Man101 Introduction To Management: A Assessment Answers

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Discuss about the problem being identified in Woonona fitness.



The contemporary business organizations are having number of issues to be faced in terms of their internal management. This is due to the reason that contemporary business organizations are having different factors including the human resource management to be considered. Majority of issues are being emerged from the management of the human resources only due to the reason that it is much difficult and complex in managing the diverse demands and requirements of the employees (Noe et al. 2014). However, on the other hand, it should also be noted that proper and effective management theory can be beneficial in mitigating the issues. This essay will discuss about the problem being identified in Woonona fitness. In addition, an effective management theory will be recommended in mitigating the issue (Henderson, Cheney and Weaver, 2015).

Identification of the issue

The issue being faced by Woonona fitness is entirely a human resource issue. It is stated that one of the employees of Woonona fitness named Catrin De Jonge caught in theft of the products from the stores. In the further investigation, it is identified that Catrin stole goods worth of $ 2100 during her tenure as casual sales assistant (Benson, Kimmel and Lawler 2013). Moreover, it is also identified that Catrin was having positive impression with no history of theft. However, the incident came to light after some of the store staffs identified that she is wearing a newly launched product, which was just being released in the stores. Thus, it was rather unusual that she will have so quickly. This lead to the audit of the store database and revealed that Catrin had not purchased any of such items. It is also revealed that Catrin was not involved only in staling this particular item but also other items also in all these years. Thus, the major problem being identified is the theft committed by Catrin and that too without getting noticed by anyone (Shuck et al. 2016). In addition, it is also stated that Cardin was given to the police and according to the judgment; she was placed on a ninth month community release order. Thus, it is identified that the major stakeholders being involved in this problem are Catrin, her colleagues and authorities.  In addition, it can be also be identified that a major management issue is identified, which will be further discussed in the following sections.  

Identification of the management issue

From the above discussed issue, it is identified that lack of proper communication channel is one of the major management issues for Woonona. This is due to the reason that Catrin may have certain requirements or expectations, which should have been communicated to the upper level management in the early stage. It is one of the major and core responsibilities of the management to have the proper communication channel with the employees, where the employees will be properly communicated about the rules and regulations of the company and on the other hand, the upper level managers will be able to determine the issues and expectations with the employees (Vom Brocke et al. 2014). However, in the case of Woonona, it is identified that the requirements of Catrin, which caused her to steal products are not being communicated to the upper level managers and she is also being aware about the rules and regulations in the company and what will be the consequences for theft. This is one of the major management issues that is creating more gap between the managers and the employees (Guercini et al. 2014).  

Another management issue being identified in this case is the lack of control over the employees as well as over the operations. This is due to the reason that the theft committed by Catrin went unnoticed even after years. This denotes that the daily operations are going unnoticed and audit is also not being done mandatorily. This can also be termed as a major management issue due to the fact that lack of control over the internal stakeholders and management. Lack of control will cause difficulties for the managers in managing their business and lead the employees (Trkman 2013). In addition, lack of control will also causes issues such as Catrin where the employees will take wrong route or unethical manner. In the case of Catrin, she may get not involved in the theft if she had the proper knowledge of the company policies and the possible consequences of it. Thus, it can be concluded that these are two major management issues being identified from the given case.

Recommended management theory

On the basis of the identified issues in the previous section, it is recommended that human relations management theory should be implemented in the organization. This is due to the reason that human relations management theory majorly focus on the welfare and motivational level of the employees (Jackson, Schuler and Jiang 2014). In addition, enhancement of the skill sets of the employees with the help of the training and development programs is also being included in this theory. With the help of this theory, the welfare of the employees will be more focused in Woonona and the business approach will be more employees oriented. This will in turn increase the connection between the internal stakeholders with the increased level of motivation (Pierce and Aguinis 2013). The more will be the level of the motivation for the employees, the less will be their probability of following unethical business. This is due to the reason that if the employees are getting more motivated and engaged in their workplace, the more they will have positive impression and enhanced level of organizational citizenship.  

On the other hand, it should also be noted that communication is one of the major issues identified and with the help of the human relations management theory, this can be mitigated.  This is due to the reason that garnering feedback from the side of the employees is a major consideration in this theory. Hence, the more will be the process of garnering feedback from the employees, the more will be the communication between the employees and managers (Albrecht et al. 2015). In addition, garnering the feedback from the side of the employees will also increase the control of the mangers in the workplace. Issues such as Catrin can be identified and mitigated in the initial stage by having effective process of garnering feedback from the employees. Initiation of the employee oriented approach will also increase the freedom the employees in their workplace and they will be able to more speaking up to the managers regarding their issues. This will ensure that in the future, employees with having similar issues of Catrin will come up to the managers and the issues can be properly mitigated.


Thus it is concluded that Woonona is facing the issues of lack of effective communication process and lack of control of the managers over the employees. In this essay, the major issues stated in the case are being identified along with the alignment to the management approach.  In addition, this essay also identified that these issues will cause Woonona to face the similar issue as Catrin in the future also. In accordance to the identified issues, it is recommended that human relations management theory should be implemented.  With the help of this theory, the identified issues in the workplace can be effectively mitigated.  


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