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Mgmt5908 Strategic Human Resource Management Assessment Answers

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1. Explain the importance of strategic human resource management in organisations.
2. Assess the purpose of strategic human resource management activities in an organisation.



Human resource management is an important aspect in the business operations. Strategic planning towards human resource management helps the personnel in conducting the business activities in an efficient and effective manner. Maintaining effective relation with the clients is assistance in terms of creating plans for upgrading the standards and evaluation of the business operations (Al Ariss, Cascio and Paauwe 2014). Developing strategies are effective for prioritizing the activities, which helps in maintaining the stability within the professional relationships. This assignment peeks into the strategic approach of Started Dynamics towards Human Resource Management. Strategies prove effective for the company in terms of enhancing the efficiency within the business operations.

Company background 

Founded in 2016, Started deals in power management system for internal combustion engine. Guidance of founder and CEO helps the staffs in executing the business operations according to the identified and specified goals. Divisional organization structure develops teamwork, which enhances the efficiency and productivity. Sharing the common goal of achieving success helps the Company in generative value for the clients and the customers (Anderson and Dees 2017).

In terms of the expenditure, the Company is in need of additional staffs for strengthening the assembly line in China. Owing to the high labour maintenance charges in China, this recommendation seems a bit difficult. According to the current trends, the Company is planning to recruit employees from different age groups for diversifying the thought processes. Along with this, the managers are also planning to involve the employees into part time contracts. Offering part time jobs to the workers is an initiative towards improving the focus of increasing the assembly line in China outlet. Here, one of the best choices would be to hire the aged workforce, who do not need insurance, as they are working within flexible working environment. Countering this, this workforce requires insurance, as they suffer from serious health issues, which can aggravate due to working for long hours.

Mention can be made of the strategic planning towards contracts for hiring staffs from the research and development team (Bryson 2018). For fulfilling these goals, Started is adopting the following steps:

  • Focusing on internal mobilization
  • Knowledge transfer from the senior staffs to the juniors
  • Introducing contracts for the labour maintenance
  • Omitting long term employment contracts for regulating the manpower costs in a financial year

Literature review

Purpose of strategic human resource management practice 

Adopting best human resource practices is assistance in terms of enhancing the efficiency within the business activities. Strategic approach in this aspect is vital for exposing the appropriate approach towards efficient execution of the business activities. Reviewing the current HRM practices help in seeking effective means for upgrading the standards and quality of the resources. Here, there are two schools of thoughts: As per the opinions of Marchington et al. (2016), one is the best fit and the second relates to best HRM practices. The best fit relates to addition of values, which establishes relation between the HRM policies and business strategies. Here, focus needs to be placed to the needs, demands and requirements of the employees.

The best practice school of thought states that universal HR processes enhances the productivity within the business operations. Certain HR activities helps Started Dynamics in enjoying competitive advantage over the contemporary brands. This is in spite of the organizational structure. As a matter of specification, the best practices in HRM relates to employment security, selective hiring, self-managed and effective teamwork, contingent compensation, extensive training, reduction in the status of status differences and sharing information with the clients and the customers (Bratton and Gold 2017). Effective teamwork and extensive training can be most related to the workplace of Started Dynamics. This because the staffs are trained on how to develop the combustion engine systems in a proper manner.

One of the best human resource practices of the Company is employee security, which generates interest within the employees to expose better performance. Mention can be made of the security policies, which ensures the employees of the Company about their wellbeing in the workplace. Typical example of this is the deductions of employee insurance from the salaries. The main aim of these policies is to lure the employees towards the services of the company. Hollenbeck and Jamieson (2015) opines that in the process of recruitment and selection, HRM policies are implemented by Started Dynamics for hiring the right candidate. The components of these policies are need, external or internal hiring, review and composition of job advertisements, selection of appropriate sources for posting the openings among others. In this aspect, ability, trainability and commitment to the allotted tasks is assessed in case of the shortlisted candidates.

Strategic human resource management, in case of the teamwork, in Started Dynamics, relates with the consideration of Tuckman’s theory of Team Development. Along with this. Belbin’s concept of Team Roles is used for briefing the employees about their roles. Here, cooperation is a vital component. According to Kramar (2014), one of the other aspects in this context is the supply chain network, which encourages the production of collaborative output within the workplace. Usage of technology is efficient in terms of widening the scope and arena of the supply chain network. Apart from this, mention can be made of contingent compensation, which caters to the benefits for which the employees are liable.

Extensive training falls within one of the best human resources practices of Started Dynamics. Preparing budgets helps the employees in assessing the effectiveness of the current training materials and the additional materials needed for upgrading the preconceived knowledge and skills of the employees. Comparative study in case of the provision of training helps in seeking efficient and effective means for aligning with the pace of change (Brewster 2017). Here, mention can be made of the consideration of Kotter’s eight step change management model, which helps the personnel of Started Dynamics to achieve competitive advantage over the contemporary brands. 

Consideration of the rate of learning helps the managers of the Company to make estimates about the progress and the time till when they would be able to fulfil the identified and the specified objectives.

Evaluation of strategic human resource management in achieving the identified goals and objectives 

Human Resource Development helps in encouraging efficiency, competency and most importantly, organizational effectiveness. HRD mechanisms of performance appraisal, training for organizational development and counselling enhances the competency level of the employees in terms of making them more committed towards the business operations. According to the arguments of Sikora and Ferris (2014), this commitment helps in achieving satisfaction from the clients and the customers.  

Strategic planning towards carrying out the HRM activities helps in enhancing the efficiency. Organizing meetings with the stakeholders and shareholders is a wise step for Started Dynamics. This is because these meetings help in deciding the feasibility of the plans in terms of the identified and the specified objectives. Involving the employees in the meetings seems fruitful for the Company in terms of gaining an insight into their approaches. Surveys and feedback improves the communication between the personnel of the departmental units. Aligning with the opinions of Brewster, Chung and Sparrow (2016), system engineered HRD is assistance for the Company in terms of adding automation into the business activities.

Like most of the organizations, Started Dynamics have adopted strategic human resource management for upgrading the organizational performance by reducing the operational cost. Along with this, strategic HRM has enabled the Company to accomplish the identified and the specified objectives. The major drive behind this are:

  • Preparation of long term goals
  • Guidelines from the higher officials
  • Guarantees for fulfilling the developed objectives

Adhering to an integrated pattern for executing the business operation helps in meeting the goals. Here, mention can be made of the four integration levels, which helps the managers of the Started Dynamics to carry out the HR functions (Albrecht et al. 2015). These are:

  • Administrative linkage- HR’s focus on the everyday workplace activities
  • One way linkage- intimation to the HR about the developed plans
  • Two way linkage- Notifying the HR about the proposed plans by the teams. Analysis of the exposed performance is done, which is presented to the team members.
  • Integrated linkage- dynamics involving the steps for improving the communication between HR and the senior management team.

Apart from this, strategic human resource management, for Started Dynamics is the integration of HR philosophy, policies and programs and practices. This integration is entirely dependent on the requirements of the internal and external environment and their impact on the entire business (Cania 2014). HR Audits are carried out for the assessing the effectiveness, feasibility and appropriateness of the systems adopted for carrying out the business operations.

Key success factors from strategic human resource perspective 

Human Resource Department personnel need to achieve deeper understanding for the factors, which would help them to attain success. These factors are as follows:

Sourcing and Consulting

As per the arguments of Stone et al. (2015), proper job placement is crucial for any company in terms of attaining the benchmark level of performance. For this, source from where the candidates are hired, needs to be an authentic. Here, HR plays an important role in recruiting the right candidates. In Started Dynamics, recruitment of the candidates is done after conducting the need analysis. Nankervis et al. (2016) argues that maximization of the company funds helps the managers in evaluating the current trends and propose new means of promotion. Conducting offshore management seems helpful for the company personnel in widening the scope and arena of the supply chain network.

Competitive compensation

The aspects of employee recruitment, retention and boosting their morale is accounted as good HRM practices. Creation and monitoring the pay scales helps the managers of the Started Dynamics to assess the equitable profits, they would gain, as compared to the contemporary brands. This comparison can be considered as the managerial approach towards assessing their position within the competitive ambience of the market. analysing the current employment status is assistance in terms of seeking an insight into the additional needs. On the other hand, Marchington et al. (2016) proposes that complying with the standards of Fair Labour Standards Act helps the Company in averting illegal instances. Audits act assistance for the Company in terms of evaluating the treatment of the employees within the current conditions.

Performance evaluation and training

At regular intervals, the managers of the company evaluate the performance exposed by the employees. For this, checklists and templates are used, as it enhances the extent to which objectives have been fulfilled. After analysing the performance, meetings are conducted for assessing the effectiveness, appropriateness and feasibility of the developed plans. Here, the focus is on the identified and the specified goals and objectives (Shen and Benson 2016). Therefore, training programs are conducted for upgrading the standards and quality of the performance exposed by the employees. Technological training proves beneficial for the employees in terms of achieving an easy grasp over the basic ways and means for carrying out the activities in an automatic manner.

Legal compliance

Complying with the standards and protocols of the federal and state labour legislation is vital for the companies and organizations in terms of attaining success. It is the duty of Started Dynamics manager to brief the employees about the Code of Ethics, which they are to follow. This approach is an initiative towards improving the communication between the managers and the employees. Here, mention can be made of Zero Tolerance Policies, which reduces the instances of harassments, discriminations and conflicts (Shields et al. 2015). Effective implementation of this policy helps in fostering equality among the employees within the workplace.

Human resource planning process 

Human Resource Planning is the stage when the personnel make estimates for the manpower and the resources needed for completing the business activities. This is done through the following steps:

  • Determining the objectives of Human resource planning
  • Analysing the current manpower inventory
  • Making estimates for the demand and supply of Human resources
  • Excavating the manpower gaps
  • Developing action plans
  • Training and development
  • Appraisal for the manpower planning

Developing objectives enhances the awareness of the personnel towards the effectiveness of the available manpower. These objectives differ according to the requirements and roles of the personnel. As opined by Sheehan (2014), analysing the manpower assists in gaining an insight into the capabilities and competencies of the employees. This knowledge is crucial for the managers of Started Dynamics in terms of practising equal allocation of the tasks. Conducting offshore management is effective for widening the scope and arena of the supply chain network in the next five years. Focusing on talent management assists in controlling and regulating the performance of the employees.

Monitoring the performance of the employees helps the managers of Started Dynamics in making estimates about the resources, which are needed for completing the tasks within the stipulated time. Preparation of budgets is vital for enhancing the awareness towards the expenses for each of the activities, which are to be conducted in the next five years. Sending drafts about the budgets to the higher authorities is a wise step towards gaining an insight into its feasibility (Garavan et al. 2016). Intimating the employees about the prepared budgets enhances their awareness about sustainable use of the available resources. Within this, analysis of the demand and supply is crucial in terms of assessing the surplus and deficits. Action plans are developed for adding focus into the business activities. These plans act as an agent for the managers of Started Dynamics in terms of deciding whether the undertaken plans are flexible in fulfilling the identified and specified objectives developed for the next five financial years. Training and development programs seems fruitful in terms of upgrading the knowledge of the employees towards achieving competitive advantage. Lussier and Hendon (2017) assumes that regular update is sent by the trainers to the higher authorities regarding the progress of the employees. Based on these updates, the performance of the employees are appraised.

Strategic Human resource Plan

 Plans are important in terms of enriching the awareness towards the ways and means of executing the business activities. In case of Started Dynamics, the human resource planning would deal with effective implementation of goals and capability development. For this, the practices, which the company would adopt are:

  • Recruiting employees belonging to senior age group
  • Introducing part time shifts for the employees
  • Introducing insurances and flexible working hours for the employees belonging to the age group of 55-65 years
  • Indulging in contract with the members of Research and Development

For executing these activities, the identified goals are:

  • Maintaining secrecy within the internal mobility
  • Knowledge transfer from the senior and the experienced members to the juniors
  • Indulging in contracts for controlling the operational cost
  • Keeping cut offs for hiring the rightful candidate

One of the best practices for fulfilling these goals would be training and development of the employees. Inclusion of technology training in the course materials proves beneficial in terms of upgrading their preconceived knowledge, skills, expertise and competencies towards enhancing the efficiency. Post training tests would be effective for the managers to assess the capability of the employees to make practical application of the learnt skills in executing the business activities. Including practical tests in the training would prove fruitful for the Company. This is in terms of testing the competency level of the employees towards the allotted tasks.

Contribution of HR plan in achieving goals and objectives 

Plans prove effective in enhancing the awareness of the organizations regarding the ways and means for approaching the business operations. Preparing plans is also helpful in terms of gaining an insight into the priority of the tasks. As argued by Guerci et al. (2015), time management is crucial in this context for averting delays in delivering the orders to the clients within the stipulated time. Preparation of the HR plans well in advance is assistance towards assessing the current strategic condition and the additional resources needed for completing the activities. Sending drafts for the plans to the higher authorities would act as an evaluation for Started Dynamics. This is in terms of making effective usage of the available time. Along with this, the plans also prove beneficial in terms of detecting the drawbacks, which needs to be modified within the estimated time.

For example, recruiting the senior and the aged employees would add diversity to the workplace diversity. Interaction between the seniors and the junior employees would result in the exposure of knowledge transfer, indicative of collaborative output (Schuler and Jackson, 2014). This collaboration, further, would enhance the adjustability skills of the employees. Organizing group discussions would also help in preserving the diversity within the team members. HR plan also helps in intimating the employees about the proposed plans. This intimation proves beneficial for improving the communication between the seniors and the juniors.

Purpose of HRM policies 

Proper policies and programs contribute towards organizational success. This also seems true for companies and organizations like Started Dynamics. The managers expose conscious approach towards working schedules, guidelines on evaluations and remunerations for developing the HRM policies. One of the basic purpose of the HRM policies is maintaining the integrity of the organizational structure (Bednall, Sanders and Runhaar 2014). Typical examples are the imparting the information related to safety measures, work laws, conflict measures and disciplinary methods.

HRM policies also helps in aligning the business practices with the latest versions of the employment legislations. Compliance with these versions is assistance in terms of preventing the instances of corporate liability and employee lawsuits. Clarity within the policies and guidelines informs the employees of the Company about their roles and responsibilities. Popaitoon and Siengthai (2014) are of the view that HRM policies are also beneficial in terms of assisting the managers to supervise the ways and means for conducting the workplace operations.

Impact of two regulatory requirements on the organizational business 

Regulations help in executing the tasks smoothly. Along with this, regulations helps in averting the instances of conflicts, discriminations and harassments. In this context, mention can be made of Data Protection Act (1998), which helps the personnel of Started Dynamics in maintaining the privacy and security of the organizational data. Along with this, the Act assists the personnel in securing the private belongings of the clients and the customers. Apart from this, mention can be made of Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). This Act would be effective for the Company, as it would employ aged workforce for enhancing diversity (Hohenstein, Feisel and Hartmann 2014). Strategic planning towards implementation of this act would help in securing the remuneration, which the employees are to achieve.

Critical analysis of the organizational design 

The organisational design refers to the creation of the job roles, structures and the processes in order to ensure that the goals of the organisation could be realised (Ashkenas et al. 2015). There are certain people in the company who are associated with the organisational design process of Started along with the mechanical arrangement of the positions as well as the reporting lines of the organisation chart. It is to note that the company focus on sharing the employee behaviour, which refers to the underlying driver of the performance of a company.

The Smart Design for the Performance approach makes use of a large range of organisational levels in the combination and creates an engaging as well as a conducive context for the organisational employees in order to ensure that their own individual interests and their desired behaviours are adopted and are developed. The company Started synchronise its design with a strategy. Notwithstanding of the precipitating factor, the reorganisation needs to align with the strategy of the organisation as well as the business priorities in the simplest way. Furthermore, it clarifies the roles and the responsibilities. With the same, it deploy the right leaders as well as the right capabilities (Stone, Deadrick, Lukaszewski and Johnson, R., 2015).

One of the significant pitfalls in reorganising is that of tailoring the redesigning around the individual capabilities of some important executive. One of the other pitfall include that of overlooking the capabilities that are required for newly designing to succeed. Furthermore, execution is by far the most vital capability for attaining a successful reorganization—applying a step-by-step, disciplined approach to implementation is crucial to avoid missteps.

Effectiveness of the organizational culture 

Organisational culture refers to the group of behaviours, values and beliefs which are maintained and are created by the leaders of an organisation and are carried forward by the employees which differentiates one company from the other (Collier and Esteban 2017). According to Helmreich and Merritt (2017), organisational culture in a particular organisation influences the working operations and has a significant impacts on the organisational behaviour and the motivation of the employees. It is directly related to the performance of the organisation.

Furthermore, it is also to note that the organisation culture goes a long way in creating the brand image for the company and it also shapes the way the employees interact at their workplace. It is also to mention that the organisation culture helps in building an emotional attachment to the enterprise. It is something that cultivates a sense of commitment and belonging towards the company and develops unity among the employees in the workplace. Healthy organisational culture helps in encouraging the employees in staying motivated and loyal towards the management. With the same, the working culture promotes a health relationship among the employees.

Moreover, according to Spigel (2017), organisational culture helps in building an emotional attachment to the organisation. Hence, every organisation needs to set certain guidelines for the employees in order to work accordingly. It is something that represents some predefined policies that guide the employees and give them a sense of direction at the workplace.

Effectiveness of the current HR processes and methods 

Firstly, the employee security practices of the company is the best human resource practices. It generates interest within the employees to expose better performance. The security policies of the company ensures the employees of the Company about their wellbeing in the workplace. For example, the deductions of employee insurance from the salaries. The main aim of these policies is to lure the employees towards the services of the company. Secondly, the supply chain networks encourages the production of collaborative output within the workplace. Hohenstein, Feisel and Hartmann (2014) argues that making use of technology helps in widening the scope and arena of the supply chain network. Thirdly, the contingent compensation that has been implemented in the company caters the benefits for which the employees are liable. Fourthly, the extensive training falls within one of the best human resources practices of Started Dynamics.

 Preparing budgets helps the employees in assessing the effectiveness of the current training materials and the additional materials needed for upgrading the preconceived knowledge and skills of the employees. On the other hand, Popaitoon and Siengthai (2014) opines that effective teamwork and extensive training in Started Dynamics ensures that the staffs are trained on how to develop the combustion engine systems in a proper manner. Furthermore, consideration of the rate of learning helps the managers of the Company to make estimates about the progress and the time till when they would be able to fulfil the identified and the specified objectives. Lastly, the comparative study in case of the provision of training helps in seeking efficient and effective means for aligning with the pace of change.

Recommendations for improving human resource practices 

  1. The company must focus more on employee education and growth. It needs to improve its training and development plan and employee discipline in the workplace. It should make use of more flexible training program. It could be designed by making use of the following steps:
  • Understanding the basic skills and abilities of the employees
  • Understanding the job specifications
  • Selecting specific training and development programs
  • Making changes in the selected training program as per the needs of the employees.
  1. The company should improve its compensation and benefits programs for the employees so that they could get more motivation and encouragement in providing productivity. It is a significant HR function for the Started Company. It should develop a well-planned compensation objectives and philosophy.
  2. The company should adopt a more productive approach for dealing with its recruitment and selection process in the workplace. In order to appoint employees, it should make use of thorough analysis of the job. It would help in benefitting the HR managers in collecting suitable information regarding their job profile.
  3. Furthermore, it must ensure an effective and continuous performance monitoring plan in order to increase the employee performance. It could be done by developing a good monitoring system.


Human resource management is important for companies and organizations in terms of enhancing the efficiency. The managers play an important role in developing plans, which reflects strategic approach towards efficient execution of the business activities. The major drive behind this are HRM policies, practices and programs, which collaborates to form the integrated organizational structure. Strategic goals towards hiring aged workforce and contracts for controlling the operations costs is effective in terms of systematizing the financial parameter. This stabilization is indicative of enhancing the standards and quality of the activities, which would help Started Dynamics to gain competitive advantage over the contemporary brands. 


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