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Leading a collaboration workshop

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Assessment 1


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Unit code and title: BSBMGT403 Implement Continuous Improvement

Assessment 1 Leading a collaboration workshop

Date submitted:

Submission mode:  Completed in-class and submitted Online to assessor  

Assessment conditions

Assessment modality

Satisfactory rate – All sections of the performance criteria must be answered/demonstrated to a satisfactory level in accordance with the assessment guide. If this is not achieved the student has the opportunity to resubmit work or re-sit exam as confirmed by their trainer/assessor

Assessment location: In-class and online 

1.   Leading a collaboration workshop [this assessment]

2.   Coaching demonstration

3.   Feedback communication

Ref: as listed in the Course Unit Outline and Assessment Due Dates List for the course

Assessor Instructions

Instructions for assessor

This assessment tests the student’s ability to work with others in improving a procedures and systems in (the simulated health care service department of a hospital)

Instruct students that they are each a ‘new manager’ and are to make a (15-minute) presentation to a collaboration workshop to implement a continuous improvement system at a health care service department of a hospital.

Students should engage others by posing questions, presenting ideas, planning CI team coaching sessions and planning evaluations.

Students may need to be organised into groups, with the leadership role rotating. If you have a lone student, you as the assessor may need to stand in as a member of the group.

Have each student present to a group consisting of their team, the assessor and students from the other team/s.

Direct learners to access the following simulated business information for a health care service department of a hospital.

●      Vision and Mission

●      Organisational Chart

●      Business Plan

●      Marketing Plan

●      Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan.

Note: For this task, the students will require the material for the whole organisation, under the ‘Head Office’ tab under the ‘Intranet’ section of the website.

Planning the assessment

●      Time required for assessment: 2 hours.

The student must:

●      deliver a 15-minute presentation during a collaborative session to review the processes and procedures of a health care service department

●      participate in collaborative activities to establish and implement systems and processes for continuous improvement at a health care service department

The assessment is made when all of the short answer fields in the template are completed. These are to be completed according to the assessment guide and decision making rules. Final decision is to be made and recorded on Assessment result below and on the results template via the Course Coordinator.

Ref: Assessment Guide for the Assessment & Mayfield Education Assessment Guide: Planning & Conducting Assessment Policy 

Student Instructions

Read each question carefully. In order to be deemed Satisfactory in this compulsory assessment task you must answer ALL the numbered questions below. Write/type answers in the fields provided. Short answers should consist of no more than three sentences. This can be typed and dot points can be used. This must be undertaken by yourself and you are able to use your study notes to assist you with completing the answers. If you do not receive a ‘Satisfactory’ result (NYS) you will be provided with an alternative supplementary assessment.

Ref: Student Information Handbook (5) & Student Assessment Policy and Procedure

Student Declaration

I, ……………………………………………… (Student to print name) state that the work I submit is my own and I have not copied this in any form except where due reference has been made to this. If you are completing this form electronically, please type your name as an acceptable form of your signature.

Student Comments:

Ref: Student Information Handbook (5.6)

Student Signature:

If you are completing this form electronically, please type your name as an acceptable form of your signature.


Assessment Result (tick √):   o Satisfactory 

 o Unsatisfactory

 o Resubmit

Ref: Student Information Handbook (5.6) Reassessment Appeals

NB: The rating of Competency can only be provided as a summative assessment at the end of a unit.

Outcome recorded on Results sheet by course co-ordinator   

Date entered:

By whom:

Results are entered into the electronic  Results Sheet

Assessor Feedback and Comments to Student:

Assessor Name (printed):

Date received:

Assessor Signature (signed):

Ref: Trainer and Assessor requirements as listed in the Sessional Trainers and Assessors Policy and the Policy – Guidelines for Planning and Conducting VET Assessment & Student Assessments Policy.

Leading a Collaboration workshop

The assessment task is due on the date specified by your assessor. Any variations to this arrangement must be approved in writing by your assessor.

Submit this document with any required evidence attached. See specifications below for details.

Performance objective

You will demonstrate knowledge of how to design and implement continuous improvement processes that engage employees in the decision-making process and ensure employees have the requisite skills and knowledge to implement them.

Assessment description

As a ‘new manager’, you are to make a presentation to a collaboration workshop to implement a continuous improvement system. You will engage others by posing questions, presenting ideas, planning continuous improvement process team coaching sessions, and planning evaluations.


  1. Participate in an active discussion the facilitator about the nature of the department chose.
  2. With a focus on customer service, identify where there is room for improvement in the systems and processes (e.g. where would a policy and procedures document on continuous improvement [CI] belong?).
  3. Draft questions about implementing CI systems that you will ask at the collaboration workshop to encourage others to participate in decision-making, taking responsibility and exercising initiative (e.g. HR procedures on staff skills, recruitment strategies, training needs in light of customer service focus, and the need for a policy of continuous improvement).
  4. As part of a collaboration workshop, create and deliver a presentation (maximum 15 minutes) that:
    1. gives examples of CI processes
    2. evaluates the effectiveness of CI processes and decisions in terms of how well they meet the stated goal/s of the department
    3. includes a brainstorm session to identify systems and data for bench assessment and monitoring performance for CI
    4. identifies measurement tools (e.g. what will be measured and how?) and describes the data sets
    5. identifies monitoring tools (e.g. how will staff performance be monitored and what records will be kept?)
    6. gives feedback to the collaboration group
    7. makes recommendations and seeks feedback.
  5. Submit all documentation to your assessor in accordance with the specifications below.

Student Deliverables

You must:

●      deliver a 15-minute presentation during a collaborative session to review the processes and procedures of the department

●      participate in collaborative activities to establish and implement systems and processes for continuous improvement at a health care service department.

Your assessor will be looking for:

●      your case for establishing a continuous improvement policy, including:

○     a review of planning and operational processes (such as HR procedures to determine staff skills, recruitment strategies, training needs, and skill retention strategies) to identify possible improvements

○     participation in decision-making, taking responsibility and exercising initiative

○     evaluation of how well customer requirements were taken into account, to meet the stated goal/s of the department

○     feedback to collaborative group

○     recommendations for continuous improvement.

●      your evaluation of the effectiveness of continuous improvement processes and decisions in terms of how well they meet the stated goal/s of the department

●      your explanation of specific improvements to be made to the continuous improvement system at the department and how employees will be involved

●      your feedback to the collaboration group on specific issues needing improvement (e.g. customer service data) using an appropriate feedback technique

●      your attempts to seek questions and suggestions from team members about what issues need to be addressed to implement a more effective and efficient continuous improvement system

●      your use of communication systems and technology

●      your identification of ways in which planning and operations could be improved

●      your encouragement of others in your collaborative group to participate in decision-making, taking responsibility and exercising initiative

●      use of appropriate conventions and protocols in communication with diverse individuals

●      when interacting with others, your attempt to influence direction and take a leadership role on occasion

●      your identification of the organisation’s systems and data that can be used for bench assessment and monitoring performance for continuous improvement.


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