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Mis770 Foundation Skills In Data Assessment Answers

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Calculate and interpret numerical descriptive measures of central tendency, variation and shape for numerical data
• Calculate and interpret descriptive summary measures for a population
• Describe the relationship between two categorical variables using contingency tables
• Describe the relationship between two numerical variables using scatter diagrams and time-series plots
• Construct and interpret a box-and-whisker plot
• Calculate and interpret the covariance and the coefficient of correlation for bivariate data.


A well-presented financial information helps in promoting the financial information of the company and this is done by making use of graphics in their annual report. Making use of graphs, table and charts in the annual report of the companies will help in efficiently analyzing the salient points in the annual report. Aids and trends in the presentation of the summary is highlighted using such graphs, tables and charts. Data in the annual report of the company is exhibited using different types of charts and graphs. The characteristics of reporting format used by companies, information and preparers perspective forms the basis of selection (Cleveland 2013).

The various formats used in the annual reports of the company are listed below:

Tabular representation:

Tabular representation is widely used for analysis of complex data by arranging them in rows and columns and thereby enabling the users to extract and derive the useful information. Discussed below are the following criteria of representation in tabular form:

  1. Table visualization-The overall aesthetics of report should be in correspondence with size, color of fonts. For the provided information, there is no requirement of any additional information when the users are making use of perfect table (Dweck et al.2014).
  2. Tabular data-raw data of organization is presented in organized manners using tables. The objective of tables should aligned with the data presented in. The data in table is not provided as replacement of text rather it is presented as supplementary of text (Greenwood and Hartley 2017).
  3. Data segregation- For easy understanding of data used in tables, it is necessary to provide the numerical information or numerical statistics using columns and row total.
  4. Format of the numbers-Numerical data is necessary to be presented in round numbers. Unless there is a separate space provided for the tables, there is a need to place the table near related texts (Heiberger and Holland 2015).
  5. Variable information-It is essential to place all the variables being compared in the columns. All the independent and the categorical variables are required to be placed in row.
  6. Labelling of variable- It is necessary to label the variables in relation with the measurable units.

  7. Separation of data-Data in the table can be separated using bold lines.
  8. Coloring of bars-shaded or using the color to represent the function values are used for extension from the horizontal axis upward into various heights.
  9. Axis in vertical bar chart-The independent variables at various levels against the dependent variables are compared using the vertical bar chart. The time line in the annual report is shown using the x-axis in the vertical bar chart.
  10. Vertical bar chart- The exhibition of independent variables in the vertical bar chart is done on the horizontal axis from left to right. Certain discrete values are attained by independent variables and this is done using the pictorial representation (Hsiao 2014).  
  11. Line graphs- Line graphs are particular type of chart, where a series of data are exhibited using the points. A line is formed by way of arranging the data using points.
  12. Stacked bar chart segmentation-Stacked bar chart is the visual representation of data and it is used to divide larger categories of data into smaller categories. The bars in the stacked bar chart are split into color bar segments that are placed on top of each other. Here, each vertical bar individual bar is considered as consolidated group.
  13. Aesthetics in Stacked chart- Different colors can be used to make the differentiation of variables used in the same category.
  14. Markers-Markers are series of data points where the dependent variables are represented using markers in charts. The different level of independent variables are represented using markers.
  15. Proportion of stacks- in this chart, at different level of independent variables, comparison between the proportion of each sub segment at different level and total values is done using bars.
  16. Placement of markers- From left to right, marker are placed horizontally.
  17. Relevant information- Footnotes are used to provide relevant information of variables of table.
  18. Use of line charts- Continuous change in dependent variables are denoted using line charts and different trends in data are shown using line charts.
  19. Stacked bar chart- It is one of the unique form of chart and different part of group are shown using each segment in the bar.
  20. Aesthetics of graphs- Special symbol is used to clearly exhibit data points and there must be equal interval between two labels.


Reports are presented easily using the graphical and tabular presentations. However, it is necessary to consider the limitations of representation formats before it is incorporated in any report. The representation formats should not include huge and irrelevant data sets as they are used to highlight the relevant and necessary information.

Westpac is one of the oldest company in Australia and have been into business for 200 years. It was established as bank of New South Wales and was established back in 1817 (Westpac.com.au 2017). The portfolio of financial services of brands and business is focused on common purpose and helps nearly about thirteen million customers in achieving their financial goals. The strategic priorities of Westpac comes with an appropriate mix of growth, strength, productivity and return. The organization maintains a high quality of portfolio of assets that is coupled with strong provisioning.

Westpac needs to publish its annual report in accordance with guidelines of ASIC as the company is listed in Australian stock exchange. In addition to this, the valuation of annual report of organization such as Westpac is highly done by users and the viewers. It is the documentation of the performance of the companies and an important tool for investment analysis done by investors. Therefore, various charts and tables are incorporated in the annual reports for making the investors easily understand the financial information of company (Ott and Longnecker 2015).

The reports, charts and tables incorporated in the annual report of Westpac for year 2016 is discussed below:

Graphical representation:

Westpac has made use of graphical representation in many instances. As per the information, the graphs has presented the information in various formats.

Company in its annual report has presented following bar chart:

Net profit after tax: 

The net profit after tax of Westpac is presented using the bar chart. Net profit after tax generated by company every year is exhibited using the vertical bars. Y axis represents the net profit earned by company in percentage and x axis represents the consecutive years from 2007 to year 2016 (Criteria 8 and Criteria 10). Such bars are also used for making the comparison of net profit earned by the company over periods of 9 years (Peck et al. 2015).

Dividend paid per share: 

The above chart depicts the dividend earned by company per share over the years. X-axis depicts the time period and dividends earned by company per share is represented in the on Y axis. The company has paid special dividend in the year 2013 and this is represented by using the axis in vertical bar chart (Criteria 9).

Cash earning of Westpac: 

Cash earnings per share of the organization is represented in the vertical axis that is Y axis and the consecutive years or time period has been represented in the X axis. The cash earning in the year 2016 is presented by coloring of bars and this is indicative the fact that year 2016 has highest cash earnings per share as compared to other years (Criteria 8).


The above bar chart represents returns generated by company. Y-axis represents cash earning correspond to average ordinary equity and period on X-axis (Criteria 13). Cash earnings in the year 2016 is represented using coloring of bars that is bar marked with red color indicates that the cash generated is lowest compared to rest of the year presented (Salvatori et al. 2015).

Cash earnings per ordinary share: 

The above bar chart depicts the cash earnings per ordinary share. Time as indicated by numbers is represented on X axis and cash earnings per ordinary share is represented on Y-axis. Compared to year 2014 and 2015, year 2016 has earned lower cash earnings per ordinary shares (Criteria 13).

Economic profit versus CEO STI award: 

In the above bar chart, economic profits are represented and the line graph is used for indicating the STI awards for CEO. STI payment of CEO is measured as a percentage of STI targets.

Return on equity: 

The return on equity of the group is represented through the bar chart. Here the line graph is used for indicating the average shares held and the bar chart is indicating the return on equity of the Group in percentage.

Total return to shareholders: 

The total return generated to the shareholders of the company is depicted using the line chart. The graphs make use of three different colors that is red, black and grey. Three different colors is used for indicating the return to three different class of shareholders (Schwabish 2014). The year is depicted on the horizontal axis that is X-axis and total return is plotted as percentage on Y-axis (Criteria 18).

Cash earning per shares 

The cash earnings per share is represented using the bar chart and the line chart depicts the average share count. In year 2016, the company earned 235.5 cash earnings per share and it is indicated using red color (Criteria 11 and Criteria 8).

Comparison of actual profit and loss form trading activities 

The above graph is a line chart and make use of scatter diagram. X-axis measures the daily value at risk in dollar and the actual amount of profits earned by company from trading activities is measured on Y-axis. Each pint on the graph represents the profit and loss from trading activities in one day (Criteria 11). Line chart is used for indicating the point where loss is equal to variance utilization (Kim 2017). 

Above table shows the statement of comprehensive income for parent and consolidated entity (Criteria 2). The sub elements of net profit is listed row wise. Total of the items of net income is presented in the using bold (Kabacoff 2015).

Net interest income: 

The above table depicts expense and interest income for all interest bearing financial liabilities and interest earning financial assets (Criteria 2).

Income tax expense: 

Income tax expense of the Westpac is represented in the table form for consolidated as well as parent entity for three consecutive year The above table shows the basic earnings per share of the consolidated entity of Westpac. Table has been segregated into diluted and basic for the three consecutive year (Criteria 2 and Criteria 3).


From the above discussion, it can be said that Westpac has made use of graphical and tables in a proper way for representing it various financial information. There are no irrelevant data and all the information is sought by outsiders or investors are properly depicted in the annual report. Many of the basic criteria state above for graphical presentation are well fulfilled by Westpac. Useful information relating to the current year analysis are specifically represented by highlighting the bars or charts sing different colors. Such presentations are beneficial to the investors as necessary and relevant data have been depicted. 


Westpac.com.au. (2017).  Retrieved 12 April 2017, from https://www.westpac.com.au/content/dam/public/wbc/documents/pdf/aw/ic/2016_Westpac_Annual_Report

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Greenwood, J.A. and Hartley, H.O., 2017. Guide to tables in mathematical statistics. Princeton University Press.

Heiberger, R.M. and Holland, B., 2015. Statistical analysis and data display: an intermediate course with examples in R. Springer.

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