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Mgmt20135 Critical Thinking And Managerial Assessment Answers

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For example, students could identify the concepts of “automatic versus critical thinking” as a theme for one week’s reflection, and illustrate with personal examples how having learned about the differences has enabled him/her to be more effective in making a certain decision at work. Close to the end, the essay needs to reflect on self-knowledge and highlight implications for future self-development. To successfully complete this assessment task, students should answer the following reflective essay questions:

  • Which concepts/theories from which week’s learning activities are significant or important to you?
  • Why are these concepts/theories you have identified important or significant to you? (Theoretical review)
  • How are the concepts/theories you have learned influencing/impacting your decision-making in relation to your current interpersonal relationships, professional workplaces and/or personal life? (Practical Application)
  • What have you learned about yourself through the unit activities? What skills do you possess and what skills are you lacking? How are you going to improve your decision-making in the future? (Self-knowledge and self-development)
  • You should tie all your arguments/insights together at the end of your paper, highlighting how you think you will be able to use your learning in your future career and in life generally



Critical thinking is a practice and analytical process of thinking. This process allows people to analyse and evaluate the information in a critical way, thereby allowing them to make better and faster decisions. It also helps people to prevent them from accepting new information as truth through logical reasoning while helping them to recognise and limit the occurrence of fallacies.

However, using different tools such as utility theory, self-awareness, self-efficacy and psychological contract, the method will help both me and the organisation I will be working for in my future to determine thinking in a more structured way. Therefore, the essay focuses on the importance of using the tools and its impact on my future life and career. At the end of it, the study helps to analyse the lessons learnt from the usage of the tools.  

Logical reasoning 

Importance/relevance to me 

As stated by Brannen, Piekkari & Tietze (2017), logical reasoning is followed by a series of systematic steps in a rational way dependent on mathematical procedures and a given statements to deduce a conclusion. It is one of the core foundations for economics as well as business management courses. This form of reasoning is classified into two different forms of deductive reasoning and inductive reasoning.

Impact of these tool on a student's future career

A deductive form of reasoning is important as it involves with the top down of logic where the conclusion is dependent on the concordance of numerous premises. On the contrary, Howard, Tang & Austin (2015) stated that inductive reasoning is the counterpart of the Deductive reasoning as it is known as bottom down logic. An abductive form of reasoning is the most relevant for me as it will help me to obtain the best explanation with a set of pre-conditions.

The process of abductive logical reasoning will help the students to develop a hypothesis that can be later used by additional date for reasoning out the situation. The process will influence me to act in an instinctive in terms of my future career while allowing me to reason out things generating hypotheses (Arnott & Pervan, 2016).  In my future and present career I will be able to use the tools for reasoning out complicated situation thereby helping in coordinating the employees.

Lessons learned

Therefore, this process will help me in achieving the career in management utilising the tools of logical reasoning by providing clarity to the problem. Moreover, the process will allow me in reaching the conclusion by creating a strong foundation of the decision within less duration of time.

Therefore, the lessons that I have learnt from the logical reasoning tools is that there is a different type of decision-making tools (Maitland & Sammartino, 2015). This tool will help me in appreciating the underlying premises through a sequential process of reaching the conclusion thereby influencing and persuading the employees.

Utility theory 

Utility theory is based on the individual’s preferences of beliefs. According to Saltiel (2017), it is a relevant theory that is postulated in Economics for illustrating the attitude of the individuals based on which individuals will be able to rank their opinions on the basis of their preferences.

Importance/relevance to me 

The theory is important for me as it seeks to illustrate the individuals represented behaviour and opinions. The difference between normative and positive factors of the theory is essential in the discipline of economics. Raineri (2015) argued that economic theories need to be normative that means there has to be prescriptive and illustrate people to act according to it.  

Impact of these tool on a student's future career

 In economic utility theory of governed by individual way of decision making.  From the use of this tool, I think I will be able to learn the intuitive explanation for the assumptions, completeness and rationality while making a decision. Finally, the tool will allow me to discuss and compare in between various assumptions underlying the functions of utility (Intezari & Gressel, 2017).  The theoretical tool will help to influence me to pursue a career in science and economics that is topmost priority of all of us.

The impact of utility theory is to improve the process of decision making thereby allowing them and all the possible bundles. This means even if a number of combinations of consumptions are kept in front of me, I will be able to rank the bundle based on my personal preferences (Biermann et al., 2016). This, in turn, explains the fact that I will be able to compare any of the bundle with the other and rank them in terms of satisfaction.

Lessons learned

 The lesson that I have learned from this tool is that this tool will provide me with the ability to solve complicated problems. For doing so, I need an idea, an appropriate solution to solve things in a creative way. Therefore, this tool will help me to solve a bundle in a thoughtful through a variety of perspectives.


Awareness is the critical thinking skills that emphasise on the student's ability to properly judge their own activity and performance thereby allowing them to respond effectively to a various social situation (Spicer, Alvesson & Kärreman, 2016).

Importance/relevance to me 

Therefore, according to my perspective, Self-awareness tools are necessary as it will help me to express their feeling as well as to understand the behaviour of others. For instance, I may use their self-awareness skills when I notice someone doing unethical things where others including me, are trying it to do in an ethical way (Glen, Suciu & Baughn, 2014). However, there is two type of self-awareness tools that can be used by the students, private self-awareness and public self-awareness.  

From my perspective, private self-awareness is when I am aware of myself that others may not be aware of.  As influenced by the view of Moldavanova (2016), I can say that public self-awareness is where I will be aware of the way other people observe me. Both the type of self-awareness tools are helpful for me as it works together in understanding their process of thinking and feeling by identifying their strengths and weakness.

Impact of these tool on a student's future career

By utilising the tools, I think I will be able to identify the task that is needed to be completed while identifying the errors in their thoughts and tasks, as well as to make changes in the task. This will be very helpful for me in determining their future career in management decision making allowing me to recognise other people’s needs and opinions.

Lessons learned

According to my opinion, the lessons learned here is that self-awareness is necessary for me in self-monitoring a task. That means I will be able to maintain track of their task. This will also lead to self-reflection by thinking over things for seeking ways to make things properly in the future.


According to Yurtseven & Buchanan (2016), an excellent sense of self-efficacy comes from a variety of experiences, specifically when students observe individuals that consider as their role model. Similar to this students can learn from their classmates.

The relevance of the tool

According to me, increasing an individual’s self-efficacy is a crucial element in encouraging success in my career. By this method, I can be easily stimulated with critical thinking ability and comprehending difficult situation thereby increasing the level of self-efficacy (Atsan, 2016). These can be used through a variety of relevant strategies such as dialogic, open-ended questionnaires, positive reinforcement, increased availability and flipped class environment. Therefore, for this kind of beneficial element present in the tool I think this tool is relevant for my future learning and career growth.

Impact of the tool on a student's future career

After researching on this topic I have found that, self-efficacy has a high impact on my academic motivation and learning. Extensive research in this context have found that there is a probability of positive influence of self-efficacy on my future learning and meeting academic performance.  On the contrary to this, as inspired by the opinion of Arnott, Lizama & Song (2017) it can be argued that a causal impact of self-efficacy on academic performance is found to be the necessary issues raise in educational research. Generally, it has been reported that the mathematical ability of self-efficacy may help me to predict the choice of math associated courses for their future career.

Lesson learned

The lessons that I have learned here is that self-efficacy tools are necessary for accomplishing the academic performance and thereby improving my ability of learning. According to my belief, this will help me to gain confidence and to get involved with the subject material out of the classroom environment.

Psychological contract

The psychological contract is a negligible mutual belief, perspective and informal restrictions in between two parties (Anagnostopoulos, Byers & Shilbury, 2014). However, psychological contract in between teacher and students are usually signified by their expectations that were reached through psychological identity by communication.

The relevance of the tool

According to my belief, a psychological contract is a relevant tool as it is a special type of contract that was formed on the basis of the emotional communication that reached an invisible understanding of rights and the restrictions. This tool will assist me to build a curriculum of the network in between students and teachers. Therefore, the tool is relevant for my career.

Impact of the tool on a student's future career

 I have found that for a definition of psychological contract as a tool shares different viewpoint. However, as received from the analysis and opinion of the researchers it has been found that psychological contract consists of features such as subjectivity, uncertainty and dynamic capability.  As influenced by Atsan (2016), it can be asserted that based on the individual psychology in combination to their work, there may be issues due to its two-dimensional structure that helps in the short-term development of the economy. With the help of a psychological contract, I will be able to get reasonable regards, and help in encouraging excitement as well as motivation in between my teachers and me.

Lesson learned

From the study, it is evident and I have learnt that schools and university need to strengthen the degree of psychological contract for avoiding negative emotion while learning specifically while implementing cultural teaching. At the same teachers are required to realise the promotion of the ability to learn managing balance state.

Emotional intelligence 

Emotional intelligence is different from the factors of common intelligence. Specifically, it is the ability of the individual student to supervise their own emotion and to monitor emotions of others as well while understanding the difference in between them (Glen, Suciu & Baughn, 2014). This tool is used to understand the emotions of oneself as well as others.

The relevance of the tool

The tool is relevant for my career since it is an essential tool for learning. The ability to utilise emotional intelligence will help me in developing a healthy relationship is not only the realm of education but also in my future career. There are four dimensions of emotional intelligence that is needed to be used by me for supporting my actions of learning (Intezari & Gressel, 2017). They are factors of understanding one's own emotion, emotional management of the difficult situation, success in analysing other empathy and developing a healthy relationship with others.

Impact of the tool on a student's future career

From research in this context I have found that there is a positive influence of using emotional intelligence on my’ work-related results. In this aspect, Spicer, Alvesson & Kärreman, (2016) influenced my viewpoint stating that emotional intelligence has a positive influence on my academic learning and job performance helpful for my future career.

Moreover, the tool will help me in building a positive interpersonal relationship with all their peers and teachers while affecting the work associated results of the individuals. For instance, influenced by Yurtseven & Buchanan (2016) view I can suggest that traits based on emotional intelligence has a positive impact on the performance of my interview. It will also enhance the contextual performance of my academic as well as future career.

Lesson learned

According to me the lessons learned here is that positive reinforcement of emotional intelligence within the learning environment may help me in the improving the environment of the school. Moreover, this will help me in an effective way in progressing towards academic success inside and outside the classroom.


Therefore, it is evident from the study that these, decision making and analytical tools have a significant role in the society as they interact with many individuals within the society. In order to transfer knowledge in an effective way, all the thoughts and opinions are needed to be to reason out in a stable way. These will not only help me in dealing in a difficult situation in the classroom but also help in improving future learning of the students.  

The present study indicates that using these tools I will be able to develop emotionally as well as logical competencies and skills that will help them in understanding the problems of others.  Theories such as utility theory, psychological contract theory will help me in improving decision-making skills thereby apprehending self-awareness and skills of self-efficacy in work.

These skills will allow me to choose a specific career in their future thereby helping them in approaching different skills of management. Therefore, for understanding different dimensions of analytical process and management, critical thinking is necessary is necessary for evaluating the different situation for my future career as well as my general life.

Reference list

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