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Mba 7099 Effective Leadership On Assessment Answers

Background and Literature Review:

The competitive nature of the hotel industry in the recent times has been pressurizing the organizations to retain the efficient employees so that the services that are provided by them can help in gaining a competitive advantage. The international tourism hotels mostly rely on the quality of services that they provide to the customers for which the efficiency of the employees needs to be increased. However, the rate of growth in the hotel industry has decreased due to the high rate of turnover among the employees (Mokaya et al. 2013).

The employee’s satisfaction affects the loyalty of the employees across the organization in a direct manner. The loyalty of the employee can be defined as the process through which various attitudes arise among the people and leads to certain behaviours. There are two dimensions in loyalty that is internal and external. The internal dimension is based on the components of emotion where the employer needs to have a proper understanding of the feelings and the problems that the employees are facing within the organization (Karatepe and Karadas 2015). The external dimension is the manner in which loyalty tries to manifest itself among the employees. This dimension of loyalty tends to change at a faster rate within the people. Loyalty and trust among the employees is important in providing the development that is required to the employees so that they can work in an efficient manner. Except from this, the relationship between organizational structure, leadership and culture that is present within the organization helps in building up the loyalty among the employees (Zopiatis, Constanti and Theocharous 2014).

Rationale of Project:

Most of the experts are of the view that most of the hotel organizations are spending hugely so that the employees can be seasoned and serve the organizations in a better way. The loss of the employees results in losing out the amount that has been spent on training them. This is due to the fact that recruiting new employees in the organization results in consumption of time and amount as well. In the recent times, it has been seen that most of the employees who are gaining experience within a particular organization are willing to change their organization sue to the better opportunities that they are getting in the new place (Yeh 2013). This has resulted in the loss of skilled workers in some of the hotel organizations. This research will focus mainly on highlighting the importance of rewards and development on the career so that it can help in increasing the loyalty among the employees.

Aims and/or Hypothesis of your Research:

Aim and objectives

The aims and objectives of this research will be as follows:

To understand the relationship between development of career

Loyalty of the employees

To establish a relationship between the rewards system and employee loyalty

Research questions

The questions for this research will be as follows:

How does career development help in increasing employee loyalty?

How does reward system increase employee loyalty within the organization?

Research hypothesis

The hypothesis for this research will be as follows:

Developing the career and proper rewards system does not help in increasing employee loyalty within the hotel industry

Developing the career and proper rewards system help in increasing employee loyalty within the hotel industry

Research Design

The research design helps the researcher in gaining a better knowledge regarding the topic that has been taken up in the research, which will allow him in to increase the knowledge regarding the variables used in the process of research. The research design is mainly of three types namely exploratory, descriptive and explanatory.  The design that is explanatory in nature helps in identifying the relationship among the different variables that is present in the research process (Bauer 2014). The researcher is also able to create a link between the variables. The exploratory type of design allows the researcher in gaining knowledge about the background of the research. The design that is descriptive is based on the actual purpose on which the research is being done. This research process will be using the descriptive design that will help the researcher in getting a better understanding of the topic. The researcher will also be able to use objectives and questions in the research so that it can be completed in an efficient manner (Tuohy et al. 2013).


The research methods available for the process allow the researcher in gathering the data in a proper manner that is relevant to the topic chosen for the research process. The use of the right method helps in influencing the outcome quality for the research. Moreover, the correct research methods will enable the researcher in collecting the proper information that is according to the chosen topic.



The management of the hotels had a belief that the most optimum marketing strategy was to attain as much as customers as possible. They identified the significance of satisfying the customers but the key aim was to sustain the discovery of the new customers. In the current time period, the marketing strategy is not sufficient for a successful business. It is more significant to enhance the satisfaction level of the customers and thereby retain them in order to maintain their level of loyalty (Jani and Han 2014). Customer loyalty is known to be a process of making sure that financial sustainability of the companies is maintained for the long term.   

The development of customer loyalty and satisfaction is dependent on the service that is given by the employees. It is due to this fact that satisfaction of the employees need to be maintained with the help of which the hotels would be able to enhance the level of performance and maintain competitive edge (Amin et al. 2017).  The hotel industry in the current time period extensive level of services to their customers and therefore the level and the efficiency of the service is dependent on the employees and the workers who are working in the hotel (Karatepe and Karadas 2015). The relationship among the customers and the employees play a significant role in the development of the hotel industry and in the hotels and therefore it is seen that employee satisfaction and loyalty leads to the development of the 5 star hotels. 5 star hotels are known to be the hotels that are one of the best hotels throughout the globe. These hotels provide various kinds of services and offer various amenities to their customers and these services can be provided with the satisfaction level of their employees.

The extent of employee satisfaction delivers the best performance out of the employees and this is the reason why the hotel companies need to undertake various steps and strategies with the help of which the extent of satisfaction can be maintained among the employees (Al-Refaie 2015). This thesis therefore has the intention of undertaking an extensive analysis with the help of which an idea can be obtained about how employee satisfaction can lead to loyalty in five star hotels. The thesis therefore would analyse the extent of employee satisfaction on loyalty in the five star hotels in Limassol in Cyprus.

Background of the Study

The extent of competition in the hotel industry in the current time period has been compelling the companies to retain their effective employees so that the extent of services that are offered by them can be maintained in order to retain the competitive advantage of the hotels. The international hotels mainly depend on the service quality that is offered to their customers and it is due to this fact the level of efficiency of the employees need to be increased. However, the extent of development in the hotel industry has declined due to the increased turnover rate among the employees (So et al. 2016).

The satisfaction level of the employees has an impact on the employee loyalty among all the hotels in a direct way. The level of employee loyalty can be explained as the procedure with the help of which behaviour and the attitude come up among the employees and this leads to the creation of distinct behaviours (Bouranta, Psomas and Pantouvakis 2017). There are two kinds of loyalty that are seen and they are known to be internal and external in nature. The internal dimension is on the basis of the element of emotion in which the employers need to have effective knowledge and understanding of the problems and the feelings that the employees face within a company (Jani and Han 2015). On the other hand, the external dimension is the process with the help of which loyalty tries to be shown among the employees. The extent of loyalty looks to later as an increasing pace among the individuals. Trust and loyalty among the employees is vital in providing the growth that is essential to the employees in order to make them perform in an effective manner. It is even seen that the relationship among the company structure, culture and leadership that is existent among the companies is helpful in creating loyalty among the employees.

Rationale of the Project

The researchers who have undertaken research on this topic are in the opinion that most of the hotel companies are making expenses hugely in order to season the employees and thereby they are able to service the companies in a much effective manner. The employee loss leads to the loss of the amount that has been used for the purpose of training them. This is mainly due to the fact that recruitment of new employees in the hotels leads to time consumption and expenses as well. In the current time period, it has been observed that most of the employees who have been attaining experience within a company are looking to make a change in their company mainly due to the better opportunities which they have been offered by other companies (Wong and Li 2015). This leads to the loss of experienced employees in certain hotel companies. This thesis would therefore concentrate extensively on addressing the significance of rewards recognition and rewards and the development on the career so that it can be helpful in enhancing the extent of employee loyalty.

Aims and Objectives of the Research

The objective and aim of the research is given as follows:

  • To gain an understanding of the relationship among the development of the career of the employees
  • Development of employment loyalty
  • To establish relationship among employee loyalty and reward system

Research Question

The research question for this thesis is:

1. How does development of career assist in the development of employee loyalty?

2. How does the reward and recognition process assist in the rise in the extent of loyalty among the employees in the hotel companies?

Research Methodology

In order to undertake the research a quantitative research process with an explanatory approach is used. A survey questionnaire is formulated in order to ascertain the employee satisfaction and its effect on 5 star hotels at Limassol, Cyprus. The survey questionnaire is distributed to employees of various 5 star hotels. 100 responses of the survey were found valid for the survey and thus was analysed. The impact of employee satisfaction and its effect on the hotel industry was deduced from the results of the survey.

Structure of the Study

In order to undertake the study, the study has been divided into five chapters. The first chapter introduces the aims and objectives of the study. The preamble to the study is set forth through the research questions. Previous work done in the field of employee satisfaction at hotels is researched in the second chapter. The objectives of the study set forth through the readings of previous research work. In chapter three we discuss the methodology used to undertake the research work. The design philosophy and approach towards studying the employee satisfaction and its effect in chapter four is provided in this chapter. Analysis of the survey data is undertaken in chapter four. In chapter five we provide the link between the findings of the survey, previous research work and the objectives of the study. Recommendations for future research which can be undertaken is discussed in chapter six. The last chapter also provides the limitations to the present study.

Literature Review

The current paper that has been taken into consideration considers the aspect with the help of which the impact of employee satisfaction on the five star hotels can be understood. It is seen that satisfaction of the employees play a vital role as they are the ones who are performing and doing their duties within the hotels with the help of which a hotel can serve their customers and maintain their operational activities. The literature review that has been constructed has the intention of addressing the aspects and with respect to employee satisfaction in the hotels that have been explained by various other researchers and individuals who have done their researches on these aspects and thereby better idea can be ascertained. These elements and the aspects that would be addressed will be helpful in creating an idea with the help of which analysis on this paper can be completed.

The previous studies that have been undertaken has addressed that most employee satisfaction is related to the training program and the extent of motivation in the hotel industry. The key idea of the studies have been to create an effective working environment for the employees that associates to the extent of employee satisfaction. The early processes towards motivation has concentrated on the different human wants and needs that is inclusive of shelter, food, the desire for social contracts and the desire for creative expression (Jung and Yoon 2015). The current theories have taken into account that the employees make their choices by depending on the outcome that they value and the processes that they look out to be realistic, their long term aims and goals and their extent of justice and fairness.

Understanding the concept of job satisfaction

By reviewing the motivational theories put forth by Herzberg, it is seen that employees are in need of some sort of personal identification and this is helpful in mitigating tension and enhances the working scenario. It is seen that employee satisfaction and their motivation have been key and essential issues. Zopiatis, Constanti and Theocharous (2014) have even added up the fact that increased level of absenteeism and employee turnover can have an impact on the bottom line with respect to recruitment and retention that takes its toll, but there are certain companies that have been looking forward prioritise employee satisfaction and this is mainly due to the fact that satisfied employees are found to be more efficient and productive and are more committed to their companies.

Ways to meet the needs of the employees

In case the hotel is looking forward to maintain a customer focused strategy, then the companies start concentrating on their employees. Kang, Gatling and Kim (2015) addressed that employee satisfaction is undertaken with the help of the empowerment of employees, career development, training and employee input. Most of the companies have the belief that the process to deliver quality services has been empowering the employees. It has been discovered that the hotels that have been offering extensive level of training to their employees have enjoyed the highest degree of employee satisfaction. This has satisfied the customers as well as it is seen that they have been seen to return to the hotel the next time because of the extent of friendliness of the employees and their efficient and quality services.

There has always been a mistake from the part of the managers with the fact that all the customers have the desire for same things and this has an impact on the employees as it is seen that they are not given adequate and proper training. The managers cannot compel the employees to get motivated but when the managers have the knowledge about the desires that the employees have from the management and the companies then they can take measures with the help of which employees are satisfied with their management. Lu and Gursoy (2016) addressed the fact that there are three kinds of desires that the employees have from the management of the hotels and they are known to be good salaries and wages, job security and the opportunities for development and promotions in the hotels. It is seen that effective and clean working environment has been another factor that is desired from the part of the employees.

Environmental programs

The employees have even considered environment as a significant factor as well. it is seen that environment being the natural environment and the working environment has been an essential factor. When considering the various benefits of incorporating the environmental programs, the management of the hotels overlook one of the most significant benefits. The hotels being environmentally accountable even enhances the extent of employee satisfaction and to be more precise the inefficiency to incorporate the environmental programs even increases the concerns of the employees. Lu et al. (2016) explained that most of the employees are in the intention of changing their daily schedules in order to support the hotels environmentally. Most of the employees have the intention of enhancing the environmental programs of their hotels and when development of the environment is possible the extent of customer satisfaction even increases.

Background of the hotel industry in Cyprus

The hotel industry in the country has shown significant amount of development over the previous few years and this has been due to the high rate of occupancy and the rate of employment in the country.  In the past few years, the hotel market of UK has been successful in creating sustainable developments and advantages by enhancing the economic scenario of the country. There was a time when due to the slowdown of the economy of Cyprus, the hotel market had a significant level of loss but in the recent times, the industry has been able to develop with the help of which income level of the economy as well as the industry has increased (Lee, Back and Chan 2015). The development in the hotel industry has paved way to the development of the rise in employment. New additional jobs have been developing as it is seen that development of the industry leads to vacancies in new posts and departments with the help of which the hotels are able to enhance their activities as well. The district of Limassol is a beautiful one which is covered with natural artefacts and beauties and therefore attracts a lot of travellers and tourists. Hence, hotel industry in this part of the country is a prosperous one. The hotel industry has mainly concentrated on the marketing strategy in order to promote their hotels and thereby bring in potential and retain their existing customers towards them (Molina-Azorín et al. 2015). The government has even been very supportive and therefore has provided legal and financial assistance to the hotels with the help of which they can incorporate additional technological developments and innovations.

Employees of the hotel industry

Importance of human resource management in hotels

The most essential department of the employees of the hotels have been the human resource management and the human resources have acted as the only connection among the hotels and the customers. The difference among the profitable and the effectively performing hotels with respect to the poor ones is mainly due to the efficiency level of their HR management which is vital for development. According to Kandampully, Zhang and Bilgihan (2015), the HR management has a vital role to play in ascertaining the performance of the hotels and ensuring that the right extent of hotel employees and the right time for giving out the services in order to satisfy the customers and even maintain the service quality of the hotels. Benavides-Velasco, Quintana-García and Marchante-Lara (2014) have supported this fact and have explained that the employees hired for the hotels can have an impact on the service quality and the working environment of the hotels. Therefore, it is essential to choose the upbeat and the dedicated employee for the various positions in the hotels.

According to the words of McPhail et al. (2015), it is the function of HR management to make sure that the hospitable and the effective individuals are engaged as the employees of the hotels that are competitive enough to handle with the diverse customers or the tourists who are coming from various areas of the world. Joung et al. (2015) contrasted with this and cited that not only engaging effective employees is vital for maintaining a cordial environment at the hotels but even retention of these employees for a longer time period is even essential for the HR management. This not only mitigates the additional cost of the hotels who are associated with frequent staff recruitment and even providing them with the training on hospitability. However, it is difficult for the management of the hotels to retain the employees as it is seen that most of them have the intention of working as a part time in order to gain instant money with no sort of aspiration to stay in this industry in the near future. Du Preez and Bendixen (2015) in this respect explained that as most of the employees of the hotels do not prefer to have their engagement in the hotels as their career goal, they look to stay and perform as the employees of the hotels only for a small time frame in order to earn some sort of income.

The ineffective work ethics and culture and the barriers of language are some of the factors that are behind the increased rate of employee turnover in the hotel industry. However, there are several other ways with the help of which the HR management can mitigate the intention and the likelihood of the employees to leave their hotel related jobs. The significance of HR management in the hotel sector is therefore huge in aspect (Dhar 2015). With the provision of effective training and incentives it may retain the employees of the hotel for a longer time frame. The HR department of the hotels with the help of clear progression plans and policies in order to enhance the extent of the services of their hotels can make their employees to stay back to their jobs for a longer time period.

The problem in relation to engagement of the employees and their promotion is even essential for the hotel industry which again increases the significance of HR management in the hotel businesses. The hotels that take several actions to develop the position of the employees and provide training related to hospitality so that they can gain essential skills for communicating and welcoming with various kind of visitors are more efficient in the purpose of retaining the employees.       

Employee management and skill development to enhance the service quality

In order to develop the quality of service as well as the customer service, the companies need to concentrate on the management of the employees and their development of skills. There are various ways to enhance the skills and the knowledge of the employees in order to serve effective products and service quality to the customers (Huang and Rundle-Thiele 2014). The processes to manage the employees and enhance their skills and development of the employees have shown as follows:

Open communication and share information

Open communication within the hotel companies assist the sharing of the information and the understanding and the knowledge about the demands of the customers, prices and the product and service quality and the present trend of the market (Deery and Jago 2015). Open communication even assists the employees to recognise the organizational issues. The sharing of the information with the help of communication is even an essential process to develop their own skills in order to serve enhanced quality and thereby satisfying the customers.

Encourage innovation

The companies need to motivate and encourage the creative and innovative ideas of the employees and even needs to provide them the independence to work. This assists the development of the own skills and the processes to enhance the services that are given to the managers (Jauhari and Bharwani 2017). Technological and innovative developments assists the employees to incorporate the new transformations and make use of innovations in order to enhance their own working effectiveness and the overall performance of the companies.

Training and development

The training programmes provide a scope towards the employees to enhance their own skills and knowledge in order to enhance their level of effectiveness. As explained by Buil, Martínez and Matute (2016), the training given by the companies is efficient to provide precise information about the quality and the prices of the products and the services, processes to serve the customers and communicate with the customers for having a proper understanding about their preferences and tastes. The training programs inside the companies even provides the scope to make participations in a team and communicate with the others in order to enhance their own knowledge. Therefore, training is vital for serving quality services to the customers.

Provide constant feedback

It is essential for the managers to receive constant feedback in order to manage and monitor the performance of the employees. The review that is done on the annual performance assists to strategize for the development and training, mitigate the issues related to performance, promotion and developing their own skills for attaining the organizational goals (Guchait, Cho and Meurs 2015). The feedback of the performance and the performance strategy associated to incentives and payments influence the employees to enhance their own effectiveness in such a manner so that they are able to satisfy the customers. 

Collaborate on problem solving

The process of collaborative working service assists the employees in the hotel industry to rectify the issues related to the companies and the hotels and satisfy the customers by giving out effective service and product quality according to the trend in the market. Bontis, Janoševi? and Dženopoljac (2015) explained that the working practise and the experience assists the employees to enhance their skills in relation to problem solving and it is efficient for the hotel industry to resolve the issues of the customers according to the altering needs of the customers. Personal communication and experience assists the employees to rectify the issues of the customers and satisfy them by giving out effective services.

Therefore, the management of the employees within the hotel industry and development of their skills are essential in order to provide enhanced product and service quality. There are fundamental role of the knowledge and the skills of the employees on the employee performance in order to improve the quality of services and to satisfy the customers.

Effects of employee empowerment in the hotel industry

The empowerment of the employees assists to motivate the employees to work in an independent manner and take part in the process of making decisions within the companies. The empowerment of the employees gives the opportunity to undertake increased level of risks without sacrificing the mission, vision, quality and the goal of the companies. Han and Hyun (2015) suggested that open communication, team work, self-reward, problem solving skills and collaborative working practices and encouragement of the creativity of the employees are the optimum processes with the help of which the empowerment of the employees are possible. Not only monetary incentives and appraisal, but even looking for feedback from the employees in order to enhance the services is even another process of employee empowerment. The management and the manager try to assist the freedom of the employees, provide working hours that is flexible and compliment their efforts in order to motivate the employees and even empower them as the employee empowerment assists more in order to develop the services of the companies. 

The empowerment of the employees assists in the development of the productivity and mitigate the cost model with the help of innovations and creativity. As the work ownership increases, the effectiveness of the employees even rise and therefore they are able to deliver goods and services that are of the highest quality. The employees who are empowered also try to undertake more risks in order to attain better chancres to succeed. The empowerment of the employees additionally assists the employees to make use of the innovative ideas in order to satisfy the customers. As explained by Jayaweera (2015), the employees have been the one who can recognise the real needs of the customers and further innovation of the employees even assists in maximising the customer utility by making sure increased quality services of the hotel industry. The alternative and the technical ways of empowering the employees leads to rise in the level of productivity, quality assurance, job satisfaction, technological developments and extent of motivation.            

Employee performance

Efficiency of the performance of the employees on service quality

The quality of the services of the companies is dependent on the employee performance as the employees have a vital role to play in delivering the product quality and services to the customers according to their preferences and their needs. According to Ilkhanizadeh and Karatepe (2017), responsiveness, reliability, tangible products, empathy and assurance assists the employees to perform in a better manner so that they are able to satisfy the customers. Therefore, the performance of the employees has a vital role to play in delivering effective services to the customers. The effective working processes assist the employees to have an understanding of the perceptions of the customers with regards to the services and the products of the companies. It is the responsibility of the employees to explain the demands and the tastes of the consumers and it is essential to perform in an effective manner in order to enhance the overall effectiveness of the hotel sector. On the other hand, functioning with the others and even as a team is essential to enhance the working effectiveness of the employees and it has a significant level of impact on the service quality of the hotel sector. Performing with the others even assist the employees to rectify the problems related to cross culture within the company and deliver the service to the customers according to their demands and needs.

It is seen that the cooperation among the employees and the customers provide the scope to the employees to serve the correct products and services to the correct customers after recognising the real preferences and the demands of the customers. Performance associated pay, respect, appraisal and cooperation among the team members assist to motivate the employees where the employees are influenced to perform in a better manner in order to receive additional payment. Domínguez-Falcón, Martín-Santana and De Saá-Pérez (2016) debated that the quality of service is dependent on the performance of the employees and their process of communication for having an understanding of the perception of the customers. Therefore, in order to provide the better services, it is essential to have effective employees who would be able to manage the customers and assist them in resolving the issues. Kandampully, Bilgihan and Zhang (2016) addressed that open communication among the employees and the customers assist the customers to provide their views and assist the employees to provide better service quality by gaining the actual requirements.            

Employee Motivation and performance in hotel management

The availability of an effective ambience and service environment, effective operations and proper understanding of the demands of the customers leads to increased level of customer satisfaction and developing the loyalty of the customers who visits the hotels quite often. Teimouri et al. (2018) cited that the employees who have proper training and have been working hard try to deliver the services that are asked by the management of the hotels to their customers. It is even seen that communication done by the employees with the customers is vital in order to satisfy their timely needs and thereby the relationship among the customers and the employees can be maintained and satisfaction of the customers can be ascertained.

The performance of the employees is vital for the provision of the service quality in the hotels, which in turn increases the customer satisfaction. The hotel employees at every extent is the representative of the hotel and therefore the customers who are feeling neglected or have been treated shabbily will not have the interest to stay there longer or revisit the hotel next time. Asgharian et al. (2015) explained that the quality and the value of the services that are provided by the hotels are explained by the customers as they feel that the employees are accountable for providing better experiences for the guests and this is done not only with the help of training but even with their satisfaction level in order to meet the expectation value and the service quality of the guests. The management of the hotel as well as the HR managers have the responsibility of training the employees of the hotels and even motivating them in order to make them deliver extensive level of service experience to their customers (Özduran and Tanova 2017). The efficient ways for motivating the employees and keep them satisfied in the hotel industries have been to provide sufficient compensation, financial recognition and rewards, recognition programs etc and these are undertaken by the HR department of the hotels.

Park and Nicolau (2015) explained that the most general motivator of the performance of the employees is money, which constitutes of the direct compensations that they receive from the management for the services that are offered by them to their customers. The indirect compensation that constitutes of the health insurance, compensations that are deferred that retains some amount of money with the employees by providing them with the services and the benefits on the part of the management of the hotels in order to satisfy and encourage the employees so that they perform in a better way. However, researches that have been undertaken based on the psychological aspect have given out various kinds of studies and theories of employee satisfaction and they have explained the significance of the non-financial compensations in satisfying the employees.

The non-financial incentives and rewards like recognition and respect at the working environment etc can enhance the involvement of the employees and satisfaction among the employees of the hotels in order to provide quality and effective services. The various kinds of events like the recognition programs like “Start of the month, gift vouchers and certificates and recognition in the form of awards have been some of the general non-financial incentives that have been used in order to satisfy the employees (Jani and Han 2014). The management of the hotels mainly make use of the several kinds of non-financial compensations for developing the performance of the employees and developing the service quality of their hotels, which may enhance the extent of satisfaction among the customers.           

Effects of employee satisfaction on employee performance

The motivation of the employees assists in enhancing the performance and the satisfaction level of the employees and the motivational factors of the employees can be explained by discussing the theories that have been put forth Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The theory that has been put forth by Maslow is efficient in assessing the factors that are helpful in motivating the employees and enhance the satisfaction and the wellbeing of the employees (Karatepe et al. 2014). There are five general needs that the employees require and they are safety, psychological, belonging, self-actualization and self-esteem.

Psychological needs

These needs are known to be the general and the basic needs of the employees in order to survive in the minimum standard of living (Huertas-Valdivia, Llorens-Montes and Ruiz-Moreno 2018). The psychological needs of the employees are known to be water, food, clothing, sleep and breathing.


Security and safety demands of the employees need to be satisfied by the management of the companies in order to retain more employees and satisfy them in order to enhance their level of performance. The needs related to safety and security constitutes of safeguarding from poverty, morality, family, job security and health (Šeri?, Gil-Saura and Mikuli? 2017). The employees who working in the private sector are in need of job safety so that the employees cannot be terminated by the managers suddenly. In order to satisfy the employees, it is essential to keep the companies need and clean and provide an ideal working atmosphere where the employees are secured and safe.

Belonging needs

Love and belongings is another factor that can satisfy and motivate the employee to perform with others and enhance the level of productivity in the hotels. This need is associated to the social needs where the individuals think that they are coming from a certain society or group. Zhou et al. (2014) explained that by enhancing the relationship with the other employees, it is possible to enhance the performance on an overall basis and attain the organizational goals together. In order to construct the relationship in the hotels, the managers need to plan assistance and counselling sessions where the employees would have the opportunity to share their ideas and views. Therefore, the relationship motivates and satisfies the employees to perform cooperatively within a team and enhance the performance of the entire team.


Self-esteem is another significant factor that may satisfy the employees as it encourages the employees to enhance their working effectiveness. The employees are in need of an atmosphere where they would be respected and the employees are in need of receiving values while respecting others. The employees are even in need of attaining success and confidence with the help of which they would be respected and influenced to work in an effective manner (Rauch et al. 2015). Therefore, success, self-esteem, respect and confident assists the employee to provide better services to the customers who are visiting the hotels.


Self-actualization is essential for the employees in order to enhance their level of productivity, construct regulations and rules and maintain discipline that would satisfy as well as boost up their morale.  The need for self-actualization is vital for the employees in order to influence their own creativity and morality and this would even assist in the development of the skills with the help of which these problems will be resolved (Vassou, Zopiatis and Theocharous 2017). Therefore, the hotels has to create a working environment where the employees would have the liberty to make use of their own creativity. Therefore, the independence to work more satisfies the employees to work in an effective manner.

Therefore, in accordance to the theory, there are numerous demands that the employees look to fulfil after receiving their salaries and wages. If the hotels are successful in satisfying the employees by satisfying their demands, it is possible to enhance their effectiveness of work and improve the overall performance of the hotels. Therefore, the satisfaction factors have a significant amount of impact on the performance of the employees and the quality of service of the hotels.

Impact of Job Satisfaction

Chen, Huang and Petrick (2016) have addressed that there exists a positive relationship among employee satisfaction, customer satisfaction and the service quality. It explains that the management looks to satisfy the employees in order to enhance customer satisfaction and the extent of service quality. Hospitality is in need of human resources in order to deliver the services that are demanded by the customers. There have been past researches as well that have shown that the employees who are satisfied with their jobs are able to provide higher quality of services and therefore leading to increased level of customer satisfaction.

Hence, it is understandable that exists a relationship among providing increased service quality and satisfaction of job among the employees. On the other hand, Luo and Qu (2016) have cited that the dissatisfaction of the employees can reflect in a negative manner on the customer service and the performance of the companies in the hotel industry. It is due to the fact that the employees become a section of the product in delivering the services to their customers. 

Kele, Mohsin and Lengler (2017) explained that the ownership has an essential role to play with respect to the satisfaction of the employees. Saleem and Raja (2014) cited that the participation with respect to the process of making decisions improves their value and significance in the working atmosphere, which leads to the positive impact on the productivity, business performance and quality. According to Jaworski et al. (2018), job satisfaction leads to the mitigation of rate of turnover and absenteeism. Furthermore, it leads to the sustainable commitment and greater level of effectiveness.

Effects of social benefits on employee satisfaction

Ko, Moon and Hur (2017) explained social benefits of the employees  to be the time and compensation that a company gives to their employees and assist them to attain their social demands like spending time with the ones they love, health related securities etc. Xie et al. (2016) cited that family and work are the salient feature in the life of every individual. In their research, Albayrak and Caber (2015) have classified health insurance and leave as the conventional benefits of the employees and have insisted that these benefits are vital for the choice of job of the employees and retention.

Sourvinou and Filimonau (2018) undertook a research by relaying on the Social Exchange Theory and they have discovered that conventional benefits can be found to be positive and effective human resource practices that has been directed at the employees by the companies. They have addressed that the conventional benefits lead to accountabilities for the employees to reciprocate in the positive and the profitable ways that leads to the positive job satisfaction of the employees and mitigation in the intention of turnover. 


The overall literature that has been constructed assists in demonstrating the function of the performance of the employees in improving the service quality and the satisfaction of the customers. The literature even assists in recognising the significance of taking care of the human resources as it has a significant impact on the service quality and the satisfaction of the employees. The literature even assists in gaining an understanding of the hotel industry in Limassol and their benefits, employee empowerment and the development of their skills and knowledge with the help of which the satisfaction of the employees can be attained. In order to address the motivational factors, the Maslow’s hierarchy needs has been vital in this research. Therefore, this literature is helpful in taking the paper forward for the purpose of analysis in order to reach the desired result. 

Research Methodology

In the previous chapter, there has been discussion with respect to the aspects that have been discussed by other researchers with respect to employee satisfaction and their impact on the hotel industry especially in 5 star hotels. The literature has led to the development of the methodology where all the data that is used for this paper will be collected. The methodology would even identify the process that is used for the collection of the data. The methodology section determines the approach, philosophy and the design that is selected in accordance to this topic with the help of which better and effective data for the purpose of analysis will be collected. All these aspects that is discussed in this chapter will be helpful in attaining the results with the help of which better and effective outcome can be ascertained. 

Research Philosophy

The spirit related to any kind of research is discovered by looking into the paradigm that is related to any research. The research philosophy addresses a definite ideology and accordingly the data is collected for the chosen topic. Choy (2014) cited that there are four sorts of philosophies that are available for use and they are positivism, realism, interpretivism and pragmatism philosophies.

However, this paper is related to having an understanding of employee satisfaction on the performance of 5 start hotels in Limassol, Cyprus and hence, positivism philosophy has been chosen. This philosophy takes the research forward based on the reality and this reality is ascertained by making use of scientifically approved techniques. In this manner, the objectives of the paper can be ascertained and thereby better and effective results can be attained. As this research looks to undertake techniques that are approved scientifically, the other philosophies have not been selected.

Research Approach

The approach of the research refers to the theories and frameworks that will be used for the collection of the data and for assessment. There are several kinds of theories that are available and it is the discretion of the researcher with respect to the research in order to choose the correct approach. McCusker and Gunaydin (2015) explained that there are two kinds of approaches that can be used and they are known to be inductive and deductive approaches. Inductive approach refers to the design and development of new theories and models only for the purpose of this paper and these theories and models can be used with the help of which better and effective results can be ascertained. On the other deductive approach refers to the use of the models and frameworks that are already available for use as they have been constructed earlier by other researchers for various other researches.

This paper tries to understand the relationship between employee satisfaction and its impact on 5 star hotels in Limassol, Cyprus and hence deductive approach has been chosen. It is seen that deductive approach would assist the researcher in collecting primary data with the help of models and theories that are already available with the help of which better results for this paper can be attained. Inductive approach has not been chosen as there is no need for the development of new models in accordance to this topic.

Research Design

The design of the research refers to the guide of the research that is used in order to reach the objectives of the research. Bauer (2014) cited that the design of the research provides certain references for the results, which is needed for the overall research completion by depending on the discussed goals of the paper. Dang and Pheng (2015) explained that there are three sorts of designs that are available for use and they are namely descriptive research design, exploratory research design and explanatory research design.

With respect to the current research, descriptive research design has been selected simply due to the fact that the data that is collected will be explained in an explicit manner with the help of which the actual impact of employee satisfaction on the performance of the 5 star hotels in Limassol will be known.

Kind of data used

The current paper is looking forward to create an understanding of the impact of employee satisfaction on the performance of the five star hotels in Limassol, Cyprus. The data is always gathered with respect to the topic of the research. Munn et al. (2014) addressed that there are two kinds of data and they are known to be primary and secondary data. Primary data is known to be the data that is collected from the feedback of the respondents who are selected from a definite geographical location. Secondary data on the other hand refers to the data that is collected from various sources like electronic journals and manuals and internet websites. The sources that are used has to be linked to the topic of the research so that authentic data can be gathered.

However, in this research only primary data has been collected and this is done by taking help of the respondents who are selected from the individuals who are working in the 5 star hotels in Limassol. Accordingly, quantitative data analysis is undertaken so that all the data is transformed into figures and charts in order to attain the result that is desirable for the completion of the paper. 

Data Collection Process

The primary in accordance to the topic is collected from the respondents by designing a close ended questionnaire. The questions in the questionnaire are with respect to the topic so that it becomes easier for the respondents to answer them. The questionnaires are provided to the respondents and they are asked to submit the filled up questionnaires within a stipulated deadline so that this data can be used for analysis purposes.

Sample and Sample Size

Sampling refers to the process of selecting the respondents and the total number of items that would be used for the analysis purpose. Hammersley (2017) addressed that a bigger sample leads to much effective results. However, in relation to the current topic and the stipulated deadline, it is seen that 100 respondents from the employees working in the 5 star hotels in Limassol have been selected. It is their feedback that would be taken into account with the help of which analysis process can move forward. 

Data Analysis Plan

The analysis of the data is the most vital part of the research with the help of which better and effective results can be ascertained. The data analysis plan for this research is undertaken with the help of SPSS software, which is a statistical tool and this tool converts the data into the desired output that is essential in order to gain the outcome of the research.

Ethical Consideration

Ethics have been maintained in this paper as all the data has been collected from valid and precise sources (Barnham 2015). It is seen that validity of the data leads to the authenticity of the results and accordingly no false data has been used for this paper.   

Data Analysis

A detailed analysis of the collected survey data is presented in the present chapter. Initially we present a detailed analysis of the collected survey data. Next we present the reliability and correlation between the different factors which are responsible for satisfaction of employees of 5 star hotels. Finally, we present the conclusion towards the collected survey data.

Survey Data

To evaluate the satisfaction of the employees at 5 star hotels at Limassol, Cyprus we surveyed 100 employees. The analysis of the survey results are presented below: 

About Your Work Place

In order to investigate the perception of the employees at the Work place 5 questions were asked to the employees.

Table 1: Managers talk over with employees when they set goals for their department.





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






From the above analysis we find that 72% of the employees agreed with the fact that the managers consulted with the employees before setting goals for the departments. On the other hand, it was found that 20% of the employees of the hotels informed that the managers of the hotels did not consult the employees before setting the goals.

Table 2: Managers consider employees' needs when planning work schedules.





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






From the survey it was found that 63% of the employees agreed that the managers consider the needs of the employees when planning work schedules. On the other hand, it was found that 26% of the employees of the hotels that the mangers did not consider the employees when planning work schedules.

Table 3: Management must accredit changes that employees want to make





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






Further, it was found that 71% of the employees agreed that the managers recognized changes required by the employees. Contrary to this, 22% of the employees informed that the managers did not endorse changes requested by the employees.

Table 4: Managers and employees work together to solve problems from customer service





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






Moreover, from the survey it was found that 69% of the employees agreed that managers and employees worked together to solve problems from customer service. On the other hand, 20% of the employees disagreed that the managers and employees of the hotel work together to solve problems from customer service.

Table 5: Employees receive cross-training to do other job.





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






From the survey it was found that 73% of the employees received training to do other jobs. On the other hand, 20% of the employees reported that they did not receive cross-training for other jobs.

About Your Job

In this section the employees of the hotel were enquired about their satisfaction levels with their jobs.

Table 6: I would accept almost any type of job assignment in order to keep working for this hotel.





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






The analysis of the job satisfaction level of the employees elucidated that 63% of the employees would accept any type of job to keep working in the same hotel. On the hand, it was found that 20% of the employees informed that they are not interested in taking up any other except their present assignment in the hotel.

Table 7: I am willing to put a great deal of effort beyond that normally expected in order to help this hotel be successful.





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






It was found from the survey that 67% of the employees were willing to go beyond their present normal in order to keep working in the hotel. On the hand, only 20% of the employees said that they were not interested in working beyond their normal work schedule to be successful at the hotel.

Table 8: I feel very little loyalty to this hotel





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






It was found from the survey that 67% of the employees were willing to go beyond their present normal in order to keep working in the hotel. On the hand, only 20% of the employees said that they were not interested in working beyond their normal work schedule to be successful at the hotel.

Table 9: I am proud to tell others that I am part of this hotel





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






The survey reported that while 72% of the employees were proud of taking up jobs at their present hotel and they were willing to tell others about their present placement, 16% of the respondents were not interested in informing their present work place (hotel).

Table 10: I would just as well be working for a different hotel as long as the type of work was similar





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






Moreover, it was found from the survey that 74% of the employees were interested in working in a different hotel as long as the type of work was similar to the present work they were doing. On the other hand, it was found that 13% of the employees were not interested in working with a different hotel.

Your Opinion

The opinion of the employees was established in the present section.

Table 11: Enough Advancement opportunities at your Hotel?





Very Dissatisfied






Don't Know






Very Satisfied






The analysis of the survey showed that 65% of the employees were satisfied with the advancement opportunities in their present hotel. On the other hand, it was found from the survey that 20% of the employees were dissatisfied with the career advancement opportunities at their present hotel. Further, it was also found that 15% of the employees were unsure about the career advancement opportunities at their present hotel.

Table 12: Your direct Supervisor





Very Dissatisfied






Don't Know






Very Satisfied






Moreover, it was that 69% of the employees were satisfied with their direct supervisors. Contrary to this, 19% of the employees were dissatisfied with their direct supervisors. Additionally, 12% of the employees were unsure about how their immediate supervisors can be responsible for employee satisfaction.

Table 13: Your Level of Pay





Very Dissatisfied






Don't Know






Very Satisfied






From the survey it was found that 77% of the employees were satisfied with their level of pay. However, it was found that 14% of the respondents surveyed were dissatisfied with their present level of pay.  Moreover, 9% of the employees were unsure of how much pay they should receive for their present job.

Table 14: Interaction with your co-workers





Very Dissatisfied






Don't Know






Very Satisfied






In addition, 77% of the employees were satisfied with the interaction they have with their co-workers, contrary to 12% of the employees being unsatisfied. Further, 11% of the respondents were unsure about the benefit of interaction with co-workers and its impact on employee satisfaction.

Table 15: The reward system at the place





Very Dissatisfied






Don't Know






Very Satisfied






76% of the employees were satisfied with the reward system at their workplace. On the other hand, the survey revealed that 14% of the employees were not satisfied with reward system at their work place.

Your Benefits

In the section we surveyed the opinion of the benefits the employees received.

Table 16: The overall employee benefits program meets my needs





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






From the survey it was revealed that 70% of the employees at the hotels were satisfied with the overall employee benefits program prevalent at the hotel. However, it was found that 19% of the employees were not satisfied with the level of benefits prevailing at the hotel. Further, it was also found that 11% of the respondents the survey revealed that they did not know the benefits provided to the employees by the hotel.

Table 17: My benefits are worth what I have to pay for them.





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






Moreover, it was found that 74% of the respondents were satisfied with the benefits for which they have to pay. However, the survey also revealed that 18% of the employees were not satisfied with the benefits for which they have to pay. Moreover, it was revealed that 8% of the employees did not know that benefits existed for the employees for which they have to pay. 

Table 18: The Human Resource Department lets me know of changes in my benefits





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






From the survey it was learned that 68% of the employees agreed that the HR department informed them about any new benefits which might be available to them. Contrary, to this it was found that 21% of the employees informed that the HR department did not inform them about any new benefits which might be available to them.

Table 19: The Human Resource Department helps me with queries in my benefits





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






Furthermore, the survey found 68% of the employees agreed that the HR department helps them when they have any questions regarding their benefits. However, 16% of the employees the survey reported that the HR department did not provide them with any information regarding their benefits.   

Table 20: The Human Resource Department provides adequate information about My benefits.





Strongly disagree






Don't Know






Strongly Agree






Finally, it was clarified that 70% of the employees agreed that the HR department provided them adequate information about their benefits. However, 17% of the employees disagreed that the HR department did not provide them with adequate information about the benefits available to the employees.


The association between two variables is tested with Karl Pearson Correlation (r). The strength and direction of the relationship is tested with correlation coefficient. A positive sign (+) indicates a positive correlation, while a negative sign (-) indicates a negative correlation. The strength of the correlation is defined by the distance of the value from 0. The further the correlation coefficient is from 0 the stronger is the correlation. 

Table 21: Correlations







Pearson Correlation





Sig. (2-tailed)











Pearson Correlation





Sig. (2-tailed)











Pearson Correlation





Sig. (2-tailed)











Pearson Correlation





Sig. (2-tailed)










Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

From the above correlation table, it is found that the variables workplace, job, opinion and benefits are strongly correlated at 0.01 level of significance. Moreover, it is found that benefits and opinion of the employees has a correlation of 0.759. Further, Workplace of the employees and their job satisfaction has a correlation of 0.705. 


In this chapter we draw a conclusion to the present research. The conclusions to the chapter are based on the analysis of survey amongst the employees of 5 star hotels at Limassol, Cyprus. Further, the inferences of employee satisfaction are based the survey of 100 employees.

In the hotel industry the job satisfaction of the employees is essential for better services from the employees. We studied hotels at Limassol, Cyprus since the city is second biggest in the country. Moreover, it is an important tourist and business destination. Due to its proximity to the sea coast it attracts huge number of tourists throughout the year. As such the city boasts of a large number of 5 star hotels which cater to the needs of tourists and businessmen alike.

To maintain the functionality of the hotels it is imperative that they provide better services to their customers. Better services can be provided by the employees only when they are satisfied with their job. As such the outlook of the employees is the primary responsibility of the hotels. The benefits provided to the employees, the nature of jobs the employees undertake, their career growth are factors which have considerable impact in their job satisfaction. 

The findings of the present study reveal that most of the employees of the hotels are satisfied with their present jobs. Further it is also found that most of the employees were willing to take up any other job to keep working in the same hotel. Thus it can be deduced that the loyalty of the employees towards the hotels is significant. Teimouri et al. (2018) studied the relation between employee satisfaction and loyalty towards a hotel. The researchers have found that employees who receive training at the hotels work harder to serve the interests of the hotels.

According to Park and Nicolau (2015) the level of employee satisfaction can be measured with the pay of the employees. research has found that the direct compensation received by the employees provides them with psychological impetus to be dedicated towards their work. From the survey it was found that most of the respondents were satisfied with the level of pay they received at the hotels. Further, Jani and Han (2014) found that non-financial incentives are also essential for motivating the employees. According to the researchers, rewards and recognitions of the employees inspire the employees to provide quality and effective service to the customers. The researchers revealed that rewards and recognitions in the hotel industry increases the involvement of the employees. it was also found from the survey that considerable percentage of the employees were satisfied with the rewards system in the hotels. In addition, most of the employees were found to be pleased with the benefits available at the hotels. Thus it can be concluded that the employees at hotels in Limassol are satisfied with pay packages at the hotels. Moreover, the non-financial benefits to the employees also encourage the employees to serving the hotels better.

According to Chen, Huang and Petrick (2016), service quality and employee satisfaction are positively related with each other. In the hotel industry according to the researchers, the management of hotels look forward towards improving employee satisfaction. The management of hotels are optimistic that through increase in employee satisfaction there would be an increase in customer service and loyalty. From the survey it was found that most of the employees consult the employees before assigning them a job and setting a goal. In addition, the survey revealed that most of the employees surveyed affirmed that the needs of the employees were taken care off when considering work schedules. Since, the employee satisfaction is accorded priority by the hotels, hence it can be concluded that customer service provided by the employees is high.     

Moreover, research done by Luo and Qu (2016) have revealed that employee dissatisfaction has a negative impact on customer service and thus the performance of the hotels. The survey elucidated that substantial number of employees agreed that the managers endorse the employees before bringing in changes into the system. Hence, it can be concluded that the employees are considered whenever any change in the style of functioning is brought about in the hotel. The process surely increases the willingness of the employees to keep working for the same hotel. In other words, the level of satisfaction of the employees is increased in effect. The process benefits hotels at Limassol since they are able to retain the employees. Moreover, a satisfied employee improves the customers service levels in the hotel.  

The survey revealed that considerable number of employees agreed that they were proud to tell others of their work place. Moreover, it was found that the employees felt that there was enough advancement at their hotels. Due to the presence of advancement opportunities the satisfaction of the employees is increased. In addition, it was also found from the survey that most of the employees agreed that the benefits available to the them met their expectations. As discussed by Ko, Moon and Hur (2017), social benefits available to employees are a form of encouragement to them.

Previous studies by Kandampully, Zhang and Bilgihan (2015), have revealed that the HR department plays a vital role in recruiting and employing people. This is essential so that the hotel industry is able to provide better services to its customers. The survey revealed that the HR departments at the hotels are very active when it comes to informing the employees about their benefits. Park and Nicolau (2015) exposed the importance of benefits in the hotel industry. they found that benefits provided to employee is a great motivator. Moreover, when an employee is motivated then only he can serve the customers better. The survey has found that most of the employees are satisfied with the respective HR departments present at the hotels. This is probable due the proactive nature of the HR department which provides information to the employees on a regular basis. The HR department provides quick information to its employees regarding any change in their benefits. Moreover, it was found that the HR department also clears any doubts the employee may have about the benefits available to them. In addition, it was found that the HR department takes interest in providing the employees with benefits available to them. Thus, it is found that the HR departments at the 5 star hotels at Limassol, Cyprus are highly active and provide the best services to their employees.  

Addressing the objectives  

Through the analysis of the survey it was revealed that the most of the employees of 5 hotels at Limassol, Cyprus benefit from the reward system present in the hotels. Moreover, they have adequate amount of information regarding the rewards which are available to them. Since it was found that the most of the employees are satisfied with the rewards and pay packages at the hotels hence it can be said that the reward system aids in increasing the loyalty of the employees. Thus, the employee satisfaction levels increase due to an increase in loyalty of the employees. The reward system has a positive effect in the functioning of the hotels.

Most of the employees it was found received cross-training in their jobs. Since, the hotels do not want to lose their employees hence they provide training to the employees in other fields of work. Through this process the hotels at Limassol are working towards increasing the working knowledge of the employees. Moreover, the loyalty of the employees is also increased in such a process. Thus, the employees feel committed to such a hotel. Further, it was found that most of the employees wanted to work for the same hotel. To keep working for the same hotel the employees would take up any job. Moreover, since it was found that the employees would go to any length in order to be able to keep working in the same hotel, thus it reveals the extent of loyalty of the employees. Thus it is found that most of the employees are loyal to their hotels. The employees would want to keep working for the same hotel. Hence, it can be said that the Hotels should provide more training and cross-training to the employees. The process would increase the loyalty of the employees.

The survey revealed that due to career opportunities available to the employees the satisfaction levels increases. This increase in satisfaction levels has a constructive effect on 5 star hotels. 


In the present chapter we draw a conclusion to the present chapter. The recommendations to the factors enabling employee satisfaction and its effect in 5 star hotels at Limassol, Cyprus are discussed in this chapter. The commendations would enable 5 star hotels at Limassol, Cyprus to improve the employee satisfaction levels at their hotels.

From the analysis of the survey outcomes of employee satisfaction at 5 star hotels the following recommendations can be made:

  • It was found that a high percentage of the employees disagreed that Managers consider employees' needs when planning work. Hence, the managers of the hotels should consider the needs of the employees before planning work. This would increase the satisfaction levels of the employees at their workplace.

  • From the survey it was found that significant number of employees disagreed that managers had discussion before setting the goals. Thus would be prudent that managers converse with employees before handing over the working goals of the employees.

  • Further the survey revealed that substantial number of employees differed with the view that managers took into account the needs of the employees before planning work schedules. Thus would be prudent that managers converse with employees and understand the needs of the employees and then only plan work schedules.

  • The analysis revealed that substantial number of employees were willing to work with similar jobs only. These employees it was found would work for any other hotels in order to keep working for similar jobs. Thus, it can be recommended that the hotels should look into the jobs of the employees and should train the employees in other jobs also. This would enable the hotels to retain the employees.

  • It was revealed from the analysis of the survey that some of the employees felt that the benefits program at the hotels did not meet their needs. Hence it can be recommended that the hotels should cater to the needs of the employees also. This would increase the satisfaction level of the employees.

  • The survey found that most of the employees at the hotel are satisfied with the present salary levels. However, some of the employees it was found were dissatisfied with the salary levels. Thus it can be recommended that the hotels should investigate the salary paid to the employees.

  • The employee satisfaction levels can be increased through an increase in interaction between co-workers. From the survey it was revealed that some of the employees were dissatisfied with the interface between co-workers. The hotel’s it can be commended should actively work towards interaction amongst co-workers.

  • From the survey it was found that most of the employees at the hotels were pleased with the reward system available at the hotels. Thus it can be recommended that the hotels should maintain the practice of rewarding the employees. Further, they should apprise all employees regarding the reward policies.

  • Considerable number of employees it was found agreed that the benefits provided to them at the hotel are what they have to pay for. Thus more information on benefits would increase the satisfaction of the employees.

  • Moreover, it was found that considerable number of employees regarded that the human resource department provided adequate information to the employees regarding the benefits available to the employees. Consequently, providing more amount of information to the employees would increase the level of satisfaction.

  • Further, it was found that substantial number of employees were unsure of the fact whether the HR department would help them when they require information regarding their benefits. So it can be recommended that the HR department should proactively inform the employees regarding the benefits. The department should clear any questions raised by the employees regarding their benefits.

Research Limitations

The present study suffers from certain limitations. Limassol is a very attractive tourist destination. There are considerable number of 5 star hotels. For the purpose of the study we considered only 100 employees of 5 star hotels. Thus the number of employees whom we surveyed was only a miniscule of the total number of employees. Further, to study the factors we used closed ended questions. Thus the opinion of the employees has been restricted and elaborate reactions were not sought. Thus, we cannot comment on the motives behind the responses of the employees. Moreover, the survey was done irrespective of the type of job the person does at the hotel. Thus the survey results are on the whole and does not consider any particular type of job. In addition, we considered 5 star hotels for the city of Limassol, Cyprus only. Thus the responses are applicable for Limassol only.

Further Research

To further explore employee’s satisfaction factors at 5 star hotels at Limassol, Cyprus the following studies may be undertaken:

  • A qualitative research would provide more insight into work place factors, job factors which influence employee satisfaction. The qualitative research would enable one to study how benefits for the employees affect their satisfaction levels.

  • The employee satisfaction factors for a longer duration of time would enable one to study how preferences of employees change over time.

  • Work at a hotel is of different types. They can be a chef, security, restaurant, kitchen and many more. The employee satisfaction pre-requisites change with the type of work. Thus further research should consider segregating the employees on the basis of the job they do at the hotel.

  • It would be interesting to study the factors for individual hotels at Limassol. This would enable one to evaluate how satisfaction factors differ with management of hotels.

  • The factors affecting employee satisfaction could be studied using a conceptual model.


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