Itict202A Wireless Networks - Free Assessment Answers
Discuss availability and scalability in such deployment. Security concerns and vulnerability issues.
Assess and evaluate a smart cities (traffic and parking) deployment and if this solution achieved its goals.
Which wireless technology will be used in smart cities? Why
The Internet of things is a network of physical devices, home appliances, vehicles and other embedded software, sensors that enables to collect, connect and exchange data. IoT of things have been widely used to interact and perform everyday activities. The set of application related to internet of things have expanded. Some of the fields in which IoT is used is home automation, health monitoring, controlling traffic and parking congestion, wearable technology and also used in remote applications. The IoT deployments are used to enable better management of system and cities. The concept of smart city is to make things flexible and automated so that very little human intervention is needed. In this report, the benefits of deploying IoT technology is discussed along with the availability and scalability if such deployment (Anagnostopoulos, Zaslavsy, Medvedev & Khoruzhnicov, 2015). The security concerns and vulnerability issues related to internet of things are listed. The use of IoT in building smart city for parking and traffic deployment is used. The initiative taken for building smart city is listed. Some of the platform that is used for handling the data is discussed on this report along with its challenges. Smart cities are made using wireless technology, thus that are used are analysed. Smart cities could be built by finding the problem faced that developing a vision so that communities can work in a right direction.
Benefit of deploying the IoT technology- Deploying IoT technology has helped businesses to capture process and analyse data at large scale. It allows business to take advantage of technology by using cloud infrastructure. It offers a cost effective way to collect, process and analyse the information. It is used to save the data when amount of data increases. The benefit of using IoT is used to make intelligent decisions (Chiang & Zhang, 2016). It helps in optimizing the process by consuming the resources. The benefit of deploying IoT technology is accessing the information easily and from remote location. It also offers communication in an easy way my making it transparent. It is a cost effective approach and make sure that that data is transferred at faster. It is a technology that makes the work automatic by managing the processes without human intervention (Chiang & Zhang, 2016).
Availability and scalability in such deployment- The IoT technology is used in various fields and is used in every application. Internet of things has gained popularity and is used in smart homes, wearable, smart city, smart grid, connected car, health sector, smart supply chain and various others. The deployment of this technology helps the business to get saleable to large scale (Khanna & Anand, 2016)
. It offers easy expansion as almost most of the operations are automatic and can be completely n short span of time. The availability will help the system to keep it fast.
Security concerns and vulnerability issues- There are some disadvantages related to IoT, in today’s era every individual is connected to each other via internet. It increases privacy and security issues as the risk of data leakage is very high. The information can be leaked by nay third party that can dispute confidentiality of data (Höller, et. al, 2014). The network is quiet complex, thus a single loop can affect the entire system. The need of human labour also gets reduced as the work is automatic.
The use of IoT in smart cities for traffic and parking deployment - In today’s time smart cities are facing issues for traffic management and parking. Internet of things is used to make sure that empty spaces are used so that traffic conditions could be controlled. Derivers find issues for finding space for parking and traffic has increased the chances of accidents (Centenaro, Vangelista, Zanella & Zorzi, 2016). Thus, smart making and traffic management strategies are used this eliminates the distraction and to reduce congestion from the road. IoT is used in different ways like it make sure that empty spaces are used by the drivers. Parking areas have light indicators that help drivers to find out the best place to park the vehicles. IoT technology helps in gathering the information so that best and alternative routes could be found so that congestion could be controlled easily. IoT has an advanced parking scenario that make use of sensors in which all the empty spots are found and parking directions are guided by the use of sensor.
They also make use of smart assistance so that road accidents could be reduced. They make use of CCTVs and sensors so that accident spots could be identified and communication is taken place (Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic & Palaniswami, 2013). It is seen that traffic is crucial aspect thus smart parking technology is used so that sensors and lighted spaces could be used. Internets of Things sync the sensors so that cloud platform could be used by feeding the information through mobile apps and online parking. It also reduces traffic by reducing the traffic volume and allowing drivers to park the car by using mobile which saves time (He, Yan & Da Xu, 2014). It also allows drivers to make the parking payment digitally.
Internet of Things helps in managing traffic and parking needs in an effective manner. It also makes communication possible by offering safer and efficient infrastructure so that congestion and environmental impacts could be controlled. It reduces congestion by monitoring and controlling traffic lights (Gubbi, Buyya, Marusic & Palaniswami, 2013). It also identifies the structural issues that are faced due to bridges, roadways and tunnels. It also allows drivers to pay the parking fee automatically by enhancing the convenience.
Initiatives for building Smart Cities- The initiative for building smart city is taken by government with the help of companies. Building smart city is the mission of every government authority as it aims in making decisions more accurate and robust by making use of data from various sensors. The backbone of building smart city is collection of data and then processing it and making it available using cloud technology (Ji, Ganchev, O'Droma, Zhao & Zhang, 2014). Data centres offer fast solution for smart cities. Government has started with the objective of building smart city and have merged with government companies so that they can offer cloud based services. They gather data by using smart technology and then follow high computing technology so that actions could be taken (Catarinucci, et. al, 2015). The mission for smart cities by government is developing various cities across the country so that friendly and sustainable steps were taken (Sanchez, et. al, 2014). They start up various programs by selecting a city and then assure that challenges related to smart cities are fulfilled. They divide the plan among various subsystems so that output is better. The city is viewed as a complex structure and the processes and task are divided into components and then characterize according to the priority. Government authorities assign the work to the companies so that they bring up innovative ideas with the motive of building smart city. The concept of building Smart City is different from state and country; it completely depends on the level of development (Arasteh, et. al , 2016). The idea of smart city comes from government or any individual than a clear vision is set by building a plan to build smart cities across the country. This is accomplished by many companies as they innovates new ideas and technology so that modernization is achieved (Bonomi, Milito, Zhu & Addepalli, 2012). The companies bring up IoT developments, wireless technology and other things that improve quality of life. Smart cities are built by promotions so that top down, proactive technology can be followed (Strohbach, Ziekow, Gazis & Akiva, 2015).
Some of the initiatives that are taken to convert city into smart city is promoting the use of land by making sure all the unplanned area could be used by building new lands so that housing opportunities are increased. The congestion can also be reduced by creating walk able so that security and congestion could be managed (Rathore, Ahmad, Paul & Rho, 2016). They also offer variety of transport options that offer transport connectivity and also assure that traffic and parking issues are resolved. The role of government in building smart city is encouraging citizens for active participation, expand IT expertise and also arrange funds so that steps could be used (Rathore, Ahmad, Paul & Rho, 2016).
The first step is finding out the problem by exploring the current issues so that traffic and congestion controls can be
Platform that handle the Data- There are various platforms that are used to handle the data, one such is big data and cloud computing. Big data is the term used to describe the huge volumes of data generated by traditional business activities and from new sources. It covers the information from store point-of-sale terminals, bank ATMs, Facebook posts, and YouTube videos. They also make use of sophisticated software to analyse this data looking for hidden patterns, trends or other insights that they can use to better tailor their products and services to customers, anticipate demand or improve performance. Technological advances in big data have made collecting, storing and analysing large amounts of data cheaper and easier than ever before so that new can come up. It is a data management platform that is used to collect the information of customers from different sources and then analyse to provide in depth references. The other data management platform that could be used is cloud computing it allow accessing the data from remote location just by the use of internet. Cloud storage system generally encompasses hundreds of servers that are linked together. Cloud computing is an easy way to access the data as it involves connecting clients from remote location via a network.
Challenges- There are various issues related to these data management platform one such is security concern. As these platforms store all the sensitive and confidential data, thus there are chances of security breach. Thus, the major concern of data management platform is analysing the large amount of data. The ransom ware and various attacks are increasing day by day thus there are chances that valuable information is accessed by hackers. The insecure interface or weak API’s can also allow hackers to access the confidential data. Thus, there are possibilities that information can be misused for wrong reasons. The other issue associated with big data and cloud computing, is plumbing problem. This problem arises due to increasing data that is being created and stored over these platforms. The other such issues include reliability, availability of services and data. It causes security issue with the complexity issue. The privacy can also be affected as there are various unauthorised users that try to read and modify the data over the network. There are chances when control over these IT services are lost, thus it is important to keep the data at different places so that it could be recovered at time of failure. It is important to select the right technology so that gap can be fulfilled.
Wireless technology that will be used in smart cities- There are various number of applications that are used by in smart cities for communication like Bluetooth, ZigBee, WiFi, NFC,Z-Wave, LoraWAN and many others.
Wireless technologies are required in a city in various ways it is used by people in the form of smart phones or gadgets, used in homes for security or making daily activities automatic, also used at time of heavy traffic and parking issues, it is used in waste management system for gridding it in smart way, there are smart meters that monitor the issues regularly (Singh, Rajan, Shivraj & Balamuralidhar, 2015).
LTE is one such technology that is used in smart cities to increase the bandwidth coverage area (Lee & Lee, 2015). They offer cellular services to companies at low cost. The other such technology is Wi-Fi technology that is used in smart cities to make communication and access of data easy (Anagnostopoulos, Tet. al, 2017). It allows thousands of devices to get connected from one network. Bluetooth is also used in many cases it is cheap and easy to install. The other such technology that is used in smart city is ZigBee it is a low cost technology that saves the power and also reduces collision. The other technology is Z-wave that is lot simpler than ZigBee. The other is LoraWan that is a low power consumption that offers a secure bi-directional communication at low cost (Vlacheas, et. al, 2013). The modes of operation of smart city rely on different technology as they rely on different type of network and communication technology (Zanella, Bui, Castellani, Vangelista & Zorzi, 2014).
These technologies are widely used to connect IoT applications (Strohbach, Ziekow, Gazis & Akiva, 2015). One such technology is sierra wireless that offers an industry-leading portfolio for cellular machine-to-machine solution with the motive to make cities smart. Technologies are used for connecting street lights with sensors and making sure that security and safety is maintained. They are also used in smart energy plants and water management (Zanella, Bui, Castellani, Vangelista & Zorzi, 2014). These technologies also allow cities to develop an integrated IoT infrastructure so that full range of smart city solutions is supported. It makes the market to run at a faster rate by designing advance technologies (Tao, Zuo, Da Xu & Zhang, 2014).
It can be concluded that IoT can be used in building smart cities. There are various challenges that are faced such as climatic change, reducing Co2 level, traffic and parking issues and various health services that need to be managed. There Internet of things is a technology that has allowed devices and machines to get connected over network. These devices generate data so that can be used efficiently from anywhere. For example, on a busy rush day where is an issue driving on the road, Iot enables the drivers to find the best possible way in which roads can be crossed in rush hour. This report covers the benefits faced while deploying IoT technology. There are various security issues that are faced due to IoT is also listed. Smart cities are delivered by companies with the initiative of government authorities. Internet of things is installed with innovation, these gadgets can impart and connect over the Internet, and they can be remotely checked and controlled. With the landing of driverless vehicles, a part of IoT, i.e. the Internet of Things begins to acquire attention.
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Strohbach, M., Ziekow, H., Gazis, V., & Akiva, N. (2015). Towards a big data analytics framework for IoT and smart city applications. In Modeling and processing for next-generation big-data technologies (pp. 257-282). Springer, Cham.
Tao, F., Zuo, Y., Da Xu, L., & Zhang, L. (2014). IoT-based intelligent perception and access of manufacturing resource toward cloud manufacturing. IEEE Trans. Industrial Informatics, 10(2), 1547-1557.
Vlacheas, P., Giaffreda, R., Stavroulaki, V., Kelaidonis, D., Foteinos, V., Poulios, G., ... & Moessner, K. (2013). Enabling smart cities through a cognitive management framework for the internet of things. IEEE communications magazine, 51(6), 102-111.
Zanella, A., Bui, N., Castellani, A., Vangelista, L., & Zorzi, M. (2014). Internet of things for smart cities. IEEE Internet of Things journal, 1(1), 22-32.
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