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Itech5402 Enterprise Systems- The Communication Assessment Answers

Write a team report of about 3000 words on one of the following research topics. The report must include at least one case study to reflect the topic of discussion.
Post-implementation Changes following Enterprise Systems’ implementation.
Enterprise systems integration with other organisational systems, such as Cyber-physical Systems and SCADA Systems.
Enterprise Mobility and Enterprise Systems
Enterprise Systems and Data Management
Enterprise Systems’ integration with Internet of Things (IoT)
Cloud-based Enterprise Systems.


The internet of things is the core concept of future network.  The new opportunities are opened for businesses and organization with the implementation of IoT. The growth of IoT is rapidly increasing. “The internet of things is the internetworking of physical resources by embedding the features of software, actuators, sensors, and network connectivity” (Zhu, 2015). The global standard defined internet of things as the interoperability between existing information and communication technologies. The implementation of internet of things requires an object for integrating the physical world and the virtual world together with the communication network.

The IoT is featured with sensing and controlling the remote access of the network infrastructure. It provides the medium of connecting physical world with computer system efficiency, economic benefit, and accuracy in the working performance of the organization. It focuses on reducing the human intervention with the working operation of the enterprise. The involvement of sensor and actuator with the physical infrastructure can be used for developing smart grids, smart homes, smart cities, intelligent transportation, and virtual power plants. Various protocols, application and domains are utilized for using the IoT in internet infrastructure. The smart objects are required for interconnection with the embedded devices. It can be defined as the integration of computing devices, digital machines, people, and objects for the transfer of information without the involvement of human and computer.

There are number of services which can be the part of 3D internet, next generation network, and internet of context. The technologies which are used in the IoT are categorised as Bluetooth sensors, RFID tracking, Internet connected wearable system, smartphones, and low power embedded system. “Cloud server side architecture can be used as the reference model for IoT for monitoring and management of the resources and services” (Wu, 2014).  The use IoT brings new revolution in the world of enterprise by the implementation of digital strategies with the integration of business operating model and governance models. The enterprise system indulges IoT for increasing the productivity, setting standards for market differentiation, and development of cost efficient program.

The success of the enterprise depends in the increasing productivity of the organization which can be possible by researching on the similar products available in the market. The cost efficient program can be developed for the enterprise system can be done by utilizing the resources to their full extent, better use of information in the decision making activity, and reducing the downtime of the application.

 1. Characteristics of IoT:

The characteristic of IoT is described in the table below:




The IoT is used for interconnection of global information with infrastructure of the communication    

Things related services

The constraints of things which are related to the IoT are protection of the privacy and semantic consistency wih the virtual and physical objects.


The heterogeneous devices of hardware and software are used on the IoT platform. The smart objects are required for interconnection with the embedded devices.

Dynamic changes

The dynamic changes can occur in the state of devices for the prediction of location and speed. The dynamic changes can occur in the number of devices used on the IoT platform.

Enormous scale

The magnitude of the communication between devices can be changed according to the requirement of the application.

The strategic changes which can be brings by using IoT are:

There are so many technologies which are based on IoT application are categorised as IoT architecture, identification, network technology, communication, software and algorithm, network discovery, data and signal processing, hardware technology, discovery and search engine, data and signal processing, network management, security, trust, dependability, power and energy storage, and privacy. “The constraints of things which are related to the IoT are protection of the privacy and semantic consistency wih the virtual and physical objects” (Wang, 2014). The strategic changes depend on the identification of stakeholders, innovation, development, creation, and others. The emergence of new technologies such as cloud computing, automatic computing, cyber physical system, and social network gives the rapid increase to the integration of internet of things with the enterprise system for increasing the productivity of the organization.

  • Customer can access information on anything according to his choice
  • The IoT enables the infrastructure to remain connected with the network.
  • It focuses on the integration of people places, things, and information.
  • It focuses on developing next level business by changing the capabilities of the organization in terms of measuring of organization value, operation of processes, and analysing of activities.

2. Need of IoT in enterprise system:



Ensuring the security of the enterprise system

The security of the IoT in the physical infrastructure is the most crucial activity. The capabilities of the of the application is used for securing booting process, whitelisting of application, access control and authentication given to the devices, security in partitioning, inclusion of firewalls and intrusion detection and prevention methods, and management of devices.

End to end integration of application

“The flow of data can be managed with the help of sensors and actuators, use of specific tasks and generalise data, network connection of devices, network of devices with the help of gateways and cloud, and integration of devices with the cloud platform” (Shacklett, 2014).

Management of the lifecycles

The operating life of the devices depends on the initial design of the internet of things, remote access of the devices, changes in the network configuration, customization of devices debugging of devices, and malfunctioning of devices.

Intelligence driving system

The edge devices are used for aggregating the data on the cloud and IoT solutions. The control strategies are used for driving and analysing the big data. Aggregation of data for routing of data.



Factors responsible for the growth of IoT in enterprise system:

  • On global platform no measures have been take place for the effective utilization of unique identifiers and numbering spaces associated with the volatile objects
  • The IoT reference architecture is not accelerated in use.
  • Semantic interoperability is not advances for the rapid exchange of sensor information in the heterogeneous environment.
  • The security and privacy measures should be taken in the complex environment for managing communication between innovations of data
  • The businesses are not able to utilize the complete potential of internet of things in increasing their productivity.
  • The integration of context should be focused

The technologies which are required for implementing internet of things solutions are described in the table below:




The IoT projects are used for integrating system and services.


“The vendors of the application and middleware are responsible for providing information related to analytical engines” (Noronha, 2016). It provides the end point to the solution of vertical market


The hardware which is required for internet of things includes GPS chips, actuators, RFID sensors, external devices which are efficient in capturing the location and provides status information, and others,


The IoT solution provides the network connectivity which is capable of infrastructure for network access, transport of information, and satellite

Analytics Solutions

The implementation of IoT solution involves the software related to business intelligence and analytic solutions which are well efficient in performing functions like recognition of the pattern, task of data mining and predictive analysis, analysis of video image, use of algorithms related with artificial intelligence. It can take required action to determine whether to take action against of pattern or not

  Plan to deploy internet of things in enterprise system:

“The enterprise system has planned to deploy internet of things to overcome the issues supply chain management system, tracking of transaction, transformation of value chain and others” (Tollens, 2016). The IoT solutions are applicable of providing information which can resolve the issues related with supply chain, tracking of transaction, and knowledge of asset location. It can also focuses on identification of assets, reducing the level of inventory, minimizing the chance of theft, and damage to objects. “The transformation of value chain can be enabled by  IoT solutions” (Li, 2015). Some examples of IoT are The enterprise integration depends on correlation of historical data and remote machine sensor readings.

The field technician support helps in generation of tickets in the services provided by the software system. The magnitude of the communication between devices can be changed according to the requirement of the application. The involvement of sensor and actuator with the physical infrastructure can be used for developing smart grids, smart homes, smart cities, intelligent transportation, and virtual power plants. The smart buildings are capable of bringing automation actions in forecasting the satellite weather by using the services of API on the internet. Smart city traffic management focuses on combining real time sensor data based on parking and external traffic sources which are used for recommendation of intelligent traffic.

It helps in monitoring the pool of assets, containers used for controlling the temperature, maintenance of customer service, availability of material, and availability of minimal working capital. The use of fixed assets can b effectively controlled by the use of IoT solutions. The valuable plants can be effectively utilized the efficiency of IoT. The graph below shows the time at which firm can plan for deploying of internet of things in the working platform of the organization.

The benefits are categorised as visibility of the supply chain management system, helps in preventing the loss of assets, the customer experience can be improved, the delivery process of the business can be improved, optimization responsiveness in the supply chain, the cost effective mechanism can be evolved, the accuracy can be improved in the forecast of objects, the healthy relationship can be developed between customers, suppliers, employees, and partners, safety and security measures can be improved, regulatory compliance can be improved, helps in improving the risk management system of the organization, revenues can be increased, and insight the data driven action. The graph below show the benefits which are taken by the enterprise with the implementation of IoT solution:

Changes and Benefits:

The key changes and potential benefits which are associated with internet of things are summarised in the table below:

Key changes


The real time management of traffics

The customer experience can be improved

It helps in establishing remote monitoring of the equipment

The productivity of the employees and usage of resources can be improved

The quick responses can be given to the fluctuations in demand

The agility and flexibility of the industry can be improved

The prevention of stock out condition and intelligent management of supply chains

The consumers trends and behaviour can be predicted

It implements real time tracking of the resources

The requirement of working capital can be reduced

It promotes changes in infrastructure

It provides environmental benefits for cost savings

Making use of smart components

The operating cost and consumption of resources can be reduced

Innovative services

Helps in cost saving

Development of smart grids

The services offered are more responsiveness and reliable

Internet of things reference architecture:

“The architecture of internet of things is based on generic and specific requirement” (Khalid, 2016). The generic requirement includes inherent connection between the devices and resources with the internet. It also focuses on firewall and other hindrance. Specific requirements are associated with connectivity and communication, analysis and data collection, device management, security, and computational scalability. It helps in monitoring the pool of assets, containers used for controlling the temperature, maintenance of customer service, availability of material, and availability of minimal working capital. The protocols which are used for connecting devices with the internet are HTTP, HTTPS, HTTP-APIs. Desirable requirements are composed of disconnection of stolen devices, updating of software on devices, updating of the security measures, and storing and analysing of data. The layered architecture of the enterprise system integrating the IoT is depicted.

“The layered architecture is used for developing framework for digital enterprise architecture. The development framework is used for specifying domain specific features associated with IoT applications” (Haller, 2014). The architectural language is used for application based features, vocabulary language is used for describing the domain specific features, and deployment language is used for describing the deployment specific features. The languages are well efficient in performing code generation tasks, reducing the efforts of development, and defining the peculiarities of the operating system. The software components are responsible for performing the service oriented computational services.

“The enterprise system architecture depends on meta-model and the architectural data. The meta-model of the enterprise architecture focuses on support system for decision and alignment of IT business and strategic activities” (Kamat, 2014). The alignment of business activities depends on performance, availability, interoperability, accuracy, integrity, maintainability, flexibility, integration and coordination, control of decision support, and organization culture. Architectural governance is the framework of management activities which focuses on planning, defining, enabling, measuring and controlling. The internal and external rules of the framework used for empowering the people, structure, processes, and others. The IoT solutions are used for uniquely identifying things for the management of activities. The local IoT devices are used for interacting with module.

The remote servers are used for analysing the data and permanent storage. The IoT devices are required for local analysis and for observation of processing.  Many of the services provided by the integration of the enterprise system with internet of things are platform consulting, rollout and integration of platform services, work as a solution centre for the organization, vertical package on IoT solution, testing of solution on the platform of IoT, testing of the devices, and management of services. The emphasis is given on security associated with on-boarding devices, scalability in getting data on the cloud, acceptance of cost, remote access of management devices, helps in improving the business process, integration and validation with application, transformation of data between applications on the cloud, and creating values for the business.

The following diagram shows the integration framework of the next generation enterprise. The alignment of business activities depends on performance, availability, interoperability, accuracy, integrity, maintainability, flexibility, integration and coordination, control of decision support, and organization culture.” The inclusion of IoT in enterprise system helps in providing disruptive platform, real time combination of data on devices, online services, and deployment of IT applications and APIs” (Friess, 2014). The emphasis is given on decision making system related with time-series processing of data and correlation of data logic. The IoT helps in generation of alerts from multi-channels, automation and accuracy in the workflow, predictive maintenance program, and cost saving.

Technologies used in the internet of things:

The list of technologies is listed in the table below:




Radio frequency identification readers are used for identifying the items by using radio waves. The line of sight is used for reading the details of bar codes. They are used for tracking the information of the location and status of the product. RFID is mainly used in the areas of automatic toll collection system, inventory management system, supply chain management system, monitoring system, and others.

Sensor network

Sensor network is used for filling the gap between physical and virtual world for responding changes required in the physical environment Sensor network is remotely accessed without any internet connection.


Micro chips are known as microcontrollers which are embedded with the objects. The microcontrollers are capable of embedding intelligence distributed processing power of the network and independent decisions are used for managing decision.


Machine to machine interfaces are used for managing electronic communication between different nodes of the network. The internet protocol is the standard protocol which is used for establishing communication between different nodes. Link layer protocol, ISA, Wireless Hart, Zig bee, and etc. are some of the protocols which are used for establishing connection between different components on the network.


The biometric is used for recognizing the presence of people or inanimate objects. Fingerprinting, iris scanning, and voice and face recognition

Machine vision

The same type of information can be delivered to different channels with the help of RFID reader. On board sensors and controllers are used for machine vision


Actuators are used for detecting incoming signal for responding changes in the environment. The mechanical switches are used for enabling illumination.

Location technologies

Location technologies are used for determining the whereabouts of physical things. Sensors are used for getting the geo-location of the products. Radio, lights, and sounds are used for finding the location of the things.

Bar codes

The two dimensional matrix is composed of data matrix code which carries the information of the product. The cross word puzzle is used for converting the URL into barcodes.

Ambient technologies

“The sensitive and responsive environment can be built by making use of ambient technologies” (Kamat, 2014). Ambient technologies are used with embedded system, context aware programs, personalised system, anticipatory, and adaptive. The ambient intelligence paradigm is used for developing profiling system, design of human centric computer interaction, and pervasive computing.

Potential areas in IoT:

Governance: The standardized approach is used for the architecture proliferation, schemes identifications, development of frequencies and protocols, interoperability, and development of inter-tag communication.

Ubiquitous network: The IoT is capable of resolving the issue such as restriction of the address, automatic set up of address, authentication and encryption of security functions, technological development in the deployment of multi cast functions.

Regulation and legislation policy: The legislative framework is developed for ensuring right of privacy at each security level of the user.

Use of intelligent objects: The distributed and centralized objects are the key factors of intelligence network. The behavioural changes can be observed which are associated with the interactive standards.

IoT security: The privacy of data is the major component of privacy of data.

Software and services: “The user centric services are the key component of the IoT environment” (Gaiser, 2015). It focuses on the implementation of the event driven middleware and services related to the sensor dynamics.

Fusion of physical and virtual components: The processing of the data objects depends on the 3D virtual environment.

Augmented reality: Context sensitive information is used for proximity of people, place, and things.

Mash up application: The number of services is combined together for the standardization, interoperability, configuration capability, personal privacy, and information security.

Communication issues: The communication issues can be developed with the use of micro-chips on the antenna, use of smart antenna, Secure and standardised APIs, generation of modulation schemes, and transmission and speed.

Interoperability issues: The interoperability issues can take place on the communication network such as inter-tag, and multi-tag integration on the communication network and use of centralised and decentralised network.

Challenges in the integration of IoT and enterprise system:

  1. Security: The interconnection of the devices works on decentralised control which can work as an entry point of the malware. It makes use of less expensive devices which need compromising with tampering. The complexity can be increased with the inclusion of middleware layer, use of APIs, generation of machine to machine communication. These measures can result into development of new security risks.
  2. Trust and privacy: The use of remote sensor can result into high sensitivity in accessing data. Compliance is the major issue with the enterprise system. The social and political issues are the major concern for the development of new compliance framework.
  3. Issues related with integration, complexity, and confusion: The use of multiple platforms, large number of APIs, numerous protocols, integration of system with testing and others are the major challenges in the IoT environment.
  4. Standards for evolving architectures and protocols: The new standards should be developed for the management of legacy system. The standard framework of policies can be affected by open source platform.
  5. Use of value proposition and use cases: The use cases can give a clear view of ROI which can slow down the adoption of IoT in the enterprise system. The IoT Solution depends on the technical solution and customers oriented communication.

There are many advantages of implementing IoT in retail, logistics, and supply chain management system. Radio frequency identification (RFID) tags are used monitoring the availability of stock for managing the new orders. Check out points is used for doing fast payments. “The supply chain management system focuses on monitoring the quality of the product” (Fang, 2016). The simulators are used for tracking the ingredients of the supply chain. It can emphasise on flow of material. Large scale baggage handling system is used for routing the multi agent system by the implementation of the simulation model. The cloud computing program is used to resolve the quality problem of the raw material. The active sensors are used for monitoring the temperature of sensitive goods.

The business processes can be enhanced by using the technology of RFID reader in the environment of internet f thing with enterprise system. The health monitoring system is used to provide links to the collection of sensors for gathering of data, displaying of user interfaces, accessing of infrastructure services by the inclusion of network connectivity, Use of low power, durability, robustness, reliability and accuracy. “The medical institution involves the ioT for identify the cause of attacks on the system and to take remedial action” (Friess, 2012). The IoT application is used for managing chronic diseases, it helps in enhancing the quality of life, monitoring of activity related to health, enhancing the security measure to prevent loss of confidential information of the patient, facilitation of support to rapid health, the health parameters are used for monitoring of the system, reducing the cost incurred on the health program, provides right medical facility, and management of chronic diseases.


The emergence of new technologies such as cloud computing, automatic computing, cyber physical system, and social network gives the rapid increase to the integration of internet of things with the enterprise system for increasing the productivity of the organization. The inclusion of IoT in enterprise system helps in providing disruptive platform, real time combination of data on devices, online services, and deployment of IT applications and APIs.

The IoT helps in generation of alerts from multi-channels, automation and accuracy in the workflow, predictive maintenance program, and cost saving. The enterprise system has planned to deploy internet of things to overcome the issues supply chain management system, tracking of transaction, transformation of value chain and others. The implementation of IoT solution involves the software related to business intelligence and analytic solutions which are well efficient in performing functions like recognition of the pattern, task of data mining and predictive analysis, analysis of video image, use of algorithms related with artificial intelligence. It can take required action to determine whether to take action against of pattern or not The IoT solutions are applicable of providing information which can resolve the issues related with supply chain, tracking of transaction, and knowledge of asset location.


Fang, S. (2016). An integrated system for regional environment monitoring and management based on internet of things (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6725615/

Friess, P. (2012). Internet of things and digital enterprise: U K collaborative workshop (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://connect.innovateuk.org/documents/3077922/3726394/Overview+of+EU+IoT+opportunities,%20Peter+Friess.pdf/f2ff3406-b813-4839-9c98-b22b9ccf1a7f

Friess, P. (2014). Internet of things- from research and innovation to market deployment (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://www.internet-of-things-research.eu/pdf/IoT-From%20Research%20and%20Innovation%20to%20Market%20Deployment_IERC_Cluster_eBook_978-87-93102-95-8_P.pdf

Gaiser, K. (2015). Integrating IoT sensor technology into the enterprise (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/best-practices/integrating-iot-sensor-technology-into-the-enterprise-paper.pdf

Haller, S. (2014). The internet of things in an enterprise context (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://ai2-s2-pdfs.s3.amazonaws.com/1c49/c74521b4c9eae7a352a3b223b4213294c681.pdf

Kamat, P. (2014). Industrial internet of things (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEFUSA_IndustrialInternet_Report2015.pdf

Khalid, A. (2016). Internet of things and research agenda (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://ijcsmc.com/docs/papers/March2016/V5I3201699a15.pdf

Li, D. (2015). Building value from visibility (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://www.zebra.com/content/dam/zebra/white-papers/en-us/zebra-iot-report-en-us.pdf

Noronha, A. (2016). Attaining IOT value: How to move from connecting things to capturing insights (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://www.cisco.com/c/dam/en_us/solutions/trends/iot/docs/iot-data-analytics-white-paper.PDF

Shacklett, P. (2014). Reaping the benefit of the internet of things  (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://www.cognizant.com/InsightsWhitepapers/Reaping-the-Benefits-of-the-Internet-of-Things.pdf

Tollens, W. (2016). The internet of things for today and tomorrow (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://www.arubanetworks.com/assets/eo/HPE_Aruba_IoT_Research_Report.pdf

Vermesan, O. (2013). Internet of things- Converging technologies for smart environment (1st ed.). Retrieved fromhttps://www.internet-of-things-research.eu/pdf/Converging_Technologies_for_Smart_Environments_and_Integrated_Ecosystems_IERC_Book_Open_Access_2013.pdf

Wang, C. (2014). Internet of things for enterprise system of modern manufacturing (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/a504/6b31365733a0bc99a60ed9ca2bf3b7a15690.pdf

Wu, H. (2014). Integration of distributed enterprise applications: A survey (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://eclass.upatras.gr/modules/document/file.php/EE653/%CE%95%CF%81%CE%B3%CE%B1%CF%83%CE%AF%CE%B5%CF%82/Integration%20of%20Distributed%20Enterprise%20Applications_A%20Survey.pdf

Zhu, Y. (2015). The internet of things has the potential to connect and transforms businesses (1st ed.). Retrieved from https://assets.cdn.sap.com/sapcom/docs/2015/08/54f65c37-3b7c-0010-82c7-eda71af511fa.pdf

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