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Itc568 Cloud Privacy And Security Assessment Answers

What steps do you think that you could take to ensure the security and privacy of your digital identity while operating your mobile device(s) in this environment? Discuss each step that you would take along with its advantages and disadvantages.


The effect of smart cities in directly applied on the people living in the area and the people visiting the city. People always want to be advanced and get the information about anything or anyone in less time. The information they want also has to be authenticated. The people who visit smart cities can have immediate benefit of being connected to the government body for their information and service they want (Kabilasree et al., 2017). The quality of their visit can be improved by better traffic management system, better waste removal procedures, snow removal and many more aspect. With regards to the people who are not visiting a city which is smart city can be directly affected by the lack of communication service and connected services. The visitor can also benefit advantages which are in the view of the environment (Kurt et al., 2017). A better environmental condition can play a vital role in the mentality of the people who visit the city. The visitors can get a better access to the different areas across the city by better transportation system. Saving the time for travel can be very much beneficial form the visitors and the native people’s point of view. With the view of the environmental conditions and issues water and energy are sustainable issues; a common thread across the entire smart city project is how the city takes up procedure in order to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions. The emission of carbon dioxide can be lethal with the point of the native as well as the people who visit the cities (Washburn et al., 2017).

People in any society or town needs the concerned authority to give them features that would directly help them in moving towards a better life and also help them in moving towards advancement (Meijer & Bolívar, 2016). The main objective is to provide a good and a decent quality of life for the citizens, a clean and sustainable environment. These objectives can directly provide visibility on the management of solid waste, route planning for garbage collection, efficient asset management, resource optimization and efficient maintenance (Joshi et al., 2017).

Sensor based waste collection is mainly used to check the status of the waste bin if the bin is empty or full. This can result in customization of the waste collection schedule accordingly and also it can save the cost (Nam & Pardo, 2016). Through the implementation of the technology information of all the smart dustbins can be accessed from anywhere and anything by the concern person. This is done in real time so that the concerned authority can send the garbage collection vehicle only when the dustbin is full. The advantages can be enforced with the use of the technology are:

  • It will stop the overflowing of the dustbin on roadsides anf localities because of the reason that smart dustbins are managed at real time.
  • It also aims at creating a clean as well as a green environment.
  • It will reduce fuel consumption.
  • Less amount of fuel consumption by vehicles which can result in a huge money save.
  • Usage of route algorithm can smartly find out shortest route thus reduce the number of vehicle used for the collection of the garbage.

The CCTV cameras can be used with the detection and prevention of crime and anti social behavior (Colding & Barthel, 2017). If a person wants to obtain the footage that he or she thinks is related to a crime can be obtained very easily. This can lead in the crime detection very easily and in a short time span. The CCTV cameras can also be helpful in the movement of the traffic and static traffic contraventions such as stopping in the yellow box junction, driving in the bus lane, performing a prohibited turn, stopping in the bus stop and school keeping clear marketing. Mobile CCTV vehicles are used to monitor keep school clear restrictions, which are pacifically designed for particular areas for the safe guard of the staff, pupils and emergency services to and from the school premises by dangerous and obstructive parking (Soto et al., 2016). Vehicles are not allowed to wait, park or stop on a restrict ted area out any school at any time during the prescribed hour of restriction.

Advancement in every sphere of life comes with many different sort of advantages related to them. In this modern life style which every people wants to be involved internet and the features which come with it, people want to get advantage of it in order to achieve their primary goals. The Implementation of a series of sensor boxes to act as a wifi hotspot throughout the city can be very much benefits for the visitors who visit Singapore. It gives the advantage of exploring the city more and also allows the town to be recognized as a forward thinking place where new idea and technology are always welcomed. In addition there can be a landing page which can be seen by everyone who access the internet and the service. This page can be a calendar of the events which are due to occur in the town, a list of eateries which are famous in the town or a page which gives the list of things that can be done in the town (Mulligan & Olsson,2017). There can be a special website designed for the visitors or with the view of addressing the visitors. This website would contain all the necessary information with regards to the information of the city for example the places of interest and how to visit them including the shortest path of reaching such destination and the transport fare of such a travel and the time period that should take in order to cover the distance from the point of stay to the point of travel. This can be highly beneficial with the aspect of the visitors who actually do not have any idea about the place or the town.  This helps the town to be more interactive with the world in order to get the access to the internet through the use of wifi.

The implementation can be helping in creation of the digital bridge as a result creating a tool of communication which can be accessed during the time of disaster. The wifi zone can be used to send a signal that the town is forward thinking and ready to welcome changes in the positive way. Other cities should also implement the technology in order to be in an advanced position.

The advantages the resident people can face with the technology are intrinsic. A public internet connection means that every people can access to the internet from anywhere any time (Mitton et al., 2017). The access to the research to any information like closest good restaurant or the nearest place to hangout can be accessed quite easily. The real benefits can be plotted down in few points as described:

Disaster relief: in real scenario getting a information from anyone can be considered as a bad option. The people sometimes lead other people to wrong information as a result of which the people are miss guided .The internet can be a handy justification for the information. In cases like this the benefits from the public wifi zone does the trick. It does not require a huge power supply and a small generator or solar panel can do the working. In addition using the internet to control the zone , the administrator can add information to the page which can be accessed by anyone using the service which can be easily used as a mean to access the information.

Education and Digital literacy: there are usually need of the technology in places who are left behind because they don’t have access to the free wifi or its technology. Libraries are helping in this aspect to ensure the people can get the correct information by taking the advantage of the technology. A free wifi is always running and can be accessed by anyone. It would be a good benefit for the students who can get the required information and do their task or for anyone who wants to access the mail or information in the internet (Violi, 2017).

In order to access the internet from anywhere the people sometimes have to give their phone number or other information’s. This can sometimes act as a risk of disclosing their information in order to access the information. The security aspect has to be taken care off in such a situation. The people can sometimes be in a dilemma whether to access the service or not due to this reason. With the view point of the hackers who always thrive to gain access to someone’s personal information with emphasis on this scenario. Sometimes the portal which is used for the access of the internet are not safe. It should be taken into consideration that when a person gives his or her information which is personal it should be the duty of the person involved in the system to safe guard the information. There can be various methods of protection in such scenarios like high degree to security involved in order to keep the information safe from others access, making the access more secured so that individual cannot easily access the information and use the service, different access point specification can be used in order to see the authentication of the user, the people with authenticated access permission can only access the service and merely anyone or third party cannot access the scenario.

Case situation Remedy: In order to access the internet access the internet service with people logging into the network through their mobile phone or laptops have to send their phone number to the server who grants the access (Wan, Zou & Zhou, 2016). Through the number an OTP (one time password) would be generated through which the user have the access to the service. This method can be justifying in order of the verification of the user and the authenticity of the user. By this method the server can also keep record of the user and the number of time and the search history of a specific user.

Maintaining the privacy of the information should be the main aspect for any system which is for the common people to access and use it. The access to personal information can be done anytime and by various means if the system is not protected. A well protected system in which the user who access the system their data are secured is a very important factor. In the above scenario the method described can be very much beneficial (He, Chan & Guizani, 2017). The generation of the OTP (One Time Password) can act as a remedy. As a result of this the user can be authenticated. Authentication here does not mean merely the person who accesses the information it means the proper identification of the user. The identification of the user with the proper search history of what the user is searching and the information which the user wants to get can be of great advantage. If a criminal or a person has wrong intentions in mind can be identified quickly with the help of the search history in the browser. Many crimes now-a-days are taking place through the use of the internet. The internet acts as a media of access of such crimes.

When a city or a locality is giving some feature for the common people it is always the responsibility of the concerned authority to give the security aspect of such system. Security aspect in every implementation can play a vital role. Advantage or service for the common people can add security risk if they are not implemented properly. The cost scenario for the implementation of the technology is huge taking into consideration the different aspect related to it. After the implementation if a failure occurs this can lead to a huge loss and the whole system would be abandoned (Shah et al., 2016). In such a situation the effect would be directly on the concerned authority in this case the government as well as the common people. Putting limelight on the view point of the common people, if a situation arises that a technological implementation is made for a better life style (digitization) of the people which could be highly beneficial for the people, it is also the responsibility of the people to use the resource wisely and according to the guideline. Technology is for the people but the right way to use the technology and not taking advantage of such technology in the wrong manner depends on the people and the nature of the people and the way the people are using the resource (Khan, Pathan & Alrajeh, 2016).


This means that the file that has to accessed can be accessed without any intervention. It makes the access to any information quite easy. People in this phase of life need access to information in not much of time. As a result of which people save their time and get the information they need in no time.


Steal Hotspot account/ payment information:

The user connects to the hotspot in order to access the network as a result of which the user can communicate with each other with the use of a communicating device like phone or laptop (Kaushik, Dharna, & Sumit, 2017). This can lead the hacker to access other user information and if not properly prevention in doing so the intruders may even come over the internet area.

Steal Hotspot account/ payment information:


People tend to love the free internet access they can get. Downloading files from the internet is a no man’s game if access to free internet is given. People tend to snick into someone else’s public hotspot can get the information or the files without any cost. Bulky files can be also be downloaded quite easily through the use (Kumar et al., 2016).


The fake hotspot may pretend it will provide Internet access for a fee, and when the user inputs their payment information, it goes into the hands of the evil twin operator (the hacker)( Kodwani, Mehta & Shaikh, 2016).

Save of browsing history


The information which is searched over the use of internet can be accessed after few days by using the feature of browsing history. This can be beneficial is someone wants to access the information which he or she has taken access of few time back (Pandey & Verma, 2017).


People who want to access someone’s information can see what Web sites you’ve visited, and they may be able to view these cached sites, which may invade your privacy (Lee & Chung, 2009). This can be harmful if the information involves any information such as bank details or information which can be of high risk if occupied by someone else apart from the specific user.

Overall security of your mobile device


There are many applications which advance the use of the internet facility. High speed down access and many bypass application can be very much beneficial for the user. By the use of such application the user can achieve greater internet speed putting the experience of the user in a more appropriate form (Shaikh & Zeadally, 2016).


Some hotspots implement features so users can’t communicate with each other and snoop around their shared folders. However, the fake hotspot won’t have this feature. There are many ways to stop the implementation of the technology (Krishnamachari, Estrin & Wicker, 2017).

File sharing:


Files in the internet can be shared quite easily with the use of different applications available in the internet (Shukla & Shukla, 2017). It merely reduces the hard work of file transfer through normal process which are time consuming and somewhat difficult process.


The files which are usually shared through the use of different third party application have the risk of being in the hand of attackers. In many situation the message or the file which is transfer are in the hand of the attackers but the recipient of the message or the sender of the message have no clue about it. These attackers are usually known as passive attackers, the role of these attackers is to get the information and read the information without altering the message or the file. As a result of which they remaining noticed by the people involved in the transfer (Vellidis et al., 2016). 


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