of the employees can help to develop the better relationship with the customers and stakeholders. Using the good communication in the workplace, the talented and proactive workforce can be maintained. I believe, it becomes easier for the organization to understand the skills as well as team talent, which influences the creativity and innovation in organizational performances.   

As an example I can say, recently most of the Australian retail organizations were dealing with high employee turnover issues. After analyzing the situation, it has been identified that lack of employee satisfaction and improper organizational culture has brought such disappointing situations in the organizations (Lam, Cheng and Kong 2014). Not only employee dissatisfaction, but also performance standard of the Australian retail organizations has brought the tough situation for the companies to maintain the sustainable position in the competitive market. In order to deal with the situation, workplace communication has been considered as effective practices. It has been identified that with communicational development initiatives, surprisingly the rate of productivity in the retail sector has been increased. On the other hand, it is true that after the introduction of the effective communication in the workplace, performance standard as well as the customer relationship has been improved.  

2. The term assertiveness indicates the forceful and confident behavior of a person (Aloia and Solomon 2015). In this case, it can be said that in the communication development management practices, the self assured quality is being analyzed without being aggressive. In the words of ?lhan et al. (2016), behavioral assertiveness characteristics are being analyzed by the statement affirmation process. In the current scenario, the assertiveness is being considered as one of the important elements for improving the personal skills. It has been identified that in the case of influencing the self esteem the assertiveness is being liked by the behavioral therapist for increasing the confidence. In the year, 1961, the behavioral learning initiatives regarding the assertiveness have been introduced by Andrew Salter for increasing the awareness of people for their personal right (Alberti and Emmons 2017). The term aggressiveness describes the determination of forcefulness. Aggressiveness is considered as one of important human characteristics, which influence the competitiveness, unprovoked offensiveness and forcefulness. Physical violence, verbal hostility as well as swearing are behavioral activities which reflect due to aggressiveness (Aloia and Solomon 2015). Hence, it can be aid that aggressiveness has higher level of impact on the human characteristics. On the other hand, in the case of submissiveness, the willing character of a person is being show for being controlled by the others. Submissive behavior indicates the shyness of a person for which the person does not want to come in the limelight. It is true that the submissive person shrinking violence and avoid upsetting others (Sundstrom et al. 2016). In this case, the fear of the person stops to hurt others. It has been identified that in case of complicated situation, the submissive person always assumes that the person is going to be blamed in some way and easily accept. As stated by Alberti and Emmons (2017), in some of the cases the submissive people use submissive body language, floppy language and qualifiers, which indicate the submissive characteristics. Therefore, it can be said that submissive behavior is very important for analyzing the personal development process. On the other hand, it is true that in the case of developing the behavioral characteristics of a child, summative characteristics are very important so that they can be controlled by their parents.

By identifying the difference between assertiveness and aggressiveness behavior, it can be said that depending on their own beliefs, and assertive people express their feelings and opinions as well as honor themselves (Tjulin and MacEachen 2016). However, aggressive people forcefully achieve their needs. The major characteristic of assistive people is they always try to provide the equal respect to everyone. On the other hand,Ανδρ?ου and Andreou (2016) said that in order to gain the respect, the aggressive people hurt others. Fair exchange and ideas are being valued by the assertive people; however, aggressive people sometimes make physical attacks (Andreou 2016). It has been identified that the major characteristic of the assertive people is they never intentionally hurt people. As the assertive people are oversensitive, such characteristics of them help to develop effective communication with others. On the other hand, in the case of aggressive people, lack of emotions and sensitivity makes them careless about others feelings. These people are completely self-focused and can do anything for achieving their target. It is being considered as the common tactic of the aggressive people that they always try to decrease the confidence others. By continuing the comparison, it can be said that in the case of submissive people, they help others to win (Swee, Kaplan and Heimberg 2018). In this case, it has been identified that the major difference between assertive and submissive people is in the first case people use their idea and self-belief for achieving their goals. On the other hand, in the case of submissive people, they are being controlled by others. In this case,  they avoid involving themselves in any kind of conflicts. Due to lack of dominant personality, such kinds of characteristics are being shown in them, which are totally different from aggressive and assertive people. In the behavioral comparison, it can be said that the respect for others in aggressive behavior is low, however, in the case of both the submissive and assertive behaviors; respect for others is highly shown (Anl? and ?ar 2017). In the aggressive behavior, the weaknesses are being ignored, however, in the submissive behavior, the transparency regarding the strength and weakness are being mentioned. In assertive behavior, both the strength and weakness are being equally informed.

After analyzing all the behavioral characteristics, it can be said that assertive behavior can be beneficial for the workplace environment. Assertive people express their ideas and point of view in an effective manner (Buss 2014). On the other hand, it is true that the assertive people always respect others feelings. Self-esteem can be easily boosted in such behavioral characteristics. By using the effective communication skills, the assertive people help to earn the respect that is very important to maintain the employee satisfaction in the organization (Peterson et al. 2016). In order to build the own judgment regarding any kind of organization, certain characteristics are important. Assertive behavior in the workplace can help to increase confidence among the employees. It directly influences the overall organizational performance.


1. It is true that it is difficult to deal with the aggressive people as sometimes they become defensive. Hence, in the case of dealing with Thomas, polite and gentle behavior is required. As an example, the conversation can get started "Thomas, is this right time to talk to you?".By spending maximum time, I need to get closerto Thomas. Using the interpersonal communication skills, I need to develop a healthy relationship with Thomas. As its result, it will be easier for me to understand the point of view and nature of Thomas. In some cases,the aggressive people refuse to accept the logical point of view. Therefore, for bringing them on the right track, I need to be conscious so that I can indirectly discuss the actual problem with the person. I believe, in order to manage the situation, I need to be concern about my body language so that Thomas will not get hurt.  Without getting angry, I need to focus on acknowledging the facts that will help to reduce Thomas’s aggression. However, I need to stand strictly to my point by using my emotional intelligence skills. This will help me to use my assertive behavior in an effective manner. Rather than saying like, I am right, and you are not, I will say ‘We both are right, but we can thank it in a different way like...'.  I believe, such initiatives of mine will help to grab Thomas’s attention.
2. In the case of a win-win solution, both the parties get the equal opportunities, and both get benefited. It is being considered as an effective way to negotiate. In order to gain the win-win solution, I will identify the common space so that both of us will get benefited. I can start like, "congratulation Thomas, for your sincerity the company has decided to promote you as a line manager". By continuing this, I will say "As an old loyal employee in this organization, your responsibility is to monitor the other employees and maintain the statistical report of everyday purchase".  With the increasing responsibility impressive appraisal, I believe, Thomas will get satisfied which indirectly fulfill my goal. As per my understanding, this strategy of mine will be beneficial for maintaining the win-win solution in the workplace.
3. There are five types of conflicts. Man vs nature, man vs man, man vs self, man vs technology and man vs society (Rad, Mirhaghi and Shomoossi 2015). In this case the man vs. man conflict had taken place. In the case of Thomas, when I approached him for the promotion. On that situation, he had become little excited. As an assertive person, I have not involved myself in any kind of debate and tried to make the conversation normal. Honestly, none of us created any kind of massive trouble for understanding our point of view. As Thomas is an aggressive person, therefore, after listening about the appraisal he found the personal benefit which made him quite.  On the other hand, it is also true that before giving him the offer, I had developed a strong relationship with Thomas, which has helped me to manage the situation.


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