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LAWS8585 International Aviation Law: New Luggage Handling Fees

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New luggage handling fees at Muscat airport 


  1. Introduction and a comprehensive description of the aviation law or regulation being examined;

  2. What issues or concerns led to the adoption of the aviation law or regulation being examined;

  3. Describe the processes in detail on how the law was initially introduced for consideration, the administrative processes involved in the review of the proposed aviation law or regulation, a description of the hearings that may have been held to discuss the proposed aviation law or regulation, who participated in such discussions or deliberations of the proposed aviation law or regulation, and the final disposition or outcome of the aviation law or regulation being examined for this paper;

  4. Describe whether there has been any an administrative hearing or litigation involving the aviation law or regulation being examined…as well as the outcome of such hearings or litigation;

  5. Your conclusion as to whether the aviation law or regulation being examined resolved the problems resulting in the adoption of such a rule or regulation…and how could the process have been improved to obtain a better result.


New Luggage Handling Fees At Muscat Airport

The aviation law refers to the branch of the law that concerns travelling in air and flights. The aviation law associates the business concerns and the legal concerns. The aviation law solves all the legal matters related to the functions of airport and aircraft operations. It covers the aircraft direction-finding, maintenance of aircraft, managing the air traffic, responsibility related to the safety, needs of the license of the pilot. The aviation law is the main area of law developed in the 20th century resulting to the rapid progress in the techniques related to air.  The aviation law also contains the issues related to the international law because of the scope of air travel. It works with the most rules, regulations and the principles of the aviation prescribed by the Federal Aviation Administration.

The aviation law also contains the rules and regulations related to luggage at airport. In Oman, rules related to the baggage have been changed for the purpose of more security. The rules of baggage and regulations became effective from 1st September, 2017. The changes are applicable only to the passengers. It does not applicable on staff or cabin class. According to the new rules and regulations, it is not permitted for the passengers of flight to check in the baggage of round shape or irregular shape covered in linen or blankets at Muscat international airport.  The luggage should not be tied with rope at Muscat international airport. There is also a provision in Oman to enforce the fee in case of particular manually handled luggage at the Muscat international airport to solve the issues of handling.  It helps the luggage handing system to handle the passenger’s luggage (Sweeney & Gillick, 2012).

In this essay, the new rules and regulations related to the baggage and the issues of aviation law in respect of baggage rules are discussed and examined.

The issues or concerns in respect of adoption of the aviation law and, rules of baggage and regulations-

In the present time, the requirement of the establishment of the airport is increasing. It has some benefits for the society. However, it also concerns with the costs, air pollution, noise pollution, issues related to the resources, changing climate and various risks. It is required to solve the issues and advance the sustainability of the aviation. The main issue related to the aviation is security and safety of the passengers. The other issue is related to the noise pollution (Weber & Giemulla, 2011).  It affects the actual atmosphere adversely. It may have important negative influences on the citizens residing near the airport. It may harm the citizens live in the area of airport and near to the airport (Speciale, 2010).

The issues involved the availability of the effective capacity, matter related to make the balance between the social requirements, environmental requirements, and the financial requirements. The biggest challenge is to reduce the negative effects on the environment. It is always the challenging to find out the way to make rules that where it is required to generate the biggest advancement in the quality life of the citizens residing near the airports. The other issues are that how to and how much invest in the making rules, formulating of regulations of baggage, proper research, learning, examination, programmes related to the training, providing the education and spreading the social awareness. The department is required to be real, true, transparent, and honest in respect of the good facets of the aircraft and the bad parts of the aircraft and in making rules of luggage for passengers. It is required to resolve the conflicting policies and the conflicting rules and regulations. The liberalization of the airline industry and the privatisation of the airline industry are also a problem in the implementation and adoption of the aviation law.

There were issues related to the delay in pickups, jam of baggage at the time of check in and some strict process. The baggage rules are changed in the airport of Oman to give security to the staff and streamline protection screening. These changing rules were resulted in the less pickup, less or no jam of luggage and smooth experience. The main issue in adopting rules that Oman Airport Management Company is required to make sure that Muscat international airport is achieving high quality performance and giving the passengers with better and excellent services. It is required to make sure the security and protection of luggage handles, proper check in of baggage and smooth access to check luggage in respect of protection screening (William, 2017).

There are some difficulties related to the security of the luggage of the passengers at the airport. To solve this issue, the provision of charging the fee on the particular manually carried luggage of the passengers at Muscat international airport became applicable. It is for decreasing the weight and size of the bags carried by the passengers at the airport because it is not easy for the luggage handing system to manage and check the security of their luggage. The luggage system cannot check the luggage in several number and it may cause harm the luggage at the time of handling. The provisions became effective to enhance the productivity of the services regarding the luggage at Oman international airport. This provision of handling fee helps in using the new and innovative handling techniques at Muscat international airport (Riley, 2015).

The Oman Airport Management Company is required to address the rules of baggage and regulations to all the passengers of Oman with the help of tourism promotion website, ministry of foreign affairs, travel agencies and airlines.  The biggest challenge in the implementation of rules and regulations is to make the policies to stop the air traffic in future period. Because by 2019, the air traffic in Oman may increase by forty per cent. The Oman Airport Management Company is required to make the better and effective policies and practices which will enhance the effectiveness of functions. In this way, the biggest challenge is to form the policies for efficiency of processes. It is also required to give holistic experience for travellers of Oman (Sanchez, 2014).

The initial introduction, review, and outcomes of the aviation law and regulations-

The formation of the equal uniform international aviation law originated about as the response of quick national progress of the industry of the aircraft in 1900. After the world war, it has been found that it is necessary to form the aviation code. After the world war, the efforts had been made to codify the aviation law, which will be satisfactory for the all nations in the world. During the time of review of the aviation law, all the countries took part in the personal internal efforts to cover an even and the constant set of the central aviation laws from the present state law (Pearson, 2015). The industry of the aviation is featured by the continuous change. As per the outcomes of the aviation law, currently the best example is rules and regulations of baggage (Larsen, 2012).

The Oman Airport Management Company made announcement on 1 September 2017 that there will be implementation of new rules and regulations of baggage at Muscat international airport. Some types of luggage will not be allowed to carry. This makes efforts continuously to enhance the services and meet high standards of civil aviation (Dempdey, 2017). As per the rule of baggage and regulations, the passengers cannot carry luggage in blanket roll or tied with rope. The other rules are that for foreign travelling, only two bags are allowed and their weight should not more than 32 kg. If the bags are long more than 90 cm, high more than 75 cm, 60 cm wide and no flat surface, then the luggage will not be allowed for check in. In the absence of these, the passengers have option to get pack the bags in box for fee. The cardboard box cannot be allowed. The fees will be applicable on repacking. This is required more time in processing (Havel, 2014).

These rules are reviewed. After review, the new rules are introduced in January, 2018. As per these amended rules and regulations of luggage, single bag can up to 30 kg. For the business class or first class of flight, a single bag up to 30 kg and single bag up to 20 kg is allowed at Muscat international airport (Hart, 2017).

The participation in the discussion and the deliberations of the proposed aviation law or the regulation-

The airline operators are permitted in the implementation of the rules and regulations of the safety of the pilots and the passengers of the flight. The Federal Aviation Administration, the Civil Aeronautics Administration took the part in the discussions and the deliberations of the proposed aviation law or the rules or the regulations.  The Federation Aviation Act of 1958 empowered the Federal Aviation Administration to review. It had controlled the both military aircraft and civilian aircraft. In the 1934, the Bureau of Air Commerce came into effect. The Aeronautics branch was renamed as the Bureau of Air Commerce. The Bureau of Air Commerce took over the centres of the control and management of the air traffic previously functioned by the commercial airlines. The Bureau of Air Commerce started to advance the system of the air traffic control (Eichenberger, 2011).

The Civil Aeronautics Authority has power to control the fares of the commercial flight and the routes for the commercial airlines. Further, in 1940, the powers and authority of the Civil Aeronautics Authority had shared with other agency. The powers and authority of  the Civil Aeronautics Authority are still continue to have the authority for the control of the air traffic, security and the advancement of the civil aviation  (Blackshaw, 2012).

In making the rule and regulations of luggage of travellers of Oman, various authorities take participation in the decision of making of rules and policies, decisions related to review of rules and regulations, and decisions related to implementation of new rules of baggage in Oman. This includes the Oman Airport Management Company, travel agencies, airlines and Ministry of Foreign affairs.

An administrative hearing or litigation involving the aviation law-

An aviation practice may range by the representation of the clients involved in the litigation came from the crash of the big commercial airliner so that the claim of lost baggage can be protected. The aviation law includes the basic ideas and concepts of the tort law. It contains the provisions of the negligence, violation of the warranty, the contract law, and the strict responsibility. The elements of the aircraft, the airlines, the private pilots, or the several participants in the common aviation business and working with the Federal Aviation Administration can be represented by the Attorneys.  There are also the transactional lawyers or the counsellors, who give the advices and the suggestions to the corporate customers or the corporate clients that desires to buy an entity of the aviation sector such as the functions of the airline or the operations of charter (Bartsch, 2018).


As per the above analysis, it can be concluded that there are some new implemented rules of luggage for the passengers at international airport.  After the review of issues of rules, many improvements of rules have been made. The process of the aviation may improve by the providing good training, better education, and the good scheduling to decrease the stress of the staffs. It is required to develop the framework for the human being to get the specialization in the aircraft industry. The efforts should be made for specifying the increasing identification of the significance of the human elements in the safety related to the aviation. The airline operations should be integrated increasingly in the effective and proper manner. The better system should be implemented for the control of the traffic in air, catering, managing of ground, fuelling, fulfilling the requirements of the staff and the cleaning.


Bartsch, R. (2018). International Aviation law: A practical guide. Oxford: Routledge.

Blackshaw, C. (2012).  Avitaion law and regulations. Australia: University of Australia.

Brew, J. (2018).  Cases of the aviation law. Oxford: Routledge.

Dempdey, P. (2017). European aviation law. Netherland: Wolters Kluwer law

Eichenberger, J. (2011).  General aviation law. London: Mcgraw hill education.

Hart, M. (2017). Outline of international aviation law. Cambridge: Cambridge university press.

Havel, B. (2014).  The practices of the aviation law. Cambridge: Cambridge university press.

Larsen, P. (2012).  Aviation law: cases, law and related resources. Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff publishers

Pearson, M. (2015). The aircraft industry. Oxford: Routledge.

Riley, D. (2015). Foundation of Aviation Law. United States: Ashgate publishing

Sanchez, G. (2014). The practice of international aviation law. Cambridge: Cambridge university press.

Speciale, R. (2010).  Fundamentals of Aviation Law. London: Mcgraw hill education

Sweeney, J., & Gillick, J. (2012). Aviation law.Leiden: MartinusNijhoff

Weber, L., & Giemulla, E. (2011). International and EU Aviation Law. Netherland: Wolters Kluwer law

William, N. (2017). The issues of aircraft industry. Australia: University of Australia.

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