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Itech5500 Professional Research And Communication- Assessment Answers

Explain a critical awareness of previous research in an IT context within a chosen topic area through a basic understanding of research theory and techniques. It requires you to write a proposal (that you might perhaps present to a funding body, for example). It does NOT require you to gather and analyse data, including secondary data.

Identify appropriate research philosophies for IT projects, which match organisational approaches.Identify appropriate methodologies and methods, for an organisational IT research project.


Enhancing on access to the financial solutions for instance the savings, deposits, insurance or maybe remittances is essential in reducing of poverty. Saving might lower poverty (Al-Jabri & Sohail, 2012). Savings might help out the poor individuals on how exactly to invest in effective assets for example the livestock, a loan might also assist in expanding of the activities of the business as well as insurance will help offer income to the family in the event a breadwinner fell sick .  In the developing countries, approximately nine out of 10 individuals do not need a bank account or maybe a use of the basic financial services. The poor people are more regularly not thought to be viable customer by the formal financial sector given that the size of their transaction is small, and some might be residing in the isolated areas beyond the reach of the bank’s branch networks (Al-Jabri & Sohail, 2012). The informal banking services for instance the microfinance and the village savings and loan associations continues limited to their reach. To allow the banks to view the poor as viable customers, you will discover new methods for serving them much profitably that should be explored.

Extending on the network of the branch is extremely expensive, but the development of the appropriate technology might be a solution to such problem. Providing the banking by means of the mobile phones might be the certainly one of the options to offer great potential to attaining the poor people. Most of the poor people have a usage of the mobile phones (Boadi, Boateng, Hinson & Opoku, 2007). The positive element to the mobile phones is the fact that the mobile networks might be attained remotely at a lower cost. The poor might have greater familiarity along with trust with the aid of the mobile phone business as similar to the formal banking institutions. Additionally, the mobile handset can be adapted easily in handling of the banking transactions. This research will be based on the impact which the evolution of the m-commerce on the online banking in the developing countries.

Around the world, there are numerous initiatives to utilize the mobile phone to be able to offer the financial services, not just to those without the having access to of the traditional banks but additionally to the population, which is, banked (Chigona, Beukes, Vally & Tanner, 2009). There is certainly scholarly study, which explores on the utilization of the mobile banking payments devices. The scholarly study to the adoption along with the socioeconomic influences of the mobile banking systems in the developing world is extremely rare because the systems are just so new (Chigona, Beukes, Vally & Tanner, 2009). There have been little attention, which has already been paid to the social, cultural along with the economic surrounding on the utilization of these systems.

Based on the study done by Auta (2010) highlights that the personal characteristics of the mobile banking users are significant determinants when it comes to their adoption of the decisions and the understanding for the perception of the mobile banking, which would enable the service providers to be able to plan on their strategies for the marketing (Wambari, 2009).  Based on the Wambari, (2009) argued that as the unbanked individuals begins to use the mobile phones they become reachable at a much lower costs and thus more bankable in the sense that the major transactions services they become much viable to offer through the phone thus emphasis on the cost (Yee-Loong Chong, Ooi, Lin & Tan, 2010). This research study seeks in exploring on the impact of the m-commerce on the online banking in the developing countries.

The following are the questions to which this study will seek to address:

  • What are mobile banking services will the m-commerce be offered by the banks?
  • To what extent of adoption of the mobile banking does individuals in the developing country use?
  • What factors influence or impact on the m-commerce adoption in the developing countries?
  • What are the challenges do customers face in the use of the m-commerce services?

The commerce businesses has been witnessing a boost, which has been caused by the emergency of the wireless technology. After revolutionary emergence of the electronic commerce as well as its influence on the environment of the business across the globe, the mobile commerce has been another step towards the revolution of the wireless network. The M-commerce with its extensive developments, it has led to the opportunity of developing on a strong connection that exists between the organization and their target markets, where there are various businesses as well as company are taking the chances of adopting on the opportunity.  Today in the competitive world, the m-commerce as the online technology it has become a part of everyday life.  It all about connecting individuals as well as making of the business via the mobile applications and it is regarded to be an effective strategy.

The telecommunication business globally continues to be scrambled in taking just what his accessible to the networks of the computers to mobile devices. Presently, the utilization of the online banking continues to be significantly been high and more and more user enrol in the online banking. The maturity in relation to the remote banking is on the increase. With the on the internet banking , the customers are easily undertaking the banking transaction, however the convenience cannot take place if the user cannot gain access to the internet , however with the M-banking , there is convenience since it is attainable round the clock . The reason behind this really is that the users have an accessibility to their mobile phone all the day long at all the times.

Consequently, to have the ability to attain true convenient the banking mode, a genuine mobile mode to banking needs to be researched hence the need to have the mobile banking. The advent of the internet has transformed regarding how to which the financial services industry carries conducted on their business , through empowering of the organization with the aid of the new business models along with different ways to manage to provide a twenty-four hour accessibility to the clients . The capability of offering financial transactions online continues to be in a position to create new players in the financial services industry for instance the online banks. During the last few years both the mobile and the wireless industry continues to be certainly one of the developing market on the globe in fact it is still growing much rapidly (Odedra-Straub, 2003).

Depending on the study of the financial consultancy Celent, roughly 35% of the online banking household will likely be utilizing the mobile banking by 2018. Upwards of the seventy percent of the bank, center call has been expected to originate from the mobile phones. The mobile banking would allow the users to have the ability make the payments at their physical point of the sale. Many think that the users of the mobile have started to be able to use the data capabilities to their mobile phones (Wambari, 2009). There is an enormous marketplace for the financial business to be interested in providing of the value added services (Odedra-Straub, 2003).

With the mobile scientific knowledge, the banks could provide numerous services to the clients for instance carrying out transfer of the funds while they are still transferring, receiving online updates for the stock price or maybe performing stock trading whilst being stuck even to the traffic. . During the last four years, the banks around the world they have invested billions of dollars to be able to build sosphicated internet banking capabilities. A broad spectrum of the mobile banking models is evolving (Oyeleye, Sanni & Shittu, 2015). Nevertheless, you will need to note that if the mobile banking has been utilized in attracting of the low income populations in the rural locations, the business design will depend on the banking agents. The banking representative is a substantial part to the mobile banking business model since the support services, the high quality of the services and the cash management will all be dependent to them (Odera, 2013).

M-commerce technology allows many enterprise procedures to be less complicated in enhancing productivity, hence minimizing on the cost a lot dramatically as well as providing the services faster more correctly to the customer with the higher satisfaction levels (Odera, 2013). The emerging wireless along with the mobile networks have prolonged on the electronic commerce to an additional research along with application subject. M-commerce today entails the complex system of the companies , which make sure to increase on their profits via providing of the products along with the services to the market that is composed both individuals along with business to the lowest production cost .

3. 0 Research Methodology 

In this section will highlight the method which will be used for the study and adopt on the following aspects: research design, population and sample, the population description, collection of the data methods, the procedure for the research and the data analysis along with the methods.

3.1 Research methods

In this research design, it will use the quantitative research method. The surveys would be used for gathering of the data from the enterprises. The respondent will be 100 individuals who would represent a large percentage of the various sectors. Either the respondent will be the owners of the small business or the manager who in most cases was much relative to the owner and in the minor case, the owner was also the manager. This would enable the answers to the survey questions to be genuine as well as accurate.

3.2 Research design

The research design, which will be used in this study, is the survey design. The cross sectional design will be effective and will be the one, which will be used. This design usually entails the collection of the information of more than one case and at a single point in time to be able to collect qualitative or the quantifiable data that is connected to the various variables that are examined to be able to detect the patterns of association.

3.3 Sampling 

The survey method will be used in this research study. There would be a random of twenty organization, which will be selected. In order to be able to determine on the sample size, geographical location will also be considered able to have both the urban as well as the rural representation (Oyeleye, Sanni & Shittu, 2015). The respondent from these organization are individuals who are knowledgeable with the questions, which are provided.

3.4 Data collection 

The data will be collected by using the semi-structured questionnaire and they are issued through drop and pick technique.  This method will be much effective because it would save time and the cost involved is minimized (Oyeleye, Sanni & Shittu, 2015). This exercise intend to obtain the core data as well as the supplementary data through probing of the respondent and by reading of the publications, which are relevant of the other organizations in the industry.

3.5 Data analysis 

The data analysis will be undertaken through use the Microsoft Excel spreadsheets as well as the Statistical package for the Social Science (SPSS). Further, editing will be done before the data is analyzed.

Taking responses of the m-banking users only is unique for this study as most of the previous studies used various consumers who were the respondent (Shaikh & Karjaluoto, 2015). Technology development has revolutionized on the way the banking services are provided today. This study may identify on some new dimensions to which were not identified in the previous research on m-commerce related study (Donner & Tellez, 2008). This study will help the banks especially those in the developing countries to understand as well as implement strategy for the adoption process that could enable them in providing of the better services such as online banking to the customers.  This study intend to provide some theoretical as well as managerial implication especially in the field of m-commerce (Crabbe, Standing, Standing & Karjaluoto, 2009).

Technology has been changing rapidly therefore, this study is a milestone for the continuous long journey but also it is not the final say. This study intends to enrich the m-commerce related literature by exploring of the various factors, which could lead to the adoption process. It would further contribute the mobile adoption literature for better understanding of the online banking and the factors, which have led to its adoption especially in the developing countries (Lule, Omwansa & Waema, 2012).  The findings might suggest that the clients can use the M-banking if the banks could be able to provide the services dependent on the expectations of the consumers.  To be able to explain on the research domain empirical test will be done on the theoretical assumptions that will provide the base to which the future research can be done in this field.

This research will provide important strategic guidelines to the banks and a proposed framework, which could be used as the tool for increasing on the m-banking users in the developing countries. The finding of this research will help the commercial banks to be able to operate within the developing countries in order to provide better customer services through online banking (Chong, Chan & Ooi, 2012). The banks will be able to make policy, which will help in promoting of the m-commerce as well as create a suitable environment to which to speed on the consumer adoption process. The finding will also suggest that the bank should be in a position of keeping the financial cost in control but at the same time provide some form of benefits to the m-banking clients, to enable the other customer to shift from the tradition-banking channel to use of m-commerce technology (Donner & Tellez, 2008).

This technology should be user friendly as well as customized to enable the customer to enjoy the full benefits of online banking (Chigona, Beukes, Vally & Tanner, 2009). Most of the individuals in the developing areas are not using the m-commerce application such as the M-banking because they are not aware on some of these technology and institution such as the banks do not provide an awareness program to motivate them in adopting them. Security as well as privacy are other concerns to which the customer could face when adopting the new technology and it is upon institutions in the developing countries to provide insight on how they can be secure (Chong, Chan & Ooi, 2012).

For the banks in the short term, they could use alternative channel of advertisement to increase the awareness to the customers and this will increase the number of customers who are using the m-commerce for online banking. The adoption process could be faced by technological service constraint therefore it is important for the institutions to provide services that are easy to use as well as compatible to the users (Crabbe, Standing, Standing & Karjaluoto, 2009). The findings on this research could provide the direct for the impact of the m-commerce on online banking to the developing countries and factors, which have led to low number of adoption of the process.

4.1 Limitations of your methodology

The limitation of methodology for this research is on the sample size. The sample number is too small to act as a representative of the entire population. The research may face difficulty in finding of the significant relationship of the variable from the data, since the statistical test would require larger sample size, the constraint that has caused on this the budget and time factors. Another limitation is the self-reported data (Aboelmaged & Gebba, 2013). The research will rely on some pre-existing data. This data cannot be rarely be independently verified. There may be various potential sources of the biasness when the researcher undertook the research. Nonetheless, in this research there will not be expected any internal or the external validity threats which will occur.

4.2 Implication of results to further research

In this study, it may not exhaust on all impact of the m-commerce on the online banking, but it will greatly influence to the way it will be adopted especially in the developing countries (Auta, 2010). Further research could be done in order to evaluate on how the M-banking could contribute to the paperless banking, whether it has any impact to the internet banking or how it could be integrated or perhaps interlinked with the internet banking in the developing economies. This will help determine if the institutions in these countries are heading to the right direction when it comes to the adoption of the technological innovation to be able to achieve their overall goals and visions (Aboelmaged & Gebba, 2013). The research will contribute to a global body of the knowledge on the m-commerce on online banking particularly in an emerging economy, considering this is a new technology and the uptake when it comes to the developing countries has surpassed those already developed.  


In conclusion, this study will sought to find out the m-commerce on online banking in developing countries. Through the existing literature, data collection and analyses the study will find why the developing countries adoption of this new innovation has not fully been used. The research will offer major contribution to literature through providing light on the m-commerce on online banking and the impact it has brought particularly to developing countries. This research study will provide a practical guidance to the institutions and well as the policy maker along with all the other stakeholders based on the sound evidence and promote further research coverage on the issue of impact of m-commerce on online banking. The research will bridge the gap, which exists between the mobile phone technologies and the practice in the effort of providing solution towards developmental, or perhaps the economic issues in the developing countries.  


Aboelmaged, M., & Gebba, T. R. (2013). Mobile banking adoption: an examination of technology acceptance model and theory of planned behavior. International Journal of Business Research and Development (IJBRD), 2(1).

Al-Jabri, I. M., & Sohail, M. S. (2012). Mobile banking adoption: Application of diffusion of innovation theory. 

Auta, E. M. (2010). E-banking in developing economy: Empirical evidence from Nigeria. Journal of applied quantitative methods, 5(2), 212-222. 

Boadi, R. A., Boateng, R., Hinson, R., & Opoku, R. A. (2007). Preliminary insights into m- commerce adoption in Ghana. Information Development, 23(4), 253-265. 

Chigona, W., Beukes, D., Vally, J., & Tanner, M. (2009). Can mobile internet help alleviate social exclusion in developing countries?. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 36. 

Chong, A. Y. L., Chan, F. T., & Ooi, K. B. (2012). Predicting consumer decisions to adopt mobile commerce: Cross country empirical examination between China and Malaysia. Decision Support Systems, 53(1), 34-43. 

Crabbe, M., Standing, C., Standing, S., & Karjaluoto, H. (2009). An adoption model for mobile banking in Ghana. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 7(5), 515-543. 

Donner, J., & Tellez, C. A. (2008). Mobile banking and economic development: Linking adoption, impact, and use. Asian journal of communication, 18(4), 318-332. 

Hanafizadeh, P., Behboudi, M., Koshksaray, A. A., & Tabar, M. J. S. (2014). Mobile-banking adoption by Iranian bank clients. Telematics and Informatics, 31(1), 62-78. 

Lule, I., Omwansa, T. K., & Waema, T. M. (2012). Application of technology acceptance model (TAM) in m-banking adoption in Kenya. International Journal of Computing and ICT Research, 6(1), 31-43. 

Nasri, W., & Charfeddine, L. (2012). Factors affecting the adoption of Internet banking in Tunisia: An integration theory of acceptance model and theory of planned behavior. The Journal of High Technology Management Research, 23(1), 1-14. 

Odera, E. A. (2013). Mobile Banking Adoption In The Banking Industry In Kenya (Doctoral dissertation, University of Nairobi). 

Odedra-Straub, M. O. S. M. (2003). E-commerce and development: Whose development?. The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries, 11. 

Oyeleye, O., Sanni, M., & Shittu, T. (2015). An Investigation of the Effects of Customer's Educational Attainment on their Adoption of E-banking in Nigeria. Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 20(3), 1. 

Shaikh, A. A., & Karjaluoto, H. (2015). Mobile banking adoption: A literature review. Telematics and Informatics, 32(1), 129-142.

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