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MGT701 Leading and Managing Organisations : Visual Performance Managem

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After a recent re-structure three business units that operate in a large government organisation have been merged. The departments previously operated independently and now will report to you (your team) replacing the previous Group Manager. The three areas merged are:

  • Facilities Management (30 staff)
  • Acquisitions (45 staff),  and
  • Transport services (22 staff) have been merged.

The new group (FAT) is structured as part of the Corporate Services Area of the organisation. The FAT group collectively has an important role in supporting the entire Organisation to achieve its strategic goals and vision.

You have recently reviewed a consultant’s report that was commissioned due to significant conflict that exists between the department managers. The conflict is particularly negative between the Facilities and Acquisitions managers. The conflict has become so significant these managers no longer speak to each other and both have received counselling and have made complaints about each other to Senior Management and Human Resources. The transport services manager is also challenging and there is no love-loss among this management team.  

The Management Team:

The general orientation of the leadership team is to have a tendency to emphasise task outcomes rather than people’s well-being. This can lead to stress and decisions based on status rather than expertise. There was evidence during the interviews that several Managers and Staff presented stress related symptoms and emotional reactions to the interview process. In general the team are described as:

  • Dogmatic, rigid and abrupt
  • Runs things by themselves instead of collaborating with others
  • De-emphasis of team emotion
  • Blaming others for mistakes
  • Cynical
  • Not allowing for mistakes

Also present in the leadership team was a style that described people who subordinate themselves to the organisation but in the process, end up creating stress for themselves and allowing the organisation to stagnate.  The cost to the organisation and its teams is often the ability to learn and adapt to change.  Specific behaviours that depict this orientation include:

  • Evasive and leaving decisions to others
  • Conforming; thinking rules are more important than ideas
  • Agreeing with everyone
  • Avoidance in dealing with difficult situations and conflict



Business environment requires necessary changes from time to time. The internal environment is the one that has a direct influence on the success of the business organization. The internal environment of any business organization is comprised of few elements such as the value system, organizational culture, structure of the organization, human resources quality, style of management functioning and the other technological and physical resources. It has been believed by several scholars such as Dinkel and Huberty (2015) that innovation has been a significant part of the strong organizations, as it helps the company in adapting the fast changing external business environment. There are several elements such as value system, the value system of the founder or the directors of the company and the management has significant bearing on the business choices, the objectives and the mission of the business organization along with their practice and policies. The vision, mission and the objectives of the organization also plays a significant role in enhancing the achievement of the specific objectives of the organization (Olafsen et al., 2015). The mission of the organization is the particular medium that helps in achieving the objectives of the organization.

Along with that the nature and structure of the management tend to influence the business of the organization to a great extent. The organizational structure and its style can enhance the business decisions. Also the organizational structures enhance the staff engagement as well. The organizational culture or the climate of the organization refers to the in general tone of the organization and that enhances the staff engagement as well. The resources, both physical and human resources play an important role in the organizational activities. This report addresses the improvement of the FAT group in the next twelve to eighteen months. The report will trigger the KPI measurement of the staff engagement and the customer satisfaction along with recommending how the organization will improve its teamwork and the staff motivation. In addition to that the report will provide a action plan for improving the organizational situation.

Background of the case study

This particular case study indicates towards a new company which is a restructure of the government organization, therefore it had a major impact on the well being if the company. The new organization has been formed after merging three groups facilities management (F), acquisitions (A) and transport services (T), however there has been several issues between the Facilities manager and the Acquisition department managers. Therefore the communication amongst the team members has been hindered which had affected the functions of the business to a great extent. This report has analyzed the members of the managerial teams so that their issues and the areas of improvement could be possible. Alana has a positive attitude towards the leadership therefore this can enhance fulfilling the higher expectations of the organizations. The positive attitude of the supervisors can also affect the attitudes of the subordinate employees. She has adapted an open door policy which has been of help previously. However the organizational culture has also been affected due to the pessimistic attitude of the managers such as the poor leadership, bureaucracy and red tape. The company had adapted a general approach for applying in all the sections; however that did not work out well for several operational areas. The only positive attitude of the organization was that all the employees within the organization had a good work and life balance. However the entire situation in the organization was not at all motivating and there was a huge short of the manpower within the organization. The employees also had a negative attitude towards the forthcoming changes within the organization and had trust issues with their other team mates. Therefore the situation hindered the coordination and productivity of the organization to a great extent.

Staff engagement

In terms of improving the current situation of the company and turning round the profit of the FAT group which was created by merging the Facilities, Acquisition and Transport services some key performance indicator for the staff engagement is needed. The performance indicator will also plan sort out the relation between Alana and Diana the supervisors of the acquisition and facilities group (Wills, 2016). The key performance indicator of the organization for staff engagement in the coming 12 months will be:

Measure the Employee turnover rate:

Firstly the management will review the total number of employees and compare their performances accordingly. Then the management has decided to calculate the organizations rate of the monthly turnovers and then divide the employees who left and joined in the month. It will be a serious problem if the percentage of the division will be more hence that will be a mandatory issue that needs fixation because leaving of employees is a warning sign for the organization. The engaged employees will definitely show up to the organization and help in the crisis management period (Mir & Pinnington, 2014).

Measure the production and profit of the organisation:

The current production of the organization is slow and to some extent lagging behind and this is a severe indication that the employees are not properly engaged with the organization after the merging happened. The key indicator is to have extra concern about the development needed for the increase of the rates of production and sales (Delacruz et al, 2015). For this the organization will need some time to calculate the struggling parts of the organization and go through possible solutions that will make the turnover of the organization possible in the coming 12 months (Bititci, Cocca & Ates, 2016).

Survey of employees:

For the turnover of the organization in future 1 year, the survey of employees will help the management with lots of information about their satisfaction and recommendation and this will also provide the management some solutions that can be discussed with Peter, Alana and Diana and also with the replaced group supervisor so that they can continue to engage the staff by asking them for their suggestion for improving the company’s situation (Parmenter, 2015).

Without engagement, the staffs are seen to have less enthusiasm and non cooperative with others and have the intention of finding better options and shifting there. So, the management and the three supervisors need two sort out the issues between them and cooperate with each other to engage the staff more in order to have turnover in the coming year. The staff engagement will reduce the problems like non cooperative nature, hurting the team’s emotion and putting the blame on others with rigid behavior. These problems need the adaption of measures that can help to turn the employees’ satisfaction and increase cooperation among the staff (Mir & Pinnington, 2014).The engagement of staff and good leadership will provide the organization with better future days. The cooperation between the supervisors are also desired because if that is present then engaging the staffs will not be hard and hence the organization will be able to stand up again in the coming year.

Customer satisfaction:

A satisfied customer is the USP for every successful organization. To satisfy the customers is to make the business more successful from time to time. The customer satisfaction survey helps the organization to evaluate the customer’s opinion and choices and the survey needs to be a continuous process because the customer’s choice and opinion changes with every passing day (Douglas, 2015). By having the data of the survey the organization will be able to increase the performance of the company and increase the rate of turnover in the coming year. The customer satisfaction is a very important key performance indicator that any organization measures (Douglas, 2015). This performance indicator is a mandatory element for the organization if it is planning to stand up again and maintain the productivity. The customer satisfaction performance indicators are:

Rate of satisfaction of the customers:

The rate of the satisfaction measurement of the customer is an important barometer for the organization. After knowing the reason of the satisfaction of the customers, the management will apply the same agenda and process for satisfying more customers. The satisfied and continuous customers will render their thoughts regarding the organization and its products with others and this in turn will turn many customers attention towards this organization (Lee & Park, 2015).

Overall satisfaction:

It is impossible to impress and satisfy every customer and hence the main thing this organization is trying to keep in mind is that the key performance indicator of customer satisfaction must always be uprising and increasing. This will prove that the organization is in the right direction. To turn up the place and position of the organization in the coming year maintain the KPI regarding the customer satisfaction is very important step for the organization. The continuity in the survey of customer satisfaction will provide new set of results after every survey and help setting new goals and deal with the problematic areas and also adapt improved methods to increase the customer satisfaction (Douglas, 2015).

Attributes of the brand or product:

This organization needs to be unique for the customers. Satisfying the customers is not enough until we know how to hold up the level of satisfaction. It is necessary to bridge the gap between the customer and the organization in order to maintain the brand image. There is a necessity of brand attribution survey that will help to get knowledge of the way the customers notices the brand and this organization needs this survey because it is very necessary to see how the customers are viewing the merging of the three divisions and how they are reacting to this (Verschoor et al, 2014).

The organization needs to concentrate on the customer satisfaction in order to maintain the good will and fame. This organization also needs customer satisfaction KPI to turn up their place in the coming year and fix the problems that the organization is facing in the present state. After the merging, the organization needs to set some KPI’s in order to improve the structure of the company and this can be possible by the help of the above discussed KPI’s (Parmenter, 2015).

Staff Motivation 

As Salas et al. (2015) stated, the motivation of the employees is the energy, commitment and the creativity level which helps the employees contribute to the organization. Therefore in this situation the company requires to find innovative methods so that they can motivate their employees to work towards a common goal. According to Hertzberg’s two factor theory, the two most significant factors for the employee motivation are the hygiene factors and motivator factors (Salas & Rosen, 2013). Where the motivator factor revolves around the levels of satisfaction of the employees, hygiene factor can indicate towards the dissatisfaction level of the employees. The motivation process should be done in a way that the employees feel valued and cared within the organization. In addition to that Maslow’s hierarchy theory also states that employees would require basic facilities in order to fulfill their regular needs (Ghorbanhosseini, 2013). Therefore the company should revise their policies and offer benefits and monetary or non-monetary compensations to the employees for motivating them.


As defined by Drew and Coulson?Thomas (2013) teamwork can be considered as “as a cooperative process that allows ordinary people to achieve extraordinary results”. Olafsen et al., (2015) also states that when the team has a shared purpose or the shared goal, the team members tend to develop a mutual and effective relationship amongst each other along with achieving the team goals. The team work also relies upon the individuals who are working together in the accommodating environment for achieving the shared team goals through a continuous sharing of the skills and knowledge. The teams are basically an essential part of the organization and it should be incorporated as an integral part of the entire organizations and it is also integral part of the incorporated as another in the customer engagement as well. If a company faces successful teamwork, a cooperative environment will be created where everyone in the team is ready and enthusiastic enough for nurturing and promoting the effective and positive team environment (Weller & Boyd, 2014). In this situation, there have been several issues within the organization. The teams were not being able to perform to a level that will meet the organizational goals and objectives. For improving the entire situation, this report will recommend few ways that will help the organization to modify the existing situation in the organization.

Acting as a guide for the team: 

The managers should act effectively so that they can be the guide to the entire team and the employees. Each team needs a leader who can guide them in making effectual decisions in a collaborative way and regarding the inevitable issues in work. The team leaders should also commit to the organization and in reaching the goals and objectives of the team (Morello et al., 2013). They should also have the communication skills so that they are competent enough to share their own ideas and their vision and passion for bringing success to the organization.

Making each of the team members feel cared and valued: 

As a team, success will only come when every team member is responsive regarding their responsibilities and know the significance of their role within the team and their contribution towards the team. The managers should involve each of the team members through a process of sharing the accessible information regarding the ongoing projects and other deadlines (Deneckere et al., 2013). The managers should also assign them with responsible objectives and goals. There should also be a ritual of rewarding the team members while they achieve their specific goals.


There should be an environment of cohesiveness within the teams. Having a cohesive atmosphere will help the team having a well productive and satisfied team who will be open to any kind of change within the organization (Morello et al., 2013).

Setting challenging goals for the teams

Every time the team achieves their pre-specified goal, the organization should set a goal that is more challenging, therefore they can encourage each of the team members for stretching their capabilities and learn from their previous faults and build on their past experiences (Dietz et al., 2014). The team leaders should also recognize the capabilities of the team members to meet the particular challenge and give each of the employee space for discussing their team efforts that will lead them to achieve the goals.

Incorporate employee meetings 

The teams should also incorporate the culture of having team meetings that will help every team member in sharing the tasks and projects which may seem difficult to them or they have been challenged by those tasks. Therefore the other team members can give their feedbacks and provide their ideas that may enhance in resolving their dilemma. Moreover the team members can also be encouraged in brainstorming the solutions.

Facilitating the sharing of ideas and brainstorming within the teams 

Wherever is possible the team leader should create a space for sharing the ideas and brainstorm along with discussing the progress on specific projects. However, it should be taken care that an open environment may not work always for the brainstorming ideas, therefore the teams can try allocating a specific room or the outdoor spaces for working together (Dietz et al., 2014).  

Encouraging open communication 

The open communication within the teams will encourage the employees and make the team more dynamic. For instance if the team members share their ideas within the team, they can come up with different ideas that may resolve their existing dilemma. This will make the organization dynamic and enable a positive achievement.

Welcoming the feedbacks and comments from the team members 

The team leaders and the managers of the organization should be open to the questions, feedbacks and the comments coming from the employees and encourage the inputs from each of the team members. They should also have a supportive attitude towards the upcoming questions and the ideas as a team, so that new ideas and concepts can be generated.

Provide mentoring 

Whenever it is necessary the managers should also provide necessary support to the team members along with coaching and mentoring them. If possible the managers should also assign the mentors to the poor performers. In addition to that they should also encourage developing mentoring and coaching skills in the employees so that they can further train the new team members.

Change Management 

The change management procedure basically focuses on the further improvement of the standardized procedures and methods within the organization so that the service quality of the particular organization is enhanced. It is also concerned with the redefinition of the operational procedures within the business organization along with the allocation of the company budgets (Dietz et al., 2014). According to the Burke-Litwin model, there can be several drivers of change within the organization and there are several factors that bring the distinct changes within the organization. Those factors are leadership, external environment of the organization, strategy and mission, motivational level of the employees, organizational climate etc (Barrick et al., 2015). The newly formed departments should take an account of these change management procedures within the organization. Therefore they should have well designed strategies for dealing with the external environment of the company. In addition to that, they should also modify the internal culture of the organization and motivate the employees. There should also be coordination between the different departments of the organization so that the teams do not face any such trouble while completing a task together.


Nowadays the organizations require a well organized management as the business situation has turned into a complicated entity. This report has analyzed the provided case scenario and provided recommendation in all the sectors while improving the existing key performance indicators. The organization should mostly focus on the employee motivation and the customer satisfaction. There can be several ways that may engage and encourage the engagement of the employees with the organization. The more the employees are satisfied within the organization, it will reflect on the delivered jobs to the clients. The report has discussed several parameters of improving the entire situation within the organization and provided recommendation. The organization should promote a healthy and warm environment for the employees where they can feel comfortable while working within the team and their basic needs are fulfilled. Therefore if the organization improves such sectors, there will be no hindrance for the organizational productivity.

Reference list and bibliography 

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