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MKTG2101 Consumer Behaviour For the Persisting Qualities

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1. Why the rankings of evaluative criteria are distinctive? 

2. Why the decisions of investment property of the respondents are distinctive? 

3. Why the rankings of the assessment criteria are distinctive? 

4. Why are the decisions of the investment properties of the respondents diverse?



Personality is the arrangement of different attributes or qualities that frame the particular character of a person. These attributes incorporate the qualities, convictions, state of mind, propensities, aptitudes and social connections. Identity qualities are the individual attributes of the people that choose the ways of conduct of people in a specific circumstance. The five factor model or the big five theory clarifies the different identity characteristics (Mischel, 2013).

Personality shapes the persisting qualities that differentiate one individual from the other individual. Identity is characterized as "the enduring or persevering behavioral examples and musings crosswise over time and circumstance". These outcomes in unsurprising activities of the people in different circumstances stay over long haul term (Lewin, 2013). The four noteworthy points of view on identity are psychoanalytic, characteristic, humanistic and social-psychological. All these consolidate to shape the identity of a person.

Analysis of the conduct of the respondents in view of the different personality theories: 

The picked respondents are respondent 1, 2 and 3. The rankings and decisions of the respondents 1, 2 and 3 are investigated and assessed.

1. Identity attributes are the persisting qualities that portray the conduct of a person. Attributes are recognizable and continuing courses in which one individual varies from the other. Characterizing identity attributes is a troublesome recommendation as a great many modifiers could be utilized to depict the identity characteristics (Pervin, 2015).

Different personality theories have been produced by some prominent analysts and personality theory is one of them. The trait theory concentrates on the estimation of identity as far as particular mental qualities known as characteristics. Qualities can be basic to numerous people however they likewise change in substantial degree between people. The trait theory develops certain identity tests that pinpoint the identity of the general population by an arrangement of components that are particular characteristics (Hamilton, 2015). The trait theory is worried with deciding the essential characteristics that depict the conduct of an individual and furthermore discovers some approaches to gauge it by identity stock or utilizing a rating scale. There are different determinants of identity that decide the qualities of a person. A few determinants of identity are as per the following:

Biological elements:

Heredity, cerebrum and physical stature of a man structures the identity attributes of a man. Heredity alludes to the transmission of the qualities from the predecessor to descendent. Mind is a natural variable that assumes a vital part in the assurance of identity. The structure of the cerebrum decides the identity of a man. The physical stature like tallness, weight, shading and other organically decided components drastically affect the identity of an individual (Spielberger, 2013).

Family and social variables:

The group of a man straightforwardly impacts the identity of a person. The way of impact of the family relies on variables like family size, birth request, religion and instruction level of the guardians. These components influence the advancement of one's identity. For example, a man who is raised in a poor family might have diverse mentality than a man who is raised in a rich family. Family as well as companions and partners of an individual impact the identity of a man. The practices of the social gatherings exceptionally influence the identity of a man.

Situational factor:

The identity of an individual is practically reliable yet it changes in various circumstances. The circumstance applies an essential push on the people and because of the adjustments in the circumstances, the identity of an individual likewise changes. For example, a bashful and tentative man may play out some courageous activities so as to spare somebody's existence without tending to his own wellbeing.

Consequently, it can be expressed that the rankings of the individual respondents are distinctive because of identity distinction as a part of their identity attributes and practices. The distinction in the rankings is likewise the after effect of the necessities and inclinations of the respondents. The prerequisites of the people are not a similar which cues contrast in their inclinations. 

The personality theory clarifies the distinction in the decisions of the people through psychoanalytical hypothesis (Solomon, 2014). This hypothesis depends on Freudian idea of identity that is established on oblivious structure of id, ego and super ego. Id alludes to the establishment of obviousness and structures a base of psychic vitality that takes a stab at joys with creature senses of animosity, power and control. Id does not perceive any dread or uneasiness and does not make a big deal about the results of its activities. Ego is the cognizant perspective that holds the id within proper limits through substances of the outside world. The super ego is the disguised portrayal of the qualities and ethics of the general public. Ego and super ego hold id under tight restraints and control through social, social and moral esteems (Goh, Heng and Lin, 2013).

Analysis of the conduct of the respondents on the basis of demographic theories:  

The rankings of the assessment criteria are diverse as a result of the distinction in the age, sex, occupation, salary, monetary status, way of life and identity of the people (Kardes, Cronley and Cline, 2014). The rankings of the respondents rely on upon a few variables that decide the statistic state of the shoppers. There are a few individual level of determinants that choose the conduct of the buyers. Some of them are as per the following:

Age and life-cycle organize:

Age is a standout amongst the most critical determinants of the conduct of the shoppers. Individuals, over their lifetimes, change the merchandise and enterprises they purchase. The inclinations and preferences of the people change as indicated by their age. The conduct of the shoppers likewise change as per the phase of family life cycle. The phases through which the family members pass as they develop over time, chooses the conduct of the purchasers (Mercure, 2015).


Occupation is another determinant of the customer conduct. The occupation of a man influences his/her conduct towards the merchandise and enterprises purchased. The requirements and inclinations of the blue collar employees and the white collar employees vary radically.

Economic status:

The financial status or circumstance of the people influences the decision of the items. This makes the advertisers nearly watch the patterns in the individual pay and the family salary of the customers.

Life style:

Way of life alludes to the example of living of a person that is communicated regarding his/her exercises and interests. Way of life of the purchasers help the advertisers to comprehend the adjustments in the shopper esteems and in addition their impact on the purchasing conduct of the people ( Bianchi, 2014).  

Thusly, it can be expressed that because of the distinctions in the age, salary, way of life, occupation and identity of the respondents, their decisions of investment properties are distinctive. 

The decisions of the respondents profoundly rely on the different statistic considers that incorporate age, sex, occupation, wage, monetary status, way of life and identity of the people (Fleeson and Jayawickreme, 2015).

Respondent number 1 likes choice 3 as just like an understudy, her significant concern is rent. The respondent is a female who is an understudy and works low maintenance in a supermarket. Along these lines, because of low pay she wants to share a house.

Respondent number 2 likes choice 4 as he is a 54 years of age separated man and a senior supervisor at a bank that demonstrates that his pay is high. The choice 4 is most appropriate for him as he can manage the cost of paying the lease of the house and the house is sufficiently roomy to live with his little girl.

Respondent number 3 likes alternative 6 as separation from City Center does not make a difference to her and being a housewife, the house fits in her financial plan as she is dependent upon her husband for money.


Characteristics of likeliest clients: 

The advertisers utilize the system of market division keeping in mind the end goal to focus on the clients. The advertisers are required to have certain data in regards to the clients so as to concentrate on the objective client. Statistic incorporates age, sexual orientation, pay, instruction, occupation, conjugal status and way of life. The items and administrations offered by the advertiser decides the likeliest attributes of the clients (Barrick, Mount and Li, 2013).   

Learning happens as a man reacts to some jolt and is remunerated with need fulfillment for a right reaction. The learning and memory hypothesis expresses that the latest and successive jolt is recollected and reacted. The hypothesis depends on four focal procedures to be specific drive, cue, reaction and fortification. Drives are the solid needs and intentions though cue is the weaker boost. On the off chance that the choice depends on cue then the reactions might move starting with one brand then onto the next in view of past involvement. Reinforcement is the procedure by which compensating encounters in the past are strengthened. Here the brand inclinations are changed over into brand faithfulness. Individuals gain from encounters along these lines, the advertisers can draw in the clients by giving great encounters to the clients.

Thusly, by applying learning and memory theories, the advertisers must give predictable great encounters to the clients so that the clients recall just positive things about the brand. This should likewise help the advertisers in changing over brand inclination into brand faithfulness.


It can be inferred that today's business sectors are extremely mind boggling and well beyond the shopper conduct. Changes continue occurring because of a few monetary elements too. The advertiser is to concentrate the necessities and dispositions of the buyers and their purchasing conduct vary incredibly relying on different variables, for example, salary, sexual orientation, societal position, area and brain science. Accordingly, it is fundamental for the advertisers to recognize the qualities of buyer and group them into reasonable sections relying on their conduct. Thusly, it can be inferred that the investigation of consumer behavior is fundamental for an advertiser.  


Barrick, M. R., Mount, M. K., & Li, N. (2013). The theory of purposeful work behavior: The role of personality, higher-order goals, and job characteristics. Academy of Management Review, 38(1), 132-153.

Bianchi, S. M. (2014). A demographic perspective on family change. Journal of family theory & review, 6(1), 35-44.

Fleeson, W., & Jayawickreme, E. (2015). Whole trait theory. Journal of Research in Personality, 56, 82-92.

Goh, K. Y., Heng, C. S., & Lin, Z. (2013). Social media brand community and consumer behavior: Quantifying the relative impact of user-and marketer-generated content. Information Systems Research, 24(1), 88-107.

Hamilton, D. L. (Ed.). (2015). Cognitive processes in stereotyping and intergroup behavior. Psychology Press.

Kardes, F., Cronley, M., & Cline, T. (2014). Consumer behavior. Cengage Learning.

Lewin, K. (2013). A Dynamic Theory of personality-Selected papers. Read Books Ltd.

Mercure, J. F. (2015). An age structured demographic theory of technological change. Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 25(4), 787-820.

Mischel, W. (2013). Personality and assessment. Psychology Press.

Pervin, L. A. (Ed.). (2015). Goal concepts in personality and social psychology. Psychology Press.

Solomon, M. R. (2014). Consumer behavior: Buying, having, and being (Vol. 10). Engelwood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.

Spielberger, C. D. (Ed.). (2013). Anxiety and behavior. Academic Press.

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