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MGT200 Organisational Behavior- Working Environment

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In what circumstances do attitudes determine behaviours at work? Why are attitudes useful for a person? Examine how much is known about what factors determine either job satisfaction or organisational commitment. To what extent does organisational commitment suggests that managers in organisation should care about how committed their staffs are?


At work place, the behavior depends on the person about how one feels being in the office. Hence, it can be stated that the behavior of the people depends upon the attitude of the person. Attitude refers to the beliefs, opinions and other important aspects of the environment. At the work, two important attitudes play an important role that is the job satisfaction and commitment towards organization. Job satisfaction is referred to the people’s feelings that they have towards the job they do (Pratkanis, Breckler and Greenwald 2014). According to the studies conducted in terms of linking attitude with behavior, it can be stated that, satisfaction towards job is considered to be the indicator. It indicates how the attitude of the person depends upon the behavior of the person Organizations such as Society of Human resource Management has pointed out the research as the job satisfaction is regarded as the important attitude towards job. Organizational commitment is another important factor that people have an emotional attachment towards the firm they work. A higher degree of over lapping can be indicated , as because that makes the people happy with their job make them happy. As a result, they become more committed to the firm as well (Pratkanis, Breckler and Greenwald 2014). Companies do believe that these attitudes are worthy enough to keep track because they are often linked to the essential outcomes such as the higher level of performances, rendering help to others, turnover and absenteeism.

Now it is important to discuss, how the attitude and behavior is linked. Firstly, it depends upon the attitude which is in question. The attitudes towards the colleagues’ influences whether one can actually help them with a project, but they neither regarded as a greater predictor of whether one would quite the job (Petty and Krosnick 2014). Secondly, it is important that attitudes are strongly linked to the intentions in terms of behavior in certain ways. When the employee is dissatisfied with the job, the employee might leave. Then the employee would depend upon the other jobs. In other words, it can be stated that how a person would behave. However, it is therefore, important to justify that how the behavior is strongly linked with the situational problems (Vogel and Wanke 2016).

Importance of Attitude for the people that are important in the workplace which gives birth to the innovative professional skills. There are five important attitudes that small business can search to make sure that the professional environment is harmonious in nature, also a staff who is productive. Respect is an important form of attitude that does not completely depend upon the in which the employees wage interaction with the management. Employees must bear the respectful attitude while interacting with the clients also with the co- workers. Employees having this type of attitude are encouraged to treat people professionally and politely. It is stated that prideful is termed as a good attitude which must be there in the workplace, the employees who are prideful about their work always work hard to excel in their attitude. It says that the outcomes of the task and the way they contribute to the company matters a greater deal to the employee.

Commitment is also an attitude, which is useful for the person working. The people who are not only committed to the goals, but also the same employees show their commitment to their particular positions (Robins and Judge 2012). Employees show their committed attitude while presenting their willingness to do whatever, it takes to complete the duties of their positions by making new ideas to make the performance of the company better. Employees who carries innovative form of attitude do not run away from trying out something new or searching out a different way to do the challenging things better in a much more innovative form. Helpfulness is another useful attitude to the person at the work place in terms of giving assistance to the clients and the customers with their ways of giving help to the co- workers in order to accomplish the company goals successfully. The more the person proves to be helpful; the better would be people at work. They are more helpful with the employees on the important projects and innovations (Robins and Judge 2012).

Factors that affect job satisfaction where the role of management in encouraging the job of the employee in order to make sure the positivity of the environment of the work, where the morale of the employee is high and the resources they need to make their tasks successfully accomplished that are assigned to them.

Working conditions: As employees spend much of their time in the working environment; it is therefore important for the companies to optimize the conditions of work. These things as a result are providing a spacious environment rather than a cramped one. The availability of the comfortable working environment contributes to the favorable workings of the people (Thompson and Phua 2012).

Advancement’s opportunity: Employees in an organization would develop job satisfaction if the employees get the opportunity to move up to the ranks in the firm. As a result, they should be given responsibility along with the higher compensation (Thompson and Phua 2012). These companies encourage the workers to get hold of the advanced skills, which would give them the chances of promotion. Companies as well pay the cost of employees’ tuition taking the courses of the university.

Workloads: While dealing with the loads of work, it becomes stressful for the person to reach the deadline in order to accomplish the tasks. This in turn may erode the dedicated of the employees. Falling short of the deadlines can end up in a conflict between supervisors and employees. Earning respect from the co- workers is another means of bringing satisfaction to jobs. Managers need to interfere and solve conflicts before they escalate the serious problems which needs the disciplinary actions (Edams 2012).

Relations with the supervisors: Effective managers know about their employees need recognitions and praise in terms of their efforts and the accomplishments. Employees are needed to be aware of the door of the supervisor, which is always open to them to know the concerns that are affecting their ability in order to do their jobs effectively and the satisfaction at the office which is impending (Hulsheger et al 2013).

Financial rewards: Financial rewards is another way to bring job satisfaction to the employees working in the organization, where the employees can be evaluated on the basis of their performances and the employees accordingly would be given bonuses and would be extra paid for their jobs (Hulsheger et al 2013).

Therefore, it can be stated that these factors of job satisfaction of the employees would bring employee satisfaction and increase their organizational commitment.

Managers in the organization acts as the leadership to see to what extent the staffs are committed to the organization. As a leader, it is the responsibility of the manager to look into the matter about how the staffs are performing under his leadership and the way staffs are giving their best (Netke 2013). It is up to the manager to supervise the important factors that would bring job satisfaction to the employees and motivation to fulfill their commitment towards their organization. Managers must select the best style of leadership. Efficient management skill would lead to the satisfaction of the employee, which is connected to the attitude based on decision making and benefits which are linked to the recognition of the society (Netke 2013). The managers need to take responsibility of meeting and promoting the culture of the teamwork, the employees participation and the to make ensure that the leadership is working out properly and involved in making the betterment of the organizational structure.


Edmans, A., 2012. The link between job satisfaction and firm value, with implications for corporate social responsibility. The Academy of Management Perspectives, 26(4), pp.1-19.

Hülsheger, U.R., Alberts, H.J., Feinholdt, A. and Lang, J.W., 2013. Benefits of mindfulness at work: The role of mindfulness in emotion regulation, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(2), p.310.

Netke, D.M., 2013. Role of manager in employee's motivation. Golden Research Thoughts, 2(10), pp.1-3.

Petty, R.E. and Krosnick, J.A., 2014. Attitude strength: Antecedents and consequences. Psychology Press.

Pratkanis, A.R., Breckler, S.J. and Greenwald, A.G., 2014. Attitude structure and function. Psychology Press.

Robbins, S.P. and Judge, T., 2012. Essentials of organizational behavior.

Thompson, E.R. and Phua, F.T., 2012. A brief index of affective job satisfaction. Group & Organization Management, 37(3), pp.275-307.

Vogel, T. and Wanke, M., 2016. Attitudes and attitude change. Psychology Press.

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