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MGMT20140 | Design | The Role Of Innovation In The Design Process

Provide the depth knowledge towards the design thinking process.



I learn about my tutors as well as a topic that will be discussed in the class. My tutor supports each student of class to effectively meet our desired goal. My tutor enables us how to write a blog. I gained my knowledge with respect to the role of innovation in the design process. In Module 2, I gained my understanding about certain factors that could be imperative in the design process such as design vs business, design thinking process and tools, design mindset, and some innovation stories (Lewis, 2015). I understood that how a design thinks about the any design.

I analysed that five factors could be considered in the design process such as empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and text. I also gained my understanding about design thinking tools to an effective make design. Further, it is evaluated that there are different factors that could be imperative for in making effective design such as problem finding, observation, visualization and sense-making, ideation, prototype and test, and viability testing (Rix, Haas, and Teixeira, 2016).  Further, I analysed that depth knowledge towards the design thinking process could be supportive for making effective decision about the design thinking. 

Apart from this, my tutor delivers accurate and reliable information in the class by considering the creative method as it is effective for making interactive section. She engaged each student by using many activities to make interactive class and get positive benefits. It is effective for declining boring atmosphere from the class and makes interactive class. The best knowledge about design thinking procedure that played imperative role in design thinking (Press and Cooper, 2017).  I also increased my understanding about application of design thinking in the managerial decision-making techniques and process.

Further, I realized that there are certain sources that are considered in the design thinking process like an appropriate plan, optimum application of the resources, communicating the plan. Moreover, I observe

d that planning could be imperative in the obtainment of the specified task in the least time and coat. In this section, I also gained my understanding with respect to the design innovation as it would be effective for getting higher success with respect to the desired goal (Göçer, Hua, and Göçer, 2015).  Apart from this, I observed that not only proper time could be imperative in design but also creative thinking could be effective for the accomplishment of a specified task in a reliable manner.

In this, I also understood that how a mindset of an individual mandates them to do any specified task in the least time and specified resources. Moreover, I gained my knowledge in the context of innovation as it would be effective for the accomplishment of my desired goal. Moreover, I observed that understanding about design thinking process could lead to improving personally as well as professional life in future.  After completion of this section, I observed that I improved my understanding about design in depth as it would be effective for performing well in the same filed (Greenbaum, 2017). It is also obsera ved that an individual could follow certain steps like discovering, define, design, and deliver. It could lead to as getting a higher outcome (Chapman, 2018). 

The design theory could also be imperative to gain understanding in the context of theories of design in a reliable way. This section is more imperative as compared to the last section cause of gaining the understanding about many techniques that would be effective for getting higher success in designing. Herein, I understood certain theories like convergent thinking, action research, learning theory, co-creation, divergent, and logic of reasoning. These models support to design reliable theories (Luger, Urquhart, Rodden, and Golembewski, 2015).

I improved my existing awareness with respect to basic reasoning pattern that was helpful for solving the issues in a systematic manner. I analyzed how reasoning could be imperative in the designing process. There are certain types of reasoning of the designing process like inductive, deductive, and abductive reasoning Cash, Hicks, and Culley, 2015).  Further, it is also evaluated that the inductive reasoning is practiced for developing the possible hypothesis in the context of current research matter. It can be effective for eliminating the task issues in a systematic manner. In addition, it is evaluated that abductive reasoning is practiced to determine methods by which the desired goal will be accomplished. In addition, it is also evaluated that deductive reasoning is effective for proving and accepting the developed hypothesis as it could be emphasized on collected information (Kuo, Smith, Smith, and Huang, 2016).

I observed that these kinds of understanding improve my professional and personal life. In addition, I observed that there are certain factors that could influence design thinking such as imagine, create, play, share, reflect, and image. This process aids an individual to make a reliable decision in the context of the current research matter (Seixas, Gibson, and Ercikan, 2015). In this week, I also understood that how accepting the views of others. It will be imperative in making a reliable decision in the context of the current research matter (Grudzie? and Hamrol, 2016).  I always get views of others towards my design for improving my design and get a reliable result. In addition, I observed my features after collecting views from others. I observed that I have the capability to learn to anything in the least time but at the same time

I realized that I have lack of team management and leadership skills that would negatively impact on professional life in the upcoming time period. I increased my existing knowledge in the context of certain factors like Ideation, left-brain – right-brain, creativity theories, decision-making theories, team working theories, task vs relationship conflicts, and reflection in action. It is examined that empathy, invention, and Iteration could be effective for making a reliable decision in the context of research matter (Anwar, Abidin, and Hassan, 2015).  I analyzed that there are as many components as it could be considered

I gained my understanding about problem findings. I also realized that DT provides an opportunity to solve the problem in a different manner. Though this week, I improved my awareness about research design and design techniques to eliminate design issue in a systematic manner. Moreover, there are many tools that could be by individuals like visualization, obvious, brainstorming, and spotting for improving their design thinking. It would also enable to obtain reliable outcome (Liebmann, et al., 2016).  Further, I realized that these factors could be effective for issue finding in a reliable manner.

I improved my design thinking process to solve the problems in a reliable way. Further, It is analyzed that knowledge about tools enables an individual to solve the query of the firm to get a reliable outcome (Brown and Green, 2015). I also observed that visualization picturing could facilitate to make effective design thinking. In this week, I gained my knowledge towards job mapping, value network, and value chain to design the specified product in a systematic way. In the journey mapping, I gained my understanding with respect to graphics presentation that was imperative for me to demonstrate the consumer experience with respect to products and services.

Further, I realized that journey mapping supports to improve the graphics presentation that is effective for demonstrating consumers experience with respect to the products and services. There are three major factors that could be effective for the accomplishment of organizational goal like visualize possible experience, the prototype of new ideas, and the establishment of existing experience. In the journey mapping, an individual could follow an individual like the selection of appropriate consumer, graphically demonstrate the consumer expectation for any specified goods and services (Rodríguez?Triana, Martínez?Monés, Asensio?Pérez, and Dimitriadis, 2015).  Subsequently, the organization could determine the number of consumers for conducting their interview and identify themes. I increased my knowledge in the context of adding value as it would be imperative for improving the existing business condition of the firm. I increased my knowledge in the context of the generic value chain in which two different activates could be considered like primary and secondary activities (Tarone, Gass, and Cohen, 2013).

I observed that primary activities are considered different factors like logistics, operation, outbound, outbound logistics, marketing, services, and sales. Apart from this, I also observed that support activities could include many components such as human resources management, technology development, procurement, and firm infrastructure. I learned about the method of creating the journey Mindmap (Vurdien, 2013). I observed that such kinds of data could be imperative to enhance my personality caused by increasing my understanding of the various sector.    

In the next week, I improved my research skills that could also be effective for the attainment of specified aim and objectives like data types, research approaches, ethics, and data sources that could be imperative in grooming my personal as well as my professional life. I observed that a single tool of the research was imperative for performing well in the organization and getting a reliable outcome. The depth of knowledge in the context of research design could enable the organization to get reliable information in the context of reliable information (Kratochwill, 2013). The whole procedure is practiced for interview structure design as well as evaluating the ethical problems.       

In the next week, I observed that the development of the concept, testing, rapid prototyping, and assumption. It will support to me for effective blog writing in the upcoming period. Moreover, the second act is based on assumption testing in which tutors offers data with respect to the hypothesis. Through this, an individual could accept and reject the assumption as per the collected information and get a reliable outcome. Further, I realized that last activity relies on the rapid prototyping as it could be supportive for me to effectively think. Further, the rapid prototyping could support to make a prototype in a systematic way (Boniel-Nissim and Barak, 2013). Thus, I observed that understanding of these activities that could be effective for making a reliable decision making procedure.     

In next week, I increased my understanding in the context of certain approaches as it could be effective in innovative design. I created my knowledge towards launching readiness in which two components are imperative like launch readiness of content and planning purpose. Herein, I gathered feedback on the storyboard and prototype. In addition, I also realized that feedback could lead to eliminating problems in a reliable way. In addition, I also realized that planning could consider certain factors like make plan for goods and services goal, the hypothesis that will be proved in future, techniques and tools, financial requirements, and whole cycle procedure of design (Creswell, 2013). I observed that this week was more beneficial for me as compared to other weeks because in this I gathered many feedbacks on my storyboard and prototype from the group members as they support to refine my existing skills in the upcoming period.     

In week ninth, I increased my knowledge with respect to many factors like target market, 4Ps of marketing, entrepreneurial marketing campaign, marketing, competitor analysis, and communication. These components are imperative in designing of any marketing campaign (Boniel-Nissim and Barak, 2013).  I also understood that how we give a presentation in the class, which skills we need to improve. In the last second week, I gained my understanding about types of communication methods in the class as it could be effective for directly converse with others in the least time and cost. These communication channels are word of mouth, partners, social media, traditional media, digital, and direct communication. These methods enable the researcher to make an appropriate relationship with others. It could also improve conversation skills as it could build my personality in long-term. At last, it is also observed that knowledge about entrepreneurial fundraising campaigns could be effective in the accomplishment of a task in the least time and cost (Kratochwill, 2013).                         

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analysis technique is effective for critically evaluating the personality of an individual (Boniel-Nissim and Barak, 2013). Hence, I used this technique as it would be for self-analysis. From this, I was capable to address my many skills as it associated with my strengths, weakness, opportunity, and threat. This self-analysis tool is effective for evaluating the positive and negative qualities of an individual. Strengths and weaknesses of an Indi dual could be considered as internal components while threats and opportunities are included in the external factor. SWOT analysis is discussed as below:


  • Capable to learn new things
  • Active Listener


  • Lack of communication skills
  • Lack of patience


  • Simply learning capability supports to obtain higher benefits at least time and cost. 


  • Lack of patience could create issues for solving the issue in the least time and get a higher outcome.

Action Plan for improving my skills

An effective action plan could be imperative to enhance my confidence level along with patience level in determined time. I decided six months of the time period to improve my weaknesses effectively. The action plan is discussed in the table as it is practiced for improving my communication and patient level skills:

Patience Level Improvement Action Plan:                               

Serial .No.

Concepts and Models for improving the patience level issue

Time structure

(in weeks)

Evaluate: Patience level issue method


Mixed model: Self-assessment


I will be able to determine my approaches in depth. 


Ability Model


I will also be capable to develop a depth understanding in the context of my behavior and emotions.


Trait Model


I will also be an ability to control on myself and positively react at the time of success along with failure. It will support to solve the query in a reliable way.    


Mixed Model: Fellow feeling


This method will facilitate me to make reliable relationship with consumers, facilities, and colleagues. It will be effective for improving my professional and personal skills.    


Mixed Model: Group Skills


It will help me to create a robust relationship with group members and improve their patience level by understood each member behavior.

Action plan to improve communication skills

Serial. No.

Concepts and Models to improve the confidence level 

Time Structure

Evaluate: Methods to the confidence level



Week 14-15

It will help me to examine where I sound high and where I sound low.



Week 16-18

It will support to improve my pronunciation and language issue in a reliable way.



Week 19-20

It will enable to intensely understand comprehend my personality that could support me to improve my confidence level.   


Determine Problem

Week 21-23

It will enable an individual to identify issues in an appropriate way in the context of the confidence level. It will also support to influence more audience because of the determination of problems.


Thought Process

Week 24

It will support me to extremely understand the situation before reacting to the behavior of others. 


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Boniel-Nissim, M., & Barak, A. (2013). The therapeutic value of adolescents’ blogging about social-emotional difficulties. Psychological Services, 10(3), 333.

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Cash, P., Hicks, B., & Culley, S. (2015). Activity Theory as a means for multi-scale analysis of the engineering design process: A protocol study of design in practice. Design Studies, 38, 1-32.

Chapman, W. (2018). Engineering modeling and design. UK: Routledge.

Creswell, J. W. (2013). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach. USA: Sage publications.

Göçer, Ö., Hua, Y., & Göçer, K. (2015). Completing the missing link in building design process: Enhancing post-occupancy evaluation method for effective feedback for building performance. Building and Environment, 89, 14-27.

Greenbaum, J. (2017). A design of one’s own: towards participatory design in the United States. In Participatory Design (pp. 27-37). CRC Press.

Grudzie?, ?., & Hamrol, A. (2016). Information quality in design process documentation of quality management systems. International Journal of Information Management, 36(4), 599-606.

Kratochwill, T. R. (Ed.). (2013). Single subject research: Strategies for evaluating change. USA: Academic Press.

Kuo, T. C., Smith, S., Smith, G. C., & Huang, S. H. (2016). A predictive product attribute driven eco-design process using depth-first search. Journal of cleaner production, 112 (4), 3201-3210.

Lewis, S. (2015). Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among five approaches. Health promotion practice, 16(4), 473-475.

Liebmann, L., Zeng, J., Zhu, X., Yuan, L., Bouche, G., & Kye, J. (2016, June). Overcoming scaling barriers through design technology cooptimization. In VLSI Technology, 2016 IEEE Symposium on (pp. 1-2). IEEE.

Luger, E., Urquhart, L., Rodden, T., & Golembewski, M. (2015, April). Playing the legal card: Using ideation cards to raise data protection issues within the design process. In Proceedings of the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (pp. 457-466). ACM.

Press, M., & Cooper, R. (2017). The design experience: the role of design and designers in the twenty-first century. UK: Routledge.

Rix, J., Haas, S., & Teixeira, J. (Eds.). (2016). Virtual prototyping: Virtual environments and the product design process. Springer.

Rodríguez?Triana, M. J., Martínez?Monés, A., Asensio?Pérez, J. I., & Dimitriadis, Y. (2015). Scripting and monitoring meet each other: Aligning learning analytics and learning design to support teachers in orchestrating CSCL situations. British Journal of Educational Technology, 46(2), 330-343.

Seixas, P., Gibson, L., & Ercikan, K. (2015). A design process for assessing historical thinking. New directions in assessing historical thinking, 102-116.

Tarone, E. E., Gass, S. M. and Cohen, A. D. (2013). Research methodology in second-language acquisition. UK: Routledge.

Vurdien, R. (2013). Enhancing writing skills through blogging in advanced English as a Foreign Language class in Spain. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(2), 126-143.

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