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Itech3301-Electronic Commerce | E Commerce Assessment Answers

SuperPowerOrg (SPO) is a sustainable energy organisation in Ballarat, Victoria with a webbased operation that assists the Victorian rural community with advice on improving energy efficiency for homes and businesses. It runs renewable energy seminars and educational programs on sustainability; and also does projects to install renewable energy sources for residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural and transportation sectors. Currently most of the renewable energy projects are being undertaken in rural Victoria. However, SPO have had several projects in urban Victoria, with one large commercial project in the Melbourne CBD. Their aim is to undertake more energy installation projects in metropolitan Melbourne's industrial areas, and once that is established then set up agencies in other States around Australia.
SPO provides further value-added services by providing educational content on their website, as well as arranging on site visits to advise both residential and commercial property owners on how they can best set up renewable energy installations on their property to reduce energy costs. They provide in-depth documentation on all of their products, academic evidence on the improved energy efficiencies and saved costs, as well as the possible alternatives given the customer's current circumstances and structures. SPO only charge a visitation/quoting fee to their commercial customers for this service. SPO hopes that they can get further business from these on site visits, and if a project does arise, then they waive the original advice/visitation fee for the commercial customer.
SPO is a volunteer and member run incorporated organisation. The organisation has an average yearly revenue stream of approx A$200,000.
This revenue comes through a number of sources:
1. Through Government grants, in conjunction with the community mainly for the agricultural sector projects. i.e. Large wind farm installations;
2. Income SPO gets from advising on commercial properties;
3. Profit they receive from undertaking residential and commercial renewable energy projects;
4. Member subscriptions they receive from the yearly memberships.
Residential and commercial projects are their main driver for business and provides the largest profit, which has seen a 10% increase of profit per annum, over the past 5 years. Overall the revenue fluctuates each year and as, Government grants are not guaranteed, and there are so many renewable energy companies competing for both the commercial and residential installations, the future for SPO is uncertain. The main business activities are from their residential and commercial renewable energy projects. These include the installation of Solar Power, Solar Hot Water, Heat Pump Hot Water and Wood-Fired Hot Water in thousands of households, schools, community buildings and businesses in the broad area of Western and Central rural Victoria. SPO also spend a lot of their time running free educational programmes at festivals, but have begun putting lectures and info-guides up on their web site. They are hoping to reach a wider audience, internationally, where they can gain further member subscriptions out side of Australia to view their educational content.
The organisation has a broad network of community, local and federal government, industry and business-level contacts. They engage in marketing by handing out brochures/flyers at community events, ads in local news papers and setting up stalls at local markets and fairs. Members and staff of SPO have input to the draft advertising messages before advertising is sent out to their contacts, but the Board has the final say on the content of their advertising. SPO knows that many of their contacts and many of their potential business customers they target for marketing purposes are already online.
SPO mainly receive payment from the installation projects, both from their business and residential customers, directly into their business account. Currently SPO asks for a deposit of 10% for the residential projects and 25% for Business projects before the projects start. They are negotiable on payment terms allowing for part payments for large projects and 30 days after the completion of all projects. The residential customers can pay in a number of different ways, including credit card, paypal, direct deposit or instalments. SPO also have energy packages where they combine different brand Solar panels + inverters, heat pump kits or wind turbine kits, and depending on the price and age of the products, discounts and different payment methods are allocated
Government grants are also deposited into their business account directly, the amount and terms depend on the project requirements. For the joint projects, payment may also come from the commercial stakeholders.
SPO have a large number of volunteers and members to help out with the marketing activities and merchandising. They also they have informal agreements with graphic designers, printers and mail-out companies. These relations are generally by word-of-mouth, which has led to some confusion, and delivery of incorrect designs, printing or products. While all other communications to their members and volunteers are managed using traditional post, email, forums and facsimile transmission of documents.
Your e-business proposal should address:
1. clearly identified e-commerce business model(s)
2. how the e-commerce business will derive revenue (i.e. revenue models)
3. what network and communications infrastructure will be required
4. what applications (hardware and software) will be required to meet specific ecommerce business goals
5. how you will address security issues 6. how you will address e-marketing requirements
7. what choice of payment systems will be used
8. how you will address privacy and other relevant ethical concerns
9. how you will address legal issues connected with the e-commerce business
10. how you will address customer service issues
11. how you will measure the success of your proposal (metrics, tools)



In the study, an in-depth analysis is conducted regarding a successful business plan of selecting the right type of e-commerce models for the organization. It also helps to reflect on the different types of legal, privacy and other security aspects of the organization and helps to give the right solutions regarding the right providing of the e-commerce business model plan for the following organization (Awa et al. 2015). It also helps in the right identification of the different types of e-commerce models for generating more and more revenue opportunities for the company and also helps to highlight the main issues regarding the right sources of opportunities in the future.

E- Commerce business models

There are different types of E-commerce business models that help to regulate the different types of business activities of an organization .In the following case study the ideal E-commerce business model for the Super Power org organization the following e-commerce business models can be relevantly reflected for the future growth of the organization. The E-commerce business models are:

Business to Consumer model

The SuperPowerOrg organization uses the business to consumer model in which the products of the business are sold to the different types of the customers in the market in an indivual process and it helps to highlight the different types of products and services to the different types of the customers in the market in an elaborate way in the future and it also helps to expand the overall growth of the organization (Chiu et al. 2014). This organization also helps to clearly state the different types of data to the different types of customer’s in the market.

Peer to peer model

It is a model in which the two parties involved in the selling of the products namely the organization and the customers can interact with each other in a detailed way and it helps to increase the overall selling of the products in the market. It helps to make the the SuperPowerOrg organization more popular and also to expand the sources of the organization more in the market.

 E- Commerce business of deriving revenue

There are different types of revenue models that help in the growth of the e-commerce business in an organization and impacts as a self motivator for the growth of the revenue and bring different types of aspects regarding the providing of the right type of the model for the overall profit of the organization.

The different types of revenue models that help in the growth of the revenue in the Super Power Org organization are as follows:

Advertising revenue model

This type of model focuses on the conventional methods of the display of the different types of advertisements for the growth of the revenue in the market. According to DeLone et al.  (2016), it also helps to highlight on the form of advertising given on the different banners and also give attractive advertisements on the different types of online websites that help in the regulation of more and more profit for the organization in a more simple and cost effective way in the Super Power Org organization.

Transaction free revenue model

This type of model uses the different types of web platform like the different types of the web sites and help to give the advertisements regarding the display of the different types of products and services of the Super Power Org organization. It can be accessed by the paying of the transaction fee to the different types of clients for the displaying of the different types of advertisements in the market.

Communications and networks infrastructure

There are different types of ways in the proper providing of the communications and the infrastructure regarding the use of the e-commerce business model. The SuperPowerOrg organization also has to use an effective network of the communication and the infrastructure system to help in the effective expansion of the business and also to increase the overall profit for the growth of the organization in the future (Escobar-Rodríguez &  Carvajal-Trujillo ,2014).

There has to be an effective infrastructure system required for reaching to the different clients to help in the distribution of the different products and services to the different types of customers in the market. The infrastructure requires an effective computer system and the up gradation of the latest technologies in the installation of the latest technology for producing the renewable sources of energy more and more. It helps to produce and spread the different types of plants of the project in the different parts of the country in Victoria in Australia of the SuperPowerOrg organization.

The effective communication system includes the method of reaching to the different customers in the market by using the different types of computer or other web portals to vive the details of the products of the organization and reach to the different customers in the market .  It helps to add more revenue in the organization.

Applications for meeting specific revenue models

There are a series of different types of software and hardware platforms for the achievement of the specific revenue generation for an organization. The SuperPowerOrg organization is a growing business which can use a social platform to extend the growth of the business in the market and make it a more organization to the different types of customers in the market (Garcia Lopez et al .2015).

The different types of the software and hardware applications that can be used by the Super Org organization are the following:

Use of the inbuilt software of the organization

This organization has to use more and more details of the different features of the services and the products of the organization by the use of the inbuilt owned software of the company tht also help to reduce the overall cost of giving the different types of advertisements on the websites and it also increases the overall increase of the variety of customers to know about the details of the organization in details (Hajli, 2015). It also helps to reduce the extra cost of giving the advertisements by using the soft wares of the other web platforms rather than the use of the company owned web platform (Williams et al. 2015).

Types of the different web development sites

There has to increase availability of the different types of web development sites at low entry costs to help in the right development of the services and products offered by the organization,. The different types of web development sites include the business to consumer and the peer model.

Security issues

There are different security issues that can affect the overall development of the growth and the work of the organization in the market. It can also cause a lot of harm to the functioning of the organization (Yadav et al .2016).

The different types of process in which the issues in the security of the SupePower Org organization are tackled are the following:
Use a more trusted web platform

The SupePowerOrg organization has to make use of trusted web platforms for giving the different types of details of the advertisements of the different types of services and the power plants that are installed by the organization to help in the increase use of the renewable sources of energy. It helps to add reliability to the functioning of the organization and also help in prevention of any illegal form of information to the different customers in the market (Wang et al .2016).

The SupePowerOrg organization only charges a quoting fee to their commercial customers for this service. This organization can get further business from these on site visits, and if a project does arise, then they waive the original visitation fee for the commercial customer.

Update the details of the site regularly

The SupePowerOrg organization has to update the security issues and also update the requirements of the details of the different products and services to help in the overall protection of the site and also helps to block any un- usual activity on the website from any third party user in the future (Hamari et al. 2016).

E-marketing requirement

There are different types of e-marketing requirements for the future growth of n organization and also to expand the business to more and more customers in the market.

The different type of e-marketing requirements for the organization is as follows:

Building of a proper web site of the organization

This organization has to build a  proper we site of the company to rightly help in the display of the different information about the organization and also to inform about the right products and services offered by the organization in the future. It helps to be more demanding to the different people in the market and to connect to the different people in the market more quickly than others.

Building of a proper advertising sites

It has to build proper social media platforms to help in the proper advertisement of the different products of the organization and also help in the growth f the the SupePowerOrg organization in the future.  It helps to increase the unique selling proposition of the company and make the organization more popular in respect of the different types of the other rival organization in the market in the future (Wamba et al. 2015).

Choice of payment status

The choice of the payment status has to be selected by the company in a judicious way to manage the total activities concerning the organization and also o manage all the activities of the organization in a smooth manner in the future.

The organization can use the following method of payment status method to help in addressing the different aspects of the organization;
Payment to the clients by the use of web platforms

The organization can make use of the different web platforms and use the transaction platforms like the bill gateway server to directly pay to the different clients which provide service for the organization. It helps in the maintenance of the easy method of paying to the different clients in a smooth way (Hartono et al. 2014).

Payment made by the use of credit card

The SuperPowerOrg organization can also use the credit card to directly pay to the different types of the clients and also helps to directly deposit the money in the bank account of the clients without minimum fuss. This organization also helps in the quick processing of the entire payment system and in maintaining the right details about the method system for the organization.

Privacy and ethical issues

There are different types of ethical and privacy issues in the running of the organization in the future aspects in the market. These issues affect the running of the organization and affect the decision making of the organization in the future (Soto-Acosta et al .2016).

The different types of process in which the privacy and the ethical issues are removed in the organization are as follows:

Monitoring of the e-mail of the employees

The SuperPowerOrg organization uses different types of systems t completely track and monitor all the different types of harmful activity of the employees that causes harm to the operation of the organization and also can detect harmful soft wares in the websites of the concerned organization.

Web tracking

The management of the SuperPowerOrg organization uses a efficient process of tracking the different information and activities of the different types of employees by the use of security code and also the analysis of the code is done in a secret way to help in the overall protections of the information about the company (Law et al. 2014). It helps to add more protection to the different types of function in the organization and also helps to keep a track of any type of illegal work done in the  SuperPowerOrg organization in the future.

Legal issues 

The different legal issues that affect the overall functioning of the business and also affect the overall working of the organization in the future.

The processes in which the different types of legal issues are solved in the organization are as follows:

Protecting of the trademark of the business

The SuperPowerOrg organization has to protect the unique nature of the trademark of the business by making effective strategies of reporting about the trademark operations procedure to the court in a legal way and also helps to inform the government the uniqueness of the trademark of the organization (Li et al .2015). It helps to protect the overall unique nature of the organization sand also help in the right protection of the products under the organization.

Protecting the brand identity

It can also protect the brand identity of the organization by deciding of the unique principles that are very much different from the operations of the other functioning of the organization and it also makes it unique from the rest of the working of the SuperPowerOrg organization in the future.

Customer service issues

There are different types of customer issues regarding the ploy or the working of the organization in the future. It has to resolve and has to ensure that there is smooth functioning of the organization in the future (Mazzarol, 2015). The SuperPowerOrg organization has to expand its business more in the future and make use of the issues regarding the solving of the different customer service in the future.

The different processes in which the issues of the customers are resolved are given as follows:
Building of a proper website

The SuperPowerOrg organization has to build a website in which the different types of issues regarding the customers are solved in a judicious way. It includes providing of proper after sales service and also trying to know from the different types of customers about the problems regarding the products and services of the organization (Ngai et al .2015). It helps to rectify the differ issues of the organization and also help to reduce the weakness of the organization.

Measure the success of the business plan

The success of the business plan for the  SuperPowerOrg organization helps to depict the proper success of the organization and also help to make the organization more popular in the market in the future. The success of the business plan of this organization can be measured by the following ways:

Use of a questionnaire to analyze the views of the customers

The management of the  SuperPowerOrg organization have to develop an effective questinoarrie in order to get the proper feedback from the different types of customers in the market and try to rectify the different problems regarding this  organization by providing the right answers in the questionnaire (Ponte et al .2015).

Use of an effective feedback system by developing a web platform

The SuperPowerOrg organization to develop an effective web platform to help in the right detection of the different feedbacks about the  services offered by the organization and try to rectify the problems and make it a more successful in the future  aspect in the market(Rahayu & Day, 2015).


The underlined study also depicts the current understanding of the different types of e-commerce business models and also helps to highlight the different factors concerning the overall business plan of the study. It helps to depict the correct issues regarding the privacy, security and also help in understanding the new revenue opportunities for the SuperPowerOrg organization to thrive and more in the future aspect s(See-To et al .2014).  It also highlights the different types of customer service related issues that also helps to improve the overall performance of this organization. A detailed introduction is given at the beginning of the study.

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