MGTP102 Management principles | All Managers Need to be Leaders
Write a argumentative academic essay on one of three given topics related to management theory. The essay will be written in accordance with the guidelines for writing academic essays in the Academic Learning Skills (ALS) student "Essay Writing".
The argumentative essay must agree or disagree with one of the statements below:
a) Pay acts as a universal motivator as it meets all needs. or
b) Given the pace of change strategic planning is a waste of time. or
c) All managers do not need to be leaders.
The leadership and management based activities that are performed within the organizations play a key role in the operations and work process of the employees as well. The role which is played by a manager and a leader is quite different and is able to affect the revenues and profitability of the company. The managers and leaders are thereby able to play different roles within the organizational operations. The organization can operate in a smooth way with the proper coordination between the managers and the employees (Alvesson and Sveningsson 2015). The leaders on other hand, mainly work with proper assistance from the employees. Leaders are mainly able to work in proper coordination with the employees. The successful leaders are those who are able to understand the needs and demands of the employees and further work according to changes which take place in their needs as well (Arnold, Fletcher and Anderson 2015).
The essay will be mainly based on the argument related to the need of all the manager for becoming effective leaders as well. The essay will be able to present a proper argument based on the relationship between managers and leaders. The main part of the analysis will be based on the agreement or disagreement with the statement “All managers need to be leaders”.
Discussion and argument based on the statement “All managers need to be leaders”
As discussed by, Azad et al. (2017), leadership is considered to be a quality which is related to the ways of influencing people in order to achieve the objectives in an enthusiastic manner. Leadership process is not totally similar to the management activities. However, leadership is considered to be an important part of the management of a company. Management is considered to be a process which is based on managing the different organizational processes in the best manner. Management can also be considered to be a skill which is related to getting the job done with the help of others. Management activities are evident in different fields including, hospitality, education, offices and sports. Management mainly takes place in the formal organizational groups. On the other hand, leaders are present in formal as well as informal types of groups.
As argued by, Bârg?u (2015), the statement which has thereby been mentioned is highly contradictory in nature. However, the argument can be mainly placed on the fact that all the managers need to be successful leaders as well. The leaders and managers are different from each other based on many different factors. The leaders are mainly able to develop a vision for the organization, whereas, on the other hand, the managers are able to set the goals which need to be attained by the subordinates. The leaders are able to develop a picture for the visibility that can be developed for the employees in an effective manner. The leaders do not only think about themselves, they are also able to think in an effective manner for the team which operates under them.
According to, Chang (2016), the managers on the other hand provide their focus on the ways by which goals and objectives can be set in an effective manner. The situations are thereby controlled by the managers in order to reach the objectives which have been developed. The leaders in the organizations are considered to be effective change based agents who are able to affect the operations. The managers are mainly responsible for controlling the operations and processes of the company. The qualities which are possessed by the leaders are different and unique in nature. The managers are however able to copy the leadership based styles and activities of others in the organization.
As argued by, Chin (2015), the risks which can take place in organizations are effectively controlled by the leaders, whereas, on the other hand, the managers are mainly responsible for controlling the risks in an efficient manner. The thinking process and policies of the leaders are based on long term basis and managers are mainly concerned for the short term based processes. The leaders are able to show personal growth within organizational processes and managers tend to rely on the skills which have already been developed effectively. Proper levels of relationships are developed by the leaders within the organizations. The managers are however mainly responsible for the development efficient systems within the operations of the companies in the modern business environment. However, in spite of many differences the managers of organizations need to possess the leadership qualities in an effective manner (Donate and de Pablo 2015).
The different employees who are a part of the modern organizations can try to successful leaders as well. However, the leadership qualities need to be effectively developed by the managers. The leaders and the managers have thereby been presented as different types of people. However, different researches have been able to depict that the leadership based qualities need to be gained in an effective manner by the managers. The development of vision plays a major part in the methods by which goals of the company can be achieved in an effective way. The managers who do not have effective management based qualities are not able to build the trust based levels (Hechanova, Caringal-Go and Magsaysay 2018).
According to, Ivanov (2015), the employee engagement based activities of the company are also affected in a huge manner by the effective leadership of the leaders and the managers. The management based activities are thereby implemented by the organizations in such a manner which can enforce effective levels of controls and develop protocols as well. The major role of the managers is thereby based on making sure that the employees are performing their jobs in an effective manner. The changes which have taken place in the business environment have increased the emphasis on different factors like, innovation, creativity, empowerment and engagement. The modern business environment is based on the ways by which managers are able to depict effective leadership skills in order to control the organizational operations. The managers thereby need to possess leadership based qualities which will help them to coordinate with the employees in an effective manner and achieve the objectives which have been decided.
As argued by, Latham (2014), the management and leadership based skills are therefore complementary to each other and are able to affect the entire organizational operations. The main focus of leaders is on different organizational processes which include, engagement, vision, big ideas, transformation and innovation. The two leaders who can be considered to be effective examples of the management based skills which are able to affect leadership activities are Steve Jobs and Jeff Bezos. The process by which these two leaders were able to build their teams in an effective manner has been able to provide them with chances of improving the operations of their respective organizations.
According to, Ljungholm (2014), the managers thereby need to have the capabilities of engaging the team members so that they are able to provide their best performance to the company. The two CEOs of Apple and Amazon have been able to inspire the employees in an effective way in order to increase the levels of innovation. The training which is provided to the managers in order to develop their leadership based qualities plays a major role in the proper operations of the companies. The positive attitude of employees towards the managers can be developed with the help of proper leadership qualities. For example, Todd Etter, who is the chief collaboration officer of The Motley Fool is known for using games in order to engage the employees in their work process.
Todd had proved to be an effective leader as well as a manager and played a vital role in providing effective levels of motivation to the employees who are a part of the organizational operations. The VP of Global Talent Development in Whirlpool has been able to provide effective opportunities of growth to the employees which have been able to instil their values in an effective manner. The segmentation and separation of leaders and managers was thereby not possible in the current operating environment. Leadership and management based activities thereby need to be treated in such a manner which is able to provide effective levels of interconnection between the two processes. The leaders in the organizations need to be provided with more opportunities in order to be recognized as the managers in an effective manner ( 2018). This will help in the development of organizations which are able to thrive in the rapidly changing modern business world. The attraction and retention based process of top levels of talent is important for the effective functioning of organizations in the environment.
As, Millar, Chen and Waller (2015), the managers need to be develop leadership based skills in order to motivate the employees in an effective manner so that they are able to offer the best stages of services. The leadership qualities will be able to play a major part in the ways by which managers are able to lead the employees and coordinate with them. The relationship which they are able to develop with the employees is an important part of the proper operations of modern companies. The steps which can be taken by the managers in order to become effective leaders are as discussed further. The micromanagement of people needs to be stopped in order to provide autonomy to the employees.
As argued by, Muchiri and Kiambati (2015), the levels of trust which can thereby be developed among the employees will also be able to play a key role in the relationships. The motivation levels of employees are also affected by the ways by which the managers are able to lead them effectively. The improvement of communication levels of the employees is important for the ways by which the managers are able to develop the leadership based skills in an effective manner. The development of constructive feedback is thereby a major part of the proper operations of managers within the organizations.
The feedback which is provided by the employees is able to play a major role in the improvement of their work process. The effectiveness of their work process can be judged by the employees with the help of leadership skills of the employees. The levels of diversity within the companies need to be increased in order to increase the leadership related qualities of the managers in an efficient manner. The pooling of different resources is thereby able to play a major role in the proper operations of the managers and increasing their leadership based qualities in an effective manner (Pihlainen, Kivinen and Lammintakanen 2016).
The management of diversity is thereby able to provide huge opportunities of growth to the employees who are considered to be an important part of the operations of modern companies. The managers also need to reflect on the decisions that are taken by them in order to develop leadership based skills. The leaders thereby need to focus on the future as compared to their past activities. The mistakes that have been committed by the managers in the past need to be taken into account so that they are able to operate in a profitable manner in their present and future operations (MacGillivray 2018).
The discussion in the essay can be settled by stating that the statement which has been provided has been proved to be true. The managers thereby need to develop effective leadership based qualities in order to provide effective motivation to the employees. The modern business organizations can thereby operate in an effective manner with the help of proper assistance which can be provided by the managers. The managers who are able to acquire the leadership based qualities effectively can thereby provide effective assistance to the employees. The managers can develop effective leadership qualities in order to engage the employees in the organizational processes so that they can improve the productivity and profitability effectively. The analysis has thereby been able to depict that the managers need to develop effective leadership based strategies in order to ensure the effective operations of modern companies.
Alvesson, M. and Sveningsson, S., 2015. Changing organizational culture: Cultural change work in progress. Routledge.
Arnold, R., Fletcher, D. and Anderson, R., 2015. Leadership and management in elite sport: Factors perceived to influence performance. International journal of sports science & coaching, 10(2-3), pp.285-304.
Azad, N., Anderson Jr, H.G., Brooks, A., Garza, O., O’Neil, C., Stutz, M.M. and Sobotka, J.L., 2017. Leadership and Management Are One and the Same. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 81(6), p.102.
Bârg?u, M.A., 2015. Leadership versus management. Romanian Economic and Business Review, 10(2), p.112135.
Chang, Y.Y., 2016. Multilevel transformational leadership and management innovation: Intermediate linkage evidence. Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 37(2), pp.265-288.
Chin, R.J., 2015. Examining teamwork and leadership in the fields of public administration, leadership, and management. Team Performance Management: An International Journal, 21(3/4), pp.199-216.
Donate, M.J. and de Pablo, J.D.S., 2015. The role of knowledge-oriented leadership in knowledge management practices and innovation. Journal of Business Research, 68(2), pp.360-370. 2018. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Sep. 2018].
Hechanova, M.R.M., Caringal-Go, J.F. and Magsaysay, J.F., 2018. Implicit change leadership, change management, and affective commitment to change: Comparing academic institutions vs business enterprises. Leadership & Organization Development Journal.
Ivanov, S., 2015. Exposing myths of modern management: Innovation–identifying the problem. Journal of Leadership and Management, 1(3).
Latham, J.R., 2014. Leadership for quality and innovation: Challenges, theories, and a framework for future research. Quality Management Journal, 21(1), pp.11-15.
Ljungholm, D.P., 2014. Transformational leadership behavior in public sector organizations. Contemporary Readings in Law and Social Justice, 6(1), p.76.
MacGillivray, A.E., 2018. Leadership as practice meets knowledge as flow: Emerging perspectives for leaders in knowledge?intensive organizations. Journal of Public Affairs, 18(1), p.e1699.
Millar, C., Chen, S. and Waller, L., 2015. Special issue of International Journal of Human Resource Management: Leadership in global knowledge-intensive firms.
Muchiri, M. and Kiambati, K., 2015. Relating Leadership Processes, Societal Culture and Knowledge Management: A Theoretical Model. Journal of Global Business Issues, 9(1).
Pihlainen, V., Kivinen, T. and Lammintakanen, J., 2016. Management and leadership competence in hospitals: a systematic literature review. Leadership in Health Services, 29(1), pp.95-110.
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