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MGT536 | Leadership | The Personal Leadership Development Plan

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1. Bring together the outcomes from your leadership self-insight quizzes.

2. Provide a succinct summary of your key strengths and weaknesses.

3. Assess the need for more information on your behaviours.

4. Articulate your vision for developing as a leader.

5. Specify your developmental objectives.

6. Specify actions to achieve each developmental objective.

7. Describe the resources that you will need to implement your plan.

8. Describe the mechanisms you will use to get feedback on your leadership behaviours and track your progress.

9. Describe your strategy to review and revise your plan in future.

10. Discuss your plan with your supervisor/mentor. What recommendations were made? What revisions did you make?



For one to become a successful leader, one has to believe in him/herself and develop a personal leadership development plan. Successful leaders come in different forms, shapes and sizes. Different workplaces, situations and crises have different types of leaders. It can be said by popular opinion that servant leadership is one of the most effective leadership and management style of not the most effective (Anderson & Arnoldi, 2016). However, that does not explain how a leaders become an effective manager in the workplace. That is where the personal leadership development plan comes into focus. In leadership position, the idea of personal leadership development irrelevant especially with that influence. However, having a plan to leadership progress and especially a well written list of development activities is important for personal growth.  It is good as it gives both guidelines and reminders on the goals set on the leader himself. It makes it able not to forget whatever is in the plan of to do list.

Outcomes From Leadership Self- Insight Quizzes

Let's talk in more detail about such form of development as personal leadership development programs (Personal Leadership Development). Consider 10 questions that need to be answered if you are planning this program within your organization. Get accurate information about how your organization assesses your potential (Bouman, 2018). Find out how your superiors and co-workers rate your leadership skills. (Warning: you may need a little courage to talk with your boss on this topic!).  If your current job does not give you opportunities to develop leadership skills or she does not use all your abilities, choose another area in which you can replenish your service record.

Leadership list.

Changing the situation stimulates you and makes you strain.  “Knowledge is power.” Choose one long-term training program (at least four weeks) that will deepen and expand your knowledge in a particular area - financial management, marketing, personnel, etc. - and leadership in general. Develop a plan to convince your company that your training in these courses is in its interest. What goals did you choose? Have you set a date when it will be necessary to evaluate the progress achieved? An example of a personal development plan; A personal development program is building awareness (Cottrell, 2015). effective personal development plan. The personal development plan serves as the basis for personal development, which is a proven success factor for successful people: having a concept, plan, and plan implementation. Modify your own example of this plan for even greater efficiency. A pen and a piece of paper. Imagine your perfect future. (Gould, 2017). The main thing is that they are positive, make life rich, bright and lively. Thirdly, skills and knowledge. Focus on skills. Knowledge alone does not give much, and skills bring concrete results. It is more about business skills. Everyone has their own skills: the ability to influence people, speak in public, sell, create a successful business, and so on. There are three types of satisfaction: from consumption, from current events, from achieving the goal. There is a fourth type - from what brings joy to others. Write down what will give you joy in an ideal life. Fifth, the habitat. Write where you live: in the capital or a provincial town, near the sea, in the mountains, in the forest, near the lake. Maybe in the summer you live in one place, and in the winter in another.

In the book Leadership Training, Jay Conger (1992) outlined four areas of leadership training: personal growth, understanding of concepts, feedback, and skill building. Personal growth programs are based on the assumption that leaders are individuals who are deeply connected with their personal dreams and talents and who act in harmony with them. In essence, the purpose of these programs is to increase self-awareness and to pay special attention to the processes of self-inquiry. The second direction, understanding concepts, focuses on theories of leadership (Gordon, 2014).. Leadership through feedback is related to tools such as the MBTI test and a 360 degree score, which are used to help people identify areas for improvement. The last is skill building. According to Conger, this most generally accepted method for leadership development is at the same time the most difficult. Real skill development takes time and continuing education through communication with work responsibilities. It is assumed, as Conger writes, that "a 4 or 5-day program can tell participants about basic skills, but cannot really develop them for most of them (Huss, Jhileek, & Butler, 2017).

Need For More Information On Behavior

In times of uncertainty, leaders are required, just as managers were needed in an era of stability. A person preparing for expansion are looking for people with a global business vision, the prospect of new products and services, and strategic thinking. Not finding, trying to grow inside. According to the study, the most effective tools for staff training and development were: personal development programs coaching by line managers and on-the-job training (Bompa, & Buzzichelli, 2018). For example, performance management can associate leadership development with indicators such as number of sales, budget, etc. If an organization hopes to develop leaders, leadership assessment is also an important indicator for measurement. Organizations that say they believe in leadership development, but in practice reward people only for “setting goals” send a very contradictory message to their employees. 6. How will you receive program feedback from other people in the organization? You need to collect feedback on the initial program proposal. It does not take much time, sometimes it is enough to get feedback from three people on whom the success of the program depends. When offering a draft program, ask your colleagues the following questions: 1. What are your doubts about the leadership development program? 2. What should we first take care of when implementing a program? Where do you see possible mistakes, difficulties and why? 3. How should we approach the promotion (marketing) of the program? Where do you see possible mistakes, difficulties and why? Does what we are going to do correspond to the personal culture? How will the program be implemented? The implementation phase of the program can be a challenge for you. You must be sure that the implementation strategy is realistic and manageable (Kappelman, Jones, Johnson, McLean, & Boonme, 2016).

Vision For Development As A Leader

The vision for development as a leader is to manage the company resources both human and financial resources. It is to help one make good decisions that progressive personally.

Specific Development Objectives

When an individual plan for the professional development of a civil servant is drawn up (an example of a document is available at any enterprise), it should include the following characteristics of a person: education; experience in their profession; the quality of knowledge, skills and abilities; personal aspirations. This is only a basic list of information that is taken into account when preparing this document. Individual development plans for civil servants, an example of one of which is given in the article, includes an indication of the form, goals, types and duration of additional education, as well as its main direction and the expected effect. How are they approved? The approval of such documents is handled by the heads of bodies or individual units, depending on which category a particular civil servant belongs to (Lejeune, Raemdonck, & Beausaert, 2016). The preparation of the IRP is carried out in duplicate, with one of the forms sent to the employee’s personal file, while the second is handed to him. That is why, when an individual development plan is made, an example of filling out must be that you do not make any mistakes, and the spoiled document is not recorded in your personal file.

Specific Actions To Achieve Each Development Objectives

Personal development plan occurs when one decides to change his or her life for the better. It is more than just life motivation.

In the same way I had to deal with the topic. Split it into separate concepts, analyze them, put them together again, synthesize and get an answer to the questions (which I ask myself so systematically for the first time in my life): What is the Strategy of my personal development? what goal should be achieved? What resources do I have to achieve this goal? What is the goal? To be better than others (smarter, stronger, richer, more successful, happier, to grow up the social scale)? Probably be freer (Maguire, & Blaylock, 2017). After all, all of the above concepts (which for many people are an end in themselves) are only degrees of freedom. So it is given: the goal is freedom and development (as a sum of concepts); period of time - 10-20 years (I hope); resources of the rear - family, friends, experience (life and work); advanced resources - personal qualities, personal financial savings, existing business, business partners. Encyclopedias interpret "Development" as an irreversible process aimed at changing material and spiritual objects with the aim of improving them. One of the key laws - Development always passes through unstable periods (expressed in development crises). My Development, as a person, can be divided into three component parts: physical development; social development (change of social status); development of mental processes: intelligence (thinking, attention, memory); development of the will; development of emotions.

Key strengths and weaknesses

For key strengths and weaknesses ileadership, personal leadership is compulsive and articulate. Personal leadership plan also has a strong follow through and have a followship and are articulate. The strengths of of leadership lan is that it sets some objectives and a plan on how one is able to develop the personal character as a leader of himself. The strengths of personal leadership development plan leads to an ambitious person ready to meet his goals and objectives. If with physical development and its characteristics almost everything is clear (weight, height, strength) vs. (proper nutrition, sports, clinical examination), then there are questions to social and mental development.


There is a strong need to get things done and getting things done off my list. The consequences of getting things done and therefore undermining overtime deliberations. Time pressure also causes stress and may lead to emotional hijacking. Stress in some situations may lead to quarrels and begrudging some of the tasks given (Grant, 2016). The growth process may be intolerant and impatient seemingly if the objectives are not met. I understand that any movement towards the achievement of my goal is impossible without specialized knowledge and the availability of ready-made strategies does not exempt them from studying. I understand that I live during the transition of humanity from one technological mode to another, to a knowledge economy. I clearly realize that I have rested against the ceiling of my social and intellectual development. And I need to find a way (door) to other floors. If development is considered literally as a turn of the times, (i.e. spiral movement), I need to move to the next round. Get out of the crisis of their own development.

Strategy is a plan of action. Strategy as a way of action becomes necessary in a situation when there are not enough available resources to directly achieve the main goal. But how to make this plan? And what would this plan work, and not be a beautiful dream. And what is missing for me to compile it? How to overcome the crisis of their own development? There is no method, there is no systematic knowledge that meets the demands of today and tomorrow. I don't have that. And knowledge will become the main resource, the main wealth and the main measure. Tactics is a tool for implementing a strategy. My tactical task today is gaining knowledge. Education. The study of what is unknown. Reconnaissance. This text is permeated with military terms: rear, intelligence, battle. Perhaps this is an internal mobilization of the organism, or a premonition of a new time. I am sure that there is no chance. Mastering this art is my task.

Resources Needed To Implement The Plan

Training person studies the evaluation report (if conducted), after which he receives and studies key recommendations related to development from the manager, conducts independent determination of development priorities, and, if necessary, consults with internal or external consultants (Leigh, & Blakely, 2016). What to do if it is impossible to make an individual development plan by yourself? An example of such a document can suggest a development and training specialist who is present in the staff of most large organizations. Compilation A person is engaged in filling out a table, indicating there the priorities of his own development, and also draws up a map of educational activities, which clearly indicates when and how he will be engaged in developing the necessary skills (McGrath, 2014). Approval The consultant or manager reviews each individual employee development plan. Examples of such a document are widely available, so it will be easy for an employee to compile it himself. After that, the authorized person makes the necessary changes, if necessary. Approval A ready-made individual development plan for an employee, examples of which can be found in specialized publications, approved by consultants, is sent to managers or representatives of the HR department for final approval (Scanlon, Snow, Zwier, & Zimmerman, 2015).

Mechanisms Used To Get Leadership Feedback

There are various mechanisms used in getting feedback from leadership. The first is the look at improvement around a person and the progressive activities he or she is undertaking. Classroom training - limited education Understanding the audience. Often conducted by an instructor or facilitator. • E-learning - the use of computer technology (internal network of the company or the Internet), the transfer of information and instructions to individuals. • Coaching directors - the relationship between the manager responsible in the organization and the consultant who uses a wide range of behavioral techniques and methods to help the client achieve a jointly set of goals in order to improve professional performance and personal satisfaction. 360 degrees or other comprehensive assessment methods — managers receive information about their skills and behavior through standardized questionnaires that are filled by other people: subordinates, colleagues, managers, and sometimes customers (Maguire, & Blaylock, 2017).

Describe The Strategy To Review Future Plan

Sequential implementation is another way that allows you to quickly include more people and identify the points of resistance with which you will need to work. 3. Full implementation includes the entire organization. A large number of people will be quickly involved in the process, but all errors and omissions will also be more widespread and visible to all participants. 8. How will we further develop the development program? At the stage of promotion of the program, it is recommended to work closely with the marketing department in order to create an approach and determine which methods of mass communication will work optimally within the organization. 9. How will the training take place in the program? The content of training should be agreed upon with respect to a single style and a uniform methodology (Tasker & Fiona,2018). It is very important that the people responsible for the training and coordination of the program can quickly communicate and gain trust in the relations with the program participants. More importantly, participants feel that the information they receive helps them in their daily roles as leaders within the organization. Information must be relevant and given on time (Woodcock, 2017). . It is also important for you to determine who will coordinate the program? Clarify issues such as budget and required personnel. 10. How will you evaluate returns on investments? In what terms do managers who make decisions in an organization determine the success of the entire program? This question needs to be clarified from the very beginning if you want to run identical programs in the future (Tattum, & Tattum, 2017).

Discuss The Plan With The Supervisor Or Mentor

• “Fresh air” management / leadership development programs - a series of physical activities that take place primarily outdoors and designed to change the behavior of participants.

• Simulations - management games used to create an experimental environment in which there is an opportunity for behavioral research, training, and change (Northouse, 2018).

• Individual or group reflection - a formalized opportunity for individuals and / or groups to analyze the events that have occurred.

• Training “on demand” - training, which provides information on a relevant topic at the request of participants.

• Individual development plan - the participant prepares a personal development plan, the implementation of which takes responsibility.

• Developmental work tasks - tasks for current work cases that contain the challenge and the opportunity to learn something new.

• Rotation - appointments to work in other functional divisions of the company for a period of 6 months to three years.

• Relationship development / mentoring - the process of developing relationships between a more experienced manager and his protégé. The mentor usually has a higher status and is not the immediate superior of the protégé.

• Networking with directors - building relationships with directors in an organization using the company's network resources (intranet).

• Learning by doing - learning by doing through critical reflection, using group discussions, trial and error, and research.

How to make it? In order to ensure a real effect using an individual development plan, an example should be drawn up by a competent specialist with experience and skills in conducting such work. Basically the compilation includes three main steps (Ward, 2016). The employee discusses his work with subordinates and colleagues, considering it from the point of view of his competence. Self-study. An in-depth analysis of their work is carried out, after which the employee independently searches for some more effective solutions that could improve his work in the company. Trainings A person takes part in various training programs.


Development Areas Among the main areas of development, the IPR often identifies the following: Skills development in the workplace. The employee is engaged in various changes in the work process that may contribute to the improvement of his competence. Perform special tasks or projects. After an individual employee development plan has been drawn up (example above), the employee is entrusted with the implementation of a project that requires an increased level of competence from him. Learning from other people’s experiences (Wang, Fan, Freeman, & Zhu, 2017).. More competent employees are monitored, after which a new individual development plan for a specialist is filled out. An example of filling can also be suggested by more experienced colleagues.


Anderson, K. L., & Arnoldi, K. A. (2016). Building skills for success in the fast-paced classroom: Optimizing achievement for students with hearing loss. Supporting Success for Children with Hearing Loss.

Bompa, T. O., & Buzzichelli, C. (2018). Periodization-: theory and methodology of training. Human Kinetics.

Bouman, N. (2018). Personal Development Plan.

Cottrell, S. (2015). Skills for success: Personal development and employability. Macmillan International Higher Education.

Gould, J. (2017). Career development: A plan for action. Nature, 548(7668), 489-490.

Gordon, W. (2014). Developing Scientists'“Soft” Skills. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 95(6), 55-55.

Grant, R. M. (2016). Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley & Sons.

Huss, R., Jhileek, T., & Butler, J. (2017). Mock Interviews in the Workplace: Giving Interns the Skills They Need for Success. Journal of Effective Teaching, 17(3).

Kappelman, L., Jones, M. C., Johnson, V., McLean, E. R., & Boonme, K. (2016). Skills for success at different stages of an IT professional's career. Communications of the ACM, 59(8), 64-70.

Leigh, N. G., & Blakely, E. J. (2016). Planning local economic development: Theory and practice. SAGE publications.

Lejeune, C., Raemdonck, I., & Beausaert, S. (2016). An electronic Personal Development Plan (PDP) as learning practice fostering: Self-Directed Learning and competencies development and performance.

McGrath, M. (2014). Personal development plan. Leading the Way, 11(1), 21.

Maguire, W., & Blaylock, P. (2017). Preparing a personal development plan for all members of the dental team. British dental journal, 223(6), 402.

Northouse, P. G. (2018). Leadership: Theory and practice. Sage publications.

Scanlon, J., Snow, M. A., Zwier, L. J., & Zimmerman, C. B. (2015). Q: skills for success: listening and speaking. Oxford University Press.

Tasker, Fiona.,2018 "How to prepare a personal development plan." BMJ 351 (2015): h4603.

Tattum, D., & Tattum, E. (2017). Social education and personal development. Routledge.

Ward, J. (2016). Keeping the family business healthy: How to plan for continuing growth, profitability, and family leadership. Springer.

Wang, D., Fan, D., Freeman, S., & Zhu, C. J. (2017). Exploring cross-cultural skills for expatriate managers from Chinese multinationals: Congruence and contextualization. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 34(1), 123-146.

Woodcock, M. (2017). Team development manual. Routledge.

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