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MGT307 Human Resources Management For Corporate Strategy

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Any corporate strategy should include elements that refer to the organisation’s strategies in terms of its employees. Such thinking should embrace all aspects of the human resources landscape.

In contributing to an organisation’s strategy, what would you, as an HR manager, responsible for the international aspects of HR of a company, ensure were the key elements of the HR strategy.


Human resource management is considered as an important aspect of every organization. If the employees are not efficient in the organization, then it can be very difficult for the organization to attain the goals and objectives. The employee’s efficiency depends upon the motivation level that is given by the manager or the top management. Efficient and honest employees are the assets of the organization. Policies and procedures that are implemented by the organization should be implemented into proper way so that it can be easy to complete the activities on time. The performance of the organization is measured by taking into consideration the human resources of the organization.

The organizational commitment also plays a great role in the enhancing the productivity and performance level of the human resources. The human resource manager of the organization should play a role of the partner as well as the facilitator who takes into consideration effective strategies that should be implemented in the organization. The human resource manager is essential at every stage like at the time of growing, developing, maturation and also at the decline stage, so that the efficiency of the work can be improved and it helps the organization to grow and retain the resources in the organization (Brewster, Houldsworth, Sparrow and Vernon, 2016).

The human resource manager conducts the recruitment process, allocate the resources where the position is vacant and also provides training to the employees of the organization. To sustain the best employees in the organization it is seen that that the human resource manager takes into consideration the strategies that help the organization to grow along with the change in the society. It is seen that there are various organizations that lack better human resources. It is seen that the structure of organization is not clear and also the hierarchy pattern is not well developed. It creates difficulty for the organization to enhance growth in the changing environment (Reiche, Mendenhall and Stahl, 2016).

It is also analyzed that job analysis method is not clear by various workers who are working in the organization. So the main focus should be given on the traits of the manager so that proper implementation can be conducted in the organization that enhances the growth. International HRM is referred to the human resource manager who is engaged in multi-national corporations. The human resource manager should have a proper knowledge of the cultural diversity and integration as the practices that are concerned with human resource are enhanced from personal management to strategic approaches. If the responsibilities are clear between the workers then the disputes can be reduced in the organization (Shockley-Zalabak, 2014).

Human resource management is related with the people orientation and it is considered as an important aspect that helps the employees to give their best towards the work.  Also planning, organizing, controlling and leading are taken into consideration by the human resource of the organization. International human resource management is related with the human resource of the multinational organizations and to manage in proper way there are three categories of the employees. First one is related with the home country in which the workers work at the place where the headquarters of the company is situated. Next is host country in which the workers are from the place where the subsidiary of the organization is located. Last one is third country in which the employees of this category are not from the home country as well as from the host country but they work in the headquarters of the organization (Dozier, Grunig and Grunig, 2013).

It is very important to take into consideration the human resource policies so that the operations can be smoothly conducted in the business. The company should also try to implement effective strategies for the employees so that they can retain in the organization for long time. It is very important for the organization to take accurate decisions and approaches that is beneficial for the organization. There are various approaches like polycentric, geocentric. So, the company should consider the best strategy that is beneficial for the organization. To balance the organization activities it is very necessary to create policies and procedures related with international human resource management (Porter, Riesenmy and Fields, 2016). 

It is the responsibility of the human resource manager to manage the functions of the organization. The human resource management consists of the workers and also the different departments so that the smooth working can be conducted in the organization. If the workers are given value and they feel motivated, then it can be analyzed that the level of production increases. There are many laws like minimum wage law, tax law that should be considered by the human resource manager of the organization. The human resource manager should see that the activities are conducted by taking into consideration different laws. If the organization conducts the activities without taking into consideration the law, then the heavy penalty can be imposed on the organization and also it will create difficulty for the business to attain the goals and objectives (Haff and Triplett, 2015).

Human resource management gives enhancement in the working pattern of the employees who are working in the organization. The management of the staff is done by the manager of the human resource department. The roles and policies are explained in a proper way to the employees of the organization, so that the profitability of the organization can be achieved. Half of the activities of the organization are conducted by human resource department. It is seen that selection of the best candidate who is eligible to conduct the activities are appointed by the human resource manager (Lazaroiu, 2015). 

The recruitment, selection and training process are taken into consideration by the human resource department of the organization. If the organization do not have human resource department then it can be very difficult for the organization to conduct the activities in a smooth way. Human resource manager is like a mediator between the employees and the organization. The conflict that arises in the organization is controlled by the HR department in an effective way and it results in a positive outcome. The employees who face any problem in the organization should discuss it with the human resource manager and the accurate decision should be made by considering the problem of the employees (Booth, 2015).

Human resource management also takes into consideration the wages of the employees who are working in the organization. The payrolls are managed by the department of human resource. All the monitoring should be properly conducted by the manager and also the attendance of the employees is should be seen by this department. The main duty of the HR is to provide accurate information to the employees who are working in the organization, so that the satisfaction level of the employees can be enhanced. The need of international human resource management is increasing day by day. It has also given direct impact on the enhancement in various companies. There are companies who are trying to develop its market operations in the various countries. There are various issues that are faced by many companies so to resolve this issue the human resource manager should be appointed in the organization so that company can attain success in the market (Phillips and Phillips, 2016).

There are various functions that are related with the international human resource management. It gives direct impact on enhancing the organization strategies and goals. Some responsibilities of a human resource manager are taken into considerations that are discussed below.

  • Communication:  The main role of the human resource manager is to assist the employees who are conducting their day to day activities in the organization. Communication is an important aspect that should be considered by every human resource manager. It is seen that if the organization have effective communication system then it can be very easy to carry out the operations and also the confusion between the employees can be minimized. If there is no proper communication in the organization then it can give negative outcomes. Effective communication is very essential and the main focus should be given by the human resource manager (Paillé, Chen, Boiral and Jin, 2014).

The employees should have the right to discuss about the problems that are prevailing in the organization and it the responsibility of the human resource manager to solve the misunderstanding that is prevailing between the employees of the organization. The employees who are working in the organization carries some problems and hesitate to discuss it with anyone then it will give negative impact on the working pattern. So, to enhance the confidence level and also to make the employees satisfied it is very important that the human resource manager should give emphasis on maintaining proper communication in the organization (Cahn and Abigail, 2014).

  • Talented candidates: To recruit the right candidate for the organization is the responsibility of the human resource manager. The candidates are selected according to their skills and talent. If the skills that are required for the job is possessed by an individual then he or she is selected for the job. So to appoint right candidate at right place the responsibility is of the Human resource manager. In the recent scenario to find out honest and dedicated employees is a difficult task for an organization. But the employees are the main asset of the organization. If the staff is not there in the organization then it will be difficult to complete the day to day operations. If the wrong person is appointed then it can create a major threat for the organization. So, the human resource manager should appoint eligible individuals by considering their skills and experience (Austin and Pinkleton, 2015).
  • Training: After recruiting eligible candidate in the organization, it is very necessary to provide training so that the work can be conducted in a correct manner. It is seen that training helps to enhance the skill and knowledge of an individual. If effective training is provided to the employee of the organization then it can be easy to complete the activities on time. By giving training the confidence level of the employees who are working in the organization is enhanced. The working style changes if proper training is given to the workers. By training they can easily learn to conduct the activities of the organization with confidence (Dobre, 2013).So the human resource manager should also give emphasis that each and every employee of the organization can train themselves in a proper way. Training strategies are taken into consideration by the human resource department of the organization. It is considered as an initial stage of conducting the operations of the business. Positive outcomes can be attained by the organization if the training is effective enough and it enhances the productivity and profitability of the organization (Mikkelsen, Jacobsen and Andersen, 2017).
  • Development of individual in professional manner:  It is analyzed that to work in an organization professional skill should be there in an individual. So the duty is of the human resource manager to take into consideration the employees who do not possess professional skills. It is very important to take into consideration the methods that assist in development of individual skills. It is important that an individual should have professional qualities to survive in the organization. If an individual do not possess professional skill then it can be very difficult to survive in the organization (Yousaf, Latif, Aslam and Saddiqui, 2014).

The human resource department has the responsibility to conduct seminars and conferences that gives knowledge to the employees to conduct the activities of the organization. The human resource manager should try to implement the strategies that are related with the hobbies of the employees. If the interesting way is adopted by the human resource manager to enhance the knowledge of the employees then it can give benefit to the organization.  The human resource manager should always focus on enhancing the skills and knowledge of the employees and should try to make them strong day by day (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014).

  • Incentives or Appraisals: The appraisals and incentives are decided by the human resource manager. A performance appraisal enhances the motivation and confidence level of the employees. The employees feel motivated to work in a proper manner, so that the incentives can be earned. Incentive is a strategy that is adopted by the organization, so that they can induce the employees to work in an efficient manner. So incentives and appraisals are the technique that helps the employees to work with full dedication (Marchington, Wilkinson, Donnelly and Kynighou, 2016).
  • To resolve the conflicts:  Conflicts gives a negative impact on the working pattern of the organization. It is seen that if conflict arises between the employees of the organization, then it should be resolved immediately. If it is not resolved then the working pattern of the employees gets affected. Human resource manager should solve the conflict that arises between the employees of the organization. The manager should listen the problem of both the parties and should find out the correct decision that gives satisfaction to both the parties. The judgment that is made by the human resource manager should be correct and both the parties should be justified with it. Conflicts should be resolved immediately if it arises, then only the working structure can be enhanced in an effective way (Gregory, 2015).
  • Maintaining relations: It is very necessary that the employees should maintain proper relation in the organization. If the employees do not carry positive relation then it can affect and give negative impact on the working pattern. Human resource manager is responsible for maintaining effective relations between the employees who are working in the organization. If proper relations are not maintained then it can be difficult for the organization to retain good employees in the organization. So, the responsibility is of the human resource manager to create good working environment in the organization. To enhance the confidence level of the employees it is very important to discuss about the plans of the company. By conducting the meetings it helps to explain about the growth of the company and also helps the staff to feel the pride in the future of the company (Day, 2015).

So, to implement the human resource management policies and practices it is very important to have a clear image of home and subsidiary countries and also about the culture of the company. It is very important for the company to access the best policies and practices for both subsidiary and for company itself. It is also analyzed that international human resource management has a direct impact on various multinational companies as it is seen that the workers or the employees belongs from a different background. The human resource manager should try to maintain the balance between the culture of the organization and also the productivity level of the employees (Yeung, Fung and Chan, 2015).To enhance the productivity and profitability of the organization it is very essential to take into consideration proper effective policies. If the employees are satisfied then it is analyzed that company can easily accomplish its goals and objectives.


Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014. Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers.

Austin, E.W. and Pinkleton, B.E., 2015. Strategic public relations management: Planning and managing effective communication campaigns (Vol. 10). Routledge.

Booth, S.A., 2015. Crisis management strategy: Competition and change in modern enterprises. Routledge.

Brewster, C., Houldsworth, E., Sparrow, P. and Vernon, G., 2016. International human resource management. Kogan Page Publishers.

Cahn, D.D. and Abigail, R.A., 2014. Managing conflict through communication. Pearson.

Day, G.E., 2015. Successfully managing conflict. Leading and Managing Health Services: An Australasian Perspective, p.273.

Dobre, O.I., 2013. Employee motivation and organizational performance. Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, 5(1), pp.53-60.

Dozier, D.M., Grunig, L.A. and Grunig, J.E., 2013. Manager's guide to excellence in public relations and communication management. Routledge.

Gregory, A., 2015. Planning and managing public relations campaigns: A strategic approach. Kogan Page Publishers.

Haff, G.G. and Triplett, N.T. eds., 2015. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning 4th Edition. Human kinetics.

Lazaroiu, G., 2015. Employee Motivation and Job Performance. Linguistic and Philosophical Investigations, 14, p.97.

Marchington, M., Wilkinson, A., Donnelly, R. and Kynighou, A., 2016. Human resource management at work. Kogan Page Publishers.

Mikkelsen, M.F., Jacobsen, C.B. and Andersen, L.B., 2017. Managing employee motivation: Exploring the connections between managers’ enforcement actions, employee perceptions, and employee intrinsic motivation. International Public Management Journal, 20(2), pp.183-205.

Paillé, P., Chen, Y., Boiral, O. and Jin, J., 2014. The impact of human resource management on environmental performance: An employee-level study. Journal of Business Ethics, 121(3), pp.451-466.

Phillips, J.J. and Phillips, P.P., 2016. Handbook of training evaluation and measurement methods. Routledge.

Porter, T.H., Riesenmy, K.D. and Fields, D., 2016. Work environment and employee motivation to lead: Moderating effects of personal characteristics. American Journal of Business, 31(2), pp.66-84.

Reiche, B.S., Mendenhall, M.E. and Stahl, G.K. eds., 2016. Readings and cases in international human resource management. Taylor & Francis.

Shockley-Zalabak, P., 2014. Fundamentals of organizational communication. Pearson.

Yeung, D.Y., Fung, H.H. and Chan, D., 2015. Managing conflict at work: Comparison between younger and older managerial employees. International Journal of Conflict Management, 26(3), pp.342-364.

Yousaf, S., Latif, M., Aslam, S. and Saddiqui, A., 2014. Impact of financial and non-financial rewards on employee motivation. Middle-East journal of scientific research, 21(10), pp.1776-1786.

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