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LIN3SYN Linguistics Assignment For the Word Classes

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Part A: Identify the transitivity of example sentences 1-4, 8-12, 31-35, 53-66.
Part B: Identify the clause-level marking strategies, i.e. how SAOTR are marked. Write a short statement about how Kuku Yalanji marks the participants in the clause with respect to transitivity
and animacy.


Part A

Word Classess

  • Kaba
    kaba kada-y
    rain come-NONPST

Rain is coming.

N  V V  V  

2x2) Yinya kadar warriy.
yinya kadar warri-y
that wallaby run-NONPST

That wallaby is running.

PRO         N           V   V

3x3) Bula wulbuman yirrkany.
bula wulbuman yirrka-ny
3du.NOM old.woman sing.out-PST 

The two old women sang out.

ADJ    ADJ    ADJ   N        V    ADV

4x4) Nganjan wunanay.
nganjan wunana-y
father lie-NONPST

Father is resting.

N        LV     V

5x5) Juku wubul yinyay janjanay.
juku wubul yinyay janjana-y
tree many there stand-NONPST

Many trees are standing there

ADJ      N          V    V             O 

6x6) Nyulu karrkay kaljil.
nyulu karrkay kalji-l
3sg.NOM child vomit-NONPST

The child is vomiting

ADJ    N    V       V  

7x7) Nyulu bunjil jibabadiy.
nyulu bunjil jibabadi-y
3sg.NOM widow(er) feel.sad-NONPST

The widow(er) is sad

   DET        N          V      N

8x9) Nyulu warrungku ngawuya damany.
nyulu warru-ngku ngawuya dama-ny
3sg.NOM yg.man-ERG sea.turtle spear-PST

The young man speared a sea turtle

DET   ADJ        N        V          N 

9x10) Bula jalbubulalangka bayan ngarany.
bula jalbu-bulal-angka bayan ngara-ny
3du.NOM woman-pair-ERG camp set.up-PST

The pair of women set up camp

DET     N     CON             V   ADV N

10x11) Dubungku nyunguny makunyajiny karrkay.
dubu-ngku nyunguny makunyaji-ny karrkay
ghost-ERG 3sg.ACC meet-PST child

The ghost met the child

DET           N     V     DET      N

11x12) Dingarangka kaya kanan kuniny.
dingar-angka kaya kanan kuni-ny
man-ERG dog by.mistake hit-PST

The man hit the dog by mistake

DET    N      V    DET N   CONJ     N

12x13) Yinyangka kubarrangka yalbayngka maral baykany.
yinya-ngka kubarr-angka yalbay-ngka maral bayka-ny
that-ERG eel-ERG big-ERG girl bite-PST

That big eel bit the girl

PRN    ADJ   N     V   DET   N

Part B

Grammatical features of the word classes

Noun (N)

  • Refers to a case marking(Patz, 1982, p. 119) ( example 3 and example 9 “ women”)
  • Has plural marking( Example 7 “ widow (er)”
  • Identifies a person ( Example 2‘wallaby’,)
  • Represents an object or thing ( In example 8 “ sea turtle” and example 12 “ Eel”
  • Shows an idea, mental condition, personal attribute or condition ( In example 11, “mistake” Example 7 “sad”)
  • Functions as an adjunct in the case of a verb ( In example 12 “the girl”
  • Serves as a head of a noun phrase (In example 4 “ father”)

Pronoun (PRN)

  • Represents an object
  • Functions as a noun ( subjective, as in example 12 and 2 “ That”)

Adjective (ADJ)

  • Gives more information about a noun (In example 2, 3 “ Two, old”)
  • Describes an attribute ( Example 12 “big” Example 8 “young”)
  • Modifies the noun ( example 3 and example 6 ”the” Example 5 “ Many”) 

Verb (V)

  • Refers to actions  ( Example 1 “ coming”, Example 2 “ running”,  Example 4 “running”, Example 8, “ speared”
  • Functions as a predicate of a clause, example 9 “set”
  • Occurs as a clause final“ Example 3 “ Sang”
  • Has subject and person number suffix ( Example 5, 6, 7 “is”
  • Shows tense marking ( Example, 10 “ met”, Example 11 “hit”, Example 12 “ bit” )

Adverb (AD)

  • Defines the verb ( Example 9 “up “example 3 “ out”)

Determinant (DET)

  • Introduction of a noun ( Example, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 “ The”


  • Join relating items in a sentence ( In example 9 “ of” ) 
  1. Clauses  

Identify the transitivity of example sentences 

1x1) Kaba kaday.
kaba kada-y
rain come-NONPST

Rain is coming.


2x2) Yinya kadar warriy.
yinya kadar warri-y
that wallaby run-NONPST

That wallaby is running.


3x3) Bula wulbuman yirrkany.
bula wulbuman yirrka-ny
3du.NOM old.woman sing.out-PST

The two old women sang out.

Intransitive + location

4x4) Nganjan wunanay.
nganjan wunana-y
father lie-NONPST

Father is resting


Nyulu warrungku ngawuya damany.
nyulu warru-ngku ngawuya dama-ny
3sg.NOM yg.man-ERG sea.turtle spear-PST

The young man speared a sea turtle.


9x10) Bula jalbubulalangka bayan ngarany.
bula jalbu-bulal-angka bayan ngara-ny
3du.NOM woman-pair-ERG camp set.up-PST

The pair of women set up camp.

Intransitive + location

10x11) Dubungku nyunguny makunyajiny karrkay.
dubu-ngku nyunguny makunyaji-ny karrkay
ghost-ERG 3sg.ACC meet-PST child

The ghost met the child.


11x12) Dingarangka kaya kanan kuniny.
dingar-angka kaya kanan kuni-ny
man-ERG dog by.mistake hit-PST

The man hit the dog by mistake.


12x13) Yinyangka kubarrangka yalbayngka maral baykany.
yinya-ngka kubarr-angka yalbay-ngka maral bayka-ny
that-ERG eel-ERG big-ERG girl bite-PST

That big eel bit the girl.


Ngaykuwundu ngamungku minya yakal naybubu.
ngayku-wun-du ngamu-ngku minya yaka-l naybu-bu
1sg.POSS-wun-ERG mother-ERG meat cut.up-NONPST knife-INST

My mother is cutting meat with a knife.


32x35) Ngayku ngamu yakajiny naybubu.
ngayku ngamu yaka-ji-ny naybu-bu
1sg.POSS mother cut.up-INTR-PST knife-INST

My mother cut herself with a knife.


33x36) Nganya jukubu kuniny.
nganya juku-bu kuni-ny
1sg.ACC tree-INST hit-PST

A tree hit me


34x37) Ngayu jukubu kunijiny.
ngayu juku-bu kuni-ji-ny
1s.NOM tree-INST hit-INTR-PST

I was hit by a tree.


35x40) Ngayu murrajanga bakajiny.
ngayu murraja-nga baka-ji-ny
1s.NOM stonefish-LOC poke-INTR-PST

I was poked by a stonefish


Nganjiny burrira marijiny.
nganjiny burrir-a mariji-ny
1pl.excl.NOM island-LOC swim-PST

We swam to the island.


54x66) Charlie dungany yarramananda.
charlie dunga-ny yarraman-anda
Charlie go-PST horse-LOC

Charlie went to the horses.


55x67) Ngayu minya milbil bujinda.
ngayu minya milbi-l buji-nda
1s.NOM meat show-NONPST cat-LOC

I showed the meat to the cat.


56x68) Nyulu marrkin dajiny yabanda.
nyulu marrkin daji-ny yaba-nda
3sg.NOM gun give-PST eB-LOC

He gave the gun to his elder brother.


Part B

Transitive Subjects can change to intransitive in cases of a causative verbalizer. For example in 32”, my mother cut herself with a knife could become “my mother hit herself”. In the alignment of cases, marking is in normative accusative. In this case, objects in the transitive clauses (P) contain are marked with uniqueness. Transitive Subjects (A) are different from the intransitive subjects (S) based on variations in marking. Marking the transitive subject (A) depends on the inanimate agent. The transitive object occurs with the noun as an absolute case. For example in sentence 3 “That wallaby is running”. The intransitive verb represents the nonproductive verbalizer for example in the sentence 33 “the tree hit me”. Location is a case marker for ‘location at’ or ‘direction to’. It refers to the location in general and not space (Madiesson, 2009). In this case, it includes ‘out’ and ‘up’. There is no possessive forms because the inanimate does not own things. This explains the Sentence No. 56, which states, “He gave t in 32.he gun to his elder brother”.   


Madiesson, I., 2009. LAPSyD Online Page for Kuku Yalanji, s.l.: LapsyD.

Patz, E., 1982. A Grammar of the Kuku Yalanji Language of North Queensland, s.l.: Australian National University.

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