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Mgt730 Innovation By Design For Assessment Answers


1    Background and brief history
a)    What is the present situation?
b)   Why has the problem arisen? – A brief history 

2.    Why is it a problem for me personally? (rather than for the organisation).

3.    What have I tried or thought of?  Why have these actions not worked

4.    What are my powers to act, or major limitations / constraints to solve problem?

5.    Ideal solution (what would you ask for if magic were possible?)



Extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) is defined as the high molecular weight natural polymers that are secreted by microorganisms into surrounding environment. The functional as well as structural integrity of bio-films are considered as fundamental components helping to determine physiochemical properties of the bio-film. EPS are usually comprised of polysaccharides, proteins including macromolecules such as humic substance, DNA and lipids. The current assignment prepares a clear understanding of the challenge, research preparation and inspiration gathering in the chapter of discovery. Interpretation chapter helps searching for meaning, stories and framing opportunities. Ideas are generated and refined in the third chapter of ideation. Prototypes are made and feedbacks are obtained in fourth chapter of experimentation. Finally, the fifth chapter of evolution provides a track learning and engagement of others.


Understanding the challenge

Multicellular and single celled organisms exude Exopolymers (EPS) consisting of carbohydrates that help in hydrating coming in contact with EPS and water, which are thixotropic and adsorbent. The properties results in huge number of use required for attachment that aids in flotation, feeding, locomotion and structure building being the basis from biofilms that protects harsh conditions of environment (Aqma 2015). The protection is provided as a barrier against pathogen attacks, predators as well as parasitic organisms and communications. EPS is freely found in columns of water where they are produced into gels readily and then into aggregates which becomes the foci of biological activities as well as the breakdown of organic matters for nutrients provision.    

Preparing research

The current research evaluates the benefits of the farmers as well as sets up procedure for EPS traps for farmers. The stakeholders related to EPS are also determined and assessed. A brief research questionnaire has been prepared and a farmer has been interviewed related in getting it. EPS are major ubiquitous and hence essential for functioning in all aquatic ecosystems. EPS are usually materials of construction of settlements of bacteria as well as remaining attached to outer surface of cell or secreted into medium of growth. The compounds are essential as formation of biofilm as well as attachments of cells is observed to surfaces. EPS constitutes approximately 50% to around 90% of the total organic matter of the biofilm.

Information gathering

Exopolysaccharides also known as EPS are polymers of high molecular weight that is composed of residues of sugar secreted by the microorganisms into environment surroundings. Synthesis of microorganisms executes a wide spectrum of polysaccharides structurally as well as polysaccharides or extracellular polysaccharides. According to Bourven (2015), the exopolysaccharides constitutes of non-carbohydrate substances and monosaccharides as well as non-carbohydrates such as pyruvate, acetate phosphate and succinate. Due to wide composition diversity, EPS have been found having applications in numerous food as well as pharmaceutical industries. The compounds are essential as formation of biofilm as well as attachments of cells is observed to surfaces. EPS constitutes approximately 50% to around 90% of the total organic matter of the biofilm (Flemming 2016).


Telling stories

Exopolysaccharides of few strains of lactic acid bacteria such as lactococcus lactic contributes towards gelatinous texture for fermenting milk products as well as the polysaccharides are digestible. Capsular exopolysaccharides helps in protection from pathogenic bacteria and contributes towards the pathogenecity as well as attachment s of nitrogen-fixing bacteria towards plant roots and soil particles that is important in colonization of roots and rhizosphere as well as for infection of plant. As per Geyik (2016), industrial usage in exopolysaccharides is the application of dextran in breads and panettone in the baker industry as well. The exopolysaccharides are found to have essential role in endodontic infections (Kroll 2014).            

Search for meaning

Runoff of sediments, which has been increased, contaminants and nutrients from land has degraded the quality of water as well as marine ecosystem health in northern Australian Great Barrier Reef. Li (2016) stated that the increased runoff of sediments ultimately increases sedimentation of the coastal reefs reducing coastal water clarity and thus restricts growth of light dependent animals and plants. The nutrient inputs being increased helps in stimulating growth of algae on reef waters and reefs that causes coral disease occurrence influencing outbreak crown of thorns starfish.                      

Primary research has been performed with qualitative data collected from a farmer that helped in gathering the information and insight regarding EPS traps as well as its benefits to farmers.

Framing opportunities

Recent works on continents such as pesticides of agriculture has highlighted that numerous foundation species are at greater risk for acute exposure of herbicides. Potential buildup of contaminants usually weekens the resilience and health of organisms and corals does making them susceptible to outbreaks of diseases and impacts of the climate (Lin et al. 2014). Over water quality research has provided information on the implementation and development of life water quality protection plan 2013 that aims for improving the quality of water entering into the reef. According to Redmile-Gordon (2014), the tropical Marine ecosystems across not then Australia is there is a serious consequences from a growing threat of exposure to gas and oil spills that increases shipping traffic and extraction operations planned over future decades especially in the Northwest sides. The Coral ecosystems especially closer to urban centers processing facilities and ports are very much exposed to contaminants such as cold as metals endocrine disrupting chemicals as well as micro plastics. The impact of land run off make it harder for researchers for predicting the risk posed to tropical marine ecosystem through increment of agricultural as well as industrial activities in Northern Australia.


Generating ideas

Average yearly Nitrogen inputs from lakes have geometrically progressed from 23000 to 43000 over last century. Phosphorus imports have triple from 2400 tonnes to 7100 tonnes in the past years as well (Sheng et al. 2013), invertebrates use these inputs are likely to increase too much greater extent. The Lagoon is so complex and large that only a part understanding of the process which controls the fate of nutrients has been understood. Light is an essential factor promoting the growth and survival of coral reefs. Corals can grow and produce wide range of clarity conditions for water. Nature of the leaves and their survival continuously depends on sufficient light that they get.

Full stream

Large detention ponds will be created for storing the storm water which will be made as a natural filter. The base material of the bed will be kept in layers with finest sand layer at the bottom, followed by different layers of rocks of increasing diameter at top of sand bed. Hence the topmost layer will be gravel that will enhance and facilitate the filtration.


The detention tanks were observed and it was ensured that the storm water is collected in retention tank for formation of bio films.


The water was tested for BOD5 and BOD7 values that revealed total dissolved oxygen present in the water through Winkler’s method.

Learning method

The measurement has been suggested for coastal waters in some part of the islands becoming more and more turbid due to increase loads of sediments and find loads of organic particles. These loads are continuously re suspended by currents as well as waves of the ocean. The learning was self-reflective and observational technique in which experimental data were collected and evaluated for the result.

Refining ideas

Raise ideas

Different species of microbes present in the water were determined using electron microscope and they are listed below.

Species Common Name- Collection Location/Regional Ecosystem

Acmena divaricata Cassowary Satinash 7.8.2

Acmena hemilampra Blush Satinash 7.3.10

Acronychia vestita White Aspen 7.8.2

Aglaia sapindina Boodyarra 7.8.1

Aleurites rockinghamensis Candlenut 7.8.4

Arytera pauciflora Pink Tamarind 7.8.2

Beilschmedia oligandra Ivory Walnut 7.8.1

Cananga odorata Ylang Ylang 7.8.1, 7.3.10

Canarium australianum var australianum Scrub Turpentine 7.3.10

Cerbera floribunda Grey Milkwood 7.3.10

Chionanthus ramiflora Northern Olive 7.3.10

Clerodendron longiflorum var glabrum Witches Tongues 7.3.10

Commersonia bartramiana Brown Kurrajong 7.3.10

Cryptocarya mackinnoniana Rusty Laurel 7.8.4

Cryptocarya oblata Bolly Silkwood 7.8.2

Davidsonia pruriens Davidson's Plum 7.8.4

Elaeocarpus grandis Silver Quandong 7.8.2, 7.3.10

Endiandra bessaphila Blush Walnut 7.8.2

Endiandra globosa Ballfruited Walnut 7.8.1

Ficus crassipes Round Leaf Banana Fig 7.8.2

Ficus platypoda Fig 7.8.2, 7.8.3

Ficus racemosa Cluster Fig 7.3.10

Ficus variegata Fig 7.8.1

Ficus virens Fig 7.3.10

Firmiana papuana Lacewood 7.8.3

Flindersia acuminata Silver Silkwood 7.8.1

Flindersia bourjotiana Silver Ash 7.8.2

Glochidion harveyanum Buttonwood 7.8.1

Helicia lamingtoniana Lamington's Silky Oak 7.8.4

Homalanthus novoguineensis Native Bleeding Heart 7.3.10

Litsea leefeana Bollywood 7.8.4

Lophostemon suaveolens Swamp Box 7.8.3

Melicope xanthoxyloides Yellow Evodia 7.3.10

Mischocarpus exangulatus Rex Tokoonja 7.3.10

Placospermum coriaceum Rose Silky Oak 7.8.2

Polyscias elegans Celerywood 7.8.3

Pouteria myrsinodendron Yellow Boxwood 7.8.1

Prunus turneriana Almondbark 7.8.2

Syzygium alliiligneum Onionwood 7.8.1

Syzygium boonjee Boonjee Satinash 7.8.2

Syzygium gustavioides Watergum 7.8.2

Ternstroemia cherryi Cherry Beech 7.8.2

Tetrasynandra longipes Tetra Beech 7.3.10

Toechima erythrocarpum Pink Tamarind 7.3.10

Xanthostemon chrysanthus Golden Penda 7.3.10


Making prototypes

For addressing a major issues large detention ponds are installed within the council all over Britain Road. This drop basin helps in channelizing the storm water into the points for most of it quickly seeds back into the underground stuff this is an innovative technology to dream excess storm water stored on the ground.

This site has been fully designed by the roads on behalf of TRC, including deciding of navigation taking place as well as access route that requires to be left bear. Approximately 6000 trees and shrubs were planted both around and inside the detention pond for securing the area with an increase in porosity and observation on ability of the soil (Sun 2016). This also helped to create natural habitats for wildlife. The selection of species for planting within the detention is the challenging way as they acquire exceptional handling procedure for seasonal inundation as well as extended periods of dry season.

Particle size distribution is the list of mathematical functions or values which defines the relative amount of the particles classified by mass according to size. The standards provided by the Australia refer to ensure that the particle characterization obtained through definite measurement methods becomes comparative between numerous operators as well as techniques through the same technique. The standards come into physical measurement form as well as documentary standards. NMims is one example of physical standards through the reference material of another. Catchment groups includes small catchment groups of 150 m2 area, medium sized catchment groups of 150 to 200 m2 area and large catchment groups of over 250 m2 area.

The grain size of sediments as well as sedimentary rocks is very important for geologists. Different size of sediment grains from different rocks reveals information regarding environment and landform of the geographic area. Sedimentation is the process of erosion through chemical or elastic way. The Wentworth scale used by geologists and geotechnical engineers provides a phi or logarithmic scale that converts millimeter number by taking negative of the logarithm in base 2 for yielding whole numbers.
















Wentworth Grade





Very coarse sand

Coarse sand

Medium sand

Fine sand

Very fine sand

Coarse silt

Medium silt

Fine silt

Very fine silt


Phi (Φ) Scale















Table 1: Grain size distribution chart

(Source: Liu 2014)

Particle size which is larger than sand is known as gravel and the particle size smaller than sand is called mud. Gravel forms coarse rocks with particle size above 2 mm and are called conglomerate if rounded and breccias if they are angular. Further sand forms sandstone where sandstone is medium grained and fragments are between 1/16 mm to 2 mm. Silt forming fine grained siltstone have fragments between 1/16 mm to 1/256 mm. Any particle below 1/256 mm is known as claystone or mudstone. Two types of mudstone are argillite and shale where shale has undergone low metamorphosism.

Hence it can be stated that geologists and geotechnical engineers for the sake of simplicity classify gravels as particles with diameter larger than 2 mm. Particles that have effective diameter less than 2 mm are called sand if the diameter lies in the range of 2mm to 1/16 mm. It is called silt if the effective diameter of the particle is lesser than 1/16 mm to 1/256 mm. Finally particles having diameter less than 1/256 mm is known as clay. The particle size analysis is done by the sieve analysis and graph is plotted on 3 cycle log scale to determine the uniformity coefficient.  

In these areas it was focused on planting that were in species that occurs naturally in regions such as casuarina fix, callistemon, romanre and some blue gums (Wang 2014). The combination of environmental restoration as well as engineering helps in delivering a unique blend of biodiversity social water quality and educational as well as economic results funding from the Australian government. Refresh key program which helps in investing heavily in the wet tropical areas that beats for reduction of level of sentiments as well as flow of nutrients into the Great Barrier Reef water (Wang 2014).      

Getting feedbacks

Particulate material that is obtained from seawater as well as Ice from Antarctica Southern Ocean needed to psychrophilic. According to Wang (2014), delta animal species and the bacteria which produce highly extra polymers that contain neutral sugars as well as euronic acid with sulphates are also found. Cultivation of biofilms in hand support is is beneficial in fish farming as it helps in elimination of excess proteins from fish farm sediments on a large scale. Excess nutrients are also removed by the help of EPS in fish farming (Wang 2014).


EPS traps can be accessible through narrow farms and river ways to making of catchment ponds within the farms. For example when attachment ponds are created within the farms and rain water falls on the pond that pond can be used as a detention tank for the rain water. Trees and plants as well as herbs and shrubs can be planted around the detention tank that is the pond so that the water is kept intact within the detention pond and does not seeps down to the underground. The problems that has been worked on is how to control the porosity and seepage of water through the soils to the underground as well as to the little stuff treatment of the waste water has been done using sedimentation process as well as coagulation tanks. The coagulation tends to coagulate the impurities. Flocculation chambers also kept in which the wastewater when runs the impurities present in the wastewater circulates and goes down. Coagulating agents of negative charged ions are used that attaches themselves to the flocculated impurities in which particles so that those particles get negatively charged. Now the water is done through fiber reinforcement plates where the plates attract the negatively charged particles and hence the clean water is obtained. Farmers get benefited as the soil becomes rich in nutrients from the microbiological organisms. These nutrients are provided to the soil that helps in growing crops instead of using insecticides pesticides and other fertilizers which creates an impact on human life when consumed (Wei 2017). The EPS traps are beneficial for farmers that help the farmers in numerous ways for growing crops. The stakeholders related to the EPS are the farmers, the Government of the state, citizens of the area and the Water Department society. However EPS causes deteriorates to the coral reefs as when rain water falls on the ground or on the farms the segment EPS traps creating new passage move to the wetlands and from the wetlands they get transferred to the reefs destroying the coral reef.


It can be concluded that EPS is freely found in columns of water where they are produced into gels readily and then into aggregates which becomes the foci of biological activities as well as the breakdown of organic matters for nutrients provision. The compounds are essential as formation of biofilm as well as attachments of cells is observed to surfaces. EPS constitutes approximately 50% to around 90% of the total organic matter of the biofilm. Due to wide composition diversity, EPS have been found having applications in numerous food as well as pharmaceutical industries. The compounds are essential as formation of biofilm as well as attachments of cells is observed to surfaces. EPS constitutes approximately 50% to around 90% of the total organic matter of the biofilm. The impact of land run off make it harder for researchers for predicting the risk posed to tropical marine ecosystem through increment of agricultural as well as industrial activities in Northern Australia. These loads are continuously re suspended by currents as well as waves of the ocean. Refresh key program which helps in investing heavily in the wet tropical areas that beats for reduction of level of sentiments as well as flow of nutrients into the Great Barrier Reef water. However EPS causes deteriorates to the coral reefs as when rain water falls on the ground or on the farms the segment EPS traps creating new passage move to the wetlands and from the wetlands they get transferred to the reefs destroying the coral reef.


Aqma, W.S. and Quilty, B., 2015. Influences of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) for autoaggregation of Pseudomonas putida CP1 during growth on mono-chlorophenol. Malaysian Journal of Microbiology, 11(3), pp.246-253.

Bourven, I., Simon, S., Bhatia, D., Van Hullebusch, E.D. and Guibaud, G., 2015. Effect of various size exclusion chromatography (SEC) columns on the fingerprints of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from biological sludge. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 49, pp.148-155.

Flemming, H.C., Neu, T.R. and Wingender, J. eds., 2016. The Perfect Slime: Microbial Extracellular Polymeric Substances (EPS). IWA Publishing.

Geyik, A.G., K?l?ç, B. and Çeçen, F., 2016. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and surface properties of activated sludges: effect of organic carbon sources. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 23(2), pp.1653-1663.

Kroll, A., Behra, R., Kaegi, R. and Sigg, L., 2014. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of freshwater biofilms stabilize and modify CeO 2 and Ag nanoparticles. PLoS One, 9(10), p.e110709.

Li, Z., Lu, P., Zhang, D., Chen, G., Zeng, S. and He, Q., 2016. Population balance modeling of activated sludge flocculation: Investigating the influence of extracellular polymeric substances (eps) content and zeta potential on flocculation dynamics. Separation and Purification Technology, 162, pp.91-100.

Lin, H., Zhang, M., Wang, F., Meng, F., Liao, B.Q., Hong, H., Chen, J. and Gao, W., 2014. A critical review of extracellular polymeric substances (EPSs) in membrane bioreactors: characteristics, roles in membrane fouling and control strategies. Journal of Membrane science, 460, pp.110-125.

Liu, B., Qu, J., Ning, D., Gao, Y., Zu, R. and An, Z., 2014. Grain-size study of aeolian sediments found east of Kumtagh Desert. Aeolian Research, 13, pp.1-6.

Redmile-Gordon, M.A., Brookes, P.C., Evershed, R.P., Goulding, K.W.T. and Hirsch, P.R., 2014. Measuring the soil-microbial interface: Extraction of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from soil biofilms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 72, pp.163-171.

Sheng, G.P., Xu, J., Luo, H.W., Li, W.W., Li, W.H., Yu, H.Q., Xie, Z., Wei, S.Q. and Hu, F.C., 2013. Thermodynamic analysis on the binding of heavy metals onto extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of activated sludge. Water research, 47(2), pp.607-614.

Sun, J., Guo, L., Li, Q., Zhao, Y., Gao, M., She, Z. and Wang, G., 2016. Structural and functional properties of organic matters in extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and dissolved organic matters (DOM) after heat pretreatment with waste sludge. Bioresource Technology, 219, pp.614-623.

Wang, B.B., Chang, Q., Peng, D.C., Hou, Y.P., Li, H.J. and Pei, L.Y., 2014. A new classification paradigm of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in activated sludge: separation and characterization of exopolymers between floc level and microcolony level. Water research, 64, pp.53-60.

Wang, B.B., Peng, D.C., Hou, Y.P., Li, H.J., Pei, L.Y. and Yu, L.F., 2014. The important implications of particulate substrate in determining the physicochemical characteristics of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in activated sludge. Water research, 58, pp.1-8.

Wang, J., Li, Q., Li, M.M., Chen, T.H., Zhou, Y.F. and Yue, Z.B., 2014. Competitive adsorption of heavy metal by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) extracted from sulfate reducing bacteria. Bioresource technology, 163, pp.374-376.

Wang, Y., Qin, J., Zhou, S., Lin, X., Ye, L., Song, C. and Yan, Y., 2015. Identification of the function of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in denitrifying phosphorus removal sludge in the presence of copper ion. water research, 73, pp.252-264.

Wei, L., Li, Y., Noguera, D.R., Zhao, N., Song, Y., Ding, J., Zhao, Q. and Cui, F., 2017. Adsorption of Cu 2+ and Zn 2+ by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in different sludges: Effect of EPS fractional polarity on binding mechanism. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 321, pp.473-483.

Xu, J., Sheng, G.P., Ma, Y., Wang, L.F. and Yu, H.Q., 2013. Roles of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in the migration and removal of sulfamethazine in activated sludge system. Water research, 47(14), pp.5298-5306.

Yue, Z.B., Li, Q., Li, C.C., Chen, T.H. and Wang, J., 2015. Component analysis and heavy metal adsorption ability of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from sulfate reducing bacteria. Bioresource technology, 194, pp.399-402.

Zhang, W., Cao, B., Wang, D., Ma, T., Xia, H. and Yu, D., 2016. Influence of wastewater sludge treatment using combined peroxyacetic acid oxidation and inorganic coagulants re-flocculation on characteristics of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Water Research, 88, pp.728-739.

Zhang, X., Yang, C.W., Yu, H.Q. and Sheng, G.P., 2016. Light-induced reduction of silver ions to silver nanoparticles in aquatic environments by microbial extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). Water Research, 106, pp.242-248.

Zhu, L., Zhou, J., Lv, M., Yu, H., Zhao, H. and Xu, X., 2015. Specific component comparison of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in flocs and granular sludge using EEM and SDS-PAGE. Chemosphere, 121, pp.26-32.

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